i ' 1 a ¥ i. % ‘i i ca wie. a j = TITE DAILY Ntws “«ge 8 ? got ' SA, AS cc ST Be ee) es ee ee oe om a en mae es | THE DAILY NEWS ANIMALS. | 24° Faia EE ALL ABOUT -j am a5 PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA AND “HUMANS” i vy Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News NO] NECESSARY ( Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. From | nema . gest ‘Top fi . the Day ; ; a iid aan / H. F. PULLEN, MANAGING EDITOR. ue it 4 a to Her icailh littl canalvitliestiiinaeenaeiaianla iil lil —_________' “Frult-a-tives” Restored fe aaa SUBSCRIPTION RATES: To Perfect Health \ rt City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per MOE as 0:4 « oka oad) 4.08 ch : WW} By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, 158 Parrwrav Ave., Monraman. he ' in advance, per Year ... 2. ccc cece e eee eesesaceesenees $6.00. “For three years, / swfered great To all other countries, in advance, per year ......... ... $7.50.) pots im the lower part of my body, 4 a ciametuemabomae with swelling or bloating. I saw a — SMOKING TOBACCO TELEPHONE 928. specialist whe said I must uadergo ¥ ty % . ‘ —— an operation. I refused ~ % ab " “- Hanes an fia e > ve . , Transient Disp'sy Advertising $1.25 per inch each insertion Pel heard about" Fruit-a-tives” so "eerste 4 /ATter J ars of domination Transient advertising on mL PAPO .. sas ites 2.00 per inch.) “¢tded fo try +. tae Q F ‘eatin nen rt as oo) ere ve ay rs rhe first box gave great relief; and . ’ Still Canada’s oes ; Local Readers, per insertion, ......ceeeeeeees 25c, per line hes re : " | Das” fle ° iF Classified advertising, per insertion, ........... 2c. per word. ote rn a p oo , ayy! , = cath 18 excelent am ree © ‘ \ ) Legal Notices, each insertion, ...... iSc. per agate line Se a ype ae oO i Ka Ml ' ~ Contract Rates on Ay atication. paia—aud i give Fruit-a-lives” my i tia det py ; : : ay warmest thanks”. “ \y Oo wt ”) | All advertising should be in the Daily News Office on day pre Mme. F. GAREAU y “ above? } ~~ ' . Sate c } Cc . ceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval 50e. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 2e, as The Atall dealers or sent postpaid by oe. a | DAILY EDITION, we Vhursday, Der. 2, 1920 _Freit-e-tives Limited, Ottewa, \ San Fra EZ f Od ‘ Glorious Victor; : SUITCASES th . " 4 c ai ( CH NN Y ir anaiaine TRUNKS jen” LD seu { was a glorions victor So fa © ¢ e see siberajism ade It v é vi \ . } in be n Li = San = Me FEET has triumphe The north went solid for the big Libera cnn HANDBAGS Nich —— oe — 2d and as a res the influe of the orth whl be great in the ici x : a = a Giovernme } ext ew ve . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL h “eee we @eeeee eee H ak & Alex. M. Manson have both justified Cee er \ Al. SOMEDULE e an themselves in the eves of the electors and w have cypear i, MAGUIRE . 2 Pee eeseececeeeeoeves ees to earrv on. Perry wrested Prince George fram the Conserv hi For the East 1] ; AY ; i 722 Second Ave., Prince Rupert ill ' Mondava. WV nesdayse and Sat \ z t ‘ - 4} j The m sie wis vy his ess tude BIL S ccsnsemmcaniemantines - . anemia e ™ ” i Ah \\ l sland on pub yuestions ‘ great impressi nth #! N° ae ee eee eee eee ee ee From the East. se ee north and his influence was powe i winning dhe seats * PRINCE RUPERT TIDES * Sundae Poeesduy nd Thurs lt must rnvt he forgotter ther hat “John Oliver was the *@##@#@#e@t@eeeeeeraces eS i QUALITY magnet that attracted many rhe people nost ces W Thursday, December 2. rh ; sD : ee : . valk 6:42 an ia5 f * For Vancouver and South ' inspired by the gli e has » fo good wove ie 18:50 p.1 is | ; in this prov ‘ w I stand by him ' . ‘ i Ree eer eee i thas inl Eee | r. Bayne smalle: ins é es S t i here r t} vas Friday, December 3 . j ae a amelie ' , 2 7 i ' I OFFICE Hot te Pai mlaN tase cit ; Se oe ‘ x From Vancouver and South Soreing, 9 Ic Merness, 1.30 te § ' tags, 9 te 12 oy ‘ ‘ - fy rt t f ft rer The Thing to Do 14:06) ‘ \ . 6 ns Is Work Together. ‘ The time used is Pa stan | Dental Nurse in attendance The thing do now is get b We ! e had x! dard, for the 120th Meridian weet I ' Phone 109 { ry oat _ asa are i . | a : it te soemied from 6 to 26 hours . . . pone iV¥ iOf appo , Libera!s The \ . - + from midnight to midnight For Anyox and Alice Arm Rox 18 4 5.6 He rerTson Blk Cor. 3 and 6th opposed oom oLie B i ! The table given is for Port Le 10 4 a r ; NY What the people ask is for consistent progress. Steady better-|simpson but the time for Prince ' Best Equipped Office in Northern B.C ment of conditions KR legisiatl s tl gon Now Rupert varies only a few minutes a there will he an opport iv for the Liberals to carry their on some days and on otbers is ‘ From O&nyoxr and Alice Arm Nes work, with a sn majo rhaps, b will # ih the same. The range of the tide : them to make good nay be computed as & per cent day. p P In th wrth great things should happen hin i years. greater at Prince Rupert than at 7 a 7 The future is ours. We e made a-good beg g. The people Port Simpson both at springs and| } ; For Port Simpson, Arrandals, Mil! di N | R i jay eee a el aces Ee ts monks Corres eke ee eens ai) Pen Te RO Lit, Ged cataee aaeaeanaens Canadian National Railways. and seon they will be looking even farther north to the valleys Prince Rupert harbor is slightly j in Prince Rupert Qs ie pm of the Naas aud the Peace. Farmers will til he soil, miners greater than Port Simpson. % et es ee ee ‘1 5 will delve into the bowels of the earth. and the rivers will give The height is in feet and tenths December 2, 1910 aa S. 8 PRINCE GEORGE of their fish and the timber will be sawn into mber or gro ! of feet above the average level of ~ From t. Simpson, Arrandale, Mil! SAIL! into paper. The norfwis pregnant with possib es. Every man |jower low water. ’ ! Say, Wales Istand and Naas River Midnight Thursday ‘ Swat j and woman should be proud of the prospect. edidecinahamatisnieestionesteettlion ae icaeiiigarenangst sigeneeaibians 5 i a I em a ‘ MINERAL ACT y pan Wednesday 10 p.m Why be a Red ss "PRINCE JOHN With Such an Outlook? Certificate of improvements. ry Queen Charlotte isiands Ocean Falls. Beaver Cote and Vancouver, Sunday 9p. ™ Why should there be Reds in count ke this? In the . ; For Masect Clements an‘ SS PRINCE ALBERT effete east under rowder miditions., <« easy to ers Mm fT gn i ™ 1 , . a how the mes ye whe bye ( 1@ ASN : f per CUM N a pper Or betler opperti es hi i \ 1w j . ° essiar t a t K 1 ct Wi g g I XZ K ' Alice Arm. } r » Mans ’ nents and TRAIN SERVICE .717:158 am ind make eg | } t Ne ¢ y ‘ al E 4 a a 14) "pper I Monday, Wednesday and Saturday at new S are f 0 low ew ry - ee ee ae ° = nmsailing ike. pooepecion. Work la the key that amlacks the|, mrt, at o-aeme Mr Ja a chest I holds me § i > i ' ! ni v ie - , sty Miners ¢ ; ae . Reisdeu er Charlott Agency All Ocean Steamship I ines 4 2 2 . i . drinking beer H not get us anvwhere imine ¥ the 40698 fitend, sixty days , @ Lower ‘ ' rea ed re “ oe . Pee - 2 eh wh D t = = “s date hereof = apply ne na BD , Oty Ticket Offce, #26 Third Avenue Phen? 260 CAPNAHSUE SYSEM w uot make for advancement Ph grad gk heecorder for a Certincate of im \ Mel improvement of conditions, the energetic development of the ements, for the purpese of obtaining j } ; ! country and Ahe determination to make the best of one’s ow « Crown Grant of the above claims ‘ 1 Istnod pomts diiiiai aaeaeeiiil life is the only salwation of the co trv Let us rget our pett An rth take notice that ur \ ler section ® must be ADMmenced before Ness 10 AMO BB1ES ind ge O WOTK. Phere 5 p lo ¢ suance of such Certificate of impreve ! } pine we For ukagway end the Yukon 1C RAILWAY Dated tr 6th day of November, 192 \ vi y ' I ' CANADIAN Dr OS MA VIR Be as From Skagway and Yukon. CANADIAN PACIFIC OOEAN SERVICES wa e # E p Dek eae we ¢ , , , vices _— C. Third 4 : B.C. Coast Steamship Ser DI -(NTIST. TIMBER SALE X 2219. K ul ————— - flewart, Maole Bay and Swamp Sealed tenders will be eceived by the ° ° a “tf CE ud of Lands at "Victorie "hot iater | sa Point $$. PRINCESS BEATRI a eats d S h O38 rte sa lee oe For Ketchikan, Juneau Skagway, Alaska ’ Rooms 7 and 8 Smith Block oct rt or “ans ar Metabitinn, “Senses cecomter 19 ond 27 an el ‘ d ar adjoinin oO ' upe —_— pv Lady Assistant Open Evenings ae 7p, dames Inland, Kane 3, South} . . from Prince Rupert Office Hours: Sunday by : ars will be allowed for re For Vancouver, Victoria and Seaitie trom : Boval hiber ’ January 1 9-12; 1-6; 7-9. Phone 575 Appointment Further particviars of the Chief Forester J. P. Met Docember 4 and 18 ‘ hupert. B. ree anUanE, FOSEEST ES day 8 TIMBER SALE X 2768. Becog pre ee i I pla iif For rate. rerervations and *@ Li ae TIMBER SALE xX 1037. r “ i ‘ k w.c ORCHARD General Age B.C Seated tenders ai a esti : ‘ ae Prince Rupert, © seielater oo ens a Poe ei 7 ws * ee , f Cor 3rd Avenue and 4th Street estholme Lunch | 2°) 288 Se V2 for the purehase of Licence K 1037 lleg libel ihat Met arse t t 2,080, feet of Ssicam ees oo ' : ; SS Se area ac nin ‘uip ierree i tipe Lownnsi Under New Management ot non Cove Mussel Imie t 1 Havct - rer f : ener e 4 wet t jet as bootlesgers risks — ALL WHITE HELP ; Three 2 pears will be allowed for re hos . and fourflushers Z Hoval of timber Further particulars of the Chief Porester, soveripetieman ; . Mon toria i 7 or District D soontee Primes WATER NOTICE i ORD upert, |B. ¢ ; 7 O Westholme Special ur 8c ____ | HYDRAULICING IN nIvERON AND OM E TIMBER SALE x 2324. ate hans Children > ; : ca > alow Apron: Three Course Meal - from 45c up PE PANES SILVER CREEK ALASKA ose alee Se Ladies’ Skirts, Bung a oe Minister of Lands not later than noon on facut ‘ Clothes and all kinds of . the 9th day of December, 1920, for the wn ee - —- — = purchase of Licence X 9924, to cut &860 - JUNEAU, Dee, 1 Hydraulic i ' ¥ 000 feet of spruce, Cedar and Hemlock GD) gy 4 ja yy will bed ine ° an afea adjoining Lot 1936, Selwyn Iniet, 5 aig? er ' © Genie be ai j ( f. ¥ 1 a oo, will be allowed {4 re on prope ty on Bilver Creel ! ' mm 1SS : rt B.C ’ SILVERSIDES BROS moval of thnber ; ae inthe Windham Bay district. Thi diner i, @ sed for i Prince Rupert, wer ther partic ulers of the Chief Forester, | ji. according to F. P. Gook and bh Me ALLE PUMP Cone pen the escribed Third Avenue means practical men to advise you, and guar- aor or District Fovestar, Femes a ai “ ae poate e ground o antee everything you buy. tupert, BC i vag son, N. B. Cook, who returned t« pone ony rt ere und ,~- : WALLPAPERS, GLASS, PAINTS, TIMBER SALE X 2740. reesei a HI tte and A apblicaton, pursued Winsor & Newton Art Supplies, and |i son have over a mile of 4 " flier of the Water Recorder to & ealed tenders will be scolved by the . 1 j ' -_ tan . IN A EXPERT SIGN WRITING AND Minister of “tans at Victoria, not tater | Pike property on Rilvgr 4 * Fe ele Si ueetie nai i Chartered Aceeriver, BC mn neon OF “ $00 yee ar, | 4 ave been wo wm hicres file ' 1 ier Keoorder a i ’ the CARD WORK, 1920, for the purchases of Ldaehen