oer me me Page © "PRINCE RUPERT ? = THE DAILY S¥we By George McMa ssa Labor a8; — rt ; R. UL . fF THAT DOCTOR ~ fl “ 7 c f mR THINGS READY *: isis oO. : THINKS HE'S GONNA JU i . < , re ft « we ARE GOING TO MR -NGGSS} “ * > Oe MAKE AN INVA 1 | ee ae a HOmE i wAMT beim TC - . | | | T OUT OF ME «HI % La. ‘ . 7 CMAIN iOFR YOUR ae G3 y ' THINKIN DAYS ARE j ; ap "3% em ’ } OVER -I'™ GOIN TO eer er ' an 8 will be hel } t | noc Tor ¥/ 4+ j | i +» , j - 7 | 0.B.U. Hall ae |. tk A ; ¥ tat | : bs st re Building “ Re _ y ; remy Weinesdas, D gal ‘ | 7 * ednesay, ec | | | a | 4 Procseds to be dé e | | - Children’s Chr nas iret : a ; ~ Admission - - - 50c Bete 1 | pai Auspices Wome Auxiliary © ‘ iif } } aw . r —_ oT ‘ 1920 ey INT. Fearuer Seavice, we 8) ee ALL |NVITED. : Sin kaaliag ie -. on ee ee ee , eae oe aos @ uw ed ! rdding u-—~ ~~ ee id oe pr i z =? Your { hic a he goa ata ( — ue eR { a > Se RAW KIN ) In the Letter Box ; Tne Man OF the Hour. . ope ! <7 di banner Pal “1 Daily News Classified Ads. || @ToRK’ = ANOTHER TRIBUTE. S. (y \ UI K ' : a ws ‘ ; “iy 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken for Leas than S0O<« ' \ Fill ’ ‘ | rhily > j =t w ee ee eee —_ i ee ~« 4 ren } g the /hrainy a ndefatigal i ee ~oome le ' ) a rr ‘ WANTED. FOURD wy yy ef He ’ rile that ! ! , i , y we : “pi . ; ‘ ial | ; ‘ a bi POUND it Carniva child —————— . ; h d } , . Apply Daily News Certificste of improvements a : f 4 ! ant VANTEI } i i thavad music. ; : WALTER CLANTON My " onaeeaonth . . ; 5 AILEY feacher of Musi r ; I trga Ll heewory ‘ “ TERRACE HAS Soa 7 By appointment, phone ; itiach 13 445 4th Ave. I ! #1 ACCOUNTANTS ' s . . = =e ws . Made up int h GREAT FUTURE SITUATIONS WANTED EXPERIENGED ACCOUNTANT | red A tork RUG, LADIFS’ SCARVES, ETC. aa : t set of Har r Goasmemnpnnm “ “a ! : et ‘ Ture re sy Road to be Guilt to Lakelse Lake j \ "1 : D. . i AIT and Bridge Across the i ‘ | f ‘ . = ignored False Things Skeena River. \ 1116 Broadway, Vancouver, B.C. 3 : c BC f SHORTHAND — TYPEWRITING . REL POOP PPL FOE OO LL LA EOL OE rt | “a : Ze M \ Notice of intention Apply te Lease Lend Ls ‘ yw i " ym \ j : ; \ ‘ ad reeeee ‘te vad Aerating | TOM LEE ( : : ‘ 1h baled How Are f FOR Galt FARMS FOR SALE ¢ in te ' RSA trade { at Py. A. FARM LANDS.—The rich ‘ | f = vourlthe propés eines i prairies of Alberta, Saskatche- , VEGETABLES S OY S! ' "i wan and Manitoba are especial - : Wholesale and Revs © nf i u r neh ly suited for mixed farming ‘ ne eieine lone ; : “ Meh or with ‘ I d that will produce big . | wen ca v work ws een } ‘ rops of grain and fodder, and ¥ ” aes | Aesisio saad ‘ion k « oe elas nme t vell adapted for dairying or rr ‘ u one | The movements is i “ow Anoth t i eatook raising can still be las a | are madé ’ “ee h zg ‘ ple are inte » tl ‘ sus large rew boat had at prices averaging about “"*"** a 6 an spndocddiiiilititiinibe and; and , kK Leke. 1 p. Caille Pergeet #18.00 an acre, with twenty sted Avr | oe us ts . _— thy the } ‘ ne of Ut Vy J eng years to pay if you wish. Only reeeeeweceeeereeetttttr } tet us send you particulars ' : ; when de-lernment werks to be g na ww sf Phone 222 {0 per cent down. No further ne r | walches when are msi nd alic « lies are too ‘tien very soon ae payment on the principal until A -qurenas g npurresh ed, With a da trais ’ | aA AND } Prunt id the end of the fourth year; then . a . "hone S gh «st sometimes!rece should 4 et A ‘ \ hing sixteen annual payments. In- . ENR \ WII e it 1y adding—by bopertant centre with ae of Le Cla ; eat © per nt ' ; 5 FEI UuViN lis ! f ioe langerous ssibilities ! wr | Write { 1. G. Loughran, Land ; Sheet Metal Works | Avert ' , Miat ‘ Var On the Trail. r 9 / or - . ,,. FISH BOATS HAD = | ‘ os j i Pa Bee ‘ a ROUGH TIME IN ancouver, . de , THE BIG STORM } Market Prices j ital 2— mame ener linichioines to me forthe jj = » ponneemepcoocnner * ear ean eyes i 1B j i : Moats. The best way to hav ' alele hi v {1 ‘ un ofeas, per Me. . noe OB = ee ; 1 a ithe d ie f pot ast, Ib 25ic to Be | MUSIC f DANCY i nals paged : a : chuck roast, It 0 =~ Or : Y ourSuit ss Second, Seaaee ena hot eine a 3 =i “ ' nt of the d mA ght agar ft it iBe ¢ t- td ADTUTI 0 ie oe : ; i m ant . t : : 2 Cl hose days « a s ne , , ‘ r ib ‘ , TIMBER SALE X 2736 i rt if ) eaned and Press ctache, when |" ea i plaat, s haat, par tha She odd Se PE TEU : ; . al - ’ | I? ¥ ; r Wals tis . + hi ; , : : ; 41 beef, per Ib ry ' F ur Piec Or chest 4 MWaor, Abit ‘ ‘ : x, per ib pit UU i . Steam Pecan Machine ihe Kiond + gale. I wa i taeda, tad, 600 Method for hin = 7. , : Mutton, stewing ee It only takes 15 minuté part alle oe: ee wae — Ml ! er, th be t * I Our Price is COR Cae: ware 4 wast - — | ft tton. th f , un Reasonable d the Following a unevais a ¢ | | ‘ ' ; ’ ‘ 7 + / LO Delivery is Prompt an fi male Coabity { Ibe ; a eoceeentt Give us atrial. Phone Black 502 { dea. Ad { ‘ uM shoulder ft t. per ib be PPPORORODOS , s Batrial, rhe et ack 502 j i ea ; ifitee of veal S0¢ and 4% TIMBER SALE XK 2324 ; ' ; ae ai densh d, 45.000 i | syst cai ; ; ei LING TAILOR corned 45.000 po aero vasa por iby sce, 3 Peon he untry | i ine sf ? rf 821, 828 2nd Ave., Prince | ha ndly i1.5¢ and © ; £ Room el, 26 2n ve., rince Rupert i i Mvrtle 2 000 pound Catolen a ' le pie ' Fu shed ‘ cle how), , : VEGETABLES. b per Ib eine ; ; ee : 11,000 pounds, and Ver oo ' : . ' — ne hy rried on ani 4 ' D sate aan f Sanne ; Pork, shoulder, .... Pree abe i ‘ : 4 , f ' Ambitious ‘and Cocksure. et ee : 0. Pra ae ABHORO OTATOES for! acon, sliced, pe "he ° ; } ) ent Hi | Hot | P 1 R , tt thew polit eal de Product Association at 10.0 . ! 'y from Na tlaw “si oa me ' meee ‘ : - ; ominion rote el Prince hupert eae mune wood 10°01" eum, 94,000 pounds, and ceanie Fectinn Sireih, Te eo sass dh cont +8 Aire | ttre : ra lho 38 atebitious J ye 2 nn - ‘ Zi Pipe FOR RENT Salt DERE ds ated ate ; EUROPEAN PLAN tl Pattullo is too cocksure a : a ete oy td § a . : -— —-—— nickel, per Oh TUNER GALS nave } ‘ ‘ ¢ . anadian ish and d+ mike . } $1.60 per day end up. Wt vowld vou think of @ many), TE PRBS SB , O RENT f Fowl per Lb. ; 50 will t oonerionet _ ee enadence is Ris awn fatooxsh, 18,000 pounds; I ! ard f ‘oar (Pickled pork, per Ibe -.... 4d0 ‘0 5 nepanenennnnnnn nn FIRST-CLASS CAFE ability,or aman who did mot hope,| oa 3 gag a : hospital, Fifth and Green st./Gooked ham, sliced, per ib., 85¢) io °eu | 30.6 ee : d wish and believe that he co eres 1,000 pounds, and Hippo , , ' an lf : Pe oto Soe : thie "4 rks a ” { me $000 pounds, sold®to*the Pacith Higek Ot ' Spare ribs, per !b., coe SOTO enw Lake, Hang . Carefu! Piano Tunin 7 oe eae O Une isherios ‘4419 ‘ - 18 | Roast hate, per ib,, Ro Three v i } areiv ; Pia h that he could never a ve and de, oval af tit ’ ) ; : that POR BREN " ; Bolegas. o6r Bh, occdcuvseas BO Purthe ' tt ft ARE | ' j the stairway ia ON BPN res Oe MOE ; “i ar Diet ! wr, | e Rup Phone 655 827 2nd Avenue : Jeliied tongue be ta Gh , ; ” from the abyss to heaven? AD AID ern tite unf hed ‘ =. % eyens 4 ra nv | » Steve C V. EVI if ye true, all haul to such am- EL E SEIZED bat Apply 2410 Ninth Avenue ew 7 x 2219 } oon W + a TT oe ee . had : vty phos Mined. Wie PS sok ici 400 TIMBER SALE X 2 ) uctioneer eens ' iO ever ULLOF @ é Cooked beef ton i 8D t f Audit ak é: re ine and then fail to put every American Fishing Boat Alleged to : ee ' ee ” = ee late sete viet ‘ { moecnewrerrer en a ecountant ivi ft hi heme wmto an effort Have Been Fishing Within VO WEN’ One | - ‘ ‘ fu Dairy Produce. han 1H ‘ul . eres. ae aed ne Three-Mile Limit. n ! Rooms, | Mutter, per tb Oh for the purchane of Lireiee tv aisal ye WIT — - ccomplish and at a time too fait ' iv oo f a = OI ) TRAI E ' ; soit 6 1 esa agp a Ph Red 41. ‘my Mutter (cooking per tb 6He)), Hemlock arom adjoii x | A ¢ 30 PC J Tid t a i - ‘ ie se an us 1” iniat (anne a aes lite etla MASRET. Nov. 29.6-The Ameri ER, “ERE oy Ceeee, OOF Ba ccs acenecce hoe : . vA i 4 5 a GUARAN ITE ED i ” . i Cen Mabiidihnies Addie aaa” (nM in I h uselLimberger cheese, per Ih en tw ’ ear he allowed for Fe “pains sim? ' f bath yply & ft ‘ moval «at wes ter f} COAL (; { i of compensation is al. seized by the custome department j ‘ ‘ Mj } 8 } hh As ges Cine a he sh en he hd Boe Baeas ‘as eo eutare if ie ol a ' “y = ; ‘ eee ni ail ee ene | Gnum as charged with fishinge within the “ a Re... fresh exes (Case $1.40 Auer. Pa ? or Jater it pays, with interest three-mile limit, The eraft and) TOLET.Three-room front suits MArBArIMe ccc eee eeenenes Bik K. | i ays, ne P " = awit ciel dlaaiiadialtiiidias 37. We have secured the agency for on rew will be detained at Kexequi ; Louis Looms, Phone Red 94 2779. TIMBER SALE x10 the beat Coa! foundin the interior malt, 218 TIMBER sate ¥ Souled tems will be ’ ! ee and ean supply any quantity. cas en my ald tenders will be reecived by the M vor of Lands at Viet ria Fo : peneenner _ Frives on application to | Mo not forget to look into the PU RNIRUED ROOMS FOR RENT tei tan Mi diy dor ot Deewmbee| 80, Stgr ae purchaee i iit" emir Ce, Dd Prince Rupert Feed Co. since fn Liheral committee rooms, Pat-| O47 Swoud Aven 80 TMG, pa a arate BT IB: te Hondo ood weet ST A CLT AUGy Baa og tullo Block, They are open all the LODGE MEETINGS ~~ pee "b an ate + neues tear Tee ne oe eas Care et te and insurane sn an ve, anc B achny 0A ore. and there is somebody there LODGE 1054 LOYAL ORDER OF " rae Sh » aan will he allowed for re “Three post will be allowed for Mh i Real Est BROS. & cor : lan 16 Lime. Most.of the friends Mania: i Fi . oa ove taileer moval ef tunber chief Fare cENNEY ° nee every Thursday) . Further partieulars of the Chief ¥ te urther particulars of the Ol KE | Nae ecchin jeu in the evening, if | evening ot shave fone Mall vi Luria if ‘ a *Distric ‘ ciietes Tecan ‘ ca a! Pee bastries Forester, aw + | Mupert, i j Rupert, B. 4