THE DAILY NEWS 7 a ; j rit Fhe eeerntrnns rns ot oe tt es SE , Ask for Atkins’ Sausage. tf Basketball tor exhibition j Building, 7 to 10 vm and 104 A pre n fo the man bra nd wood smoker sets at Tite's. t 6 = M Jolin Cy ‘ { \nyor ed ‘ t iti ” a v1 i blanh nd pre li Xu bd 1 a + ‘, Phe bes Boy Any Girl wi us the Any end kage of : Wast j Powder (r iSc. for post s al Brew is Store 1 be se inch hea‘ j ¥ ; w Kewpie D WW : MeM Tt Mothers! ‘ ' ; & together | ° : ‘ 3 ohet i t their entire | lien byte 1.000 borrow : wy j ie mitt peete tye re ‘ - ‘ j i” : . wht res in “~ a ae "6 : , ea 1) Royal Crown Soaps 5 Ltd. ED ce JUVER, B.C G.W.VLA reg a — % \ a j —e— ™ \ fam vil : ‘ree ree aaa 2b ee “ sean ‘e i Vv ~ © A (i ror] ay m—-e— * on | tr met A ' rit oler pu lop pm en) ie to Christ . on a ace t vi i No. 4 ‘ ‘ BRUNSWICK Pees ree ard GR AMOPHONE Uy ee E ; fr | your goods cost less wine tie | McRaeBres Lid i peeron Be ae YOUR wife will welcome your smoking When supper is over, and you settle down to read or chat, fill up your favorite pipe with “OLD CHUM” and puff away. The mellow fragrance of this choice tobacco makes it Canada’s favorite. “OLD CHUM” about the house. Canada's Favorite Pipe Tobacco. November 30, 1910 ‘ Red C C -edar : Shingles | ect per day ee ! ! SITKA § SPRUCE ‘BETTING MAY WESTERN HEMLOCK FLOORING, SIDING RE NH LRGAT CEILING FINISH OF ALL KINDS 4 Sleds ee ae naa L i Reger to Matter Doe Charlotte Is la: es. ae ruce Proauc s Ltd. Otek tun Cee M ert May be Taken. Local Agent APPERY Prince Rupert, Bu Pelephones, 564, 116, Blue 69 ! \W M. I Wa i I iv nigh d tt I Ira I \\ Ss Andrew sor ! i eat War V i nal thy la teresting aflau while nthe Sons of nelanad the vided win thew ch betwee Canada|) and the Sons of 1 inner are wiven the « If the hikes Callies On WID- bye ne gare from the he head of the least with three defeats ‘ Wibs anu ne handker Ladies’ and children’s fs, good quality, im boxe Ya u are pot eape ee it lag we na Chase ment for Kezema and Skin Irrita- ous, It relleves at ence and gradu Chase's nun ent free ii you mention this paper and 8 nd 8 Stamp for postage, 600, & See poy all deale ors or Edmanson, Bates & ¢ pecial Xtuas prices Fez you us Dr. ah heals the skin. Sample box Dr bi i Limalte a, Toronto S Olut ma . al Henry Lull tf Evelyn Ida Beave bury, Ene i thali nm ThCihe has 4 they will be alt en auestic KETCHIKAN WEDDINGS. KETOHIKAN, N ) Fra f Ket ind Mis 1 few day M All carpets i ent ee e@eeeeeeeeeeeete ‘ a Tv SUBSCRIBERS * | \ * We have just taken into stock a carload of Subseribers he N * ara ceed re ‘ eNiws $i] | eemenay ‘Cornand Cracked Corn, iso Chicken Chop livery boys each month #® | - Nw hich we can offer at a big reduction in when they og men : price, This is good quality feed where paymen 1as been made for the year in ad ® WE RETAIL FEED IN ANY QUANTITY vathve lie mvs when collecting carry omMeial re- * ceipts which should al. * THE BRACKMAN-KER ways be preserved, * *. *, et ee "Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert : congenial environment. 2 . nd Superior Quality. Attractiveness, es ! we Satisfying Service. Prices Reasonable, HD. “1 PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK 7 AND two 10 Engineering Co., Limited. nine a 3 Blacksmiths, Founders, Pattern Makers, etc. = : ne . we : 4 We Solicit Your Enquiries lopped P. O. Box 1713 Phones 43 and 385 eres ect PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. : 7 COMMERCIAL WORK ee Large and Small Vessels dry docked. Several boats may be docked at one time in one section of the Dry Dock. 7 707 Third Ave. Phoze 34 «)—— TROYAL HOTEL RESTAURANT. Mr Home Cookizg with Quick Service Here you can procure the kind of food that is just what you want in Operating---G.T.P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry{[Dock Our Plant is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of a MARINE AND Engineers, Machinists, Boiler Makers, discount at if Prices Down Again! P.O, Box 745 ee ed