eee Page & '!PRINCE RUPERT oe mae Pm ea IR THE DAILY FWWE BRINGING UP FATHER ‘a . pare Labor Council, en aS RT ) om MAGGIE - ‘ NO- DON'T] | 1 SHOULD | YOU STAY RIGHT H mf | Ort? HOW oO. B. U. KIN 140 YOU EVEr aN 100 re f . 1 DO YOU |} OUT FER 989 Fe sick [| 1M GIT TIN a : ; * 4 | TOBE AN ALUTEE) tg | BBY [OF ASKING T | TSVAcIO ve | WHILE! ao & FROM fe ry will be held in ti Us il 0.B.U. Hai Mcintyre Building , Commencing 9% p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 1 — , Proceeds to be donated Children’s Christmas rea Admission - - - 50c Auspices Womer Aux ALL INVITED. Lpalaaisuslasas > SENSATION ’ which x ~~ creer tae an ee = Your ay it } ’ / ae eee ge ~~ a ro) oa = ca {kat AL greed. with . 5 EEE Syn W SKINS | cn 3 | ww i ar 7 | | MURDER CASE cichuncean ally INews Liassiie ds YTORK : ‘ : mw ‘ ' ! i j f 7 } ‘ e wit ! a - ‘ " § RS F hi ‘ri . _ was : i } 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken ‘or Lees than Six f \ SEL] TT elder ' byt . j , BE em a Or a a Rn ee rn ry x NGLAND eH - sal WankTED FOoURO “fee b4/ i () V EI ‘ ; y be y M or ‘ hat ce ! j ; ; Trial of South Wales Lawyer is \aj\y) P dinenae of ba : ’ i NI 4 Ca ‘ hild’s Fish. ee — Followed . , ith y Dail ewe ’ Sy Sehete Country The Weed-Killer Story pe. Apply Daily New ’ C with Interest Cin Racténtins : 1948 “ 5 i uf vd ts, # ed Greenwood ained a ' i N : t SUSPICIONS ARE ree ns eo VANTED 1 shed _ music tt ; QUITE GROUNDLESS oie a ae Sr ee BATLI feacher of M 2 sah oe asa ils a Ja . : mn) " § tan Married Again Within Th Phat was signal f — Ongar Theory of : + Wan Marrie gain i n ree . M | Mail re as is ! suspic y ns : re shor al i ; Months of Wife's Death and aR ie ied | a ene Sane Lila ‘ 15 4th A : i i x 3 Arsenic is Found ie “a ci _ q “ ee ae rai page a t ACCOUNTAN aa. H ih | Made up into : el ine his wife eee . i rec otor nano . me ex ‘ ! ary . . . a : o we 4 Ji } RUGS, LADIFS SCARVES. FTC. Ca gk a widew EAPERARLIENCHA ACOOUNTANT * i . # ‘ vr j x manths had he h . > eet afi” riaf;©i ware st ¥ s t.bif f wor ; pa ‘ P D. C. TAIT wood, ie tt a “hole or” part time. Fe . . [ ne } 1116 Broadway, Vanconver, B.C. 3 — E , ; aheliaia ck - Advertise ‘ FoF ee 2 b ; ob: eels ghee . MISCELLANEOUS = memsaae ! 1G won : ' 2 KS RESILVERED—M een Seat rr any “ “ _ B H - if mm : FOR SALE Ce . vemente TOM LEE ( | | How Are re aa a ee M LEE 7 s s ss : amd SALI ii - LODGE MEETINGS i. } ue hieh : ; . li W k ? would hold } snes ODGE 1051 LOYAL ORDER OF VEGETABLES v, I ved . M merits every Tharsds ' / | S or S! : : "re a f grow rhe runeh ' st the De Luxe Hs , Wihateenlo and Teta ae | o : recaied that the \ i j t 2 ; far Ete h ‘ A N e was ; ‘ hen buyin ac oa ee FARMS FOR SALE a1 rt } and if long, satisfactory service ts “consistent, not only will : . i r en : eer te eee aoe Geen I OTe Aisation Wht wit.» Pr. Tt. FARM LANDS.—The rich ' art ’ at th ir ries *T Ss 5 4 eo, i i NAL eins atte winked " poisoning 1 was 1 a sai ial praici of Alberta, Saskatche- ’ : i are nade spéciall w in Switze : Ae ifrouy. thet t ‘ g j ; a Caille Perfe ; wan and Manitoba are especial- nner corore and, an ré fully guaranteed ' pounded murder had been con tted i 3 ‘ suited for mixed farming i | fi ‘ was I ® acce@unt F ; Land th ; the inotive @aa ther te i” ag Phot er am mat will produce hig en ee ee tb Let ns send yon particulars of s a substan! Even before hia ser d —- be ps of grain and fodder, and _ a ee hen you are considering and ; e { . " Mr. Greenwead had been Greant ! ib FI NITURI ] well adapted for dairying or mt I th “ee th ; p by the village gossiy mule vestock raising can Still be wotice of tntention to Apply te Lease Lena Day Phone 5 p. . ! St ake as eed te cntnn had beni » Le Claire had at prices averaging about) 4. voce cnagein " ; COW 0 Will RY ¢ y discovered | coupled with the names of the en First $15.00 an agra, with twenty |neewane Sei cooeate ee oS ; Lbs ENG uN i, heir case ie gy hee wan ' 6 ' : ss - years to pay if you wish. Only |. 4 { F — : teat hie Works rh z te ie niet cole tf 10 per cent down. No further 5 " ; ye Local Gossip ? ; mat ; bl ’ "fas “ b ‘ iyment on the principal unti n ? a \ au m as vie bition bt id of the fourth year: then ; $s y and 4 | ; lement rhe ; cd : * er ane 1 payments In : ; Heating Engineers * | Vancouver, B C F ssary 20) -ymors and ‘ ; * : ; hat Vrite to H. G. Loughran. I ; ; Ree ee es ee _— a shand ; } Stat Var | ee OOOO OE OOO LOL LOLOIOT a ‘ ANG Mr. Greet rd : i \\ waver ’ “ The best way t& ‘ ” hare ud x i or z 7 ; : A idwe fi aaa em ee a H MUS : CF “ DAN CES smal ‘ : ai ij ‘ . x 4 : ourSuit ea Lining at wae, tie | | Market Prices | IC for wn beginning to end f 5 aeehnnel : : a village POR SAI i LBRASI Job print To er ee er ee et ee we oe fe CI 4 | P j ied. enomet. The ciaains : P nnd plant. For Monts. ART . ull * I il of t foll , eaned and Presse snok mnseis| to Spell of Se y Daily News r Be ANl T HUI me is by our { f actively inj” : eregidiyaente een ; 3 office tf pot ist, Ib., 25e to 28e ‘ f Pied . e aflairs of s social hierarchy |"@'™ed and a quarter f 7 7 ' r at, il } r Pipe } PneciTd ae po co : ; on ; jue srt re tire vestra s e, Steam Pressing Machine f icar and the * pee n i was found in bh heeft, rib roast, ib Nhe and me Fou Ie “ts Method. } From th the Crown experts i . \ cs v } fe to ‘ i ti 1a wrx ' € . ag It only takes 15 minutes. i j that during |'°"TCd that there must | ’ ? burg per tb ° T Ovr Price is veur of thei L l®ast ty grair n hi f x ts a kage eggyor ee af, ; ’ tj f Reasonable eenwoods were e death Al iy ' ; a } . agentes on a ae Delivery is Prompt und that | eld he ihe ball «oy ibe , i oe ee ” “wy 2 i _ - Give us atrial. Phone B) h2 Mi z . IMrs. Greenwood j , ' _ a ve poccreee et seeneee ; id swas ’ i ¥ ' in har oooneeee a mushand'’s mils we huradees at “ on tewing ; ; } () k EK + &; LING TAILOR , M ‘ ith, the) {fom Rumsey Hous ‘on ¢ } I f | ' bro Pi } 6c 1 Be i; ; ———— ae 821, 823 2nd Ave., Prince Rupert } way, that second day the ne Jaane ‘ TL I} ki f mutton, tb. at ; } ? ER oc y rhb the har- it 1920 (the first anniver ry of Ib ' tf f mutt ‘ § hee ? Furnished : A) oni ala Mrs.| Mrs. Greenwood's death) th: . ; ler g t, per I 42x ; ' 5 sweet ie a a re RO} ' = : : ider is ” . an ; 1 ” tleworman, ' ne : : ) i See adie ae Leg of veal S0c and 4% i ; cial Uta Pie . i ' nd good works, (@urder against Harold Greer © nea __." |pigin sausages, per Ib 2h ~ ; Dominion LIVLv , 4 oie rince vupert nh th private income of wood, who was at once arrested VEGETABLES lomato eu age ite ; , ; ; F 00 a year she assisted in the| Phe jury, acting mainly wpor hes f — . } ee : f neve oO rT ar r | ' ; [ ~ , ml EUROPEAN PLAN he home, She a tb a Jor-inaid, were |BUY ASHCROFT POTATOES for |) hops, per tb 60 TIMBER SALE X 2780. " $1.b0 per day end up. ‘ lelicate hes h, had a weak pinto lat the wine taker yout ter supply from Na Pork. shoulder ; At j hy ndered he ‘ , at luncheon had been used i 71 i her lable to , ' ‘ i very, Fulton Street Bacon, sliced, per Ib 7 he . onrceer FIRST-CLASS CAFE ' rm nd bad a fibrous a oo. or ae eri e the eit ide cas Reo ase Os eeneeenee —= A La Carte. ; ee OES. ca eee ee FOR RENT RE ay 601 na \ oan een re en rN ee ere i e. wearing which followed, the fam pe a —e — Batt DAGMS..s dase deens 644608 abe ' : Ca eful Piano Tuning we i) lus June 16, 1949, the ily doctor said he had given his TO HIN Comfo i rar i j per I 6f . ’ Haleat ? = Pia were Cero tp ; iv } ¥ 1 Fi t . t { f » ‘ 7 ; oF o 7” yoe * , " ue , f : 4 e POPOSLOO LISD DO OCPD. eee nini down to a lunch pf) Patien wo morphia pills on the with ra ' ner N; . tim : Phone 655 827 2nd Avenue ; » here sherry pie and /Might of her illness, That stats he j j na a, en a ms yes yo : ee tb et 4 ' rt the Ob : { Fre , i . ; : é ed pork, per lb, ....... € ' r . ens C. V. EVITT , ard Wine was placed upon — wis carefully noted by the Phone B k 515. Call betw Cooked ham ong ed, per ib., 85e : , a fo bb ’ ; z Slade Stevens : nd, as was her habit, }Cehence. | ai ” a = ono. B Auctioneer : ! Spare ribs, per tb, ......-. abe } p.Q, Bor $ I eenwood partook of it. Phe ecensed man lay im Car ' pt ‘' . : R SALE X 2736 Phone } Auditor and Accountant $/Laier in the day she became ‘ij(marthen gaol for four months FOR RENT —Three-roomed mod o . t ham, pe c (asa 4 arckeaiave Bhi TIMBER SAL 1 eamnenengeer nn : Eee at ‘ ; jologna, per be*44 00am 400 tenders wilt be recetved by ysna and complained that the goose-|@Waiting his trial at the Winter . at, unfurnished; use of 7 . : we, ut Viet n ~— = A 88iZ0% before Mr. Justice Bhear bath Apply 210 Ninth Avenue Jellied tongue ..-..- BOE to hy om on 7 1 da) mm ” ; A GOOD TRADE W ITH Pari lman and a jury. a aati ai W os if PRN i ia, oss a ae H0e 1ve0 for. she m rebase (1 bar - x 9700, TEI a “PosITiON 2, istayed on af Humeey H th hax er oe Calves liver, ID, ssescerees 406 | Haisan nan afea situated on Sheep 1S GUAR AN . Parify r , Ouse WITT) RENT (one ffont suite fur.|Cooked beef tengue, Ih, Bhe|reee. Nange 8, Coast Pistrint for re : o her stepchildren and paid almost one (ft var wi he allowed é Whee ehalia 4 ; , ' ' nished mf Louis Kheome Dairy Produce. moval of tinner iy pogiiiias work ° ‘ ¢ Only the ki sone purity the 8 t RILS oO ner it mind, PI ne hed 4. R41 | Butter pet ib Ohels Purthber partioutar of the € ie A 1 ioe & dne 5 é 5 ‘ ’ r seeeee ' if or Distriet Forester, Vriuniet ; woned © blood, and Dr. Cha | on ’ Butte: oa ° oe ny part r - : ao's vy: ; PEOPLE WENT CRAZY BEDROOM FOR RENT, with use| te * ag) per tb. 606 _—_____—— nk m 8 Ww 2 Liver Pill e have secured the agency for % Liver Pills arouse the kidneys to e | f ‘ ' Cheese, per ID seecereees 45e TIMBER SALE x 2779. , . the best Cov! foundin the interior % healthful action. One piliadose. o : : 0 i Apply 508 Fifth Ave Limberger cheese, per I> ati 4 and can supply any quantity, © 25c. @ box, all dealers. é CORK, Dee, 1.—The night ex-| East 80 be. . : fa |.. Sealed tenders will bet py the is Frides on application to % é plosions and contflagrations have 4 ° i i ane i tea ya cee 9 1 san prelate abs ncagt Ale eee BOG) winistor of Land oe at ember a 4 er.roo "ont « , , A > ’ ) tan neon on 7 wy 7 7 Prince Rupert Feed Co. Dr. Chas jeant enany ef the iohghitents of] gi, rhesetocm Sront suite, 1, ~. Seek mney een 4.10/53 aa penmae hasenge 8 Terrace, ‘ ; i e lthis city to the insane asylum » vou Ooms mone eau - (eee eee eneeeees le ous 10) 908 fee a perme Soar Te! ) h Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th Bt c ; ove Meee Names oi éccscsddnwen Bec (ene “east. an an pistriet d ae ‘ - ae ak Ie c oe linwea ; | Estate et ‘4 Phone 58 Green 548 a : Ree aa ES Bae ee os cn aneneeue B40). the 47). years wih ee mae os. & © S &* 0 ‘omar china for your Xmar gift FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. |Hread, per loaf, oo. .600 06 1he Pieter particidars of the chief | gat f KENNEY Bee ip jal Tite's, 45 per cent discount, tf) 947 md Avenue, 80/1 lour (hurd white, 60-lb sk 84.00 ett “ ig -' a