— aes Y News Genuine Parisian Ivory Articles , PRINCE GEORGE LL smut iar | te staan «= <| Westholme Theatre| . . Th ese es mean real oy 2. i ww and Service FUMES and “T 01 : +o To NIGHT vith & view to TONIGHT ONLY ORMES WATERS. We have them. Tomorrow Alright ind paper m1 Mt. t ) ~ NR Tablets stop sick headaches, opty —— LL “i + Page ‘&® Shaw Chocolates--- relieve bilious attacks, tone and ! \ — Limited the best. a organs, i ‘ ; \ for your Ganong Brothers’ Chocolates. **Better Than Pills For Liver lils”’ I Kodaks. Px, ' fa om sc ‘ 4. j 4 Christmas Christmas Cards, Tags and Presents e Let us help you choose that gift. Ormes Limited ——— ie eee PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Phones 82,200 THE REXALL STORE po. pox isso SERVICES TOMORROW Little Things -: - . , er . | ! Gulf Links Gee ata ey sawn mame TERRACE | t vl Mrwo A eee ee hoe betwee We ae inching for A en 1h y ere mad ae practical workmen ourselves we know how they . aa should be made tor service. : ’ ' ; ’ boned MATTED = s HiNia A You choose the pattern from! | a stats an endless variety of new a designs : alk eileen ht CE thet tt Solid gold from $3.50 to , Nave Af \ $14.00. Prices as low as any Can- John Bulger Jeweller GIFTS THAT LAST atone Mc ~ i? om ‘Fame and Fortune” ————_| "| CHARNOLD | ee MODERN Notary Public. __ Fox News , rd Es lp Week-end FIRE "| EMPRESS THEATRE . - - - Tonight Onl miee|] Specials | MSRM [os VIOLA DANA ary desirable intelligently written by us in sound companies that are a ey ae wi displayed in both ee spewing to Dey t res 6s , Price $2,600 eee iatadletlensthim 07 occu Chorus Girl's Romance” our wicedows and . ee WAR! Dt is Si ted. .w , - o ( l AMS RI vw AP Shires: tiinid tes wands YOU R busir EPISODE THIRTEEN “MILLION DO! Phone 96 for your rate McCaffery, Gibbons eRe SMITHERS anaes aemeeenenememas — nore & Doyle, Ltd. ee HC. Hlgerso, aia Nearly Crazy | we ceatise that pric Insur rance Real Estate @& Insurance Ouly 12 more have decided to m ee ee i. With Bezema Ou Price Reducing : ee Christmas Order Early Vandert E von see | Rupert Table Supply Co, Scotch Shortbread : S “ Lr. lowers your efficiency DR. BAYNE Panne ont, a Currant Bun whds rh, a is now in fall swing Office Hou rs- Mo ring, 9 to 12; After 40 to 5.30: Satur EL OE A) ee LE LT A TS ES being offered at great Xmas Cakes Mews "hh : READ BELOW! SEE OUR W dvy, 9 to 12 only Evenings, Ws Tuesday Wednesday and Fri- fiday, from 7 to 9 omnis wan om orennance $1 Terrace Fruit Lands | {| Plum Puddings : wae. $0.60 oa a ~ ~: = , —_ ’ a8 Ace Lat. miles from . ' r, 7 eet ape . - / Si, The ; ¢ 65 ( , Van Ars ‘ Coutaina From : ~~ Men's | ne. GRRE 3 di. | sv acres fir due’ ack soil, with , Y ' " : values to $11.00, Sale: s oh "tees 1 CURRIE'S BAKERY jj "772. $1) af? tivation. Frame house, 24 by 18 done that we ; ‘ : Ss’? Shoes, at 7 40) dy ft., wit ar. Fr . Men's “INVICTI Did. liar me stable, yee " ‘ om ” ~ P 16 by 18 ft. Log tool house, 18 Phone 177 P.O. Box 258 s 7 $17.50. Sale Pr by 20 ft. Spring water near’ the Third Avenue TELIEF FOR BAD | on | ' ae ee k en COLDS IN A NIGHT bees te mere » a eee ecay aloes to $10.00, Sale Pric $5.60 For quick sale, $1,800 : : ; : Le 6’ Battleship Grey kh , = $7 85 cash. On terms, $2,000, FLOWERS IN BLOOM {Every Household Should Keep |” | nt adies’ Battleshi di. o.! . oa rice One third cash, balance 12 and 18 Chrysanthemums», ¢ yclamens and This Preparation On Hand MINEORAI ACT months at 7 per cent Diulbe " , : . _ con sbowoTHY DOOD” $85 KENNEY BROS. & CO. Special---Table Apples, No. | bret " ware : Certificate of Improvements Any pairof the famous ‘I | ¢ ° $3.50, full weight ee ‘ Nhevene Shoes for Ladi Terrace, B.C. CITY MARKET , ae ; Norrie rece | pe Cate of our new RI NE Bete jue 7" we Ww per Cle per Cut Ne a Leckie’ Red ch Boy s » $5, 00 | $4 95 ened L unp Coal have Lapper oum N Y and Lopper arrived none ; 4 ro ee ae pte Boots, siveB ¢ P ‘ ‘ hive ' x Diviion « aseiar i ri . ‘ IT’S CLEAN A. C. GRAY i" ‘ rel Where located: Kiteault fiver, Atice arm , : ‘All Our € hildren 8 Shoes T k nf ACTICE that George A. Youns, Big ae luctions on . tee Large stock Keg Coal also eacher of Piano a Dice aati aeptiiidaia Nd S6GR6 <0. OA B ). on hand Have you tried Studio 137 Second Avenue ion ¥ es @ tes ne for myself and a8 agent for Joseph store red tuced act ore- V, Oo eg Cual o joerg ¢ i bad cold Well Free Miner Certificate No. 40661 nine A ot il in your PHONE Blue 421 or 444 Hou h Wd F it lian ‘olait & ‘aiad at aoe he and Arne Davedson, Pree Miner's Cer Every shoe and pi i Sr aathe youl ice J : : = ; nr " 4 form for ‘ cate WN intend, sixty day# , ome eary a tS IT'S HOT ome 6 urn ure } ener “ “ we ' fren the lute hereof © apeiy to tne ingly. C EL ee 2 4 “ae Lewle bore et rot tug Hecorder for @ Gertifieate of im .