THR DAILY NEWS a — -_— ieee i 7 Ask for Atkins’ Sausage if oe te * 7T think tat because your ff | Local and Personal a “Every ybod S okes DON ‘#tomach can “di gest food an ersona Hor at sane os mo Ss you are pi roof against indijestion. The most * Bred ee oe tal it aig stive Work 18 done by the as Cards al Wrathall’s. tf ' city last ever bowels, liver and kidneys. Unle: oe ee are es . ane ‘ . ’ or megane hone S80. Hyde j if active and vVOrK fn hh rmony, you are in danger - 9 ph | a Ihe shows “> of self-poisoning. 2 w : 8 7 } Wa | ' | ] uz i j . + > © David J Teale j * * ” * a Gniaca ‘ 5 elion J if 1 \ wt I i bu 5 { a DOR. - “ 25¢., We, * v 1 ; Canada’s Favorite LLS ee Mrs He ‘ Pipe Tobacco. \ Se . . $..0.C. Basketball Dance, St.” ae help the x é ft to functionate Andrew's Hail Friday, Dscember 1“ prope erly, ana imfiuence the liver 17. Gray's Orchestra. 94) iy M and kids 1eys to act ae efficiently. ‘ ee eae SSS ee = a» an independent farn- agit ai ¥ Sleek sl memners! T URRE YS HERE tueney as at depend (fa o “ me Pee saa MONDAY NEXT PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK]. sve ve, MONDAY NEXT! Down Go Our Prices AND isi purchase entitles you to a { ~ | tt Loca! Butcher Shops ‘ A ‘ oe ince, First prize, handsome | y Valley rat Cicer we a a We are closing out all our Engineering Co., Limited. bed anita apetan, fob Hat tt lds. Sal sued ete Wil Stuck aie FRENCH IVORY: Operating---G.T.P. 20,000 Ton Fioating Dry,Dock idles walnul dressing a * ne pra s by express on sbyle h tt ws; third) * night and will be offering Positively the largest as:sortment in town Our Plant is Equip; »H lle | Kinds of rine ange doll with hair and sat t M : ‘7 : ‘sant i sl eA rhix compares favorably Manicure Sets, Case Pipes MA RINE AND | concdonnieaiatin waned allt es ae « priees, whieh are COMMERCIAL WORK nt ee Yt FAanocis|Algunican Del z hes he Mirrors, Ash Trays, Ladies ves Purses, Military Brushes, | at o: the Dry Dock ne el ee | 3 Chocolates. Blackersit founders, Pattern Makers, etc. u ot Mexats. ete ea ee ae WwW Selicit Your Enquiries 3 \ yf M's a 4 gO ey ‘ ‘de McLAGAN PHONOGRAPHS P, O. Box 1713 Phones 43 and 385 : , ; , me ee . 221% to 25 go at cost---only a few left PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. M 1 7 roast b and 368 Z resses ! 1 D a 40 amp A Gennett and Emerson Records Teme ee ee ee oS RROHE OE SES O Ste & beef, per Ib., 20c and 25¢ 50c and 25c each. ° To SUBSCRIBERS 4 waltauie ice Ga. ike ee AIF alf Bn Some ogar iat a wt. seine MIC CUTCHEONS Tana a ng oar ordre i in Cee cu wareho ® livery boys each month * 0) nt Creks b. ssveveee 400 Corner Second and Sixth i N } 1 LJ} H Y. when they cal! except * 93 ', ! Ms he's o-msibie aie if MOICE NOL ALEALEAMAY. | Zhete taba ing wet 1" ag SSS Kl Sar ne eins Se WL The Largest Drug Howse in Northern BL. made for the year in ad market vane The bove when “We are NOVB Ted ‘ te colleeiirg carry official re > " ’ Shits Por eg a0e l kK Bi. Wabis owes s wSSs we OE ® ceripts ahich should — = = - - ® wave he preserved ’ \ ui ” hops, per Ib, ....... 60¢ eeeeeeweeennere Po sh Mder; .:..» S abides ‘ ¢ z TE BRACKHAN KER MULLING CO, LTD. [onan oe eet ae : mre cnn he TOTP THATTICNNG es | FISHERMEN! NOTE! | = = s Se —~ . . 2, IN THE THROAT Os eee es 0 heh om Our new machinery is now installed and we are ae ep] eters BONS Bey, ue a? + oe manufacturing Le mas Cakes. |nvuiicz” ; a ge 3 z 7 @ | Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup st ha Dinaias atest Be | C ha x i pe bbe oc Ca Ue : Place Your Order in Good Time eS . ne { ea ave ote t as FROM FILTERED WATER 4 " > liver, Ih ; Pe Sue ch vie. Oe Our ice is first placed in Cold Storage and supplies for fh ib Shc fishing boats are drawn from cold storage, LA CASSE BAKERY ag Se Eevee, ee coun 717 Srd Ave. Auto Delivery Phone 190 Dairy Produce. : HARD ICE a tN a oe MORON 10 EA oN i em . arks cum: |) a cron pape ante eee American Fishing Boats Save the Discount on way pine . ‘ aia ae Canadian Funds by buying from Ww AR J) ELECTRIC & MARINE Fo ees ane cece any it the ist nt sam=: Paleuins ve (les Cease’ svsenes-eveees 800/l Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. if SUPPLY CO. | . Sie eed rae G e ; r ar \ | |Margarine 6 tae dey Boe Prince Rupert, B.C. i 4 Ts COW BAY = = | , 4 nwa “un 4 ' cee ably ELECTRICAL AND MAKINE SUPPLIES, L esrupe, bait oT oon bar Ef : re if Paes ) 3c Canadian Fair banks Co. Ltd. it . . uf - & wa « ‘ K ! : imib i ye cuse .. .36.50 to § \. O. Crude Oil Marine Engines from 30 to 250 h.p. Tk ‘ " ea Fish. E: 5-10 H. P. Heavy Duty Dis tille ite Engines : syruy rf tivit : ! iG 5s cee abe ak 63 Bc i All the Latest | fillets, smoked, ... 2 oe: Electric Lighting Plants Con und et " Srath ‘nfl : me u bi i ' mid ; tT ‘ " = wees aeeenae ts ; : foe on ney peda " son, Halibut, pery Ii .. ews ones 256 io pe * . : ed, per Ib., .. 23¢ I'm hungry! Soaml i whan You won't be i¢ you eat at a ease aenaientae ee Rorrs of Salt erring: Sethe ssssc002 4 THE EMPRESS CAFE ine Mt s ‘TM ' Salt Acadia Cod, 2-Ib. boxes 65s Empress Hotel Block. Newly opened for business Te 9 R it ~| sete. wer Ib... . cwsieeee whan 10c Strictly clean. White help only. Open day and night i Bs Wanderers \ esented by Brills wees 3 for 25 +t thee Tetbow bine , Joe Howe, Salt oolachans, ID, ........ tile - . Po, Middl l. Fr. Wea th, Spring salmon, per Ib, ..... 30 Whe f2. S. Pilginaue White salmon ..cecseeeees 20¢ Your Old Suit ga). 0° cous] Westholme Lunch | & ! Carrots, ‘per. thy) weds vhla g's be WHITE HELP a Che at Sale: Palen Ai: murchas 800 Cautitlower «s+ s+e44 808 to 60e Westholme Special dows Hall Friday, December). atatowss per sack $559 1 "Three Course Meal - from 45¢ up F Andrew's Hall Friday, mgpember Sweet potatoes .... 8 ibs. for 250¢ : 17... Gray's Orchestra. ( hors. .each =. ¢. vi 200 oa { y, per ib 20e and 25¢ v —_ i ah % 2 ; Do ‘ ok 2 ‘ag H: art Bloes other wi th Fruit, soe Kr re alse, 2 ’ bg hea vies ee Oe MESSRS RORIE & SMALL (Chartered Accountants & i | = ing’ P Pies i We BADEBAG:'s'sbohacb oo an cans 75e Auditors, Vancouver, B. C, cM ay | oor es Grapefruit (Califernia) 3 for 25e Have pleasure in intimating that they have opened a Branch of their me | § lendi d R d Sui S$ a S$ an a S Dr, Chase's Ointment will r A . mor ioc business at Smith Block, Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, where they Be | p tic V | it ti Pp and afford lastiug b PE ane eS * RE a Se ae ne will earry on a General Accountancy Business, Phone 44. on a ‘ e uc ion a ues in ? eulere, of Edinans - Tih ed, Dates (drom : 35¢ Resident Partner: GEORGE RORIE, Chartered Accountant (Edinburgh and Cenada) { yomere, came Nox. tre t y ume on this v st — paper and enclose 2 stamp y pos tage j iia «a wlio > to 2 “dD * Oe oP PLPLOL OR