Only ee TRAIL oe, but a beautiful skin is poss sible oniy when the liver ot kidneys are active, and the bowels tunctionate poverty The secret of beauty as well as of h aith to maintain periect Cif restion and elimunat helj to preserve beauty and maintain health, because they influence liver, kidne skin and stomach to fynctionate in harmony and effics Worth a Guinea a box. Sold everywhere i (armada is bores, 25c., 50c. —_—_ ———— a 705 Branches 1820 1469 The Royal Bank ol Canada tqung Men and Young Women have oreat opportunities to-day. Ne , e fT (teidaeemamemnnastenenininatiniaimatiiian bam Reserves $33,000,090 $589,122,317 We have now on hand 1000 Tons Hellington Coal 1000 Tons tdson Coal * Abert & McCay DRY KINDLING WOOD in Stov e one PAC IFIC ¢ ARTAGE, LTD. E. Parker, Mgr A. 6.6 RAY ond Avenue PHONE Blue 421 or 444 ee ee a The Man in the Moon | / SAYS: } | os TO BREAK UP SUBMARINES Craft Formeriy at Es- Broken Up + ‘ Two Biuf mait to be EPIDEMIC OF COLDS SWEEPING CANADA Question as to Whether Disease is Contagious Being Discussed e HANDED OUT FEW BOUQUETS Minister of Lands Thanked Work- Others Who Had Him Once ers ac Elected More wr TQ COMMAND THE S ) vv DMTATIC EAMER ARMENTIERES -_ id lee PETAINS PEOPLE'S CONFIDENCE o SRE. xX 2 le le SAR oS emer me ie: i Rem et A EE RAT AR PS dt at AS rye VAICY Paws Price Reductions Very few manufacturers have reduced yet, and the reductions are Still we believe that in a few months time they all will, and for this reason we are lowering prices This is not a SALE. but a permanent price reduction on all lines. Ws: very small. fram 20 per cent. to 35 per cent. Our stock is up-to-date, nc Old Styles or Job Lot Goois. gambling on the future. BRYANT COMPANY LTD. The Clothes Shop for Men = DETAILED We have always bought goods of quality and roe ation; they are cheapest in the end. Cut out this Ad., bring it to our store Friday Morning, and see for yourself. Shirts Arrow Brand and W. T. & R. Negligee shirts New price $3.00 no tax. New Price $4.00 hrerow Brand Siik Shirts Now $10.00 shirts fli Jaeger Foduced 20 per cent. & teoevy Aannel shirts grey new price $6.00 Military flanne! shirts ' ; Now $4.00 He y mackinaw — $10.00 Hosiery Silk Hose ;): mt SiN a pair now . $4 50. Liste Mose a! *1.50 now $1.25 Fo ey 75c RAO wend 50c j . 35e Ail Jaeger wool hose wa- ; ROW. 64%s . $1.25 a ne black bhed wool, ( now 75 cents. Hats Stet» Knox and Broe aa reduced to $7.00 no tax. t e Was Ul now $5.00. Cloth Anew Brand Collars hie 250 each. Sweaters All Sweaters and Sweater Coats Reduced 20 per cent. Overcoats ‘HR me “ o hy tue ¥ ar ag New Price $57.50 and $62.50. Rain Coats en 5 Suits, Extra Special rough and ish, sizes 35 to 42, heen 845.00 now $25.00. Sry Hes, 20th Century Hand Tailored Suits blue and g est clothing you ean imry. id price $70.00, $75.00 and Reduced to $60.00. these, they ate rey serges SO 00 au ay aan Suits a! ) =55.00 reduced to $45, noe tax ma this price. v Cans eae rl) «=6(Goope caps Reduced from 50 cents to $1.00 each. Lair «f ns L\Li new shapes ne stock ; Ovens and Goves:- i cease few oe em é ki + bib sshonsl “oo Sieh Mackinaw Coats 4 now $2.75 0 now $30. Hie heavy ‘ ° Neck-W ear "ae Opt ekte pat “ ‘ All lines of Ties reduced ‘ 27 5 s 7 i $18.00 to 4 reduced about 20 from 58c. to $1.00 each. HOw $22.50 each. 5 now ........ $1450 7 ‘ ALi LINES OF UNDERWEAR REDUCED ESA i.” Were HOLDING BACK © COMPLIMENT INFORMATION mperial Oil Co. Charged With Alex. Minimizing importance of Oi! Find. FOR MURRAY Manson Tells Smithers of Clean Fight in Omineca Constituency. NEN AZELTON, Dee. 2 6 } f th y ~ M ‘ « . M - Ml i ia } Kelly M ays ‘ ] kwa is I i Ss per- il p = it & i d ce i » ha ecemed Alex ! ex] a8 he ea ' ' ‘ gl i iv Cay i said that he did ne his DIk Majority u town, Manse expressed appre- h solid north ! he f tha h rat | i started ; vea would \ ‘ iZ er I sis Prawn fou rorth 7 s and ON n ni Royal AutoService Prompt Serv ricd Day and Night First Class Cars ERNIE LARGE Proprietor WAR —= COW BAY ELECTRIC & MARINE SUPPLY CO. ELECTRI CAL AND MARINE SUPPLIES, representing Canadian Fairbanks Co, Ltd. C. O. Crude Oil Marine Engines from 30 to 250 hp. 8-10 H. P. Heavy Duty Distilie ate Engines, All the I Electric Lighting Plants atest Improver Come and let us give you a practical demonstration. WHERE HE TRIE HER THINK HE Gor tr SVEN HE. COvurRTED HER - . ~O 4 V TO ae ANO \W/HAT HE KANTED HER TO IMAGINE HE HAD ¢4 “TO GO THROUGH TO ROUNP a 9 iy UP , AFTER — ¢d QO « 3 ‘Oo 9 © ‘ a RS