{0 i yQ<— X - On Buying Curtains If it’s a dainty thing—a shiminecring buy it with ney Remember LUX is at its pure, bubbly 6 away, leaving colors bright daintiest fabrics sheer vivid cretonne, chiffon able to wesh it. service Silk and colored curtains---and LUX 4 brilliant chintz, silk or gogsamer cr a fear of not. being your suds whisk the dirt and clear, and the and fresh as when ne \ Whisk a tablespoonful of LUX ¢ a whip jathe? if @ gaiion cf very hot Swirl the curtains Yater ther j water t wares w he 1 suds through and through the curtis > three lukewarm waters. If you can, rofl ix vel to di O in the shade For white curtaine—not wlk —soak for an he Then wash in the seme way. using { Run thr waters and dry in the eun A handy LUX recive booklet, The Care of Dainty Clothes,’ will : be gladly sent on request Lever Brothers Limited Toronto _ ae agen We have now on hand 10900 Tons Wellington Coal 1000 Tons Edson Ca ticipate not « o ‘ . crease in price « { t eet ’ pt “ aly a nie eure ’ t w by phoning 116, 564, Blue 69 Wa Albert & McCaffery Limited 1669 705 Branches 1920 HB} lhe Royal Bank al Canada, GE YOUR BOY A CHANSE* Tv wil not miss the small Monthy amounts, On he first day of every th draw a cheqne for $10 the credit of your Sor SSavings Account. Do th ws regularly for, say, ten years. will then have He can own a s!ness when other boys “re still working for wages. Cipla and Reserves $33,000,000 Tolal Resources $589,122 317 Your be \ $2 OR}. 48 Learn a Good Trade _ in Eight Weeks 1 worben can learn tne hath ih §& Weeks Oy our Ine thods Experienced | While ies practical work in shop enike Position, guaranteed talon "e Course, Send for our z e')'08 full details, 906 “ne PARBER OOLLEae E ' BL, Vancouver, B, 0. a a i. wt Os rer ere ereeerere “THE WOMAN GAME” Novel Theme Treated in Unusual Way in Picture at the Empress. a \ Mi Neyer formet te ook through he classified «ft HEARTBURN LIVER TROUBLE i ¥ acl it “ «! uke ® i ‘ atrer ) ' whet t i { syinpiloms a pain i ‘ loWness Of _ the ' before “te nated gue bad taste im the ' foul } water brash, jaun i t alt Mil ia : ) w ha eartburn ther liver troubles, Being rely ¥ etabk } Ol ePipe, Weaken ickon like oO j-fashioned purgatives ’ ally a Mi Mary trouve (ilasnevin Sask writ @ Mitburn’s iaya live : nm ‘ have area’ me tne burn and liver trouble 1 don't think the ik De beaten t any ether medein and | can bie uamend them Price ¥ 1 viet al all dealers or matied duvtt on ft tof price by The T, Mil burn vo Limited ! nlo, Unt Aavt INTERNATIONAL YACHTING RACE Contest Probably at Cowes Wert Yerer: Several Entries Each Bide LA ; ‘ i ra { \\ l I | \ al ‘ i ! ~ i J \ | “= When the Band Goes Marching By— —everyboay stops to look and listen. SO eRe age e . . . . . ° Eager faces crowd every window. Footsteps just naturally fall into time. The kiddies are full of excitement. All of which shows how the power of music stirs the soul. Ch And you can have Music in your home every day—music that is : . a enjoyed by every member of the family. ae e nc Have YOU got a Phonograph?—a Piano or Player?—stringed He Gifts instruments? ree i this If you have, you wouldn’t be without them for any price. be Christmas If you haven’t, you are missing a source of pleasure, the value of a which cannot be measured in money. bel Visit the music store. Keep up-to-date in Sheet Music, in Player a Rolls and Records. Every dollar you invest in Music means added Hei MELODRAMA TONIGHT enjoyment for every member of your household. ag AT THE WESTHOLME Ai. ber . > . ‘2 ek de A MicCutcheon's Drug Store McRae Brothers, Ltd Walker's Music Store ‘ aurice ourneur's “* e ife . cf Line” is Picturesque Offering Prince Rupert Music Store Ormes Drug Store W. W. Wrathall at Big Theatre. : Chas. W. Teetzel, Singer Shop M : é Number 244 \ “al ar Seat oe ee Fa Cit TL ee i I Liz = ne ~ cnn eee eee RENEE ORNS ! - ni $ + _ = = = ————___] j 1s lay Bh ee Pnsien and Mrs. Johnstone, Lieu- s 4 ous { int Wright, Captain Kerr, Rev. mene ? Len Years Ago sing, Rev. F. W. Ker ° s t\) in Prince Rupert Mv Ja . nd a ar a ee ae e e Ingie x December 6, 1910 ee Dry Kiln Capacity: 100,000 feet per day oe \ eM Neil McKay the I eee . Ml > 9 ae TE ito the t ‘ad ke espite Chief MeCaryvell's SITKA SPRUCE a «| ' is aah : WESTERN HEMLOCK FLOORING, SIDING ee d jack |*%" ie woe aR . CEILING FINISH OF ALL KINDS r y ne “ \ \\ M oi = , , : W silt lie alles a aatele Cree Tel are iasensails Charlotte Islands Spruce Products Ltd. + , 7 z wil Se Capers oe eae Mills: Prince Rupert, B.C. od i S netion Of Fish Packing. Ware Local Agents: ALBERT &-McCAFFERY ' | at z 1e ne nee oe ase arene Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephones, 564, 116, Blue 69 4 . wharf i1 cis be seen, on and alter Abe ’ TE na s ~ i mber, 192 at the office - — " ne: : i , . rks, Prince ® Rg, ab : ' % , a" ak 7. < a " chart red i : . y PuUNGAY A ada, mad payable ) 7 Pe v4 y W i fh, M.A. May Frege Rh smo heyy W th ] h te LS pte Mobley te ua we pet cele estnoime Lunc te VYING Tac e Nese S when called ube to do so oF Under New Management co ‘ oiM M 5 3 M ' ape le he Werk contracts - - i staermel ] rt - os of tnstiecessful tenderers ALL WHITE HELP oe 4 tw raed to them pon the exer - ——- eo the picture. terian Ch oO i! la wf the contract . Hy On it . VW Dw 4 lender not hecessarity W h ] S . ] eas PIGMY OWL er Maror Sons: Am PUBLIC WORKE BAGINEER estholme Specia : ig ', : Ma Mi . M ie ' 2 . Be was, rie : - Three Course Meal - from 45c up pi Smali Carniverous Bird Found ba i With Sparrow in Its Claws A Yesterday. cone eae | \ ! “ walking ae al ! i fro Sent too, a foward the shipyard when one of AND z hem | ! i Wilh a ° . C Li . d e (1 in its claws perehed on the Engineering Co., Limited. Ee, 8 rs waned * worse ae Operating—-G.T.P. 20,000 Ton Floating DryfDock . fl) 2--- Lf ic ~ bird mud i a ao ie perres 2 ‘ - > ' wi s and drove | ‘ . a os r h t s U Iwas! Y 't be if you eat at : th ze na eae Our Plant is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of esrb ee ee ae we bird away from him, a INE AND THE EMPRESS CAFE sooly song sparrow, one of the MAR Empress Hotel Block. Newly opened for business variety that is 30 common here. Strictly clean. White help only. Open day and night te he little owl was very sleepy COMMERCIAL WORK | ind-eould easily bave been killed, f= ; a mut killing Was mot the aim of the Large and Small Vessels dry docked. Several boats may ; twoanen, They threw the spat be docked at one time in one section of the Dry Dock. ° asl a ve hatk tothe owt and wen oe oe THEO COLLART, Notary Public | their way, allowing him to con- Engineers, Machinists, Boiler Makers, sar eons - ~, ‘ . ’ FOR SALE.—5 cho:te level Lots, together or singly, on 7th Ave., _ Linue his feast Blacksmiths, Founders, Pattern”Makers, ete. near new High School, Hays Cove Circle. “sng ranienalaa offer. “a rhe pigmy uw! in question was SON COAL | Bulk, $13.00 per ton delivered pol more than six or seven inches We Solicit Your Enquiries \ R SALE Sacked, 814.50 z from the top af its head to the - . tip of its tail, Tt appeared to be enly about twiee as bie as the and not much longer, parrow P, O, Box 1713 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C, Phones 43 and 385 J A TOTS Most Liberal MARINE INSURANCE on the Coast Insurance Company of North America, Pays Claims promptly i P.0. Box 66 — Westholme Theatre Block Phone Blue