THE DAILY NEWS a n Cards at W * Local and Personal sone for 3 / Giouds ‘ x n * i wt Aek for Atkins’ Sausage. twins 3 ; lDbancing cla if BNO niwht is i G - le Lu hla j hia j oe w . i A pre I l nial pra is Forty na j ‘ il ‘Tite t oMF ORT LND HE ALTH \Nww : hs , Boots! yb, WH. Bea I we . qT Aureet \ n ie! “(Over ‘ tty ‘ ot ania es aL tion inaer i j i M t. B ; } n Si I I | ii Outwear x | i" ‘ : Mt Let r So ' ‘A ‘ 6 ' n > 6 : ; : j j it Vi ih Ladi hid t blat / fer r j ia al ] ] ; f if ; . ‘ ll . ae . " On Sale at Leading Shoe and Repair Shops New , Georgi Shi ; ot : 7 them n. ‘The heat Indies’ sho . “If I Could Only Be S d Health Fes $1.90 Mt eee aa u nly Te. = ealt y - — c2 ‘ . © * , a5, 007 a8 Until X pecial dixcour : h ‘Like Other Girls ‘ « al Bros Sie t : HIS is the longing of the girl who is The digestive system has failed, and a. See » # + ¢ : pale, weak and anaemic. your health must go naturally downhill a ile el el a \\ \ ‘ i" - : . - . . . yc c 3 2 ) tober 2 se She is lacking in energy and until 3 yu can find some means of restora- ee strength, and is so easily tired out that pe ; af ce pre apg gay 34. ra : she does not feel like taking outdoor exer- Fortunately, Dr. Chase’s Nerve Food a ins ieee tata tee ise or joining others in social gather- furnishes the vital substances needed . ar in es erca i pal for regenerating the entire organism a ae ides’ sats Le st when in a run-down condition. er fathe nd oe The healthy, happy outdoor girls get ade are Dry Kiln Capacit 100,000 feet per day b.. 028 ca in the way of leaving her to herself, and Gradually and certainly the building- ly iM Say } she gets lonely, discouraged and des- Up process is established, and the pure, ; he “i 1 ‘ pondent. rich blood created in the system carries Cc r \ . e chat he ries Be : health and strength to every part of the — a PRU. pee aay : The source of trouble is in the condi- pogy WERETER MTOCK FLOORIN « iC ee os “ae or ne oo a aes og Weakness and disease, the cause of WESTI RN HEMLOCK FLOORING, SIDING MoMeN Sis and wa and utterly lacking in nutri- ,; scouragement, failure and unhappiness t ’ 1 ay wT - ’ tive s iCiil, a é Bp 8s, CEILING FINISH F ALL KINDS ? 4 give place to new hopes, new confidence di The anaemic condition is shown in the and stronger determination to succeed. ‘ mao pallor of the lips, the gums and the eye- The appetite is sharpened, digestion Charlotte Isla_ds $ pruce Produc s Ltd. }| The M nels’ he lids, as well as in the pale face and angular = jmproves, and\you find yourself enjoying Mil ar form your meals and taking a new interest in lills: Prince Rupe : ‘ Nature s provided for the purifying life. As you gain in strength and energy Local Agents: ALBERT & McCAFFERY ; ; + gf the blood by having it sent to the lungs you feel encouraged to sei up . the use of Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephones, 564, 116, Blue 69 A beg ’ . ' peric odically to come in contact with the this restorative treatment until thorough- es i fresh air and take up new oxygen. ly restored to health. M a : : ' : j Sea : i The rosy cheeks and healthful appear- [ Unfortunately this plan of nature has = ance of people who have used Dr. Chase's . been deleated Dy human beings living too Nerve Food is its strongest recommenda- much indoors and breathing over and over tion, and accounts for its ever-increasing e “ again the vitiated air of ill-ventilated popularity. | M B nu : rooms. This is the usual cause of anae- . ie Phone Paice hh mia. as well as a reason for its continu- It is for sale by all dealers, 50 cents a Bf oe ee eg 7 box, 6 for $2.75, or by mail ae Edman- for A u ut “ , — son, Bates & Co., Limited, Toronto. Leok ned i oa speaking The blood gets ever thinner and more for the portrait and signature of A. W. \ Mr Casey say watery, until the human system is liter- Chase, M.D., the famous Receipt Book . oy = \ = Ml Mex ally starved. author, on the box you buy. eK ij 9% h ie oe a ae Bi ' m } 1 ine Siore i ce a aa ee as SR ese ae ee a? 0 sh purchase . \ M ee eee ee lite’s Xmas Drawing. Every $2 B vour coupons for Lanka oyalAuto Service sec ens Fie © | _ Het Ren wring: Serhan sen rel ieee Sa | ee aes | | Ten Years Ago j|chance. First prize, * handsot 5 Iba, wager tor the #f rompt Serve ay and Night ; nr: ails See PP ) in Prince Rupert i ass bed, spiral spring, fel t d 83 First Ci ane rye : : Bo meee eee rere jiress, und pair of | s: 58 I 7 ERNI r AEE : tf November 29, 1810 *, 3006. | WRIRUL “UEeeoe , » clear our stock MING LAP! Proprietor . ‘ . ; : table with three a ‘} B y 200d. toys. > — : arge ¢ v ha s und bedding: at ) KY) CLEANING AND _ Saturday, "The on eB sas L XN * PRESSING PARLORS 1-90 Abe sviocel9 | coo) 707 Third Ave. Phone 34 : et oo im are BY in et Seed _| ROYAL HOTEL ee ee Sco} [RESTAURANT — oo lle tel ee Siawrt eee ° eee i \ : Fatale ly - : “ R Westhol e Lunch ML in the Presbyterian Hall on Home Cookirg with Quick Service ————— Under New Management ; h bain’ 1 i yer ; wi Here you can procure the kind of food ALL WHITE HELP cor oan Seat i aaa ae that is just what you want in > tc, dia: Gate te cae Ta ' Among congenial environment. Mek ‘ A. nso _ — Thr Vouane Sone o vee ‘ . r z eae Taran Supericr Cuality. Attractiveness. ee Course Meal - from 45c up fie report that. Pemberton, gov ting ney, 1. X. Button, J. E. duckie Geliaieees Sereoe. Prices Reasonable, —_——— h 1 . ) pmme o« : I hij : ol his is aie ' | beer iti a hig See Tite's windows for specials Ta BA RGAINS | f ion sn Halifax and that “ SMITHER aS REPORT we Xinas trade, te 51 ss ; ; Prinee Rupert j st ; ae gr nt aa Lee e+ = >: Pages fine. Aominciors oomtion wc tle]. GOOD FOR ARSON: Gent ee PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK Lot 17, Block 49, Sec. 7 Se sa all oS aa ae nae ew G ide Block 28, Sec. G, with two buildings - #4,000 beth BPotin alti kasd es cs — rill : : s M DAE ata ce MB ng eee aI : : AND © and rei oles k 4,Sec.5 - - : - $2,200 neces or - eH ee ‘ Centres of District. Engineering Co., Limited. DY BHAVN & HANSON : en Ser en . Cue seth sats =4 Bato eye ¥ : Ke ANYOX, Nov, 29 Reports es Operating---G.T.P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry|Dock bette Notearie rhere wav « fairly good att nd a a 9 : we a5 i aa fis wie a Our Plant is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of Sila rene. oe nee and af the coneluston of the epg } yp ; vy at Alice Arm, where " a on esp gue ge git 7” . : , e 4 { . he 4 a | : =: ve MARINE AND MEN LOOKING FOR WORK tata ee owns | - COMMERCIAL WORK Ladies’ and obildren’s hand ve Korein Large and Small Vessels dry docked. Several boats may © sre advised Tite * apeciul Xinee t Beg oer ual «: MANCHEST ER RACE 3 rr Fs 6 URR err ak Cee be docked at one time in one section of the Dry Dock. Do not suffer WINNERS ANNOUNCED Engineers, Machinists, Boiler Makers, ve 0} {9 £0 fo sncen Bay Tren 'ng” — LONDON. 2 a a bade a 7 oa aa Blacksmiths, Founders, Pattern Makers, etc. i ing, or Protrud “a ant , © Black 279 Tot yae a all pr siti ms are fi le d re ia oa me vs ‘a ea oy S pith aa orcad P Oo B 17 -s Sotialt Taek: Se sitions are filled. — De, tages Piapment wit raberoree sonst 13 “ho te Macchuloug, & , ee +O. Box 171 Phones 43 and 368 Whalen Pulp and Paper Mills,Ltd. | 22° BECO o'ya.2 Bete, wert You Ria ohana PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. paper and enclose 2. stamp to pay postage eh he race ai Tite's Xing ss discounts. |