pecember 4, 1920 THR DAILY NEWS Page | ee ST SL ee f ees Taz ks * A 7 “He For baggage call S80 tf >. t ia Hi Imai J Local d Pp sonal Pifuce Khupert Cigar A 4 jJelping ul an er nz. Shickel with ¢ es ne j rcebase, B awd the we ad of the people Ask for Atkins’ Sausage. t! lwentvefive per vent and cf distant iand ‘ 7 P { this ¢ ? uieetilions. Andis . off all cotton Zomios , runs @ sa ‘ed | y ba b Nines Special reduction ; Is ries Furniture Store tf * a ~ ‘ " j ori the " this f Monday, 60 ' ait ‘ sh ‘ eBare . ae Fuller’s, 84 it uf Aj sent f he at bra j nat la ‘ - ‘ d d sin eis at Tite's ! an 0) - 0 o rT T ON BANK ft o 2 U ! L i wy nNOS WJ i isa i ye" _ ~ ‘ n li ! Jol \ Ka . d Prince Rupert Branch A. T. Broderick, Manager reap tangents Aare bi ' x pe : in t i i oer j d mat : eee - ae - if iI eh = ! - $1 . rts <) ‘ s . } adie Pus ‘ Lad nd childri™® lan r ; oe ! good quality n boxes, g re ze BIG si faye a et maee r - . i Vy Shoe Sale H=ae es ————— = meeting lastnight. | AL the Bence Growing Old 'Togeiher a - ~_ — ee a . - * cr as hree Gi Thursday, Friday, i ee , HIS aged couple, mellowed by time There can be no doubt that this treat- rday our entir to better’ grade ithe Grand Paciic’ ‘Uonet |i and the experiences of life, are hap- ment c-:tained sxactly what was required " ' wie SO ee eee eee ; pen sate # ( pily growing old together. to build up Mr. Leard’s system. Shoe i? bent : \ Sizes. ; ne on the Prinee John frou ” : ee They are happy because they are We are consiantly receiving so many WITHO UT R “SERVE . . ss a a \\ g healthy. Life is still full of interest to ‘letters of this deind that we can, with the i U Ah, A +] o IcRae Bres L d prizes. Tiekets with every dollar the lovatity SUPprbse i Mi old YP aa 300 /has turned out bo | | | Charlotte Islands Spruce Product's Ltd. deg. N. and 60 dee, W., not 1 i x 5 j 4 +} ills: Prince Rupert, B.C. 4 At Barrie's Furniture Store, south Hi nd snweh | IR +} Mill ae Cc -levery &2.00 cash purchase gives furthor to the v tl had | S ‘ Local Agents: ALBERT & McCAFPFERKY you a chance fer Grand Drawip2./20Xtigipated ! hy cality ; oe | Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephones, 564, 116, Blue 69 MA DE / ORDER | ist prive library table, value 845 eels of Kurape rep rr breed - _ ; O ‘nod prize fell mattress value S880; ine The closely a \ ical ial : Sou 3 ira prize, down comforter value ee! which, howe of rela % Brin re ae 6 wv be ae ely tthe ip a ® breeds in x adie *Sk irts, Bu ng alow Apr ons, C hildre n's 0 : ie tf . t “3 | . * , a nackte ty 5 axe THEO COLLART, Notary Public i‘ Clot y Yo ¢ pot ; ° . FOR SALE..—5 cho. ve level Lota, together or singly, on 7th Ave., thes and all kinds of Plain Sewing experiment: Europea | ) ping s TORONTO near new High School, Huys Cove Circle. Any reasonable offer. tea you use pr. |! AM An aed Ne, the : In Contre of Shy »pping EDSON COAL ( Bulk, $13.00 per ton delivered Miss GLEESON BEET eg (rhc w es | RAR por DAE AS (teh $1323 © Thice iss . Hons it relieve at oreo and grade | 1/00 Mls Rod . a Most Liberal MARINE INSURANCE on the Coast "rd Avem . . erate me Sa ce lention thi V Insurance Company of North America, Pays Claims promptly ic Prince Rupe x. B.C, Chase's Olntinent free if you mention this , set : 1 send gc. stamp for posiage. 0c. a bam ah a to om i : paper pnd send go. samp fo r posiage. 0 ney i \ Mua Seng pene se bev bg rns eaeninnieail 3 P.0. Box 66 Westholme Theatre Block hone Bine 69} —_ i Limited, Poront« al ‘Tite*s, 15 p ( oo meena ™