December 8, 19 rONCERT PU nm, OVER STRONG ©, Elks and Christmas Cheer Fund Benefits. i j Mi Minstrel Show. ? wy The Program Provide Fine Entertainment We have now on hand 1000 Tons Wellington Goal 1000 Tons mily a increase in price of aleo a diffic y in myet mand for prompt th fal we r that u mak re “ r supply w pola Ww 116, 564, Blue 69 Albert & McCaffery Limited PILLOWS that ihe at Me i ar iy uit : ! , your ie ! tral ! “ ' temperature i “ leaving Cach an i eit nulty t la Piven rt ' witt ‘ ! t r sat Carin team Laundry Phone 8 FEATHERED zs | To clear oe an ees Swe 8 , SALE STARTS THURSDAY MORNING, DEC. 9 exe YRS er « GREAT CLEARANCE SALE Men’s Clothing and Furnishings For the last few years we have all been living in an age of easy money and high prices. the cause of it, but we must all admit that prices in many cases have gone the limit almost beyond the reach of the ordinary individual. For some time every To us it looks as though that day has arrived and we are glad of it. Many of y to replenish on body has been expecting a slump. for a long time have been getting by with just as little as possible, buying only what you absolutely had to. To the Christmas shopper this sale comes right in the nick of time and should be a your wardrobe and to do so for very little money. 3s# All Neckwear, Silk Mufflers, Silk Hosiery, gc., to Se cleared regardless of cost. FOR FOURTEEN DAYS ONLY event. It may be that circumstances over which we had ne control was yi ik I To you this is an opportunity 1o money saving F rs ft oi 2 +. 11/7 iL A ~ A at Ribbed Drawers only. at | u Underwear, Ww \ Lys 4 | x 4 Men's all- wol Tweed or Worsted Suits Men's Rain Coats To Clear Shirt cil Biue Serge Suits $31.50 To clear at Men's Silk Muffiers To clear $2.65 To clear $2.90 To clear $5.40 To clear $7.25 Men's Handkerchiefs to clear at 10c to clear 3 for 50c Ail Linen Handkerchicfs To clear 60c. e Re 0 fiat knit combigubions ities: Reg. j 0. To clear at . Men's Neckwear ‘ihe Men's light weicht spring and fall Overcoats, dark grey or black, and (7s tare sizes only Neg ir price $35.00. To clear at ...... $19.50 fy 4) Men's ednim eight - . $5.90 istmas — ae A Cc. ap $1.10 = uc, A $1.90 a $33.50 $11.90 and Absolutely no reserve. All Goods sol for Cash only fartin 1 O'Reilly Saal “2 SALE STARTS THURSDAY MORNING, DEC. 9 Every article in the store a!l costs and profits forgotten. Come for Cash only under the hammer You need the goods, we need the money. and see us Thursday Cine fi ee dozen Me s very 9 All Goods sold » Weol Blue ee ee zes Cyd to 44, Regular price $65.00 BAS Fo oleae at oes hes 95.00 i Men's | y weight Over Coat— “The Toga” —riade by Millington » £2 ‘e 5.00 Wil 1 Presentation. lindfold 1s howed a ackface spe n Shines 1 Hebts M merit ill at des the ited) his punching ot of native ialty of the Buddy, t ad iihohy ‘ e at this \\ rh MINERAL ACT. ‘ Certificate of Improvements. aK j 4 fh NUTICE Mi cun pper Clim No, ey - ; re and “Copper Cum Rev. Benjamin Self. S 5 I Mir \ tuate in the Naas n wel n ‘ s 1 r Mining Division of Cassiar District ' \\ a Kitsault River, Alice Arm FE Ni cE tha jeorge A. Youngs ner ertificate No. 36595-C, act n f and as agent for Joseph ' Ww Pre Certificate No. 40651 ame? Ar Davedsor Free Miner's der : No, 40628-« imtend, sixty days m the Wate hereof, to apply to tne : ad i? News ing Recorder for a Certificate of im- Negro Farce F ee oe ae ments, for the purpose of obtatynge : he ~ > 89 wn Grant of the above claims. fee « rihber take notice that action, un oO Tal } a Ba must De commenced before ‘ gacour e “ad tf suck Certificate of Impreve- ‘ fl ‘ ' ted this, 6fD aay of November, 1920. ' : : ie 5 ateiierigechinwandll ' a . * r ' eA / MINERAL ACT. ! col Ws Form F nel ih Was * . a ' cele t Certificate of Improvements. ; ther Binge NOTICE j : ME PRACTION Mineral Claim, situate M ay e Naas River Mini ne Db i sion’ of Gas DD D ' Whe lorate ADO! vet 22 Than lice Afr in: - ie au of Kitzauit wit lan accepied bank cheque on a chartered | Rive? adjomineg = Hora Minera! \ E NOTICE nat t Lewis W. Patmore, \ V6E as agent for Hans t Miner's Oertifieate No. intend, sixty days from the date ‘ to apmy to the Mining Recorder | ! \ ; tracted ' t ate f improvements, for te; ONE-TIME STAR OF ' pas biaming a Crown Grant of as rers ihe above lacm VILLAGE SHOWS NOW ! : the exec AND FURTHER TAKE: NOTICE Jpat ac- of tho under s tiv “ nder not tf ssar V bef © te ‘ 0 Julienne Frou enor Whenever the Ladies’ Aid of het fait And with promis went perform nded, it Was an V nf vi pl odigies ] ! oon - oe I ISHERMEN NOTE i a brilant future on es e Juliet be use she ‘ . ; hea y fore Our new machinery is now installed and we are t ) ¢ all manufacturing el ul and becomes x d wif f the village gro undertaker With Mabel Seott it was. different i ss childhood she wanted to be- FROM FILTERED WATER Mh REINS d, st@angely Our ice is first placed in Cold Storage and supplies for gh, ane is one fishing boats are drawn from cold storage, thus ensuring TWINKLES IN FILMS °°" yong uvern 5A relate Mabe! Julienne Scott, Playing in ‘The Sea Wolf,” “Infant Prodigy.” OE SE is TE inust be Commenced tien 85 Certificate of th day of November, A.D ~~ LEWIS W. PATMORE, Down Go Our Prices We are closing out all our FRENCH IVORY and positively the largest asssortment in town of Manicare Sets, Case Pipes Mirrors, Ash Trays, Ladies Purses, Military Brushes, Chocolates. ¢ McLAGAN PHONOGRAPHS go at cost---only a few left Columbia and Emerson Records 50c and 25c each. McCUTCHEON'S Corner Second and Sixth The Largest Drug House in Northern B.C. vilaze put on an enter “ ment little Mabel Seott was HARD ICE Ks commandeered to “speak a piece.” American Fishing Boats Save the Discount on Mahet.Gagne was ~ a ae Canadian Funds by buying from candy or cajoled with rash es in arder te get her * ° ld St Co you ese. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. Ltdy | So insistently did she din it Prince Rupert, B.C. the @ara of ber parents that ° inte she wanted to become ai great ; i Xmas Cakes. Place Your Order in Good Time with LA CASSE BAKERY — 7iT*3rd Ave. Aute Delivery MESSRS RORIE & SMALL Chartered Accountants & Ayditors, Vancouver, B. c. Have pleasure in intimating that they have epened a Branch of their besinere at Smith Block, Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, where they will carry on a General Accountancy Business. Phone 44. Resident Partrmer’) GSORGE RKORIE, Chartered Accountant (Edinburgh end Canada) " fa Se