Local Dressed Beef: oS ——— y 7a ~~ Mhe Daily Netws 6761 /TAX] TAXI; © Siaughtering Ship | sds of | + b ee { . eer eet sins et ft y Valle y : ‘ Phone 75 ii if GEORGE J. FRIZZELL WE NEVER SLEEP ce tacate 30 Se aa | PRINCE RUPERT Sulianis Haasan im i srket tor ark ‘ a - tone eet ae iaseliale asiseruturcieatenh Northern and Central British Columbia’s Newspaper ae cseuaiiidl nebaanaea a ——— seer sisi 4 PERT Hf Vie EMBER 2 1020, Yesterday's Circulation 1778 Street Bales 425. PRIGE FIVE CENTS a BIG MOVETO KAYANACH AND Large Crowd out at Terrace inn Feiners to Greet Minister of Lands —BERALISM_ NEWTON CLASH Stan Many Fires Conservetives Concede Five tndependent Candidate Telis Open . ° . Lib is in Var F m that h itt it Divide In spite of Heavy Rain largest Meeting cf Campaigr —Waneilllg \elens.. Sennen Banks of Mersey is Stron: out to Hear Pattullo; Vote for Government a rh = VANCOUVER, Nov. 29. —Th 1 al Candidate will be heavy there ond of the WA week of the I 1 7 -One man killed and % and police fired cn campaign closed with al! in- he MeIntyre } las dieations of & Tanéelide to ths b » When try'ng to arrest incendiaries; - URGE COAST DO AS Government on Vancouver Is- | a WELL AS TERRACE land and the lower mainiand s R: id was crganized Conservatives here concede kh i auninse five seats for Vancouver city Gi LIVERPOOL, November 28.—-The Cinn Fein war was started an ms — eo = — of 5. M : in Ergland on Saturday right when nineteen fires at warehouses saa = Sy Wwomendese ka,. ard other establichments started simultaneously at 9 o’clock B i J along seven miles of waterfront on the River Mersey. . “Er 1. was discovered that all the door locks had been cut with BOMES AND FE E Mr. i x cutters by organized gangs. Many petroleum cans were damaged —_—$—__—__—__ — Foltowing Eomb Throwing Fire ‘" and damage to the extent of £16000 was done. Destroys Big trish Drapery e A civillan, who warned the police, was shot dead and the Stores - incendiaries fired on the police when escaping arrest. MINISTER OF LANDS. OPEN TRADING — f: om “3 per Ey ee = sees = VICTORY BONDS . £ q Government Support is With- CVi hme ni Com mp. ele C] Ips drawn and Securities Will - Be Listed. Pu'p industries if th Cu { hi OF . TORONTO, Nov. 29.—Trading ; in Victory bonds will hencefortt I e Uclrab OFS ; Cle : am oe the iol ee wil be innnediately listed for NANAIMO MINING MAN tonding!- on her Crane en Patmore Opperes Vancoever Appoi tmert SIT ; chanel. Ae Spninimosanned fen » 4 ) QUITS HIS POSITION een made here to that effeet by of liquidator ard asks that Walter E. mained Miixishet Drnsiale . on Dave Brov , Mands f RF The Dominion er rent as Hodges be Give Position “ieee Wl Gelies Sa- agg ca ew ‘ a loops Coal Field. the beginning, " ieayline whenever i; Matis VANCOUVER A ‘ a any Were seid cheap and selling . i Kz itt an : { NAAAIMG, Nov, 28 Dave acai as seen as possible. Et is ' oy ' ae sey n has resigned as manager announced” fh at “$270.000,900 ~ eW ' t werth has been purchased within Contrast in Four Years t year and placed with permanent ‘Storrs Now the Government Ka support s withdrawn and = the Social egisiation “**eteene ene * *“*#** ee ey ee ee panera > * PS 5 OUTLOOK AT * a TO MEET BSEATTY. SHIPYARD IS * , y \\ t 43 VERY HOPEFUL * Sees is a zs isc Re ee ee FDMONTON. Noy. 20 Prenijer * NEW ENGLAND BOAT stewart a= sine ts Winnie to len teatiy Of the C, MAKES FIRST TRIP *” sat: f the Edmonton Dunve- ' " Washington Arrives in Vancouver “a” and B. ©, Railway by the big : M from Ketchikan with 250,006 poration , s . renee eee DEAD iN BATH. : . * r ed cH VANUOUVER vw, 29..Miss ” . New | wlaad Jane J " 55 ' r age : . 5 : Po and, Oreg Na . 7 oo a ng bh fan i d : h re 5 . . Fe CO | saw: sahht: the f & ee ait x kan spell : ‘ pints De | rene none cree ene eeneem ‘y . No Apologic Ra afte . b i ‘a ‘ ' ou } ‘ at | i oocyst Election Returns = . The Prince Rupert Liberal 4 ! \ Association have arranged 5 M A S S M E; E i N G MEETING TONIGHT for complete Election Re- * Cppesing Candidates Invited to turns on Wednesday, Dee. Ettend and Address Electors. 1, and have engaged the F are/g Empress Tneatre where the ‘ 1u_/$ returns will be shown on 2 D t o at the the screen. re hy wht '3 EMPRESS THEATRE, t : Empress Theatre oF Wednesday, IstDec. , i Mr. Doors open at 7 30 p.m. a ‘ yo UBLIC MEETING ‘ city 3 EVFRYBODY WELCOME as d _ " in the interests of the Liberal Candidate I uesday Next November 30 t WESTHOLME THEATRE ? Pub li M t (ae ; og MONDAY, 29th NOVEMBER, iplic Meeting ed at 8 p.m. 4 ee Hon. T. D. Pattull Westholme Theatre te on. e o| attu Oo » T d 9 a Minister of Lands, ues ay next, p.m. has 0 and others will addtess the meetirg. Speaker hate PPosition Candidates invited and will be given an and Others will speak tr Opportunity of addressing the meeting. 5. M. Newton i Ladies cordially invited. The Independent Candidate, and hers tet ili Dr. W.T. KERGIN - Chairman All Welcome Ladies specially, invited Onpsdiian £ ondidatge will be entened the ena} i urtesies ee ne