en ee eae uae ins ata ocon eme a EN = =e cs 4 t - v a z ie Sleek = ee a, THE DAILY NEws PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue, H. F. PULLEN, MANAGING EDITOR. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by carmer or Mail, “POP MOU 4.<.4.0,8:0000 $1.00 By mail to all parts of the British Enypire and the United States in ADVANCE, POT VEAT 2... cee eee eee ew eee eee e ee nenens 86.00 To all other countries, in advanve, per year .....6eeeees $7.50 TELEPHONE 98. Transient Display Advertising $1.25 per inch each insertion Transient advertising on front page .......... $2.00 per inch Local Reade ner iINSEPhion, ... sce eedenes 25c, per line Classified adi sing, per insertion, .-.e...+.ss 2c. per word Legal Notices, each insertion, idbc. per agate line Gontract Rates on Ay ohieation. aoa: Saturday, Dee. 4, 1920 DAILY EDITION. Take Interest in Civic Affairs. \pparet pecple ‘ ready beginning to take an teres in eivie affairs his is rood sign and indicates that there the yssibrtit Vv election With the i gol prees there ts kely to be more taken in bus x d with b ig w me the need far vi improveme . >be hoped th j peri ol sem wv tion is over are I great advancement! mav be seen t he nortl during the con gy venr There is possibilitw thal severa andidates may ‘ hy field Mr. Roe I ilrea wit ed himself, Phere all sorts of ! hi t Phe tin i on and tt as time wil e thinking of announcing themseives were dome se n ined hat the ratepayers may have chance to familiarize themselves with e situation. lt is understood fl M. P. MecCafferv has been re accept nomination, but he is busv man and dies not ke he idea of giving practically the whole of his time to civic affairs Before going so h he was rterviewed in regard to the n ter and, while he id ; ibsolutelw refuse, his consent was obtained. It is st hoped by many, especially by the busines men of the erty, tl NI MceCatlery w wecept the on They point to his previous term of office as one that w suecessful and beneti Effort to Capture MoMordie Trophy. An effort*ix to be made by dhe Prince Rupert Club to captur the McMordie billiard cup from the Wanderers Club, the est holders. While billiards have been popular in Ul ty here } been no effort made to play off ournamet! or the trophy. No howeve there ~ A re, al ot erest ! e gal he ry ment should prove erv interes g Another compet on ve p re ‘ e Tr { j is more generally interesting. The fa hat { ‘ - e com peting shows that there ts to be verv keenly contested series of games before the season is ove Two Parsons In Legisiature. Two clergymen have been elected to the Legislature They are Rev. Canon Hincheliffe and Rev. Thomas Meuzies. The mer is au Augilican and the latter Presbyteriar Both w connected with the overseas forces and will be keen om the im terests of the returned men. Until recently it was impossible for a clergyman to be elected to the Legislature or the House of Commons of Canada. The new election law gives them this right. It will be interesting to see how they use it. There have always been people who were afraid of having clergymen connected with the government of the country for fear that sectarianism might be enconrages With the advancement of education and the general broad ening of religious views among all classes and religious bodies there Goes not seem much d ger of trouble | s for the people to decide. If they wish te elect parsons they have a perfect gh to do so, just as much as thev have to elect professional g } if they so wish Few Changes Now in Political Lineup. There are likel to be few changes in the politic meup ~ a result of the absentee vote There are many candidates who are si ose to their rivals as to be endangered There is such a@ poss ty in Atlin, Cranbrook and Casio two of which Liberals are leading and the other Conservative It is safe assume that the Governmeut is returned to power and will have charge of. affairs for the next five e Dr.JOS. MAGUIRE DENTIST. Rooms 7 and 8 Smith Block Lady Assistant Phone 575 Open Evenings Sunday by Appointment Office Hours: 9-12; 1-6; 7-9. SAVED FROM LIFELONG MISERY And n Dangerous Operation, by Taking “FRUIT-A-TIVES” MAS. M. J. GORSE 89°S Union St., Vancouver, B.C, “T suffered with all the symptoms of Female Trouble, with chronic Con- stipation and constant Headaches. I had pains low down in the back and sides of thé body. I tried various remedies without relief, and then put myself under a doctor's care and he advised me to have an operation, I refused. Then, I started taking ‘Fruit-a tives’; and from the outset, I felt better, and this medicine has completely relieved me of all my misery and suffering. My weight was only 143 pounds and now it is 168 pounds. / am free of pein and headaches an! the terrible Constipation ; and what saved me from misery is the splendid fruit medicine, ‘Fruit-a-tives’.” MRS. M. J. GORSE. SOc. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25e. lealers or sent postpaid by ves Limited Ottawa, Ont. SUITCASES TRUNKS, HANDBAGS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL J. F. MAGUIRE T22 Second Ave., Rupert Oe rw eee wesw ween Prince FFP Pee Oe eee ee * PRINCE RUPERT TIDES * ‘ee eeaeeereaeeeen reer Saturday, December 4 9 10 riigt » ti of j 17.0 ft Law 00 au i ft {$:21 pim...7.3° fi Sunday, December 65. High, 9 i 19.7 feet 22:30 4 ' {7.1 feet Low, 3:15 a.n BS. fee tt t fort The time used Is Pactfic Stan lard, for the 120th Meridian wes it is counted from 0 to 24 hour from midnight to midnight The table given is fo Port Simpson but the time for Prine Nupert varies only a few minutes on some days and on others is he same. The range of the tide as ov Rupert nay be computed per cent greater at than at Port Simpson both at aprings and Therefore the rise in the Prince Kupert harbor is slighths greater than Port Simpson Phe height is in feet and tenths of feet above the average level! of lower low water, ™. i ro Prince neaps. ‘o> Pica TIMBER SALE X 2780. PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND Engineering Co., Limited. Operating---G.T.P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry{Dock Our Plant is Equipped to Handle Ali Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK Large and Smal! Vessels dry docked. Several boats may be docked at one time in one section of the Dry Dock. Engineers, Machinists, Boiler Makers, Blacksmiths, Founders, Pattern Makers, etc. We Solicit Your Enquiries P. O. Box 1713 Phones 43 and 385 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C, 1 ie ‘ie t ' ib ' ' t ‘ tha ' f 1 t 4 ihe 1 u i "4 Li : ; nea an ! Her Kk, { ‘ “| ut Balsan iw ea v be a wed for moval of timber Purthe parti ins f the Foret er, Vietoria. or ihe District Forester, Prin Kupert, B Sealed 1 will be received by the Mintater Lands at Victoria not tater ivan ROUT n the 24rd day of December, iz for the ¢ chase of Licence X 1037 os feet of Balsam, Hemiock ! mm at area adjoining Pulp of 231, Poison Cove, Mussel Iniet, Coast Distriet ears will be allowed for re moval of timber Further particulars of the Chief Porester, Victoria BH. ¢ or District Forester, Prince Hupert, B. ¢ TIMBER SALE X 2768. Sealed tenders will be received by the iMetrict Vores te Prince Rupert, not tater than hoor ‘ thew i5t day of 1620, for the purenase of Licer tear Beament, fi. ¢ to ent 24,200 feet of cedar poles tiie year will be iiiowed for removal of timber Further particulars of the Chief Vorester, Vietori4, or the Distriet Forester, Prince hupert, B. TIMBER SALE X 2740. Sealed tenders will be received by Minister of Lands at Victoria, not the later ithan noon on the 30 day of December, 1920, for the purectiase of Licence X 2740, 1 cut 142,000 feet of Cedar, Spruce, Hemioek and Balsam, on an area situated jon Namu Lake, Range 2, Coast District } Three ‘> years will be allowed for re- jmoval of timber Further particulars of the Chief Forester, 8 «, or Disiriet Forester, Prinee marr tC. TITK. DAILY NEWS ELKS AND COLTS ARE EVEN IN BASKETBALL. Colts Juniors and Telephone Girls Aliso Proved Successful in Last Night's Games The ba he Telephone io M Leafs, won ] nigh did oy i hy iw 1 the gi ‘ y } i Ni tr ne lu ‘ Vv | s and e ¢ } Lare M ‘ May Leafs Fisher { le 1) Vi { Bea h ! y he iy i with ay | Ir i M { Nl : h Med i i; M Won by Default. I : nd i \\ el ; : It ‘ =I I s Vi \\ ! Seniors. ; \\ ! ‘ ‘ ' es 4 j intermediates. ' ‘ He ‘ ‘ ‘ Intermediate Giris. *r My i \\ Mi Giris’ Junior t TWO DEATHS FROM John Horr®bin FALLS INTO HOLDS Killed when He Goes Down that of the Esther Doliar at Vancouver VANCOUVER Dher ; | ' ST. ANDREW’S LOSE W FIRST WHIST RANK li lovbhavt up coer Kat bon Si Andrew's Valhalla ’ , i V.A GsW Kikes Odds *lhow hoagland it BROKE HIS LEG AND T HEN WAS MARRIED GLACE BAY, Dee. 4 Beoker lege don't mean anythin if all te Cape Breloner Donnell Ke of this town hed his lew broken in a furby serinmage at three ov elo one afternoon, had it eet, put in aplints aud cast, and early in the evening wa married to Mis Florence MeKeigan at her home here during My the Kerr stood on crutehe cereniony, . SMOKING a bs i px ' 2 (¢ {yor i ih as i ch a’ = o> ‘ wt! = La 2 a CF d =| i) yy. The = 5 si . 5 a yy J ay J Play 7 a 5 CHC /AN ; Zs > y Sx ANTES,” EE One Great Essential To a Woman's Health Is Her Nerves Certificate of tmprevements We have now on hand 1000 Tons Wellingian Coal 1000 Tons cison Goal ant carcity and increase price ui t alad a ! ing ur der ne for pre yt delivery tn fa we atrongly recommend that make sure of your winter's supply now by phoning 116, 564, Biue 69 Albert & McCaffery Limited New location Centr Helgerson T AY | Block Phone vs wit Service of 4 Limousine and Touring Cara Your Patronage Solicited Huntley Tate. oe. tt OD PORE s ~ DENTISTRY. f QUALITY i Dr. Bayne ' OFFICE HOUS Borniag, 9 to 12, Mlerasca, 13 0, Selertey ; ’ , * Every Eveaing (rom 7.30 1 i ' Dental Nurse attendance ; Phone 109 for appointment Kooms 4, 5, 6, Helgerson Bilk., Cor. 3rd and 6t! Best Equipped Office in Northern B.C }UIPE Reva Ne — SS. PRINCE GEORGE BAILING Midnight Thursday | Wednesday 10 p.m 8 S. PRINCE JOHN and Vancouver, Sunday $1 Beaver Cove PRINCE ALBERT LS s TRAIN SERVICE aes Monday, Wednesday and Saturday at 11°15 8 Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines n Fails Oce: ’ nformat . ro at ® apply £26 Third Avenue Pron? 760 chy Tieket Office CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CANADIAN PACIFIC OOEAN eEnvionst B.C. Coast Steamship Services Prince from Prince Aupert— December 4 and 18; January 1 | | for rates . ve ye end seilings, Spt y & WwW. ©. ORCHARD, General Agent Prince Rupert, B.C. Cor 3rd Avenue and 4th Street 8.8. PRINCESS BEATRICE :, fron For Ketohikan, Juneau, Skagway Alaska om Rupert . November 26, December 13 and é For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle ied | ' yreouse wn it | We have jus Ke a nk aaa j NG LLP AL . ‘ ( Cit t NU) a ja car 7 H a which has | | | Get our price ol hi hi z r lowest i 4 ; : bought on the lowest mat! ; . ase ) le. We are always pleased to que i Aigatas : and care Mail orders have our prompt an THE BRACKMAN-KER MILLING Cl LIP | ° Phone P.O. Box 745 Prince Rupert, B.C. tion &% RS ; tered Accountant ( : MESS RORIE & SMALL Chaitors, Vancouver abr | vened & Branel ' eae » that they have opened @ where | Have pleasure in intimating : mue, Prince Rut vt business at Smith Klock, Re a Business Phone all i will earry on a General « (hd LORIE, € hartered A¢ countan lent Partner; GRORGY | owrrrrrere |