. a tr 2 4 wm ad Bg Be ““@o t THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue, H. F. PULLEN, MANAGING EDITOR. | No Return Of The Trouble "os 1TIK DAILY NEWS RHEUMATISM FOR | The Man in the Moon OVER 16 YEARS eee BE ee THAT there wn mnuey neni al tne ¢ ‘ 1 j Esse 5 ES > Sah OFS MACDONAL PRINCE of WALES CHEWING TOBACCO UT TT roe © Pe -- DENTISTRY | oy Uhh e QUALITY Dr. Bayne OFFICE HOURS Worwieg 9 te 12, MNernpon, 1.30 te 5.36, Selerdags, § 19 12 ony , S 2eeroegs, 3 ) oh Every Eveniag iran 7.30 10 9 Dental Nurse | Phone 109 for appointment Rooms 4, 5, 6, Helgerson Blk., Cor. 3rd a: i Best Equipped Office in Norther: 1 attenaance = ) Canadian National Railways S.S. PRINCE GEORGE SALLANG Midnight Thursday (ite ha \ al W ex & 8S. PRINCE JOHN Canadian eu Sunday 3 p.m SS PRINCE ALBERT TRAIN SERVICE Monday, Wednesday and Saturday «, Pr ; 1 11:16 am wy ' ’ ' ody All Ocean Steamship Lines for information ard re ‘ City Ticket OMee, F268 Third Arenwe CANADIAN PACIFIC RAIL envices CANADIAN FACIFIO OOFAN © B.C. Coast Steamship Services | CANADIAN. eM Lal © Te + S$. 8. PRINCESS BEATRICE For Metchtkan, Juneau, Skagway, Alaska “ Rupert — November 29, December 13 ane « Prince from se Rupert For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle from Prince J December 4 and 18; January 1 ) ! ‘ for rates, rerervations and re! ines. © ’ W., ©. ORCHARD, General Agent 2 Cor 3rd Avenue and 4th Street Prince Rupert, B.C. Ne aes ROYAL Auto Service Service and Night — Prompt > Day pnseneeneeren Peete COeeeeeeeet ooreet oy Public u THEO COLLART, Notary Publi ror gly, Mor FOR SALE. togethe Sy enable near new High School, Hays Gove “iret . vated EDSON COAL ; Hulk, #1 3.00 per FOR SALE \ Sacked, $14.50 ” 7 = Most Liberal MARINE INSURANCE 2 |, se von Insurance Company of North America ay 4 cholve level Lots, enemas - a . SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Since Taking “Frult-a-tives” cic. a City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per mouth ...... 6.666. $1.00 mn a ” — By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, 108 Cucren Sr., Monreman ho tat in advance, per year ........ cs vad MIRW WE 0 006 SH.00 “T was a great sufferer from AA+ew- ‘AT ol ees To all other couritries, in advance, per year .......... S7.H0, matism jor over 76 years. Loousulted iaciiianatentlinn specialists; took medicine; used . > e TELEPHONE $8. lotions; but nothing did me good. rHaAg Contract Rates on Ay wtion, Then T began to use “Fruit-atives”, | 4 d Mrs, | ! All advertis: hould be in the Daily Wews Oflice on day pre aud in 15 days the pain was casier ceding publicavon. AH advertising reccived subject to approval., * ithe Rheumatism much better. » a @ Gradually, “/>wit-a-tives” overcame ruAY «t : niy Rheumatism; and now, for five . + will burs DAILY EDITION. ania sir Wy eday. Ik if. 44 years, I have had po return of the ea the trouble, I cordially recommend this adi fruit medicine to all sufferers.” ay te Party System Pr. H. Me HUGH, PHAY Of Government. Se a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 250. in tabi eet \ good jiany people are erned over wl they the At all dealers or sent postpaid by ; d ' . party system of government. They claim that-it is responsible Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. for the wt th he Governments’ of this itry are nol PS ‘ > demucrate . rev might be Corre man egests, i a most ‘ . j ‘I ; teresting letter that he does not wish published, that they SUITCASES i ; { j I) surely riding for a fath In the same letter the writer olaims that \ ly hy i ee ween | TREN KS hi. many lawvers and doctors in the legislature And vet the people . . . elected those doctors and law, ers.. and in each ease they ‘, id a HANDBAGS ; i \l he choice belween those men and others, "ae hag ork, ho angry i Because the electors choose men with whom some disagree WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ' ¥ with addy is no indication that the system of choice is wrong. TL may be a dden abstar “ re i | M . improved, though. Proportional representation is being tried J F MAGUIRE ne tines ge pre ! i out in the cities and if is probable that before long we shall have ° ° positions, me dig tied | : iM the proportional representation system in all our governing bodies. 722 Second Ave., Prince Rupert ated eo “ It as apparently the fairest system that has vet been evolved And > 2 ~ - vet in Winiipeg, a city seething with Bolshevism, the reddest|————————————— fs THAT OP pery Se 400 29 699 688 8288 ¢ cily in Canada largely owing to its very large foreign population,|## #* eS eee eee ae aeese ha ' MAIL SCHEDULE . under the svstem of proportional representation the lat rd . PRINCE RUPERT TIDES e;paper “ eweeevpeee eee eaeeee dates for mavor and aldermen were defei eeeun eer eeenraer ees Mtliiss For the East. What is 2 Party enone eee 66. vee | . Mondays. Wednesdays and Sat In Politics? om © Te ; : days at 10:15 a Wi) sa party? Jt is s amet . f 4} * {6:1 i? is ganized fo ee pase go s, ° Jus | ,' “i From the East. receli lew party a Tor j his \ elf the . ii p S feet 4 “nndays fays and Thure Independent Politieal Associat His : i Thursday, December 16. 7 . ° } 4% KR ‘ the Gonwsery ey 7 he ( ‘ \ is t mS wat tee y ’ wide spread, but th simy iTe ex « ! : » “26 For Vancouver and South or objects. The mor n 1 org zat . ‘ PY AI i 1aye /p.o certain ideas, there party is I l { Ml ‘ it parties do not sur | =f i \ me x The time used is Pactfic Stan . isfence or att - \ lee Z t | | ‘ i dard, for the 120th Meridian wes survived because it stood for something i leit is counted from 0 to 24 hour ! wanted. Thev wa ! gl i npraveme from midnoicht to midnight From Vancouver and South Liberals are not always in ie with Lilbe They a The table given is fi Port " astray often and then the electorate us them diSimpson but the time for Prince ¥ meer mee een We enduys 10:40 @. in furns them out. Sometimes they go down | ereal whe Rupert varies only a few minutes Bf Y nr warding demorrati¢ ideals, simply because the mass o he »plejon some days and on others is / en ears Ago / do not know any better Then they have to await their oppor-|the same. The range of the tide} in Prince Rupert ) tunity. Because Liberals in different parts of the country agree|may be con puted as 5 per cent FE nce ms eee For Anvcox and Alice Arm, on a basis of reform and organize with the idea of carrying 1 greater at Prince Rupert than at December 15, 1910 a 1o pm fhose reforms, they are an organized party and the country has) Port Simpson both at springs and Jack ¢ ; x itaene ¥v pu a party system of government. In gractically all countries the neaps. Therefore the rise in the al k as . ay au eople divide on the hig quéstions before them, and this means’ Prinee Rupert harbor is slightly ee From Anyox and Atice Arm the formation of parties \eneater than Port Simpson. PF. AS adel ! Pree. | Tuesdays &.m Parties in’ ae height is in feet and tenths )yterian | oe My We, b of feet above the average level of ¢ a ae a: vert there is a group of peaple } ild like bower low water. atietat Soe Gaerne in eee to see Cow Bay i din They ne sein tie think it r nid he ea : eae ae e are n J.1Bay, Wales tetand and Naas River ao’ fille nn. app. nk it would be for Never forget to look through/!. ! sundays ’ 1% p.m (He bennett of the community to have that done. Another group the classified list j ' rr laye if pum Objects to the filling in of the hay nd would instead have it) 7 — pteanon dredged out and improved nd made sanitary. If this question Bees a] ’ . - . From Pt. Simpeon, Arrandate, Mil! is big enough, parties will be formed who will advocats i tng = k I Bowness, Frat \. Bay. Wales 'siand and Naas River method of dealing with that question. They profess iD h , wn a j ‘ i e . om oe i ge p iy , ee est, allhough some will say there are ‘ TIMBER SALE X 2740. Saturdays p.m - £ ‘ =e vneo erso \ eresled in the onteon - h en the yop 7 oe orem d a be: ae ~ : rae md, Min er of | ands at Victoria, met tases ' 5 Queen Charlotte isiands: reese Roviatiat | o change the form |teys, Yaa" on tera SAY ot Doereber ee For Massett, Port Clemente avd of government altogether. They wish to try an experiment. They 13% e4 ¢ Cedar, Soruce| ot ! B. 4d. Bacen a Upper tsiand poiote They use s iy methods of propaganda, anc t is notice tha Three Will ‘be allowed for re shience « rth Avenue ha frre nr as a general rule they appeal i to the ear, an por ao 5 - purther vert eulars of the Cnlef eco eased : party of bach . aa oe Port Clements and the community. ‘There are highly educated and cultured men's ane District Forester, Prince Rupert, who tablish a mess ee pee wee among them, but as a rule the appeal is to the unsuccessful, the aia ns ‘ a shiffless and the man who hates to work. TIMBER SALE X 2860. PRINCE GEORGE Yor Skidegate, Queen Charlotte or, welivihe geras Print Mapeet nek iete City and Lower Island pointes ‘ fr * the — oo rt of ‘December, The Prince ‘ t ‘ ' lit pied a s me ” goian d ; ye MF “ aie tehtal . dae es om, Skidewate. Queen Charitotte JOS. MAGUIRE (ee a e se hi weeekes particulars of the ie tia ‘ ' it . satis : ° the eae . : oe DENTIST ieoet'ss District Forester, Prince | ‘ j 160 feet long |} For Skagway and the Yukon. ree - ann 13 9 Saat i At a large and ¢ November 15, 20; December 13 * . TIMBER GALS X 2853. thusiast eling held last we nd 2 Rooms 7 and 8 Smith Block palate leseee? Ful be secetres pr inelthe following: oMeers mit oc thar noon nd day of Desennce jod: President, P. BK. Wily \ From Skagway and Yukon. Lady Assistant oe — Open Evenings n i Brann nt B. Cr to cut 15.000 ioeat| eoent, Thomas Ogg; Seeret November 6, 20; DeseMber 4 Off ce Hours: Phone 575 Sunday by mi 6 (Cedar Poles ae pines. poe ary ree er, F, y Steacey: lee ind 18 9-1 ; 1-6; 7-9. Appointment ruriher particulars of the Chief Forester ; " te . ~ y Ww, i a . . | ron See ete Rupert Ac. sit ee . oars a MINI RAL ACT. Mr, I Sergean ( "nates TIMBER SALE X 2837, Se Mar teee wise CortiNcate of improvements. sealed tenders will be received by the ems NOTION pronto Tames Regardless of Cost {iio Fits Supers Rot Walt! Minn A. 1. Bogas, of the local te Sen Wage Wits: wieee Wein of tae Artistic 1920 for the purchase of Lieence & oe4F hospital 7 ie sar fietriot W here lor sted ; Raiae ? - wear Seaton, B.C, to cut 6.600 Hemlock pital, has gone to Penticton tO tities’ trom Alice Arm at head of kitzauit oe BIG REDUCTIONS IN aa seer SN be stewed for removet| seen rom tmeee. ° The local Tie er Se wee: eee ifts of tinder ; oF Femovall tai! now consists of matron and) TAKE NOTH ‘ LP Coats, Suits, Skirts, Blouses, etc. vicierin’t particulars of the Chie? Forester. three nurses, ‘There aaa . pe : nave Met ds went for Mand Kupert, B. ¢ t . : 0 a ae jadi in October and 16 in § ' wd - ty Gays (roan the dais Mi NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION act, \')\ (INC! fora Certiiente of lmprowements, for ibe Iss GLEESON Revised Statutes of Canada + * * i ee. J op tare he @ Crown Urant of} Third Reema Br Whapter 115 The Girls’ Hospital Auxiliary nn? LUNTHER TAKE Nuit K that ae rince Rupert, B.C. co PUE CANATHAN FISH AND COLD #TOR held # most enjoyable dance on ferore the fhabance Gf puch certiheate of — s- it has under asétion seven 19 of the aad Friday nish the Vanderhoot "Ry thie s0¢n day of November, A. D - Sr raekeaetied with the Minteter of Pupie Orchestra having heen brougtit 0390 ’ Mietrict Hewistrat “Or ne war haeion specially for The oceasion LEWIS W, PATMUAS Prince Naperh ae Coe hist gtty AP at], (cn 0 | 4site and the plans of a wharf propos : Ime Marguerite Young 90 | SILVERSIDES BROS | '.»!!' i 02 82 fom accion or Sautee and Mes ef SUETCASES means practical men to advise you, and guar- Perit taut bi: adred and forty ase a is) men, Young + OP einee Kuper bh 18 antee everything you buy. flange | Ave fete oant District, in the SPeNding a week here with her TRUNKS WALLPAPERS, GLASS, PAINTS, AND TAKE NOTICE that after the ex-(Ufether, Alex, Young Winsor & Newton Art Supplies, fhe tres publication or che ee, of eo EXPERT SIGN WRITING AND FANADIAN FISH AND COLD STOnAUE Go.,|, The Women's Association of § HANDBAGS CARD WORK, waid oat ipply 40" the Mintorey a of the Knox Chureh held the annual stannic nen cae ne i ? PICTURES, PICTURE FRAMING [ifi,spproval of the anid site aia haptawa Mneoting last Wednesday and the F.M C osb | s Second Street ATED at fepetraet Ae 4 wharf following officers were elected for e ° r y Phone 22 Prince Rupert P.0. Box 120 day of November soah ’ , te JOM the ensuing year President, Mis 725 Thied Avent ! jee ‘ ANADIAN ris AND out Qn STORAGE lA. M. Patterson: vice president Pironee Kupert — | (uughion, its solicitors ae a Mrs Milan Gardiner; Secretary | 69 P. 0. Bor 66 Westholme Theatre Block Phone Blue Os eamesasr