Local Dressed Beef Slaughtering Ship of Live Stock now arriving oe wail direct from the stock . of the Bulkley Valley. ‘GEORGE J. FRIZZELL Phones 10, 26, 185 Fulton Mark et our OV every oval Marke Northern and TAXI TAXI Phone 75 WE NEVER SLELP Prince Rupert Auto 707 Second Ave. - « ‘ince Rupert PRINCE RUPERT Central British Columbia’s Newspaper PRINCE RUPERT, B. ¢ MONDAY ha MBER 6, 1 Saturday's Circulation 1,836 Street Bales 448, PRICK FIVE CENTS reek People Want Constantine Back Battle Between Creditors is Proceeding at Vancouver Vispute as to the Appointment of Official Receiver is matter for difference of opinion in Supreme Court Chambers ee waar sar Pemee nove” DOHERTY AND gave" PEACE TREATY Foster Makes Sir George Statement in Regard to Canada's Attitude GENEVA, Doc. 6.—''Canada's Mt ‘ act on hrs no relation what- ever to the attitude of any other nation toward article 10 of the League covenant,” oeeeeneenweeneneaenne said Sir George Foster, head DAY DIES . of the Canadian delegation, owe _ PROPOSE TO MAKE . today. roarrding Mon. C. J PE«CE IN IRELAND ,. Doherty's amendment to the AT VICTORIA . BEFORE CHRISTMAS * covenant that articie 10 be . eliminatod. ; i . Articie 10 is the mainstay inent Business Man of the Ml dunax . of the treaty and brielly calls Capital Succumbs as Result . wr “nn * for war by all the partiss to . . the treaty in order to enforce of Resttae . the princioles of peace. . * FURTHER RETURNS : MK LEAD LONGER . * . IN FAVOR OF LIBERALS . . *eeeeveeeenmveeeeeeneene LABOR SITUATION Alex MoM IS NOT VERY GOOD " Many More Applications Than Jobs at Provincial Bureau j y ate rns During November Omineca M ' hk ' ! : ; a h y..4 ; Ma LOR Prince Rupert STREET CAR kaye ae, 9 ‘ 3 | 3 . : | JUMPED TRACK »- oat a mnaaet t Beton elt . 8 B et por any Injured at Montreal, Some ° ‘ Fatally Yesterday as , al Result . * : ‘ eeeaneL . nhdnates l } | “i ing i : ! i ‘ it ul le jem s Xj { y ibaen ‘ Na u“ ‘ i the a i ‘ i Kh I " ti j : ze : ’ " PERRY CARRIED ALL MANY AUTOMOBILES IN REFUSE MONEY PEACE RIVER POLLS PROVINCE OF ALBERT | INCE OF ALBERTA Banks Will Not Advanoe Any VICTONLA De 6 Premier _ ? ' \ ! More to City of Edmonton. Hiver bas been advised that H.G hi yeu nysothee Perry he Liberal candidate in the'l di MPMONTDON, Th ‘ the bank! Port George miding, carried every The total must ha wf ‘ vr nee any mere) poll im the Peace Hiner eountey Alberta im ODO ben pheew i ‘ he overdral The telegram reminded the Pre ist yeur th i } ; iv apy xitmnutely niier that he people were con 1000 ‘ Rv { i mney fort th ident he would expdite the exter i i is f xpenses for|sion of the P. G.I from Spirit ) ‘ ally No fortheoming.) Hiver to Pouce Coupe , ! \ bis \ peel tie en | ye i | he year ha ; sald PROHIBITION DEFEATED. our stoe) oo 1 "e ait kine MLDINKURGH, Dee, 6 Prohib Roots, tove tion was defeated in all of YS dis ind bedding: at Your Xmas present of a chair|tricts in Edinburgh in which vot if . 1¢ Vite x is discounts ing EW FISH PACKING HOUSE TO BE BUILT AT ONCE ON GOVERNMENT WHARF | Greek People Vote Monarch’s Return Result of Pleb'scite is overwhelmingly in favor of Constantine again becoming King of Country a a ATHENS, December 6 The Greek plebiscite shows that the wple of that ce try have given an overwhelming majority in i ! f the former King Cunsiantine tu the throne. King Constar e was expelled from the country on June 12, = 1047 , nee with the ferms of an ultimatum presented try by the guaranteeing powers on June 11. He has INDUSTRIAL re ‘ I shment since thal time, but the recent death mee! Po ir ¥ hy’ } x Alexander, led to = oils DISPOSAL OF RESOURCES _ UNREST ‘ dand the pro-German +i oe ‘ : eal party were re- “- AOE a 5 ned ¢ wer fhey at once arrangements for a plebis- “8 : : eo : ich the people would Canadian Representatives Oppose 7mes 1” : os = w Adams Service ecide whether they wanted the intervention From Other ; forn or not. The result Countries—Switzer- . . = plebiscite is few known, land in Favor Murder of Austrian is Before ihe. plehiaitieape ares Ae Fei c t d t N “ pean powers laid befere the ow GENEVA, Dec. 6.—The question . of Greeee 2 stateaent ¢ ie) : im : Whether countries shall be allow- Huspec €e a ana: CG conditions pastes which [yndee a tu control and dispose at will ° . senisare - oan 40 of their natural resources is the Body was found cn track hadiy mutilated with blocd = "wee! )! (06 appearance of a0 Jubject of a sharp conflict in a ‘ . rf in Greek af- , oa : ‘ ‘ stai: ei pocket knife rear by and noney gone committee of the Assembly. The fone Was « and t opposite effee aig pposite effect contest arose uve’ a Pesdletien ; *nded. by Gustav Ador,. Switzerland. set- ‘ ’ - " ; 4 ’ ting up a permanent HKeonomic “hoy vas Peonome | way t ; T and Finaneial Commission, one of ! ‘ e ports m le the duties of which wouid be te . i ; covere “ i I i eXamine measures for preventiny FOR BILLIARDS i's..." ribution iaterials and eg their dis- ‘ t The reselution is based on fons of England Join and Make arijcie 23 of the Covenant. which g fir ‘ a Six-Team Series for assures all States equitable at- e . Trail Cup. ment. if is supported ehietly by ‘ taly, Switzertand other coun- . ’ \ Sons of Enafand have en. ities aude mn raw materials. sa tered ‘ n the forthcoming Foster is Opp°sod. iment series, thus One of the strongest opponents if the resolution is Sir George E Fish Packing House to six toame te the runsing (6 S08 (eee tae, Ge iin prize Ben Self same attitude as the Hon. N. W. Be Erected on Wharf by vs: tests rv ' ine stayer Momell alee ot Canada, whe s tl ghest individual an impressive speech recently thal Provincial Government ”’ pores cee ny allempl to exercise sur h con eT V he game between the trol would be regarded a- i ‘ \\ le s.Club and the Trail Terence in internal affairs, to . Went er ee des ved in the Wanderers’|Which Canada would never sub “ : ne oy Se a 65 mit # i} ed I s 2 " ; schedule of Mr. Rowell, at the same time, _ - . e 56 feet long with a fro b . he first half of the said that the ®%ntry of the United x | ‘ \ will ply States could not be hoped for if i y » Deve ver 10 I> Trail vs. Wanderers. any such interference were al- i : \ i gre Dec, 8—St. Andrew's vs. Elks. |fempted. mai eee LD 13-—G.W.V.A. va. Wan- j ms i 2 ed | the \ Fisheries and Le a5 Sons of England vs FISH ARRIVALS the Pas i . w gether with the Booth Fisheries. = And ys ” a : Tink Pacifi 1) 6 wks as OW VA Catch of Schooner Omaney Bought ‘ . D> ; Ira =. GW.VLA By Foyal Fish Co. Fills ' , Lh 27-—Wanderers vs. St Available Cars. r Andrews hh Fist EXPLOSION Dev o—Traii vs. St. Andrew's Iwo refrigerator cars available “ nw ta tS OLB. ve. Elks tt the waterfront yesterday were pate , upind by | AT NEW Y RK ia »—Wanderers vs, Sons of used and shipped east this morn- mers Inde} which England. ing by the tish coming in for 1 a ae : Jan. 10 Pratl 4 hliks yesterday's sale In the tmean- ee oe rand Lighter edged Rh Bhatia Took! 2288: 12--GW NA: 88h An marie: eure een eee ! ina een given drew Following were the arrivais bine to Aca wcembe ; Firs, Burning Bock and das 17 Frail ve. Sons oflyesterday: as On an Me yuan , Vessel. I Ommaney, 63,000 pounds, sold to eady so they ex} to be esta Jan. 19— Wanderers va. Elks, the Royal Fish Co, at 16.6¢ and ished al he w nt wha VEW YORK, Dee. 6 A hehte Janiurs i G.W.YVLA, vs. Sons 7.fe. and shipped east today by February 1 Phe AGHIN aid ! With shells caught tre atop England Fanny F., 1,000 pounds, and St. eitie will toy al err equipine I Hlamilton dock, Brooklyn, on Floi, 500 pounds i to Cana Ph i dines liey meupy Sunday and a series of explosions BODY RECOVERED. dian Fish and Cold storage Co, at present will likely be sold ta the ved The dock eaught tire ise aud be highest rhalete th se ew qua Ma THe he Vessel Was lowed VANCOUVER Der 6. the Hose Spit sold 5,000 pounds to ters rent will be paid to the go nly narrows body of Lawrence Smith, @reman/|the Canadian Fish and Cold Stor- erninent he steatane Ballena, whieh| age Co, at 14.5¢ and 7,5e, With thes hree plants moving CURLING CLUB vas burned at the wharf on No- fo the government wharl the ts . Vernal (3, has been reeovered Constable Ackroyd returned on PUBINGRS W be Centralized | ; VICPORTA, Dee, 6 Phe Ppt he foreeastie, Tt was un-| the Chelohsin yesterday afternoon With the four of ' six Buy (rears ‘ ithe Association as); hed hw firs from the south afier havile ae- OnCer Having At bee incorporated as a private companied four prisoners, Bleve hceuses th he tish exchange many with a capital of Entire stock of Barrie's Fur-| Wintonaik, Joe Auriol, &. Verino Store at reduced prices. tf| and Harry Ross, to Okalla prison, Kae RG + sag I et +