; Pi THR DAILY NEWS Yinas Card The children love “ast Nee | Wrigley’s—and it’s i ak ! is? good for therm. - wie j | ire # Made under conditions of I. fh absolute cleanliness and . : : brought fo therm in Wrigley" ern sealed sanitary packace. .. Satisfies the craving for oe ee sweets, aids digestion, sweet- . te ens breath, allays thirst and heles keep teeth clean. ae ee 1 the Pr Costs little. benefits much. . ails’ 7 | ten : wie phe THE FLAVOUR : innye apo LASTS : : : * : | Alfalfa Day cee rehouse oie rs re r ‘i CHOICI NO ~ALFA HAY. ; : . ’ THE BRACKMAN-KER MILLING CO.,LTD. |. 7 P.O. Box 745 Prince Rupest, B.C. Phone 350 - ! Ask for Atkins’ Bau ape. a at Wrathall'’s 7 = UL i i UNL AR il thi Ni Hart Special Order - Revision of Prices and to do so will make a clear cut of 30 on the Dollar on all merchandise in my store. 25 per cent. reduction. This is my first cale in seven years and a quantity of my stock is pre-war quality and price, Block - | STEVE KING | HH IW! wnt HH ve) lt 1] WM | will reduce my stock, due to changing market conditions, “ART” Clothes Third Avenue a For ba I Lived Transfer f ee... Eve rybody Smokes Zz tf] A. J. Fras if| + | a nd d 8 ee e Mi { Dy ‘ iy 87 { proof { tf Be There’s a world of satisfaction in a pipeful n 4“ of Old Chum Tobacco, ee Favorite j 4 er a a mat TORPID LIVER as Vor over 4 Months | | IMPORTANT NOTICE j - — } * a ae I f wing | n th wi nds of al w hi i by t 1 fT ive i ixf, 1920, NI r “s and ' La Lump, Delivered in. Buik......... $16.50 288) Hack sie { ee La Lump, Delivered in Sacks......2, $17.50 rougt L I Delivered in Bulk ..0.0..4°... $14.00 \ be I I Delivered in Sacks J..2.. 2008 $15.50 I { Run, Delivered in Bulk ....°..... $12.50 ; i? Pp I Del ed BUIK 65 co reades $14.00 sal k p I Dy ed Seeks i0g.45 $15.50 ‘ , “ D i BOK rik co sckata $13.00 = Ib 1 i $14.50 Prince Rupert Coal Company Office in Central Hotel Ehone 145 j 4 S iD ’ ' ioe AND Mrs Tt T J 7 ELECTION RETURNS Engineering Co., Limited. Operating-—-G.T.P,. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry_Dock Formby is Now Leading Burrough BA aes ~ oa for Third Praos by Eighteen Our Plant is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of " Votss. a3 f MARINE AND é | COMMERCIAL WORK is M if is Large and Small Vessels dry docked. Several boats may 4 i Ww. A ¥; be docked at one time in one section of the Dry Dock. i = Engineers, Machinists, Boiler Makers, yj Blacksmiths, Founders, Pattern Makers, etc. "3 Py o We Solicit Your Enquiries y a P. O. Box 1713 Phones 43 and 385 if PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. < B me ! ) fi = I i = —- NS , WAR ELECTRIC & MARINE © oy BASKETBALL SCHEDULE SUPPLY CO. 1 te Seay ee _—_—_— COW BAY —- | @ agape fom es by ELECTRICAL AND MARINE SUPPLIES, || . representing ' is Canadian Fairbanks Co. Ltd. KG “ 8.0.1 C. O. Crude Oil Marine Engines from 30 to 250 h.p. | a 8-10 H. P. Heavy Duty Distillate Engines, ; : , K All the Latest !mprovements | rf I ! : . . ome ar i us ve » ! ve \ \ Electric Lighting Plants ; oenee a ro me ed P ; tt \ ‘ st meee 4 id At List of Teams ie s s a Gailics. GW 4 “98 . . “shi | BERR RD ah ROYAL] © nis. 4aS “\\ Lig Auto Service | — M : I | edia Maj , Prompt Service oP « Tele » Girl Day and Night ; Maa) \\ Vetera \ 1 First Class Cars ei ndid \ E. Large, Prop. i ! Vi ui ee a a "me PEACE PRIZE oe nen a Phone 35 . COPENHAGEN, 1 nie sisiaiitiie Ao Nokn ye \\ sy grant is ward i a ; er \\V lb . Never forget ta look through ERS ES B Os tie elassified list | ? SILV ID R Wall Ninas ng, three ——————_$ means practical men to advise you, and guar- | oe is with overy dolloty = #22 #8 ee ee eee eee antee everything you buy. reha J) 2 WALLPAPERS, GLASS, PAINTS, * TY SUBSOR/ BEARS * Winsor & Newton Art Supplies, It is just as cheap to-get your Sobsstihers'to The Niwa 9 EXPERT SIGN WRITING AND yrinting done wel and doue at are asked to pay the de- CARD WORK, ‘ame as it is to aend it away. TY ® livery boys each month ® ? PICTURES, PICTURE FRAMING Che News Print Shop when they call, exeept # Sood Gio where payment has heen © | Phone 22 prisce'kupe. P.O.Box 120 tir re acs made for the year in ad. #® , Tes eM vane, The boys when *® i a : colleciipg carry atcial re. * = ————— . ” Sapa tg atl? en it * ceipts which should ai. # ° f Th D . N vs cmon ouitmuminmiat {Wye pewnet ” * Subseribe for The Daily News dealers, or Edin R. Minto » Co Tinea . s " , 2 caeer U8. Sample ‘he na bree ee yeu 5 alan € . se¢e PQ eae ae EU BEEA The Leading Daily of Northern British Columbia