a Sf 5 Branches 1920 1869 Te Royal Bank af Canada foung Men and Young Women have great opportunities (0-day. had better ric“ make ana as s the the foundatior $33,000,000 $589.122 317 Capita! ané Reserves otal Resoures en —_—_ We have now on hand 1000 Tons Wellington Coal 1000 Tons tdson Goal 116, 5664, Blue 69 Albert & McCaffery Limited New location Cetra Helgerson TAXI... eee: in mine | Phone Siete 139 Huntley Tate. DRY ae WOOD mn Stowe Lengthe b raer on early PAC FI IC CARTAGE, L TD. EK Parker a. oa ‘See PP mene A. G. GRAY 1 Avenue PHONE Blue 421 or 444 BPO eee erent peer eras ieee ee FLOWERS IN $3.50, full i CITY MARKET orcs OOOO OOO Me tee HEY | ae 3! |Pop! “56 J front 703 i 946 pre ANO Canny Two ELKS’ CONCERT — WILL DEVELOP ABIG ATTEMPT TERRACE MINES Under Capable Direction of wilt Teall up Edmunds Attraction STAMPEDE FOR NEW OIL LAND Hfcome axe "HE >) / SE OFF THE |MA'S Gone JNO will Provide Notable DUMB Walter ! | i Becerra ner somerset mses % ; The Man in the Moon ‘ j SAYS:- j 2 \ Copper be Built Early Next Season if Engineer Satisfied. : fountain VVil! i ose dellftekn RE ae ae a ae firth i MINING British Columbia has developed under the Oliver Government =” the past four years, the Provincial Department of Mines, under the direction of Hon. William Sloan, Minister of Mines, has passed some of the most important legislation in the history of this Pro- vince affecting prospector, imorove ing to the elimina Most noteworthy, perhaps, the iollowin: mines and mining; has given assistance in the building of roads and trails: assisted the ! d sanitary and working conditions; provided for closer inspection and regulations tend- tion of accidents. among the many achievements of the Department of Mines are. Dp the Province into six minera ‘ listriets, each under the charge of a ed engineer. whose duties ¢ help the prospector when he is in doubt he possibilities of his claim. or } evelop if; to assist small operators io ! Gi bime ‘ lin need of financial ; ng, ete.; to prepare a complete und th ‘ g f 1 their several ‘ j 4 | Mi ' M e | 4 es Aet: wl h } < e Pp » wive " ty f S300 per ton on o i . red m Br ho ‘ British Columbia, and $4.50 ' ‘ re ; { gn oor THIS WITHOUT DOI IS A MOST IMPARTANT PIECE OF MINING LEGISLATION, Jove ; ’ ‘ } e bee ypened ne pr eet Te he miner. ALL PRE- VIOUS RESTRICTIONS ON PLACER MINIXG ON INDIAN RESERVATIONS HAVE | BEEN REMOVE! ior the é¢ ninatwn, pw ¢ tages and tan aequ ttable tals I vw 2 has heen made to the M g A : ertain to respond to the representative exhibit of British Columbia } ' g prepared X Zi | ‘ ; wrmat he iron ore res < of the Province is now heing Obtained. | Let this Good Legislation continue — and Vote for the Liberal Candidates December Ist Fancy china for your Xmas eift SILVERSIDES BROS méans practical men to advise you, and guar- . antee everything you bay. WALLPAPERS, GLASS, PAINTS, Winsor & Newton Art Supplies, EXPERT SIGN WRITING AND CARD WORK, PICTURES, PICTURE FRAMING Phone 22 prince wurert P.O. Box 120 coat] | WHATS IN A NAME? 15 per cent discount, tf 5c 248 qe ) WHY “THE, | DEUCE. DONT 7 ¢ y re ARE You 4 COMING FATHER ?