Puge 8 THE DAILY FAWs mo ? ———— ee NN _——= % "4 eee "4 oer r BRINGING UP F ATHER B ‘PRINCE RUPERT y George MeM | " Central Labor Council [ On want to Tame vou I] Panes somnrrr [of yesnse] —— Oo. Bi. } FOR THIS LOVE Ly Box or j < ‘ j , Sit ‘ vat i] ” = | CANDY - MRS HOWE Y - i™ j | j ] 1 ’ | 20 HAPPY AROUT IT 1 CAN ii] m" : rcpt, | HARDLY TA rye j i | \ . , i | OLY (ETAL TT ; { CANDY | » UF p> —_ a | oe iy | i j fe ed Hd IK COMPAIY| | oe. se TH hm IL a | ; i cc (. a 44 ) IS U1 \ - a \9- Sey// mee || | | Cy \ ASS | eee eS Lh tt | Lal FO “a Meintyre backs ie Nd r ws | A w < Commencing 9 : ahi PI / {| a — : — > , ed da D ] um }/ is can Wednesday, Dec. Ke, ©} | bs =| | ° fi / 5 at, it Proceeds to be donated te eed k elif x“ i} Children s Christmas Tre en | ee 1] . ; i f Vw pais — . J tant ae! 6. Sue ho 7 Admission 50c Rie \ einen s i” Auspices Women’s Auxiliary © 1020 ov wri Peavune Senvers. ine i{ } ALL iNVITED. a. $$$ ; sipsinae kei ie > --, PATTULLO DROVE HOME scared x TTS a ee / ; Your ; POLITICAL TRUTHS; HAD li was soldiers { j - oo8 FS de. THE MEETING WITH HIM binued. 1! ed on by pat lie ¢ i a ty RAW SKINS ih sve he ea ally News ssifie s. || CTORK roe Continued From mage One. ulions ! vhich they Ww i } ‘ i fl -———-- + ---— ible so fully to discuss th j 2 CENTS PER 7. IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken for Less than So ve ' ~ SFI ; ‘ } vad te 1 s of the jaffairs of the provir oday. | ee - Ott tt tt . " — hemsels le spoke of|Government ha en inst - wanves. ° FourD Or Pcs. WS i @) V A t ui DbeeNital in sé ne iz ; “ me thlished farther s ind of houses for these soldiers. N WA POUND at (arniva child Fash ee ‘ide j hy j = pet \ijthan forty houses had beer “ nm ¢ ; ’ Apply Daily New d > Ibe - E 4 } i rae Kili and the d here f the Ime : . tf 1 fillet q ey Chart Islands there aistien Act. ; : #9 \ ii ills Phie nister said Mr. Pattullo ¢ ’ " u itty a . 8p v * wy ” “ OOP OL OLE OLE Ee eo me = “s ‘ : ‘ wa uy tine ind showed 80.0 , s a Ph ‘ 9 ops of grain and fodder, and : . og 7 Pit j , ' a atheists tana ad . G. Gughton. e ne SER. eee tow pi aS Ao i. i y th j on that B. O. Ought f rn well adapted for dairying or a el us sen art s of ‘ ‘ mhton afoke of the ! an acy ee 1 Wakemes tien — ‘ Sack ng s y the present-Govern- || : ? ihe j s i ‘ | NITURI id livestock raising can still be ' row Piiane f si } a purchase md saved it for the city.| .. hd 1 I rey \nything had at prices averaging about “etice ef intention to Appty to Lease Lene | ve i ail b rom oO smarty nes and «a , . : , Ne n savs he did if The dads : os sie ' 1, Le Cla {8.00 an acre, with twenty ha : , STEEN § LONGHI peveme as 3% ering ‘ ‘ f : , ' 3! * > ~pe ‘ said vould move He thanked Mr > 1 = | er First years to pay if you wish. Only ; : . ; ves ad Wert ; r| | and z wer for!” . a a : ” ¥ i i 4 10 per cent down. No further : , Sheet Metal Wo 7 } courtes in ne“ ' ‘ ‘ : . ‘ ‘a _7 : .e oe ' ’ ‘ nent on the principal until + ‘ ; Oo speak of aft pla " ; “4 — ! = Th t suil - ‘ “ the end of the fourth year; then ; : Jack Kavanagh. - sixteen annual payments n . ; ee! ‘ +} ir Jack Kavanagh ' . ? et i I ta i he ‘ ag ‘ ' ; Va & i ‘ f Pring ‘ - ‘ ind Was ‘ “ua. when Land ° ; ; : Vancouver, B.C cial Legislation He accentuated the diffe Awe c. Pp. RR. Station, Va : tbe mn tween the business people ar ' i { a . neg EEN Stites ‘ m the er ng clus he <4 , ALI : : : - ‘ dine the |Tmentioned our ress : in sci - & mark et e ot The best way to have ~ ¢ 4} sbor burean |Jand seltlements He asked 1 . _ / 1 e os ; vht_} y in certain /@any people owned one of thes ‘ ‘ Market Prices } HAM ; ' iined why the /thimes The former speake had - _-—— ~ =. Se | al euet : , ' r i ' , ; ged the peed of populatidn. In) ye av on CEASE —Job print ghit—b day had n POF Af } Moats. f ; ! hough his Gey. | 4ancouver they would hang a plant, For t I b5e ' t (I d dP ed is pledged to do it if) "ho talked like that. The G D lee ee ep eT = 7 si tee : at », 25c to 28e Caned an ress : teen.‘ thnieeras jermment depresated the interests ur Beet pot roast, Ib, 260 | Wet is by our este sayone ta ithe. Gnar md industria? eas — Heel, chuck roast, th : a fs BA § ‘ ; eee trol of this country. fhe 4 as ‘ tee!, rib roast, lb. 35e and 3 ’ ; ' Pati team Pressing Machine | -*\ «st! soneated to Teh eee, cae Seed 7 Beef, boilisnt, ib 180 to age!” im ey Method. eee ee ees f i be ia { ‘ lasburg per ib 5c i 2a ; “TP the was control le yw the nierests . 8 ve Ae It only takes 15 minutes. : my elected by the | > : ’ ; ; wll , KO Stewing beef, per ib., 206 and 2 25e a .f . Ve wap hac me ‘ al? Our Price is e ‘ ne peopit r ' : rs od ‘ ned beef, per it 22 r Reasonable ! ‘ ! pensions mea-| *ieY ee. Sareea Ld a ! 500 % - ‘ i ; them and wher t wa found thers : Lamb ex, per Deg coeseres ‘ Bi Delivery is Prornpt been a dis ' I ii i ORR see ae a 50c ; : Give us a trial. Phone B slack 12 Phvis -_ aire nih as 4 has ! - eee pa they Z ; Sedna ut auaitions : > ; ae oe nea others an 2 60 ; e i“ ip - peante “ " 4 os » ty 28ni6 ? —— ) ' vag Kavanagh claimed the minimun A1.} ! f five Mutt n an Ih - ' ‘ : j j j mum wage ‘ Se ’ : LING TAILOR : : ee taking ad.iWase measure was ot enforred i P yw (Lee of mutton, Ib o " ; Fur ushed Roo 821, 82% 2nd Ave., Prince Rupert . xcept where there was an <« j 504 tg be Of MUON ...eeee oo aN ; ; ; : I ‘ men whe , ' , e . , ae ea ) id owt er tb 92% pated , ; k want 4 ¢yanization of workers The same veal shoulder roast, p ; 2 —— = _ , ae SS lll - a K ele hours a day ; ‘ as : POM SALI ‘ no Franklin Leg cf veal 300 and 46% ; lam an of sd | {tus es had work six-|Was true of the health act, After i} Red 0 | 41. er ib 2be ~~, ” ; jOMINIG! . « tii . nm ody rs all the things they heard, thers a 1A SAUKAEeS, PC 7 As 4 te 2 . 7 Si . ‘ omatlo SQUBBRE .....6666. e ta , Hotel Prince Rupert Sepanese Question. were 15,000 men in Vancouver VEGETABLES. ; iit ee er ae 62") 7a ' ie ia M hie evention of Japanese in. |!ooking fdr a job and could not — on Poti » echt nce ony Miaka gt, ss = XK 2780 ; . Pork chops. per tb 60 TIMBER GAL ‘s ; i EUROPEAN PLAN ding the mber camps was | find one, BOY ASHCROFT POTATORS ¢ ; ; as oh t pe n f by the minister, whe Skinned from Profits. inf winter supply from Na i oem oo a ‘tn Ce oe 1h ? maid a4 $1.60 per day and up. Wi this measure would be fought The pensions of whieh Pattull tional CGrrocery, Fulton Street eet Serenee See mers oso ate ‘ Te ema : ie the end spoke were part of the surplus Wain, SNCOD, cerca rece enens ae : ; ‘i FIRST-CLASS CAFE In regard to the department of Profits of the working class. ‘They FOR RENT Ham, emoked, 2s .scccosess ee : A La Carte, dustries whieh had been started|Wwere skinned from the surplu — - " Selt Dacks ..... ba ee ne ' pam. Seen z 2 a for the benefit of the returned | Profits. Their candidate had 10 RENT (anutortable rooms |Chieken, per ID., ..+.0+++++s a oe ne r os . : : : oars : Pe ee Ig oc ae ckxaaes HOC of tinbe soldiers there was no criticism |Mothing to do with Pattullo o hb 1 fo eon Near os pitihed macindind s “ Phone 555 827 2nd Avenue here, You do not dare to say Newton but with principles, There | pital, Wil and Green st, Pliekled pork, per Ib. ....... rn er, Vietorta tet ’ ie C.V. EVITT even if you are opposed to it," | Were millions of orphans, cripples Phone Black 515, Call between Cooked ham, sliced, per Ib., ou Hhupert, B. 4 4 oe he threw at the Reds. jand widows in the world broken and ® pum, Spare riba, per Ih ¢ 0900s 306 TIMBER SALE X 2736. WF . Auctioneer tar from the audience:|by a capitalistic war, This was! ote Hoast ham, per th. ........ 6b at Auditor and Accountant the system today. The ownership FOR WENT Phree-roomed mod-|Rologna, per th. .....+++++ 300 Bealed tenders will be receives | : E ; ern that unfurnished; use of \Jelfied tongue ...... Se to 60e | Me of Lands & . af Devel \ uilo tocause you are of the means of wealth production : Ninf . . s then now the nd aay one Ay as et was in the hands of one class and vo 8) Apply 240 Ninth Avenue igrojlers ........... fee 660 seein 1 14g.0d0 toes Of jar, spruce my 4 ee the others had to sell themselves ia est, aoe alates uf Calves liver, tb., _ seeeeee 40e Balsam, on ah On b etmateict. ” Cm: | nan toner af ‘ ; Ps OUsness for wages. The only solution of WO RENT One frpnt suite fur Cooked beef tongue, Th, .... She age. Dee 8. et be slluwed for | i { Means too much bile teft the problem was to take over the) picted Bt. Louis Rooms Dairy Produce. He eriner particulars Ce oie upert : A ' in the blood by @ deranged ©. jmeans of production, They had Phone Red 94. aa: Ruiter, pat IDs «css cschave ihe 0" Un, OF District Forester ; Dd liver, Or. Chase's K «Liver § ltheir choice on December 14 either) > - re ements jutter (cooking) per tb. .... cf (rill a vannouve a i 2 ; 7 i ike een “ee ; oe set the in i aad \ lto vole for the system that made BEDROOM FOR RENT, with use Cheese. en RO See s she TIMBER SALE X 2779. : secure 1 agency for Hiousness an eadaches dis-. | we Cenhana 1 rok of batt Apply 508 Fifth Ave » oy cheesé rib. >... 600 ; yy Une ee the best Cos! found in the interior 4 appeer. One pill @ dose. ; |widows and orphans and prosti j es ‘ " Re Limberger cheead, per tb | Sealed tenders will be re i oY * and can supply any quantity, 4 25c. a box, all dealers. i jtules, or for Burrough who stood eS Fk ile)" Pies (GOA) ain. vn 6 0 048 + ee iMinister of Lande fi oo yf becemby ce as bs , r . han noon on . . ; Prices on application to jfor a change of the system, ro LEY Theead.room tront aunts hb . fresh eggs (cane " 2 thay Boos o pur ha 7 a Live ~ erfa 9 : shonin hie ‘ Met ane | ink is eawtnee eee DOC) to cut 700,000 Tee ated 0 ur a Prince R Rupert Feed ¢ De Chas Bi. Louis Rooms, Phone Red 04, and Cedar, on an area Aitie d in* Oh i 0. | A. M. Bernhoff, Andrew Ander- 979 (Comb honey, ....6-+ + eee. MMO lrane, Mange 5, ¢ Rae Viowed for re Real Sateen ee, ea a en ne Ave. and tt Gt. |eon and EB. Olsen were this morn " ~~ (Buger, per Uh. ... cess eens 216 | oval of timber the Chief Foreste! KENNEY BR i, ne 66 Green 648 jing fined in the police court for PURNIRHED ADOMS FOR KI NI ‘read, per leet, ...+22s. ° ihe 7 purihor pert! ie oe i Forester, Prince \ ‘ ie ‘ ’ | C drunkenness, ¥i7 Becond Avenue, i lour (hard white Kupert, B. ¢ 50-Ib ek 84 or}