1 LYNCH SPEAKS BN cet! AT MASSET ON ———_ASSLESOF DAY ant Large Majo oe Expected fro The Aaya Bank coe of Canada Young Men and Young Women have great opportunities to-day. make and te Now ‘ ft ' a taital and Reserves $33,000,000 |eal Resources $589,122,317 We have now on hand 1000 Tons ) Welinglon Goal 1000 Tons ni x 116, 564, Blue 69 | Albert & McCaffery — t Central New location Helgerson TAXI »..tec*. = ——— : Phone 139 Huntle ey Tate. | ony | KINDLING WOOD Rove I enee PPO OOOO DODD EOL PO DD te ARTAG E. LTD. F Parker, Mer PAC IFIC Phone SPL PO OL OO LOLOL LA ODED OL | Fi G. GRAY Teacher of Piano bree orl PHONE pi | FAREWELL DANCE FOR COUPLE WHO WILL BE MARRIED IN MORNING lie Hill and Arthur Kenny sts of Hono n De Luxe Hall s Wo! are Gue inte eee Bete tee | When all is said sone €Mm ail iS Sal | an One-=-=- i When the last impassioned words of oratory flung from the rostrum ceased to echo from the walls of meeting-house and hall---when all cri- ; ticism of the present Liberal administration has { been made---when ali promises of the opposition candidates have been solemnly avowed--- ‘ _ You cannot overcome — ' nor deny the solid fact that--- 3 THE OLIVER GOVERNMENT has given British Columbia four years of the safest, sanest, most ITE DRIVING hes: — administration the Province THREE WEEKS i | a tt Toe it will hej hest interest | = { Will De in your best interests -| fo Vote for all the ore . . | Liberal Candidates December Ist gestae! | WHAPS SILVERSIDES BROS et a IN A EXPERT SIGN WRITING AND CARD WORK, 7% oe | [NAME ra i ms Wi i SA iD WHA TWE THOUGH? ya a> =: i ot. WE DONT~ = = ‘af Beg o 0 On VIP MY DEAR- you Look SIMPLY SPLENDD- U ~ 26 GROW I A “TRIFLE PLUMP WHEN ‘You LEFT i Gut Youve {: | WAS ALMOST Wort DIED ABOUT [r, “THINNED DOWN - MUST Wave WEIGHED ALMosr '70 BEFORE MOU LEFT ~Il/ BEAUTIFULLY — COOODNESS, You ah ia mali