oe ae pecember 6, 1920 THE DAILY NEWB Page r To EAT Ag ERY Ba maha 7 | 5g - ' Local and Personal ' | ‘ an . ae a } 1 he A : 4 8 —meomne lai ? ; Ask for Atkins’ Sausage tf ew i Mi } i mm pe t i ‘ ye a . hen \ | ay if t | 1) i me = L i i x Sr . ; \ h es in " i* or é \j ie oh ra - * “Why I have th he daches i : y ave ese neacacnes 1s more % than I can understand” «on wo 663 THINK it is a touch of indigestion,” obtained at enormous expense to the i P : : perhaps you say, not realizing that nerves, and the evil day of nervous col- ‘ [Sper package Ss adaches and indigestion areamong lapse is brought nearer. i % ae cal the first indications of an exhausted ner- : ell wo Lord nn aval The object of Dr. Chase’s Nerve Food 7 yous system. ‘ ¢ : is to remove the cause of trouble by build- e * Women are the greatest sufferers from _ ing up the system and increasing the ner- i — - headaches, because their nervous systems yous energy in the body. ‘ jo . © t are more highly strung and their condi- Mrs. R. Hicks, N Ont ‘ie ; py <_ ‘ om atis a on tions of life are more conducive to exhaus- Mrs. i. HICKS, NAPARCE, of WIILGR: wi aa J j ~~ se tion of the nervous system. “About five years ago I suffered continually Leb [ wr - é from nervous headache, and was almost a com- sy hae ty Worry, anxiety, shock from accident or plete wreck, weighing only ninety-nine pounds. I ° j ey ad in ‘ " i) ial rould neithe leep nor eat, and could gain no rf 6 | J bad news, extreme grief—such are fre- relief oe sae aa. ik aeleeee told =e she thought — » ’ quent sources of nervous t § Dr. Chase's Nerve Food would help me, so I dubi- j i , elso too litt >xercise + sich 7 ously began a treatment of this medicine. To my : . mo : ane 7 : lif o littie exercise and too much indoor surprise I very soon found that it was helping me, ; ' ev rm 7 ite. so I continued using it until I was quite recov- ae ~A / } 7 . ary - ered and felt like my former self. In two months | ee W hen the erven are exhausted almost my weight increased ten pounds, my headaches he = > any unusual exertion brings on nervous were relieved, my appetite improved, and I could fe fiw wh és headache. There is such a shortage of rest well at night. I) think Dr. ger peg seers { € NG oh? neras iemeanir: +2 a ale Food an excellent icine, as are @ any 0 _ i} —™ wt - A nervous energy in the system that any ins aiteer: medicines that I bave used.” y 2 i} ’, A/ . unusual demand starves the brain and * j yy | {pt ig produces pain. The persistent use of Dr. Chase’s Nerve Pe |) Pen rian iekalat insides ciinch oatiniait dais Food enriches the blood, builds up the ea || SSG Sipe Hi odenaiik dite sentee s ae ay to nervous system and increases the vigor 4 wef. c 3 8 C 1 r : 3 & HL Beis ‘p/ ' NAV Y cu T the emaiaiell of prota ert ‘na HE en and vitality of the human body. 50 cents : i eg” raked ye using Dr Ctiene's ~ alien eel. a box, 6 for $2.75, all dealers, or Edman- A . my : Saad ; Se ate : son, Bates & Co., Ltd., Toronto. To pro- _—— —_—_—_— The use of powerful drugs to ston head- tect yeu against imitations the vortrait ey Cee) a ; \ I ‘ aches is a most harmful and dangerous and sixnature of A. W. Chase, M.D., are os : vi practice, because the temporary relief is on every box. ‘ IV", 6 re 5 yo aa rua ft vv : : ‘ I | NIN TELLS —. : hu ] buze . g¢ tf Xmas Cards at Wrathall’s tf trv a classilled advectisement i FISHER! 2 N NOTE! OF HIS AIMS : tu q put See cent discount on blanket! on wat an ine A of hoa i Rnxious to Promete Proletarian I Vile’s rs i Revolution in Western : . . . 1 Puke : Europe ny 707 Third Ave. Phone 34 me icon ware | i =e ROYAL HOTEL i a eel mea ta RESTAURANT. : . ; 2 A n Fishing Boat Si the Discount on Daw blankets E | fa] i i il j Canadian Fur ne | — aa Home Cooking with Quick Service eeeeeew ee eaeeeaeneete ae Canadian Fish & Cold § Storage 5 Ce Ltd. | ae di . . at ' Nort \ * Tv SUBSCRIBERS * Here you can procure the kind of food si? ra a » My . a aig Ne . that is iust what you wantin = t Rae st ares ie in J ; ‘en wukaanh acs ae’ alee congenial environment. i omnheneperciapen : * livery. boys eacl mouth # 1 | ‘ th ; i, aa — r Superior Quality. Attractiveness. te ade ‘tor the year in od- Si Selene eee. Prices Reasonable, PI at , ‘ thy , . “ts : Colleciipe carry official re. . one j iy. : we * eipts which should al . ' pane . ivs be preserved © 35 an ; : Fe : nee eoeeeeeeseeenseeee te Alfalfa Hay 2 i vires , — Pacific Pe — | 'We hay st taken into our warehouse ae Ro sion whieh will O cw ese we ‘ t fife el | a car of CHOICE NO. 1 ALFALFA HAY. ale Cvwer t Y n : uBe wer . , : The ' Eg = oa Get our price on this hay which has been ee Vv eva ! Fa le oment our aft N you «4 4 i ed Sie eee mi : , Va u O ec ice fase iantion rhey.wil shidsbaixtitarytuok the 1 Goes a) = ater | bought on the lowest market. Pr P sf Service Day and Night diverge and the Germans will be nity t ce ™ We are always pleased to quote. + First Class Cars ome our enemies only when the : ; Alberta (Metis Mai! orders have our prompt and careful atte ntion. ERI : : : ion 3 sos Whether on the Jur hava he Pochall “ANNIE LARGE - : Proprietor ns of Old.) Europe will belorat et Vuneouver 01 \ 7; vied a nhew Gorman hegemeny [the Privee John last event a _| THE BRACKMAN-KER MILLING CO.,LTD. i meni Coun nist edleration er having sj} tine ti ' : . : : ete —- -- ee N ie Federatiot : ; n ah Newbee ok P.O. Box 745 Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 350 maha Wallace Ninas drawing, three B ro | ti i } hat ste ss ELECTRIC & MARINE || erses. ticscts with every’ dotiar the recent provincia! lesion, | Yory loa to id thatthe WAR SUPPLY CO — Pee meegmaneianiiaan i moneda ’ : . \| carpel and rugs will have , ish op ehae I Vor to a e =e" earner MADE lo ORDER : COW BAY 1 straight 20 per eent discount at chance: ri handsoie mn they have found his, ELEC Pa - CTRICAL AND MARINE SUPPLIES, rite’s ely... at a 3 | repreaenti ee ee) es We should patronize West Ladies’ Skirts, Bungalow Aprons, Children's , C.0. Crud vote Fairbanks Co. Ltd D Pacehaeets prize, ladies’ walnut dros Clothes and all kinds of Plain Sewing a ~fude Oil Marine Engines from 30 to 490 hp, Teoh ing, Bleeds able with thee & i o ‘ . + ro ; : | *-10 H. P, Heavy Duty Distillate Engines, ing Biles No iprize) laree doll w ha | Pacific Milk a Miss GLEES N Ej All the Latest tmprovemen| ; : F peiva at anas closing eves Limited ) if Dr. Chase’s Ointment will re e you once | “&ctric ; ; me and let us give you a 4 afford lasting bennett, Ge bo it S32 Drake 8t., Vano , Bo Vv c. = Lighting Plants practical dem stratlio | ee > Preelegn, We ‘ies 4 Co, I. limited, Fane, uit y Amas 4 nanan aT amen 8.0 Third A oe Prince Ru 4 B Cc { Toronto, Sample Kex free If you mention this per paper aad enolose Lv. samp w pay Pr us lage al Tite's 15 pe ( it discount i "