' 4 that there is a little group of people that does not like it, is no dard, for the 120th Meridian west. | Dental Nurse th attendanc: reason for holding it back \ stfnck -sanch as he matlé shows It is counted from © to 24 hours . mt = , a hey i or appomtment that he is‘a‘than.of.great courage or he would not have made iif _— eo to mamanee as a ae 4 i Phorie 109 for appo > init ton { den whi iow «3 6 teeatatit iennitittone cutie 1@ table given is for ort or Anyox an jee Arm a. . i He intimated that an overturn the pr HW condi nddenly Bimpodon but the time ‘for Prine \ ' Sen enti ‘ Rooms 4, 5, 6, Helgerson Bib ird a could not be brought about witheut much bloodshed, something |PUNPSon Du 1 dll heat ' ’ oe . which it is well for everyone to understand, and something which Rupert varies only a few minutes ; : yee e Best Equipped Office in Northern B: has been mentioned often bs revolutionary leaders Those who/0n some days and on others is , From Aanyor anc Alice Arm object to Churchill’s attitude know well that on the other side he same. The range of the tide ri . on “yeas Lane Be “ . , > g x, . ’ . it rs 7 leaders of a section of the wo King men are urging hat there may be compute d as per cent . e > 4 say .o*= p.m rac as, a ae ' ree - / . ai | must be a rule of the proletariat in which the rest of the people |®* ater at Prince Rupert than at PHA i i OO I LO OO a! willdake no part. They suggest following the Lenin example, Port Simpson both at springs and ‘ vio ror Port Simpson, Arrandate, Mill which is the most pernicions doctrine anyone can preach, and /e4Ps. Therefore the rise in the _ Ba y, Wales Isiand and Naas Riv 0 Canadian National Railways one with which the mass of the people has no sympathy Prince Rupert harbor is slighthy PHA . - Tr u igreater than Port Simpson. oad | dl Ee it i) p.n Ni a Today We Have The height is in feet and tenths fhe estahiia a cean alis Aver ve ance mncouve j y : 4 expre ion Of Opiiton oF natters of government, Phe European TIMBER SALE X 2780. ‘ lipper iaia 0 ia } ® £ PRINCE ALBERT ‘ disturbance has given opportunity for unscrupulous people to ansdhie ‘ ' make immense war profits, something which is general de seare® tenes ’ me wecetved By th . . Ma sect nena o) plore a whi I mu l pped in futy ‘ ¢ 0th day of Decemb 1990. 1 tte Tier wast ; In Prince Rupert ecustituenev the revolutionary S« sisi; has of Licence X 278 hea ‘aru 7 f RAIN SERVICE RNAENE SO: SRMOL Henrery Four TUunGred yeles, And some of , ty and Lower Ifaland points i City Tieket OMec, E26 Thr Avenue Phone 20 3 it ad ' ‘ ; Comox where there are hundreds of coal miners living, the TIMBER SALE X 1037. ae " ' ll Socialist did not get more than a small fraction of the total vole + Se ee . —— The e @ 1:08 : a. ‘ c Sealed tenders will be received b th ° Phe people choose their own lawmakers and administrators | sinter of faunas ee tees, a telees PHA ¥ For Skauway and the Yukon a iii and that is true democracy. than noon on the 23rd day of December, , : eg aI 199 for the purchase of Licence X 1037. |‘ pia mu wou i { ‘ a y ; us ) cut 2,080,000 feet of Balsam, Hemioek ,.,,, : : , Condition in Britain end Spruce, on an ares sdjoiming® "Pump ee u ; - Bk ; CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWA ease Lot $31, Poison Co ane event y be ifed f 4 ‘ COEF i , Not as Bad as It Looks. ane C Cea Doe el ee nt, it may | rom Skagway and Yukon. — : <4 £ ‘ ‘. In conversation with a mac who has just returned from a i roree | : 1 pears Will be allowed for re- | [te f ‘ i ‘ "i ee : , CANADIAN PACIFIC OOEAR senvices . wva limber ° lengthy Visil to England, it was learned thal the people of that ‘ Furthe r porie Hier’ of the Cnief Forester, * ’ " . ~ do not \ ews . a0 sa ‘ : ad ittoria B. ¢ r Destrict Porester, Prince | jyi« el a S$ ~_ mae hake | ously the vaporings of the extreme radical hupert, B. | . rn {eel a ia ed flewart, Maple Bay and Swamp B.C. ( wn Coast Ste ams hip ervices eaders, ley sap the average man treat them with good ; Se ed of bumored conte my}. TIMBER SALE Xx 2768. Pi Ad one would ever | Point. aaa In another column we publish a report of an Albert Hall thought it of old John! " i! | ‘ } ; . all Seale Jal be received fy the i) ‘ . r . meeting in London, in which extreme revolutionary sentiments {than x te ie ee ee PHA . loll : rho 8.8. PRINCESS pearance from Prince : rw Si ag : pecember ; ollat iy ‘ ' » ta re were expressed. Threals of violence were made and it is a won : urepese Of Licence X 3168 i ‘ j ' ; For Ketchikan, Juneau, Skagway, Alaska >7 : re C., © eut 24.200 fines iarger then a dollar « } . ember 13 6 : der that the men who made them were not placed under arrest. peer! st 24,2 tineal | ia i ‘ la . : Rupert November 29, Decemb 1 They eertamlvy would have heen munished iy thie -c a‘ me year v be allowed for removai!* 4‘ riwnt : » pring Rupert— 71 pa . bic : » S ! i" ountry of timber ‘oe sas jother wey round, bet ‘ For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle fron iere was a threat to hang Churchill to a lamp poet whithivitcee a a a the Chief Yorester iat : . af 4 and 18; January 1 should not have been allowed ss. There f clorta, oF the District Forester, Prince }QCUIISs tie for December a i i " wed to pass, There can he no demo-|fupert, f ee cralic government, when one section of the people threaten vio-| 7 eee site a it , ye ¢ IAT «ome of the young pem tha ; : i g yt Jence on the other. Under the British constitution the recourse is TIMBER SALE X 2740. have li ul i : , a a : : agent ; jad ean exclamatior ener: to gel a majority of the peopke to support a cause and any v Seated tenders will he received by the point, bul as they grow ald ‘ w c. ORCHARD p Rupert B.C. oor A . as ; f : . mister «6 nds at Victor vt ¥ ‘ bent t ince organized group can then make any changes they. wish con-~|than noon on the 30th Gay of December iresemble more nearly the let re te wa Cor 3rd Avenue and 4th Street rine stitutionally. 11920, for the purchase of Licence X 2740, ‘ ; : . ‘oo emt 5,432,000 feet of Cedar, Spruce, * ' The Daily News is absolutely against any action or any | Hemioex and belsem on an ares situated NEW FISH COMPANY and J n i rt, B r Abd ‘ * lon mt e, 2, Co ' eeu h ere lead to violence in this country. If the 44) sears atlh to ahawed for re ; " MACLES OCH, TeEVOHIBOonary socialists are in aympaths with ¢ ! {alone t's 3 f inher PETERS et Tithe : z : ; y + 4, ots Further particulars of the Chief Forester, BURG ALASKA or Robert Williams as reported in the London Times. then this |} Gra" District Forester, Prince Kuper, : DES BR paper is against them, If they are in sympathy with the methods) -— on ns ? SILVER i used by Lenin aud his crowd by whieh a large section of the MINERAL ACT. i TEASBURG, Alaska, Dec, ¢ : } peopie ate disiranchised, and deprived of their civil rights, we! StVe POSROFSHONS AD Onse Efrace Pull all 5 . tm pay | ) ' antes PAIN e dre opposed to them We helieve in demoeracy as the only Certificate of improvements. jin the shrimp and erab flehin WALLPAPE RS, Gl a ai i solution of the ills of the body politic. NOTION business out of Petersburg are w or & Newton Art ND ¥ “ee " " . ' 133 Acre Lot, two miles fre en WRITING A ae pper Clr Copper Cum No, 1."\iow being made by the Ness Fish Be cre Lot, (wo miles Trom EXPERT SIGN W oy _ ew =| “copper CUM No, 2," end “Copper CiiGompany, a new co-partn ship Van Aradel Station Contair CARD WORK 11NG wocmmmeee (0. °° Mineral Claims situate in the Naas i 80 acres first-class black soil, with 21CTURE FRAN lKiver Mining Division of Gassiar Distries, | LOPMed by Brick Nes former clay sub-soil. 11 seres under cul PICTURES, Pl ‘ Where located:——-Kitsault Hiver, Alice arm. |(ayor Cf Pelershurg, and Carl Sivation, Frame house, 94 by 38 Stree! 0) B 120 | TanE NOTICE that I, George A. Young,) Wold lhe new coneern has ft with cellar Frame stable, 2? Sacond al P, . OX Free Miner's CertiNeate No. 26595-L, act-\ooured quarters on LU , ' 6 by 18 ft. Log tool house, 18 ° Phone Prince Kup jing for myself and as agent for Joseph ue . a PeProagn by 20 ft. Spring water near the | to the public dock and a foree of house 4 fruit trees four years | Wells, Pree Miner's Certificate No. 40661 ; : }C, and Arne Davedson, Pree Miner's Cer-(Crpenlers is busy at the present old Also 6,000 feet new lumber, f e juineat No. 40698-C, intend, sixty days tin ; 6 windows and house furnishings | paeeeeeeee fe ee ak ae : making the necessary repairs ts & / | from m Gate hereof, to apply to the . ‘or ic . tan : - R ® . [Mining Recorder for a Ceruneaste of un-|*24 Alerations to the building For quick sale, $1,800 ee Chartered A‘ nenuvet B,C ie ooms 7 and 8 Smith Block |provements, tor the purpose of obtaining ied ee ee Oo: TIL MESSRS RORIE & SMALL Asditors. vomit oc 4 er z 4 Crown Grant Of the above ciaims | Ketchikan-arrivals in the ety One third cash, balance 12 and 18 hat they have opened ® a wher! the) Lady sat Open Svs * , And further take notice that action, up-lon the Beatrice on Saturday ir months at 7 per cent, Have pleasure in tee ied Avenue, Prine K hn yne 44 ce Hours: er section 85, must be commenced before |, . , ; , . . j Yusiness at Smith yaaa . cy Busines ; iC 9-12; 1.6; 7-9. Phone 575 A 7 ed ; jthe tesuance of sueh Certitieate of improve. |" luded Mr, and Mra. W. J. Coul KENNEY BROS. & CO. | on will carry on a Generab saponin eb . : tant (Bdinbure? ie] ; > ppeintmen snonte jter, David Bengston, Miss M Terrace, B.C. Reuident Partner: GROKGE RORIE, ¢ hartered pooonnnennnnneet Dated this 61n aay of November, 1080. |'Taylor, J, ‘T. Meyers and J. Vroin | wee EAT Oe Dk