"ge 8 TITE DAILY NEWS THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News | Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN, MAnaatnc EbITor. pontiac reapers <<< | Fruit Medicine, ‘‘FRUIT-A-TIVCS” SUBSCRIPTION RATES: enotss City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month ........ ° $1.00 By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, ! i SOCRROES DOT PORT oo oxi 6 hw Mali bh AWS SAW Re 0s $6.00, id To ali other countries, in advance, per year ............ $7.50. Vinog ‘ee the t ! ’ lhe ! ! TELEPHONE 988. . : wakir Transient Display Advertising $4.25 per inch each insertion Transient advertising on front page........... $2.00 per inch Alberni Local Readers, per insertion, ...... Se os seees 250, per line./ H. KY : Classified advertising, per insertion, ........... 2c. per word Vien , : he Legal Notices, each insertion, ...... ide. per agate line a . Contract Rates on Ay. fication. ‘ : H ew Ml advertis should laily New ‘e ay pre a eaade : All advertising should be in the Daily News Office on day pre MR. ALFRED DUBOISSEAU i sna aah ceJing publication. All advertising received subject to approval : : Atli 482 St. Catherihe St. E., Montreal. n , m 2 ‘ | “For three years, I was a terrible . kK DATLY EDITION, args: Monday Nov 2y i sufferer from Indigestion, constant HHead- ; ' - aches and Constipation. 1 took various : o medicines for the trouble but nothing ' ‘i What Has Pattu!lo seemed to do me any good. ! Done for Prince Rupert? i Then, a friend advised me to try " — On the fi ge of this paper Saturday was an article wl t ‘Fruit-c-tives’ Now I'am free of i : Indigestion and Headaches, the Cariboo aims to answet ques mm. “What has Pattullo dane for Pr f Bes > ee ae ae ey | Coustipation is cured, aia i have - 3 Rupert E It is worth stody g It may not be couched he gained considerabie weight ; and my \. Fra too language he p iamentarian, but it is expressive There is general health is fine Chilliwack. Prince Rupert ait , fick He ‘ : however, sameth g that seems to have been fergotte 1 the Fruit-a-tives’ is @ grand icime and ” ! , 4 . 4 I cannot say enough in its favor.” Col, A. I ‘ artic « ef r | ¢ lro-e@lectric nower f eo, : oa y : eae ye ae hydro-electri ' 7 ALFRED DUBOISSEAU. Cotumbia the city and plenty of it was defeated, largely on polity: grounds *Fruit-a tives’ are made from fruit 1, A. F ' and the s people who have placed the city in the helpless juices and valuable tonics —and are 1. G. Pa i position in which she finds herself today in regard to power, are! pleasant to take, their action being _ Comox Rovelstoke now opposing the return of Mr. Pattullo. Many of them } , gentle and mild, yet always most Ste effective. Ww. Ww. 8 i changed their minds because they> realize what it would h " Richmond ; ; . : 2 SOc. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25c. * Mi meant to hi citw te hay ha i big hydro-electric plant se '! At all dealers or sent postpaid by WR power to big manufa ring plants, right at our doors Mr Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, Ont. 1, M Pattullo is still w \ : this pow problem nd if he ge op ieee : : ee? Cowichan another term it ve Legislature he w kelv la ; ‘ , . a Big Four for SUITCASES $ K : Popes ; Cranbrook northern 8 TRUNKS) 200 Citizens of the north are keenly interested in thé north. They |? » I) ee want to see tg he Wh helps par ‘ rt ai? HANDBAGS ' , rn ry another. TI h is : allo finisl ie 7°? “Ph; sag slogar ¢ i G ues Let Pattulle fi i | vork, That ¢ 1 good slogan. Itt. PRINCE RUPERT TIDES * r ial Otten is a slogan that appeals to people who see the mecessity of carr _ee ee eer eoeneee + aes y , * ing on the good work that has only just commenced. For two Monday, November 27. ? , . years after the government came into power the war was eh, 3:47 a 0.5 feet s i ~ M . 13:3 f For another year at least the reconstruction work was in hand ' vs , i Fernie so : “ t ' Now the finances have been restored, the big problems connected 145 a eau A. 1 Lib Trait with the work are well in hand, and period of expansion is rhe time used Is Pactfic Stan- 7 i i hi alveot ahead Let Pattullo finish his work in this district dard, for the 120th Meridian west. Mano . : Geo encouver « It is counted from 0 to 24 hours Fort ; ge Terrace Will Give i from midnight to midnight Pattullo Majority. The table given is for Port oe ; After all the stories that had come to town in re rd to the /3!mpson but the time for Prince si }Rupert varies only a few minutes tical positio errat nister got by far the best y Be Patenet ' i ; e, ne mi , , a on some days and on others is : Grand Forks receptio ; ‘ late there, when he RPOke ’ > ! the same. The range of the tide ee Mie} : night Phere was irge crowd out and il was 10 1 that there; may be computed as 5 per cent ss : : ; , Greenwood is a large and enthusiastic group of supporters of the greater at Prince Rupert than at Mel ' : ny ly Government at that point. If was estimated by one Terrace Port Simpson both at springs and), ns tie lad hel i cl Ate hn Bia is dined ol Oe he i ON iethies neaps. Therefore the rise in the +i Ditinean J , ’ what Prince Rupert harbor is slightly . people would vote fe p i he re inder being divided he iin : er The Islands greater than Port Simpson MoBJ | ' | ; tween the other three, with Formby and Burrough 1 ming Ciose The height is in feet and tenths aor . ' fseore ara, ¢ “et i for second plac New joes ol seem to have much of of feet above the average level of i I \ ; I ‘ . arey Bole following at Terrace lower low water. Anadis The whole outlook for the constituency is good. There is OT Sar ET Kamiops a strong Liberal arg iZi m at Ocean Falls and also a large per It is just a6 q neay tw get your I VW aor Lil P ; = orinting done wel’ and done at Moy nh centage of support at that point for the Liberal candidate rome as it is to send it away. Trey, | ,, } I. M teports from other parts of the province all indicate that The News ‘Print| Shop. Kasio the Oliver Government is sure to be returned MINERAL ACT. Hon. John Keen. Like _f£ lo } Lister { Certificate of improvements. j eer _ TiCk Lillooet : D JOS M GUIRE er . r sete gle 1. C. Bryson, Lithe ’ opper Cl \ 9 and Copper cur | Yr A McDonald, Gonservative 5 Minera laims situate in the Naas © . i Mining D I { Cassiar District mB, us. ¢ on, Boldie i _ Where located:—Kitsauit River, Atice-arm Nanaimo tant \C°TICR that |, George A young for VW "W Sioan. I I ~ Miner's Certificate No. 36595-C, act oe 7 ae ng for myself and as agent for Joseph William L. Gilelri { \ Wells, Free Miner's Certificate No. 40651 l. A. Barnard, Soidu | pretmesg Rooms 7 and 8 = Block and Afne Duvedson, Pree Miner's Ger Nelson 7 renee. ee Soave <4 intend, sixty days Jamee (Rhea Libernl tet T Lady Assistant , Open Evenings ii tie dae hereol, to apply to te ours Senne Pho 575 Sunday by Mining Heeorder for @ Certificate of im Dr. W. 0, Rose, Conservati ‘ ! a provements, for the purpose Ww ont | } | 9-12; 1-6; 79. ne Appointment a Crown Grant of the abor: <_< \W nen ‘ i ‘i asset ib ‘ be i | And further take notice that action, un x fos, ‘ " der section 85, must be commenced hefors J. 1 Hawthornthwait Lal : ‘ ’ e - = the issuance of such Certificate of Improve ROC, VW \\ hi tu itive — | ments John Bickle, Soldier { j ' f Con i Deved this 6th day of November, 1090 Samuel Guthrie, Sectnli i i i FT ae cals i huel ’ oe 1 ‘ WA’ re Rh NOTICE New Westminster Ki. A. Ha mas a é DIVENSION AND USE David Whiteside, Liberal. 1 oH, 4 sii ‘ — Ald. Wm. Gifford, Conservat WW I> KE NOTICE that P. W. Hacey, agent M e for the Moose Group Mining syndicate, William J, Sloan, Independent brat iil means shitivess is Allee Arm, B. C., will Nerth Okanagan K.P. Mel : * ' , or @ Heence to take and use one : erent Place Your Order in Goed Time Auarter of 4 cubic foot per second of water) Dr. K. C, Macdonald, Liberal C.K. Gh et OF Mm (Mme e which flows sou erty with nd drains into Trout Creek about at its W | Laidman, United Farmer Jin Linke soldier.~Lab junction With the Kitsauwit’ Hiver, The wat c wil} he diverted from the stream North Vancouver Thomas Dooley. Soldier-Lab jat 4 point about 2,000 feet north of the ’ ’ We LA CAS E BA Trout Creek falls ai a Be ao 1h SS Benjamin Chubb, Liberal. Win. FE. Pierce. Socialist no ‘ Minera! Claim, and will be used for V. Vv. Vinson. Conservative Jolin DD. Melbonald, Socialist domestic purposes upon the aan > 717 Srd Ave. Auto Delivery Phone 190 las the Mowe droan nthe Seine ysemnnee G. 8. Hanes, Independent Yale This notice we wos te ‘ the ‘4th as of denice Fes Janes Orchard Independent, J. RW. Cameron, Liberal 2 of phis notlee and na apoticanen purouent Omineca J, Watters Ind.-Libera be fied in the offee of the Water Hecorder \. M. Manson, Liberal. Joho Melle Conservative iat Prinee HKupert, B, ¢ i , Oujectons to ‘the apptieation may pe) “All. George L, Murray, Gon MESSRS RORIE & SMAL Chartered Accountants & jitied with the said Water neeorder or with A. J. Prudhomme, Independent Liberals are asked to drop into Auditors, Vancouver, B. C. linent Mittiines, “asi ae nee! 1.8. Kolls Independent the ~~ fhe Pad Have pleasure in intimating that they have opened a Braneh of their |thirty days after the firdt appearance of 's leh : ae ‘ an iittee rooms in the Pa business at Smith Block, Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, where they etna “wena JP 8 fore! pewrsnerer, ‘ aanio tullo Block of an evening and see will carry on a General Accountancy Business. Phone 44. ~ © ING poh pee KB) FLA, Pauline, Liberal if there is anything they can do Resident Partner; GEORGE RORIE, Chartered Accountant (Edinburgh aad Canada) By P. W. Tacey, Agent. M. V. Cordon, Ganservative lo forward the interests of the | The date of the first publication of thls M jnotiee is November 16, 1920, | M, A. Orford, Soldier-Labor, joandidate tf CANDIDATES IN ELECTION Names of Those who will Enter Contest in Various Constitu- CONSTIPATICN AND HEADACHES Completely Rdtewel by thie Grand at = Prva ON OR, ey 5 UT MMe © * Ss te TOBACCO To Fagin rT Nib _ a Oa RS [Sr sre er Plug