seqistative Laprery Local Dressed “Dressed Beef | Owr Blaughte ring Ship a Stock now ee f Liv gents © fires +t from the stock y week ¢ we vrs of the Bulkley Valley = ORGE J. FRIZZELL | PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia’s Newspaper ee 10, 265, 185 Roya Market Fulton Market 910s OFS BI SIRI RIAL OS OI SLOT GIGI OS we _———_——_—-_- -- 2, ¥ O76) yy Jo Che Daily Netws-—/ am WE NEVER SLEEP Prince Rupert Auto { 707 Second Ave. - Prince Rupert ——- Bi PRINCE RUPERT, B. C.. WEDNESDAY CEMBER &. 1020 Yesterday's Circulation, 1717 Gireet Gales 368. PRICE FIVE CENTS OMIMENCE RAISING S.S. PRINCE RUPERT FRIDAY HCH STRIKE IS MADE AT ALICE ARM MINE OWNED BY LOCAL PEOPLE eague of Nations and War on Typhus ost of Money Required is F ledged by Delegates; Sir George Foster Spoke on Behalf of Canada “0 oh e a ioc BRITISH EMPIRE HONORS GLORIOUS DEAD. ||. - ' ! - n f t Prince Rupert is Expected Here Soon under Own Steam Arrival at Drydock Tenccrs for Kepaiss VANCOUVER will be Invited Se ee nae “"t ei Be siecTnel’ AIR BOARD PLANS *~*e © ses Rooming Huse on Pendor \lgerine MICE 08-4 SOT MAG ” e Se ee FLIGHTS TO OIL Sireet Destroyed—No Direct made by Captain CG. H. Nicholsonw! ‘ mt te SOUT Cfhin | # FIELDS OF NORTH ' ut \s ve hie Te ' ' ‘ ' hi~ s\° Fire Alarm. : — : ol WA. Ib 8 rh ¥ ANY ESCAPED IN we z sae a THEIR NIGHT CLOTHES On the art of the wrecks ‘ uM os a ‘ } ‘ Oe ee ’ “as - * ; pe NE (U NB Riser Landing with the j ahhene } N j- ~ » ‘ T Tr ; » CIVEN CHARGE A i ad Or. A * I * OF NeW SERVICE pies . > . : “ee ePewtunwvee enna Fisheries Protection is Separate CUNNINGHAM —svsisen tas int cnarae “or he Prem Navy and will be oD MAYOR SUCCEEDED BY Gant Steamship Cow from, TCT ; Hewat Pocaal Riaced ty 900 Laborite. MOTHERWELL x wan in wow tet ee May Wit : i 6 ns : le miey Now Chief Inspector of Fish- oss tha . weir - | | eries for British . ¥Y Was 95 Columbia ‘ ‘ have ' hi i a1 i ' “ j ‘ NEW WESTMINSTER, Dec : ; . 8 Mai. J. A. Motherwell has ’ . ry veto eg reoelved telegraphic confirm- KERGIN LEADS: ; \ : denis st pas alin: > serve : i i" ation of his appointment as chief inspector of fisheries ‘ \ as ' j for British Columbia, sue- SAFE MAJORITY : . * ceeding Col, Cunningham. ‘ a ‘ Nuss fe ving 2 na trye it w nt pes Saver MAJOR MORRIE WAS «|e sateen. Sheen Comeiet. iit non manda ane Oued HERE THIS MORNING sn ii Ste the Malapis — ANG it ‘ s He yard Mot at Steamer by Maj. MoMullin, VAN VI I a Later Who is to be in Charge of GOLUTIS ' ° ‘ ive ‘ wing tot . , . Recruiting Local Unit : Ys , pe ae ort tar ine as : ’ the six candidate ! NC ihe il \ | MeHriet 1 Liberal 108 “i H. Gasev Th d d d O hor. aan, | The} he Canadian General soeiatist, 281; W. Gy Ross, Cor ree unare unce bil . 4 ado oby bis aide rvatlive, 2i¥; King, 70; Daly, 21 i Ore in Recent Strik worning deste five ieclelatmmiuih venute re in ecen ri e: LOGGER INJURED. bee ! ‘ (ieoree and = aflet unreported, so Kergin is assured siniaiaiaihiiai » ! Ny a | nit ts left oon fa sanafe ma onriey " H gh grad , ore : ne BOO : ees to ‘the ton was ! Lens N J BH. ith vet sermeapare’ CPaaeih feet stroek at the North Star mine \ e Arm few days ago, accord ff j ' nd Ottawa Pee ' he jo R ERTY SALE img to Tn Zare whe arrive from the Arm on the Chelohsin at Ooeean Pall j (i i) MeBrien bade little bo | fq : ‘. alt f th vesterday afternoon and Yeluros vorth tonigh! This rich ore is iene ere ” j i nival ‘Nuhen! Mol'far — .\ on oa » of William Manson Disposes ef the (jy. pe yepa) ) nd specially picked stuf! ruus to far greater ly broken } , ene rape ' He was met Turf Buffet Building. alia aden ait i Maiorn MeM n whe is | ul edit aide u BS oe - me : ps : ae oy the lo militia unit of Willian) Manson has disposed Mr. Garelli ' that | dam MeoAleenan, the owne BIRTH 50 ps wards tof his lot and building on Third) are going to have [5 men working on this mine all winter instead . 00 et ) | i } his l have Avenue teas sixth Street tolof the preserrt sta af six len horses are to be taken up to the ihe pore i ' a born al the not vel been decided upon and) Mitchell Bilieieh, of Keto ON, mine and these wv be used throughout the winter ia laking the ve riay to Mr. there are many difficulties in the the priee paid being 8Y,o00 gush ore from the North Star down to the grade of the Dolly Varden A W. 4 i ; i i General Me he deal has just been completed : s Bhes, ofl Ave why « j f 4 f the Railroad The ore wall lic here wu winter and by spring they frien had ext » have more Bilicich takes charge o “ P . e Bat I i ‘ } \ lisappointed Tur Bullet sucteeding Harrev expect to have 15,000 or 2O,000 tous ready tort shipment down sare u me short, Bicuehe the) road te he wharl henee to G by mie educed prices tf in having REE DEAD woes Capt. Nicholson says Should Be Raised Next Week and on Mcunted Police Party Leaves on First Relay To Visit Arctic Regicn DAWSON, December 8.—A mounted police party under Sergt. Demster, the famous trail breaker musher, left Dawson yesterday on the first relay for the annual winter expedition to the Arctie, the party taking several tobéggan loads of supplies as far as Hart Kiver ou the Rocky Mountain divide, after which they will return to Dewsou and leave here at the end of Deeember on a dash of S00 miles for Fort MacPherson at the mouth of the Mackenzie From Fort MacPherson, connecting relays will go to Rampart House and tlerschel Island, where the latest news from the Whial g fleet wi be obtained. The pa should also bring News of the Arctic explorers who Loe ozen in for the winter. soreeeesssess""*5 COUPRNOR RIGGS No TRUCE UNTIL OF ALASKA IS THE EXTREMISTS oe se $ JEALOUSOPB.. * G nent in the Com- Says Lack of Policy in Alaska is ns th there “ean be Kesponsibie for Capital Coming * = > * > > > * » Ireland until #* Here * * * * s s * * the extreme leaders of the aa * Irish republican army sur- WASHINGTON, Dee. 8.—An - render their artis or are appeal for greeter -ordination * arrested, of policies of Thé Federal and * Territorial governments runs = through a series of recomunenda- CFE SESE SE SES pions for coverning the territory of Alaska as submitted in the FLIER PREDICTS — ieisc2ctty Seas public here today. The Alaskan Governor urges a GREAT FUTURE olonial poliey, asserting the ab- sence of such has caused capital supposedly headed for Alaska, to Commozor: Tylee Talks on the turn to British Columbia. Recent Transcontinental ; meres ve" SEAMEN ARE PORONTO, De s fam per- satistied that within five ares ‘ ll be a tramscontin- al a . ce running across nada ed Commodore A kK. Charged With Unilawfuliy Joining Together for Purposes of Re- fusing to Obey. Iyvlee, C.AJ after he had related es in bis recent tight la, fo tnembers of the \e (dub a Yonge street. Five : ; VANGOUVER Li 8 War- s, he said, might net bring all , rants were issucd yesterday for developments necessary to pul ‘ , : ; the arrest of eight seamen of the spo itio on the same . : ” 7 team rail steamer Esther Dollar © the servi basis as the stea ‘ail- i vithin Dollar line operative out of this i cite Witt port l fe mm Was laid id be a conmmunercial " by Capt. J Phail and the charge > >e j ' lopment irainst the men is “that they did Son , ie §=6developments ; unlawfully join together for the sour) ‘ hation-wide com. . purpose of refusing to obey of thisportation tle de- ' : : ieis by superior officers, lhe lee miultiple eneines, , j -iimen are Ben Tranter, Jolin Kelly, achites Capabie al . , : “ James Chick, Joh Moran, Georgs u and and water, slush, ' ’ Rookard, James Kavanaugh, Jas ul = hw mine 1 series oOo ; , “which thegbertson and Walter Jones. 2 d stations rou ie . Case Settied. its ' chines could be di- ainda VANCOUVER, Dee, 8 Luter on their courses, In the police court this mierning Conunodore Lylee made the the charge against the seamen moewhal asteunding prediction ; was withdrawn as the result of neat future there ‘ an atmieable setiiement. It trans- be designed an airplane »ired thal the men~refused to whi would net. need any fuel . : work unless paid additionai for what ver. but whieh would earry overtime Phere Was no disorder niv a imetor and be supplied with aboard fuel on enerey from ground sta : Vhe Dollar Company agreed to ans the Crernianes, he said, reinstate them and the ship is re werking oO such a scheme : sailing for the Orient on Thurs. for destruetive purposes, bul they did neat conclude it) before the day, war's Cessation And the Freneh have a machine whieh they have flown and landed wholly controlled A. « Brownlie, Grand Trunk Pucifie Steamship Co. port en gineer, arrived from the south on by wireless Phe speaker said his flight had “wn concluded in British Colum, bia nder the worst weather eon- itions in the worst year in the RED CROSS ast dhirty years British CGelum- The annual meeting of the Cana dian Hed Cross Seelety will be held the Peinee George today i s tu h after landing il h ¢ hal im a landing sae. tine: eeaie eteenads idle | { t ‘ _ a i. ha a ight could be Conmsum THURSDAY, DECEMBER O(n, 1920, ated nder such eanditions as at 8 ocloek p.m All Inetbers are then, transcontinental ty. requested lo he preseuh F. Men, YOUNG CDalrman Z ny sears n Canada | a he Was a commercial feasibility ee: