Page @ For Quaility, Fair Prices and Service-- ORMES Limited Christmas Presents Genuine Parisian Ivory Articles of all kinds, Rigaud, Roger c& Gallett, Piver, These names mean real PER- FUMES. and TOTLET WATERS. We have them. Page © Shaw Chocolates--- the best. Ganong Brothers’ Chocolates. Kodaks. Christmas Cards, Tags and Seals, Let us help you choose that gift. Ormes Limited Betier ThanPills For Liver Ills ORMES LIMITED ALICE ARM The Pioneer Druggists ty a Phones 82,200 THE REXALL STORE po. nox 1680 ee ea ce nenet i ; Ih RIA. " ~ ’ HE ADMIN , r Buy That : a 4 Diamond Me ota AMP tare Soon ao - ae r mal ¢ \ hay ne a . we ytia li nity une i“ tilla a 2 7 on ‘ i wh I s la al pp va : , a j I) nds 3 im @Xx- “Ja ae oe * iad yt ili m, a. “ MIE \ | i A Me ' $75, $125 and $175. F \ es ! John Bulger vb Jeweller GIFTS THAT LAST a * sa -_ : ; DIVIDE SPOILS iii i ‘ Sr o Tie PORON' i MODERN TUESDAY Doughty it he Srna pie: ‘4 SYLAW NO. 356. _ HOUSE SPECI AL City of Prince Rupert. ined oe tn : rodern bi y desirable ° 50 Boxes ‘ Price $2,600 : Seat bee tas Poe McCaffery, Gibbons Winesap & Doyle, Ltd. Real Estate (& Insurance Prince Rupert, B.C. Apples Jumble Pack Office Hours- Afternoon, 1.30 to d+y, 9 to 12 only Tuesday, Wednesday and Fri- @day, from 7 to 9. DENTAL NUSSE IN DENTISTRY Don't neglect your Teeth om sec gartacceer” 4) Rupert Table Supply lowers your efficiency _ DR. BAYNE -Morning, ® to 12; 5.30; Satur- Evenings, $2.35 per box PHONES. 211, G.H. ARNOLD Notary Public. | FIRE INSURANCE Poli¢ies are carefully and intelligently written by in sound companies that are both able and willing to pay any jlosses that may occur, nanan Treen. YOUR business is solicited. Phone 96 for your. rate ATTENDANCE A. G. GRAY PHONE 109 FOR APPOINTMENTg encher of Piano o Studie 137 Second Avenue Seritan First Ci vreened Lump Coi arrived IT’S CLEAN stuck Egg Coal on hand Large - “ange irs Gur Kxeg range? Consumers CoalCo, Ltd. . J. Lorne MacLaren, Manager, Room 11, Smith Block Have you tried Artistic Coal in your Gifts IT's HOT il have also Phone 7 H. G Helgerson, Ltd. Real Estate. Bonds Insurance — , PHONE Blue 421 or 444 Westhol ALL WwW Westhol lew —— SU nder New Management me Lunch HITE HELP me Special Three Course Meal - from 45c up useful and] Regardless of Cost Third Avenue Christmas BIG REDUCTIONS IN Coats, Suits, Skirts, Blouses, etc. Miss GLEESON Prince Rupert, B.C. } EES Cf THE DADLY NEWS i MOVE tO ANI sien —— wig vue| Westholme Theatre Would Have a Week's Notice Given TONIGHT AND TOMORROW ae Pim Fema Scr » | 66 “THE SEA : WOL}” 3 , Li Noah Bee ry *= Paramount De Haven comely - “Spring and Gazette ' A PARAMOLINT Ak WAFT f ue siete | EMPRESS THEATRE - Tonight and Tomorrow BESSIE BARRISCALE | Ten, Years Ago | ___ “The Woman Michaeln Married” { 13th Episode of “Whirlwind Ger es es meer December 8, 1910 Se sees | Red Cedar Shingles : = aie Dry Kiln Capacity: 100, ete SITKA SPRUCE Sis dan eect WESTERN HEMLOCK FLOORIN puree CEILING FINISH OF ALL KIN as 1 oS TL Charlotte Isla ds bprace ¢ Produc s Ltd. Milis: Prince bh pert APPERY $64, 116, Blue 6P — : Local Agents: ALBEKT & Me >. Age Prince Rupert, 6.C Telephones TEN DAYS TEN DAYS TEN DAYS . | LE The ‘re will be a genera! reduction on everything | M Yard Good’, Boots and Shoes, Boys’ Shoes and 80 0! L, ea Coats and Skirts will go at prices ne ve r bef re cffere cll tliale ena tion also on Ladies’ and Children's Boots, Shoes : ss oo ——— Take Care Ladios' C&ats, : HH ‘ $265.00 Crape de Chine and Siik Blouse $4.50 ibn + $26.00 - Ladies’ Georgott $10.00 That Cough = = eet eee | $22.50 Ladies’ Hats, $2.50 Siik Bio | — ————K— | badieg. Sits, vanate & Georgette Dresses, Woollen Toque | i, f $26.50 25 per cent Discount 0” d Bonnets. |] be Caps, Tams, Mittons Gioves an | pose b ” prohons iasrat sehing Ladies Serge and Velvet Skirts, saluon to : Discov at’ on elt Our Staple £16.00 fi ; . $10.00 20 per cen i bottle \ Goods, ! will ‘ mat 1 stile wot wel eon is) Me iKiitvene across the chest, ane Ladios’ Silk Poplin Skirts reduced bo BF00 Me Wu Larnehay \ la } weit Last winter | caugit a bad euig Wy Voile Bi@uties, values to 84.50, for $2.60 1) Ladies’ Shoes had a ‘ and @ terrible hacking 46 per cent Discount on . nia’ Boots and cough tha d not wet rid « I could ss and Vi nd Blippers, Misse hoos | mut sleep ot night. 1 teted quite a few 30 per cent Discount on Girls, Ooats, a aienore, Youths’ and Boys’ Shot remed 1 thee j wot do me inueh dresses and sweaters. —a winnd til tg i W oat Norway Pin —————— r i ! tits 13 ; bake iw drrthle “ sh ow al « I feel that i \“ ! line WO equal » Wie “ ue it WwW al yorwa Vite new antl unt remed ae me that be hs reputation extending over Unirty ea °9 ful wp i llow wrap; ih pine : Prince K a mans prey 908 a0 Corner Third and Seventh