THE DABLY NEWS TOILET SUPPLIES aR HN TTL and all the daint ~quisite RO ~ ne " nw ee srors COUGHS Mine Difficulty is Arranged by . /\ that make habits of cleanii .» Westholme Theatre| TONIGHT ONLY & ; ¢ nib 0 dallas instal ket Ge Payment of Large Sum one PGS) % i 1e8 deigh 1 — aoe \cham il TERRACE eS ) ieee bot ‘ mh Our Modern ; A Maurice Tourneur Spe 5 ¥ f ». M bad h ney ne ' i t =. rag prone laughter arrived home from ait pay John’ - ur line of Te 7 : ’ ¥ # : articles, supp! and sundries . Let our experts fill your | elee Hot h rok eft f \W scriptions ‘Ormes Limited [Bees a The Pioneer Druggists rae . , Phones 62,200 THE REXALL STORE po. pox 1680 aa “ ! ae: [teu a : | ~~ | HAROLD LLOYD Comedy .n NB. 8 I , . _ oe a n rogron ‘har MAURICE TOURNEUR. Buy That ty venting of Thurs-|..7,, aan 1k dada” 6 1 ‘The Life Line’ B.C. Gazette me» Boon eer te ae se oe | THE EMPRESS THEATRE Tonight and Temorrow ttre wriptineg Jone wel ate + ce ee me | Blaine Hammerstein r , | ' id e Jan. 1. > a cae men fF jome as it is to send tf away. 1 Re “ a eee ~ Print Shop Bi m ss en ~ os MINERAL ACT ; ‘6 at $75, $125 and $175. rf rts oman ame” ie . ned om Sh ies Certificate of improvements | oe u" i shits i ahi John Bulger ‘ ‘ FRACTION Minera : Brig; Lon fles the Circs ob: Jeweller - of said Disinet™c Mrhere tn ‘ Ee Paramount Gazette pom. freer lier Art : ! f . a GIFTS THAT LAST {lord River sdjouning ; +e gus am if : a il AKI CE t ; ia iia a ———— = marietta el BEWARE OF \\\\\ ‘yy rac tetra asa Se ont ner etn Hamat te samme EFFECT OF CAPTIVH'Y : \ " MODERN ae oe = me ON BREEDING FOXES eee WL TL) L/L - ie ber ae ‘ bay : K : ‘ . ‘ HOMAT \ ibe HOUSE Heziat f Tithes . THe SUrnest rent or bh ‘ Y . fhe and ; ! 1 4 \ . : : i + ae . ey ris ke ‘ ' Y € ; ' = i ; : : | Be or ee C ne ; eat §=Economical Purity | 4 ication in Section 5 TUESDAY poner eB, Youn. ame im ey in your soap, purity is not \ Wes ae ‘dinints ' we estate " a 6lonty desirable but its an \ rN) ' ap anid entste are r = absolute necessity if you S74 | = t \ want your clothes to last Hitt « Price $2,600 SPECIAL Ps | McCaffery, Gibbons Senlight oo is eheoletely pore nm an or edultereats of err ‘ erentce of th : & Doyle, Ltd. 50. Boxes / ae ee) Real Estate & Insurance . =| : Prince Rupert, B.C. Wi nesa p FEATHERED | | a ee ead teer of the wash board loxtet wa petteng the Sons vow eet for SUNLIGHT S04 DENTISTRY | Apples PILLOWS | a en ee Seas Don't neglect your Teeth v0 — aol 9 , One decayed or missing tooth umble Pack ‘ PUBLIC NOTICE. ‘ ; lowers your efficiency why. i 4 ‘ ' j \V d a DR. BAYNE $2.35 per box |j BIRTHS. Lew Shong Way and RTANT NOTICE ma Office Hours--Morning, 9 to 12; aan 3 j sing by IMP ay: Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.30; Satur- : uM ei : eee Tet day, 9 to 12 only Evenir 8, errr aaa : : i 1) rift \ ent? gin tn: Wednesday and Fri- ; 3 . ; lay v tb 4 ay, from 7 to 9. R | bI sa ikding * 1) i { vhich dat i i a! DENTAL NUKSE IN ATTENDANCE upert a E oupply CO. 4 va ‘ va P zi ¥: i for any ae PHONE 109 FOR condones eve a tla wit a n : iuthorized 1050 omy ie PHONES 211, 212. we wey W “v ; ul ; u , { tf ee i 1) os a i: age cen as ai eee ae a ha "0 7, “bt joc tiieenetls al D eeaie a \ 20 ! i $15.56 i ~chdaddadddheanaeorepccaopacasaed th use th altntae matt tn BASKETBALL SCHEDULE __ ROvetins NOR TS fe rar, ; j ) " eli ! tM > aa 00 ry SMITH & MALLETT Canadian Steam Laundry Fo! hws sere ee ee en Lyf Company 1 ' Wt ba ig D cone a PLUMBING AND HEATING | Phone 8 ' Me fits! W.VA wos i’ . 5 Delivered $14.50 a ENGINEERS Girls, | BOS Notary Public. Pembina ¥t LD Bk Estimates furnished. » Ben 4 ; > 4 . : peer hae eS ar AUCTION SALE FIRE Me rh Address, a ane nue, head ; K Prince Rupert Coal Col p : ar of Becond Btreet " nus “4 ails relephone Office in Central Hotel 5 ; Phone 174 .. P.O. Box 274 GWW.A A ‘ ~ é - i First Cars of our new gt Wednesday, Dec. 8. “lar Games tat — eened Lump Coal have Policies are carefully and ut 2 my i of hic i i en si Fs clean Dyeing - Dry Cleaning j 1% resin of dining suit List of Teams intelligently mitts, By us if, Large stock Keg Coal alse For good work, prompt service ranges, - Willan Axminster and Mon Sey Colts, Cal aw in sound companies that are 4 n eo ’ ’ eB ‘0G! @ ; and reasonable prices send goods Brussels carpets, beds, mattresses |y 4 sone f Canada Mikes and both able and willing lo pay 4 on hand Have you tried to CITIZENS’ CLEANERS &@ chairs, el bs ' Beat j , DYERS, 2037 4th Ave } ‘ ol : ind any losses that may occur, f Our ge Coal in you , Van- Cc. ¥. EVigT?T, couver. Inquiries solicited 4 Men } os Colla and YOUR business is solicited. Ti Auctioneer. Renve Place Your Order tn Good range’? IT'S HOT ‘ posceoee. | ¢ Ladie« Intermediat« Mapl Phone 96 for your rate, ? FLOWERS IN BLOOM Léate, Met relephone Girls Side with Consumers CoalCo,,Ltd. ]'} cwseemns.crcamenrens $) A, Ge GRAY ponicieat War veteran’ Aci Y ‘ J. Lorne MacLaren, i ae ba pM } LP ir-arhiok yon : udles fol i H. ¢. Helgerson, Ltd. LA CASSE BAKERY 190 i Room 11, Smith Block Phene 7: CITY MARKET PHONE Blue 421 or 444 King Edwars parta mid Whiz Real Estate {Bonds Insurance 717 Grd Ave. Auto De m EL TS OS oon Bang er