ees : - on ee ay tee = = : a ae = : : i = ——“e PRINCE RUPERT | ERINGING UP FATHER By Ce : Central Labor Council, : | ue 4 Oorge Mens 0. B. U. Affiliated Units and Dates of MEETINGS ~ Building Trades wars First and Third Mondays, 8 n Central Labor Council, Every Tuesday, * p.m Women’s Auxiliary, First Wednesdays, Dance & Social at 9 p.m Second Monday : Business Meeting at 8 Political Economy ¢ tub, Every ‘Thursday at & 1 T r BY GOLLY- THESEe {| WELL: WHAT DO You =‘ Maca 14 HIGH COLLARS, || EXPECT? YOURE GrTTin ew CHOKE ME 5 | AS FAT AS A HOUSE j j ew” YOU LOGk TERR AL ft YOUVE GOT TO DIET ¥ Metal! Trades, First aoc Third | Fridays. “ Wh Shipbuilding Unit, S cond \ and Fourth Fridays at © p.m. & j Fishpackers, First Saturday w 4 4 e | OPEN FORUM ‘ ns {commencing Sept.) Second e and Fourth Sundays, 8.90 p.m Liseniecjenscnnsnetniaibiad : vis. : x = _ — i ri ert ee ee eee ¢ Semwce ine . Si ee Ee EE eee Ee cee Heep ee et tet yo th . — . ~~ tee ome - ee soe . <== BOI SHEVISTS _ oS | —_— RAW SBINS 1” HOLD MEETING (ost. ee BUSINESS DIRECTORY | CroRkG TOVER yith rv tiassacres of thousands IN ALBERT HALL wih ine cot ariniless evyplians or the These are Good Piaces to Make Your Purchases when You go out to buy em ee ee re ee eet ee ee eee ee —_ ~~ . a mee ee eee em ee —~~ ~ ee Oe er ee 4 prisals on hyewireds of [rich Revolution: iy y i e Pm ae i by Leaders of 4 Jrejand? AERATED WATERS FURNITURE AND GENERAL LAUNDRIES sso e ebellious Movement in ‘ : Grest Brit a “No Revolution from London.” BEAVER BOTTLING WORKS MERCHANDISE ennedinn Gurneys nencad re ritalin. os chap rt “ see ame pre ? i i is” WILFRID GRATTON...Gor Third and Tih | Mhome efor ee LAUnoRY ‘ ing 3 a ; wore 1” resolution calling woor ‘vy. for second hand furni ee adhe th ' Biiicod Py ithe Gouneil of Action to present BARBER SHOP < oe ‘ N mal inds off Huss at in ullumatum to the Government i vemananth ai | PAINTERS AND DECORATORS l ny ilies ind the ‘ i as ae sm ae i § PREM was frequently interrupted ie Lady 3 ; + ees ave FURNITURE FRED SCADDEN : OE &ePOal ! ocelebrate said he wanted them to realize -- FRANK GROONU am ane Pre ’ he th i annivers v of the Rus-lihat they could not oat y f fhied a wes ’ mt ‘ rhe) ‘ ot destre i ve et Green 4469 } A ? sian Seoviel Republic was held iniwalls of the capitalistic Jerict ioibiaasia i BAKERS TTI PAINTS AND OILS . 3 i Made up into ' bine jiall @m Sunday, when hy the mere blowime of trump: LA OASSE BAKERY FEED STORES : EF req Stork’ RUGS, LADIFS’ SCARVES, ETC ns were passed congrat-|He would weleome a little more| ___ fr rome 19 THE A W. EDGE 60. got An ae ry , . ® Soviet Government, te: ~ in CONTR BUPERY FORD 60 : : “8 \ As } ‘ ' cCouraging suppeo t rut fey I aradwa D protosiing against the present|seetion of tt eth. enocnany A aotens |e | be sage plc, pea a ve seetie “ i” ran and r , * , . C. TAIT poliey he British Governmentitram @ formidable maiorits . 4 7 PAINTERS AND DECORATERS = al a tussia aes ‘ ; ' me Diack 1|4 1116 Broadway, Vancouver, B.C. BNE CUINRE Upon ivolce They are veadys Third a a ee oe - von MEROMARTS, RETAIL SLi « ChossETT Phone 477 we oN na ‘ cil of Action” [wished they were ready ‘ er ae ee ee eee : anrwun’s MARKET =— = ne EE, i S SS. — . mtum to the Giov-ladded, they were vy + al her ' / 480 & ontt ber 6n9 . , " me prt . g that, unless the|'They were chi iad “ah CLEANING AND PRESSING PLUMBING Fs i sey sed the blockade,|Presa, whieh was | Liced by TOKYO OYE WORKS. Fressins . GENERAL MERCHANDISE E ore EN 4 LOWGWILL = Phone 6 Pe ee ee ee Pi . : ’ , nterference in|trade union labor I say Ch 2 4? WING CHIN YUEN CO ee ne TOM LEE C0 ei pe GOW ré vy ; - stablished fulllill and his minions ean control 731 Second Avenve Phon* Rieck 76 RENTALS a : rr * ss F ey ur y s, and recognized the Woolwich Arsenals he A » J enue, West fi Nd alive Maovelitanent birth aaaNeNeaeie neh cote aie ten ! oa CAFES GROCERIES rw. MART __Phane | ‘ : esi Oa TaN Council of Action |Fleet-street fe month ' THE BOSTON GRILL LINTEY'S PeINCE # 1 n v Pp) | Its Works? mf : . ul nal down ‘tert aad nol eo 7 : 4} vs ra AY ’ As i place Ww eat ior. tth oe ; yagi ty SIGN PAINTING ; thot , Ra rh 1) hopes that the re Wholesale and Reuil » ait lution would come from Londar SeLt @ cnosseTT Prone 477 . Glemaret fantasstal ol 7h tee Fenn a a x Mr.. C. L. Malone. M. PB. .whollt would came fram the great pr THE ELITE CAFE HARDWARE sities it ie tea hil t neral Coutractore 8 re when buying a a are itS Works } : tg ; = - % Se 1 Awe : meal f i inomry ; | Pachange ee b and if jong, ee oe night's WANTED ey ‘ and goods. Call Walke Missi vO 1 ; we f ‘ f Phone 48 Phone 48 8 i : . : i righ \ } ‘ d-hand irni Bi dak bniédiaan a a haa pee 4 , ; he i a: _ Delivery is Prompt ; but there was | meeting It ix understood that t i have anything to Peron toe SI ght = f ; / rs : i ¢ i Give us atrial. Phone Black 502 . — people anes he Agricultural Association is in well bead 24 We pay cash.| FOR SALI Slightly used pian : ’ vil . ‘ mormunist ft ke denier ee ; mht ; ' t! 1 ene rs - . < ph Ha ian h bette financial condition FM. GCrbaby, 715 Third Avenue Cash or tern Phone Black poset ge : . ‘ oe Te ° Capiti . th i ; SOEOEOROOOOO TET i LING TAILOR w that before the eapitalist|ihis year than it was last and that _W a a teaaa daneines 7 —e en of a bent ‘ ‘ iterests ithe deficit of last aan han ae wa Rah “ _ 2 aa ‘ o _ : O k Ie I es 1, 8 i > a ee oh bhait “9 - t yea ia bb } : I me j % #3 nd Ave., Prince Rupert a ionally, they wauld re-leleaned up with a balance to the!” AN TED I Heent A cabin of FOR BALI Baby bugey Phone LODGE 1051 LOYAL ORDER OF a ‘ : wa Heonstilutional aetion.| good fus teal ui for light house Hiack 404 4 on meets every Thursday) . . , --- _ —~ >" = an me , 4 7 . , ‘ ; e ‘ = " anes irae them to leave no stone All members of the Associatio heey ‘ AKialy Hox 442. Daily 7 ae g at the De Luxe Hall Furnished Roo Pg i i! ied in preparing for social i . ~ Ny on cae (POR SALI Monarch range ; ¥ cae « are invited by the formal notice) -* i 28% Phone 142 if : a ote rince upert ve oe “§ i” bay ae ane of ineeting now being publishedd Ors tris A Amen to dd’ hone we 5S . oe T'wo.col wis low cards tak ; a . H tel te Seth. nideh da tio Kine GA a Dee . Work VEGETABLES. the sz@ gu! ws ominion 10 Bit vouLg eel in the bert All 1Oig, bir due ‘ ° ‘iat : See eee . can licen tan News Joh lenartment onidl wt EUROPEAN PLAK ' bless th srilish§ = =revolution ae r jues to the Association linet Address P.O. Box 294,.,| BUY ASHCROFT POTA PORS for par , ; i mh $1.60 per day and up. Cheers). When thel day came,| oF jne Qurrens veer Gils 144, your winter-supply from Na- WATER NOTICI ; Fig ai “a _- Woe to those people who get in| Ty AN TED vO REN } hed ional Gracery, y uliton Street. PyVRaene Aae Ye . : ae RST-C “ shia 4 é 5 ’ : urniinhec “ sap oe % ' nat | aces ent . ed 4 I oi rs Ree. CaRe ur tiey were out tol ATTACKED BY EAGLE fut or small house. Apply FOR nenT pes RE NETS et Rind Gisele, |} . A La “arte. oie nee the present constitution | American { siilase . uf come | wine addr s Alice arm, # i, © bn nqrer ene ererrnnren i A ‘ es rn eee = oose he declarcd, aid if ti was neces- ‘Attempt of Big Bird to Carry Off “ —— meaner (FORM UENT Cosy four “roomed ava Me . = h ¢ , shes eset uae ' ah / = Child is F BOARD AND ROOMS bungalow, “with range. Bome Yaa “esi: Bh eyert Borg New localie Ey Phone 555 827 2nd ~ § Frustrated pre - . ’ ‘a ON unetion with t ot taault’ River, The NeW os 827 2nd Avenue Mn i’ furniture for sale, 11426 Ninth?! ’ 4 bitea Tm v4, 4 IT | : ; lwo wenfiemen can have board Avenue haat KE 7 eat an ' poe aah oa ‘ ell ra Helgerso" C.V. EV! | GLENDO, Wyo,, Dee, 6.--It took and room with private family, ad ast, Sa | I “faite at @ point the M Block $ : eco ined effor . ; ' ; ’ ‘oo. 6 Mines si, and * i od for Auctioneer a pe se ! efforts of the Spald Phone Blaek 365, 85 |) OH HENT lhree.roomed mOd- | domestic purposes ae ihe mine described | TAXI Associated " ing family tods oO save eig , — em , ; . . a the p up ; hy Auditor and Accountant pik oan m re . ive eight FOR SALE ern flat unfurnished; use of." i p Monae GFOMD, on the ground 00 Taxi Services { . i alter Spalding from hit bath, Apply 2410 Ninth Avenue |the 41h day of september, 1050. 7 poe ww Limou® . “—_— T . , aie : ‘ ia natice and ' i t “ +] iesaiaeh img carried away by a gigantic OR BAL S..fie will isate foe ans| _West, if y and to the “Water Act 1014,” will —_— and Touring ( cagle at their ranch near here. ' —_—_——_—_-- in the office of the Water Kecorder Ph “Patron proved close-in Prince Rupert} FOnK KENT... Two roomed = suile,| * Rupert, B be one ” ited When the huge bird attacked ma to thy appiieation may Walter im the ranch yard he real estate: | furnished for light housekeep. ited with the said Waler Keoor as wie , - a he fast runabout launch! ing 140 Second Avenue, tf went puliaings *Vidorte, We within ] cm Tal Pay | Oeil: pup Erasped it by the neck and 4 Hans 2. 5 ‘ “Peho ; i ee sep cna - thirty dave afte the first Bppsarenrs . a ' fo de ae ay pereamed for help. John, his) ,., * pUDER, REA a8: WHROM FORK KENT Four-roomed apart ie! matic nh 8 toca WINING RY NDICATE, i , neine | rine f -| 0 ae ne 4 am ——— Prince George Bl \rver-vearoid broiner, came to > | mans Miskeae Paeeetael as oe ee A Ww , iD ithe peadine : ; | One first-class marine en.| eM, 2a venue, Phone 142 wy PW. Racey, Agent ee hae fie e have secured the ageney for t | se and @ third boy ran for! sing ae rene | The date of the first publication OF UIA) pueemsaceenrnr i , the bent Geel found ta thetetestes ote Mi ihelp, Mrs. Spalding beat off the fe de | FOUND Inotice is November 15, (990 r Cc ful Piano Tunin r and can supply sey quantity. : TORONTO Al bird with a slick and the cagle POO BEG SIGEP TATGO SOW DORS) enerreerorier cree meme | : Te all makes of ee , i: Frices on application to i in Centre of Shopping | attacked her. She was saved with % hop. Caille Perfeetion| POUND at Carnival ehild's pope’ Can et sishin a a Prince Rupert Feed Co. “4 "— mnee my (When Mr, Spalding came with a nn ke revlon Phone £2% alioker cape, Apply Dally Hows PACIFIC CARTAGE LID parts 1n stock ‘Stevens | Qtunee Gab Ave: cls ts ti ih Joo rite a pehotone and despatched the bird,| M arren 8, Phone 2%, oniee. . tf Phone 98. Parker, M 7 Slade ye ¢ . ot. tUROPI { a enprer r 8 1 ate 1 a Phone 68 Green 54s tau. n. rata oe i fae s spread of sight ceet. jFOR BALE-—Stove, heater and|/POUND-—Pair glasses, Owner can ag ‘a ley Poscy ed A ts oS ee r fod 293 3 P.0, Be 2 - he { " y Te severely : o, tre wceane or ole ' ed 2 : Y, @ two boys were severely) some furniture, Apply 266A) have same by paying for this! Pere tare. vansier work woop rr ~ ” ; 1 § ORDERS Taken rok COAL ane | hewrerecererer lacerated by the eagle's claws, j th Avenue EB, 287 ad | pI ‘ 7 . ; ’