TITK DAILY News rll Da Aen | MEMOOERFUL, ACTROCITED Pind Bvery Afternoon, except Sanday, by he Nowe | BUNT MEDICINE BY LIVE WIRES »j Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue, H. F. PULL ea MANAGING EDITOR. Boy Touched One in Basement of lpeeiksabibans Wands as ee cipal Every Home In Canada Needs House and Killed Instantly D4 SUBSCRIPTION RATES: “ERUIT-A-TIVES” NEW WESTMINSTI \ it is City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month ............ $4.00 Haaching ' fr By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, To those suffering with /ndigestion, ht white ; ig” iN AdVANCE, PEF VEAP . wcrc eseessevessvssesecs oes sees $6.00, Torpid Liver, Comstipation, Sick or |.) yo ' ~p A mn ~- $7.50. Nervous Jleadaches, Neuralgia, \id res ba = : d t) Re To all other countries, in advance, per year ......... ° -_o | wmev Trouble, KRaeumatism, Pain in ; : TELEPHONE 88. | a eiaas EN inves elobrating: hi= sixtennth Si, | More ‘Bites for the Money pe affections, ; “| an wwures & speedy ware See , q Trangient Display Advertising $4.25 per inch each insertion tommy elias: My rime, ta, ind was th , . == very ne i ve » Transient advertising on front page .......... $2.00 per inch. ao ali Gaflows i H ! \ I ‘f ler . :

Mineral Claims situate in the Naas » . . e , 6 yen ve River Mining Division of Caestar District ; TRAIN SERVICE the issues in masterly manner and all the dirty tactics of a wher anata semaaae Mietei” piliens aoa Great Districts saa + se Re otte isianda: : Monday, Wednesday and Saturday at 4:45am group of irresponsibles were unable to disturb him. lle was sak NC’TICE that 1, George A. Young | o 2 sett, Port Clements and ‘ ‘ > master of the situation all the time. He will certainly. be elected |frte “Miners Certificate No, 46595-C, act i u diated ‘“pper » ip i) : ! : Li —_— , ny 9 ; ng for myself and as agent f JosepD , ; ; : { te wht i . shi ines tomorrow aud that with a substantial majority. Wrote aoe Miata Pa em ale cena beer on : ‘ itty Agency All Ocean Steamship in ; ‘ ad Arne Davedson ee Miner's cver- | eluinh | w the «¢ For tnformeat ard reservations 6p ee > Burrough Showed a 7 = Fi on - pat Ce od rec Ma et. Port lementa and ony Tiebet Omics, #26 Third Avenue Prone 260 ca ? . . si j are ; if, White Feather. om the date hereof, to apply to telin eth diatres 7a Upper Island | oi w Burrough showed the white feather. -He did not speak for|™iming Recorder for a Certincate of tm ; 7 ‘ ’ CN himself at the meeting last light but gave way to Jack Kavanagh. provements, for - purpose of optamme |‘”’ ‘ . 5 Crown Grant « the yove claime He did not gain anything by this for Kavanagh had nothing new And ft canoe take oe al oa n, un ’ - ' i} ivan b {to say and the minister easily handled him. It was a pily this |der séetion 85, must be, commenced before the & on the ¢ “or Skideca Queer Charlotte CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWA happened for people wanted to hear Burrough. He is a man for | th 'suance of such Certineate of improve “ ' } Ciny 8 Lower Ts 1 points s ” - whom they have some respect the ; ay es , npn, ments Mur i ve ae ’ ane itis. re » but they had none for the pro Rated thie bth ony ee Maeeeion: 100k I init wth | it k { j i hitly CANADIAN PACIFIC OCEAN SERVICES ’ : : Derr rat ee ee Valley wd and i =, te ite a bh . ‘ From Skidewate, Oueen Charlotte B. re. Coast Steamship Services ta -) r » + City and Lower Island pointe x . I } } i iD a oe; oh : a 4 } tis ee Dr OS MAGUIR ee ‘Joven et ann $.§. PRINCESS BEATRICE — Prince } opening { that ; y i : , Alaska rom F - « einntee SETS aN, be receives BY Mle 111. Value Rall iA a ; For Skagway and the Yukon. For Metehikan, Juneau Pipette ; Poe af DENTIST than noon on tl h day of December, |. 6 Met. 0 , f 9: December 13 Rupert — November 29, Decen : 1920, for the 5 hase of Licence X 2219, SR" — » Rupert— . Princ to eur 2.322 feet of Cedar, Balsam | prise « have bes ' ‘ . Victoria and Seattic from . and Hemlock, on an are joining Loti’ = - For Vancouver, Vic ‘ allan snd rm x8 OA sfea adi ung | Flind ononelan ang From Skagway and a? 95 December 4 and 18; January 1 ' eat istrict ' ii : ’ : , ‘ Rooms 7 and 8 Smith Block aru we sme we (Cope Mountg December 4 moval of timber ‘ . . ' " > = ' . 1 oc bureher parti lars of the Chief Forester, of the w ve s largest ¢ ; Por rates ervatiogs and *6 at on. ictoria, ‘ ; dis ‘ oreste , ¢ i ‘ i faitits ' ‘ B . Lady Assistant : ait Open Evenings bee oP f iriet Forester, Prince ins plants, ' Stewart, Maple Bay and Swamp w. Cc. ORCHARD, Gener iain B.C. ice Hours: unday b eee -" 7s ewes (4nd Britannia : t Prince Rupert 9-12; 1-6; 7-9 Phone 575 A t : t TIMBER 8 SALE x 1037. os: 6: 2 Polnt. Cor 3rd Avenue and 4th Stree ons é ppointmen Soldiers’ Strike FOR — d tenders will be received by the N i r f | winisicr of Lands st Victoria not leer} A find of aiiver ore in the Kit ovemhes d for than noon on the @3rd day of December thereafter ig2 for the purchase of Licence x 1037 (Sault district, not far for ! ~- ut 2,086.4 som of eats ath, Heike “KEK Dolly Varden elaims has bee Ww ARD) ELECTRIC & MARINE Eres ert acording tapers tens erasers" "TE MADE to “ORDER SUPPLY CO. | ‘ Further particulars of the Chier Forester, C4 south, This is one of th WATER NOTICT Children’ s eS COW BAY ricer P C., of District Forester, Prince | parties grubat he - " ne ot : ; Ladies’ Skirts, Bungalow Aprons, wi ne en et ee ome HOH ae a resull of Uhe spe ee | ELECTRICAL AND MARINE SUPPLIES, TIMBER SALE X 2324, Provincia Ft di oe ee E tnat PAW. Hacey, agent Clothes and all kinds of Plain Se representing Rs hoe ; i Mining | Syndicate «<<, | Canadian Fairbanks Co. Ltd. wibtat fates en Na ae SE, Bina gray and: Fuby: allver in an{aeereetat | ie fost et taseae SP ae ; GLEESON C. O. Crude Oil Marine Engines from 30 to 250 hip. [| purcuse Gr ticonee X'249%, toreut Save landesite similar lo the Dolly it fee! ok, wich Rows sonsnerty Miss Prince Rupert, B.C. 8- 10 H. P. Heavy Duty Distillate Engines, i hitgauit’ Hiver the r ; 000 feet of Spruce, Cedar and Hemiock do! “ ‘ : Me ; A an area sdjoining Lot 1936, Selwyn iniet, Varden The claims are known Water will be diverted’ from. the. stream Third Avenue All the Latest Improvements. QC. 1 Distrtet as the W. and RA, group and are 4 @ polnt about 2.000 feet north of the Electric Lighting Plants Come and let us giye you a Two (2) years will be allowed for re- | rout Creek Fens at a point on the Mos ¢ Purther particulars of the Chief Fores practical demonstration. Victoria, B.C., or District yore, Syines Moose = property. During the moval of timber only balf a mite distant from the 6M a! ‘ nd w be used for umes —— ee Rupert, B.C. winter the soldier vartiners ra ’ notice Was Posted on the ground on —— nf | § add i ANC | one th da f September, 19290. A copy RT, Notar ~ } gKoing to work in Vancouver nadief 4 notice and an application pursuant I H on ath A jon tle Dp rt pon the mine described TIMBER SALE X 2740. i : thereig and to the “Water Act, 1044," will expect to intefest capital to enable | 1 the office o “ ‘ tecorme ygether oF ving! le offer Sealed tenders will be received by the Hihbem to head wit rut ut i ' ! ort KN c. eae FOR SALE.-6 choice level Lots tog irele, Any reason d Ch | Minis fer of Lands at Victoria, not later - ahead With @eercesive mn ' the application. may be near new High School, Hays Vove » ton delivere’ MESSRS RORIE & SMA artered Accountants & an noon on the S0th day of December, lde velopine work next season Hed th sid Water Herorde® or with Bulk $1: 3.00 Auditors, Vancouver, B. C. [1920, tor ie furehese of Licence % 9748, thé piral f Water Hights, Pariia EDSON COAL (! ‘ed, $14.50 ‘Coast Have pleasure in intimating that they have opened a Branch of their |Hemlock and ‘Balsam, on an ‘Sred Bt ated | thirt tive te Brat abe oe oF FOR SALE EIN INSURANCE 08 business at Smith Block, Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, where they $|' mNamu Lake, Hanke 2, Coast District It is just as cheap to get your } , ioral newspaper, Most Liberal MARINE, Ameries. Pays Visit will carry on a General Accountancy Business. Phone 44. | mov: al of TO Wilt be allowed for rée-| yrinting done wel! and done at!!! USE GROUP MINING SYNDICATE, Insurance Company a Xe The Bh k Pho Resident Partner; GEORGE RORIE, Chartered Accouipant (Edinburgh and Canada) ie Further particulars of the Chief Forester,| 1OMe as it is to send it away. Try By PB. W. time ey amet P 0 Bo 66 Westholme atre bloc ; i: Go OF District Forester, Prince Kupert, |The News Print Shc rhe dat the fret publication of thie . U. bor Pp. jnotiee I sovermmber 15, (920 | =e