AIR LO IOLA IO FOLOLE IOLA PO LOLD DOOD: Si p o 6 ; ° BB | local Dressed Beef rg Dri I ‘ Te rc wv TAXI TAXI ments of Live Stock now arriving ¢ ore eater | un ¢ 3 Phone 75 GEORGE J. FRIZZELL WE NEVER SLEEP Phones 10, Be i PRINCE RUPERT Prince Rupert Auto ree, loyal Market Fulton Market ‘ tu tf Loe ararererenrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnened Northern and Central arHish Columbia’s Newspaper } Be Second Ave. - Prince ees Wt. X_NO. 20 PRINCE RUPERT, B. C., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1920 Yesterday's Cirestation 1708 Sirset Seles 404. = PRICE FIVE CENTS ANITOBA HAS FOUR HUNDRED DIVORCE CASES AWAITING TRIAL IN COURTS Prince Rupert Moved to Flat oe Bottom Early This Morning Pumping Commenced Lest Night ard the Versel Cleared Bottcm in Three Hours; Ready for Travel in Few _ | ite ' ; ’ we HEAVY SEAS ON " | | : ; : ale ; , ww | { the iping ‘ ‘ ra punmip d , o ~ta " sere present . Manitoba, Saskatchewan and the West, e attending Haipe ‘ ! ms k and th . oe on te = g thls ! ' ens are taking if classes during the week. They ape, '. N. Miller, : : | ae ISHING BANKS - % 7 By ty Batt my Chieag ho speaks on lighting, starting and igr fon, : wy yottom and : . J Bras ny, Ol v = {M = Of vo-acelylene meres f I MOTOR DEALERS HOLD CONVENTION IN WINNIPEG, . , os j (teg Schooners Sesk Shelter and Fish T My ’ . F 4 STPL E ir DER iS me sien the upper, OES. aevive Youay NER FENDERS LIBERATED FROM JUL Manitoba Divorce it : - -— { j j Var 4 eit T R. B. Rucsoii Has Year of Term ! OUTSTANDING MERCHANT. we wd ; ; " Ir ts wor ner ee “st : Mills Grind Fast vhost ohh wl Wetinteiale tot oN a ' Four Hu:dred Applications are Before tho whise hb latter hak oe boa Cee a i ha Sto ny Courts Now; Cost is Less than pms for the Abin Fsterien) nso unset aw eonvieted of sedi $100 for Each . 1s was due ere las n nnection wi 1e ‘et Ns ae i oe vets ie d court house bids, word has ; i. 8 rita nee: i # pee a . WINNIPEG, December {5.—Four hundred divorce applica- d be read Mie heveonh ours been received from Victoria _ | Me n. He was the firxt tious await hearing im the courts of Manitoba, it was officially that the tenders submitted Boll) Vessels report very leavy wire all too high, but that aders connected with the aunbuneced by the kuw courts: Scores of cases have been heard (hbr utaide and most of th new tenders will be called e " d June. (919, lo exch month@®since Manitoba was given power ty grant divorces . s ha been spending the las early in January and it is . as = eee ar re a Veer aakk SFAPLANES UP eh shells running expectcd the contract will be ye be : 2 a ch Many dawyers bave applieations tiled in their offices which sli on every possible oceas let before the Legisiature i ware ] oy have Hot vet been officially tiirned over to the prothonvlary. THE MACKENZIE a thet ih ro ae oe io : The Governmont has au- s of Canad is The small sum for which a divorce can be obtained is believed - ai * : on f 2 "a aaa = ep i thertis from teat SN entotel re Wine =. | en to be the eause forthe hundreds of persons seeking legal separa- if =f big catches arriving to proceed with the work and , ‘0 ka = tion. Lawyers say that diverce a in re it is their intention to do so. E | , ng LT ERALS MAY WIN ean be secured through the Mani- i i ' : ” - ‘ less than S200, Need of Landing Places Etimin- toba courts for ated and Only Gas Stations “ ts Phe price for -ualibut. a @ : ‘ ‘ var ‘alveniy sithade okie 1 : ee uamne at Paid mow is auite tm. ae the ar, VICTORIA COLLECTS otgion’ THO MORE EATS oe ee canta ete tne ae ) c Ml Mat r : - - . . i ob: cour of appeal, . Beane a SEW Ot. FIELDS santas BOT meen me ice TORe OS 81 PER CENT TAXES in I san, Only Four Votes in Grand Forks Teneo nanncice aie aaa : i ny (and beef being ths eee 6 ‘ he D i Prades to Make up and 21 The sini of greatest public ie ii a - a. ne we ar . Vien \ ! - ) Heress nha Kuss ** ib in Kaslo. Sete that ot i ety of Win- : ' { ao ’ : ' \ . ised. ft ther « mication ‘ nipee against the inereased fares go f towards h i - . the dey ne of justice at VICTOREA, Dee, 1, opes for granted the Winnipeg Eleetrie f COME STRAIGHT FROM . ! lit ord ral e Lite sw : hing . anes som railway. i his release should reael e held out by . Henniger, ted 10 } SWEDEN TO RUPERT ‘ size that Wines soon. He i now free. Liberal catdidate fer Grand Boks 1H rt, : ee Wee vchais Wome caath oa una ttt iauay gent: Bremiae. Olee MANY PRN ARE: : Cpening of Legisiature Likely to toeik) : Ch ve 4hik aft A in : iJ. Mek tie Tn neta oh ne tt ' . ' Be Delayed Later Than Larrsen were Arrivals on ; a sa nie” Z i Siva < (2.36 esa biel “ars ‘s ithorevallk bles Gen GETTING WAGES : ‘ ' January 20. Last Evening’s Train on cuni te ‘anid i ‘or ; 4 Young d Bert Wing : ye ee ‘ee " Friday. M ny his nsel sf mentioned bound for A Mr, Henninger says that the i I i \ rovnegA Ih 15 Nev dees \nnon the arrivals in the eily 5. lis . VOX é ‘i nd Forks now stands, Since Vessoraes Morning Capt. 4 ed | Te ee ee ne calling of @ho| ee ee eee MeKie, 334; Henninger, 330, Saunders has Paid 150 Men at er geal : ‘carson,and Miss Annie e B i e are eight ballets Time Office Landing Places Not Needed. . . th neial! pay rn iaal alekd b C P os "e Aceueh Wee MAYE YOR ware | Heh were ected as spoiled at : : 4 ’ 7 " i, nea? rom Stockholm, Sweden, to renew um er oncern repares { rede Mr. Henniger explains Sin yesterday tmeornu 150 1 5 “” esterdi orning £ , nh Paria : K ' id aeqaintances in Prince Rupert 1 bn stunted on the re- , , , s ' ’ rs men have been paid off at the time : + lubes Premier Olver states. | actiy are well kuswyn old tier Ship to Foreign Market ori S00 tier tort iat ey aa Cap All ‘ . tt Wher ‘ ation «is hereeand will be welcomed by nel th fe Mokie rhe a eines: end. hint Ra ‘ i ‘ afur War theie many friends > niv | ne h nalter with the dene srsinivce? Le \ Ee ; ure ’ K ay. 5 3 , ve f the date fur the roassal Mr. Pearson has mining ine Beaver Cove Lumber & | ie Co. has Hitherto Sent s is said to have been thal’ coy those who present their own 1 py } ! il of thee aw | se Was fired " a en ere e os oa ‘ ee only me whe ; ! ; ad thaush the ee ee ; 04 ~ - Product to States; Big Business of New he logs le cross@s Were ®@ rine checks persdially ere paid points i b leur ws oO nex pou "las associated with Ole Vindsen . + one ae ; ; and no word has been received as (be j ‘ f hee inte can be changed ite will ao North in a few days Company Besides thes ejected baltots, to what disposal will be made. Sb if bee mabbten be , bane " stated that as yel Miss Laurrsen will remain in the inet ) itl t he count, Mr. Hen~ | tie se whe hold time cheeks whith iho ! ‘ has net been consider tv to visit with ber friends ' bsentee vole . 4h ; en , : Ovi } rt “Yee te er Gove Lumber ALIS ic a ey have cashed for others, ‘ that | e chara ed. So far there has notl.been po- i Fik, another well known BEAVER 6 f | | I Beaver mn at diloe th th ve ¢ ' age Feared [ thtis ‘ t ty of getting a full exeeu and Pulp tich has been shipping its lumber and shingles y we calcnls ~ -aaeie iain eee : : Scandinavian, also arrived on last “ne ‘ d . n the ba aid j of neil session together, bul nisht’s train He. however, came mostiv to Unite States ports S mening eparahionus to gO INGO poy ne je only 24 votes behind E CLOSED 1 \ } ruestion of the date of the only from Saskatchewan where the foreign shipping business rhe vaiiaee Selil theata aielaa Le - ee ee ees a rQ TWIST ASE: ay SRG P Fa mie if the Legislature will be is now located i th the pulp mil gle mill, eandidate, and that the absentee WHERE 0 y ewe wa Ine capa ily of LOO 000 Teel perety mill and shingle hi itv canned among many whieh will be dealt : ‘fendi 1} eet him alse ahi { \ ‘aml when rune up il employs over Boo people ’ A H ' ; Hplain May lias been In with next week The G. PLR. steamer Princess r 5 batik tae aera ralilé Aidahanine Hi aha: mene: in Politicians Still Come. 5] f ; ‘ig io sre has : orsicle ble slack u ‘ an for a eonmsiderable tate Since his return from his oem Mary will arrive here en Sunday ere : oe , iD : (liver today reeeived 4 ES way ay BEES paigning tour, Premier Oliver bas reo Skagway instead of Satur./the United States, with the result ha © COMPANY ts LOOKING A nonatulations on’ the eleetion LONDON, Dee, 15—8t. George's : i been busy eatehing up with at day as scheduled, She will be two) elsewhert One of the chief difieuities is the lack of suitable pesuli from Premier Martin of Workhouse, just seuth of London i { mem ' ‘ s ministers is Ct é : ee i = ey? ape “ee of work and hi light. {lays late in deaving Vaneouver for ponnage Saskatehew Bridge, e O fwist had in the north have beer n the same p ah the north, as she will not leave rhe Bea i » concert vas ALBERT GOES SOUTH The thaw { politicians toa Vir the auda to ask for a second n miithiaters * . — posed new developre tly wit all the inister . ! Vancouver until December 27.) oreanized otk with Willian » vont ws and they ean be|helping of thin gruel, has been nh transportation willl; mn ' eity when the iNext week the Princess Beatrice WH. While of Vaneouve bu i r ne tilling the waiting reoms offelesed by the Poor Law authear- wre + muvi i sess rOTLS * Cone ot e ‘ oY te 3 2 ; : o : _ deal in a NINE exec ' a will he a resumes her weekly serviee from lyerty of Outar nd the I ed Takes Fertilizer and Fish to Se- {ie ministers as they make ot ities amd the inane have been thd money to mw oi meneed inp earhest, " . arr . ‘re ol i. sen in hal ania ‘ : nent every ‘member of thetransferred elsewhere tthe: Rorii Whil i ie NenOHee i Vancouver and will arrive here On States, as presidet \ ated attle, Calling at Butedale wr rf ery os ; 6 : ; ’ on ne ben . . . i * icke peers praw AS > lien matters and rocember 25, with lim are a rilnet » Rout cabinet we rue uw Wahlen ™ that thy ypesen marth Miinietpal eleett mes Vanint inent Americal capitalists wl en oute. Among the arrivals at the capi echi'd hero and his fellow sufferers ; i . ave | MW only be veed as the Blalc o oie A hel t nil i ' = ’ s Dr, K. ¢ Macdonald who re- partool was made in a Copper , f pa ' rvit traf- ICC hingle mill were among the WG. Humble returned totay have up hearty 09 ilion d ik di aauapaabeined’ Abiom ai z K ‘ I ro ‘ ie bar : a vite Wissenper out trig “os Bie By ‘ , i nes orth Okanaga va largwe les , i elrin be ‘presse » ( { i that tl ne taken up at the Trades} from Vancouver where he las) belween brane ' - bs) ; ‘ | i inagan by a la : cauldron se ' op i hy vt) aliases , wep" weer ae" ae ; ‘ ‘ \ his morning if ut the srals . _& at u , ea, ' a a is 1 Lal Council meeting last}been visiting with bis family wholworks ter a \ : , ‘ - s he Liberal 6) ty 2 Southwark Borpush Goup es ihe company will be alivelat shot oun R : Te : : Poe b ee nee ee : E a i ' } ; , | ae si | oly that a speeialjrecently moved from this etty. There a i sorts plat vill 1 part urs { fertilizer ty hat \ n If save bin ed fuseum " ‘Ossibilities of the woeursinient t ' ? . , j . ; vt ‘ j i cks el ae auy Nen wreatet seoportionate mMa- ie xl | : fo the eouneil will soon - aid for the ae i 1 big | I In wopa ney ; propor mate : ‘ ee tae ere eee tl purpose of or | Verrace arrivals last night in- | waterpowel The company owns and will eall at Butedale on. the jority Che Prince George arrived at 2 ‘ possih ' ‘iM 6 hel be "a Me ee ' j ‘ ; , aa ‘ hae a +} ‘ 1 ’ ‘ the Ay SC ie . ' f the municipal cam-jeluded W. F Mawdsley, P. Kil-ja big’ stand of tinal and is a way south to complete her cargo eeloek this afternoon Tron the } the \ i . fp abreast with the de Pansies hmartin and Carl Lindbloom veloping ito rapidly vith ish f n that pommel Advertise in the Daily News, south, paint | |