Ce. Po eee | | Fashion and Romance While rormant " tition certanity Mays a taree part m the ve ‘Ta with fashion invariably dictate its nsafolnews ; AR ke Deal and symib 1ges bot b rena in setiineg ke on all eoewstons WHY NOT FOR CHRISTWAS? cael tae BRINGING UP FATHER We have now on hand 1000 Tons Wellington Coal 1000 Tons Edson Goal As ‘we anticipate not only scarcity am! increase in price of coa! but also a difficulty in meet- ing your demands for prompt delivery this fal), we strongly recommend that you make sure of your winter's supply now by phoning 116, 564, Blue 69 Albert & HeCafery Limited Your RAW SKINS LOPP POOR OD Obe Made up into RUGS, LADIES’ SCARVES, ETC. D. C. TAIT 1116 Broadway, Vancouver, B.C. The best way to have YourSuit Cleaned and Pressed is by our Steam Pressing Machine Method. It only takes 15 minutes. Our Price is Reasonable Delivery is Prompt Give us atrial. Phone Black 502 LING TAILOR 821, 823 2nd Ave., Prince Rupert 7 -_ Phone 555 827 2nd Avenue ; Cc. V. EVITT ; Auctioneer Auditor and Accountant —— A. G. GRAY Teacher of Piano Studio 137 Second Avenue PHONE Blue 421 or 444 Rt EDSON COAL CO. We have secured the agency for the best Coe! found in the interior and can supply any quantity. Frices on application to Prince Rupert Feed Co. Corner 2nd Ave, and 7th St. ne pte as — a —_ — ———— - T on ~_ MR JIEGS- WILL YOU SHoOw | aed ah } | [ Hur EL i ’ ME THROUGH THIS FOUNDRY | 1 'N THE Re» ‘ e-| —~ | THINK 5 ban } o~ D LIKE To SEE. THE MEN | | row Ee py cprtire | > WO) J ; 2 Dr ¢ Me ' Fre \t Wy = _— a TPN ; \ ; / root . i } .t oe im XS) 4 > ; Oe Le VE | » a, Fweo.0 | fi >*- | | Bane Ke a J ] . e ‘ \ hee. ~~ aes > tes . 7 sé A) Aisa o I ' ae at m [yy \ “SS 1 % pK — ‘\ W | y ' ’ e a , [ tery « { . » \ ¢ ’ \ } | as ; Avy an 8 } | (i } \ Feelin \ / : WS Bs Se | { a 4 } “i POs) , ' \/ A ' / i j ' } fas Ay 06 <4 ’ ; Gy oop j ] ; : ‘ i Ape» i ‘ w\Wate ¢ ‘ ’ ’ . -! ‘ ' SN < ee | \ aoe a ames. aS r i : 3 am iF * is | oe More a 2 . a ~¢ ' ~ SEATTI iF PIER” vad ans the a Lied, PAIR iaiaisi It om acts taisisadsatnighlaiotn Sh iliac dihieaciedinieniuindiitiadsncigbactaditietine inva llv held services he “ WANTED FOR RENT Iwo renal a a a ae rd Basin a ries at feu b i ; The @ neuPr mii 1820 Bishop Bur Nova WANTED nd f i ; ee ee Gficers of Ship were Badly Ine 2...) \4 tapped the eor ston { 1 we { ' , Ave jured on Board Victoria s Mary's, successor ta the old ue ; \ ‘iy cash MISCELLANEOUS woaden structure called St, Pet j “ i i! we : SEATTLE. Dee. 14 \ ex nto place in the presence of \ : uf VMINHORS REPSILVERED. Macs Pers DOTL Cha Re n the bun 8 Ofljarge concourse of gentlemen i ! r Ph # Green 4 he SS. Vieloria of the Alaskajaiher people.” During the sub-| > INFORMATION wanTep , - aa . “tf nist} Oo Inte vesterday sequent twenty years hug . ee ; ; 1 lied Bertrand EF. Prince, head stone bbilding rose inte the ¢ i - Lia] ‘ y «4% ; t Sstevenore, of Seatila, and W i! nianding place it has held { th , " ; Lawrence, stat man \ lhinast half conturw above the « ane . I> in e \lb INSeN, ingreasing roar and awing of B \ pad i chief heey (ie e Matheson (on Street and & . " . : ' per 1 BE. W.i Road SITUATIONS WANTED rT hone hie ! | . } e ' ~ uA Seattle ; ea ; OEE At MAN WANTS nm te i and, 1 i tay ‘ he ew offesy w ! ; ‘ans said Thomas Aquinas ' MUSIC he ' ‘Shesiattended by the wi a . a santas ‘ . ‘ bd ti tf ' ‘ population of tt “ ! d ' * dof the j uN < : Tatuteh ta | eee WITH FIRE” pent) Tat ind setred led ! ' Pt ‘ ACCOUNTANTS CUNTIFICATE OF imPrOvEMtNTS Friday ‘ outheastern R S TONIGHT TION AS LHIENCED \ UNT* ; i4 ‘ ' ‘ e C Confronted by a drink « i cai ! SM ae a weet ' \ i Wil ft t o has g hee f eisai u Kerniug an. from. wi FOR BaLe iiged defend herself —_—_—— LODGE MEETINGS ' ‘ { ’ FOR SALA ir will trade for ap — thribing scenes Shod With wed nt « Rupert LODGE 1051 LOYAL ORDER O} Celebration of Centenary at That Pipe 4 photodrama with \\ . nani. aot Moose smeels every Thuredas Gity Commenced Yesterday Russell as the star. whieh «he Ihe about launch vening at the De Luxe Hal and Continuss Today. bene for the Orst time tonight «a Reh ih or without . HALIBAX, N&O. Dp in rhinee the Empress Theatre The pe gin ’ ; , we LAT \ ee } ere . 2 formance is a tromph for sta fer pat las® tmarine en ’ inhis oon the eross topp y , * I ! ' me Pr ing producer, and auth wins " saTryr ’ rue anu na the great spire of St. Mary's Cath- THN ACT LanNo ACT ra nalehY te WMabré The story tells fa wife lk (ine : ' w hont amd 2 ‘a z 7 oa ey ree sire te i he hand b Caille Perf tion : , 3 he ’ He ’ ra Wotlce of tater : : Apoly . oer ! ’ tie entena Ol lis €s- : . ‘ . ‘ H is menially erippled by ds Ir ‘ ' “Hh i eception to i« the M 5 rt ral debauchery She leat “uM pi Phone 222 hi » Me fh iis everett ’ U ’ » ’ or emarkahie w y : a Pots lh) Maria, DD Archbishop sian x a. ay , S ee . i a ! shed gathering ADA. wi i ‘ « . whens ere present Arch Pp ‘4 ‘f Le ' f (uelwes repre ' “ M " ; ? i el ae BEAT THE COLTS Rs cee. ae a , ' 1 ts f i t ‘ shop VeCarthy of Halifax; HLoek « nh, Sina portrait ‘ Pitt vor ! (hiias of Chatham, ts ' iets af B20 ef ONUTION Peblane of st. John, Forbes of Game was Well Contested Though oh ozen, Bee Chandi THE MATIRE wn ® ation for ’ soon ; ; ; » en PP hicet . . - ’ =| ‘ ‘ofa t : ’ ‘ ‘ . liette, O'Leary of Charlottetown, Sons Showed More Speed Pen ogrape 18 Bix o BY and A9. Range ast District ' Antigonish; the Pre- in Second Half. FOR SALI Cnt asa A ile : PO eee, Some eee it SD aay ; ' i of Rimouski, and dignitaries ein ; ‘ ; 6 Wonth from the frat pubheation bers { : : te ‘ ! ’ mH man pian fuptieat ’ rate tithe oe t . ‘ he mnibe of one hundred Phe gan netween. tne Col it li rade ‘ ti oT ‘ aa a od : . thee ane = f r from various parts of Nova Seotia, and Sons of Canada last night was : 7 4 . W m Diet Tord 1 og Baie ; from Boston, New York, Phila-|0M¢ of the most interesting of the) Ph stint Oe eeetitain af Wite te enteaiieued 170n peckaals and 10 delphia: and Baltimore pam so beatae eo and was ‘POH SALI t a Mendels a Z if hw take n Be frit. ‘ wisir ft ; hupert, w Phis morning His Grace Arch- |Closely contested one despite the ; : f ged. bea my intention to iaue a certifeste of in ' a bishop MeCarthy of Halifax cele.j-cere of 26 to 14 by whieh the tif ‘ h Apply box its tt Siena “y i oY eee irae i 1 hes fr of Titles rated pontifical mass at the/S0ns of Canada were successful 4 Me 9 enter eaten ee eer) gee eee dral, and Bishop O'Leary of In the first half the match was a rit lcnm is TH ver , : harlottetown preached. After alespecially close and either sid POR SALE OR LEASE Job print 1 he hokde tof im fatjowing ‘ pen : 4 ds c a. 4 ; ; rely ’ ‘ : arr! 5 ! A neheon ta the clergy the Apos- might have come out in the lem ing business and plant J OF " a tena to Luey Margaret Cliferd ri i olic delegates are holding a tevee|but in the second half due mainty particulars apply Daily News land bovald A Robertscn dated #5tn August . ain d's . ' ry Fe : THe MAT t the shop's House. to the efforts of the two forwards oltice tr|" Booty Margeret Gilford and ' ‘ t ' ’ ; w Shakespeare ¢ dersc ‘ . syn Donsid A. Rebertson to Obaries Wiltiat : Phe Bishop of Antigonish wil} |Phakespeare ; md Andersen, th MREWOOD FOR SALI Apply A.|Dieby Clifford dated tet Ortoher, 1900, of rAke. NOTICE au preach this evening at the service | PONS had things more in their jot a Mea ; : e , * 5 Txan 1609 bleventh Avenue i harles id, Kdward : tates AD war 8 for the solemn benedietion of the | for and increased their score to : py et i Kiwerd Crawley Steves ' i i i! is He a safe lead anee avers vie ust, 1988, Of tart 8° ee ny F : om acraipent, . 16 a4 naive f seme Oharies Todd, ka Thursday will be occ upied with | Bons of Canada Beott, Lane ward Donolne and haward ¢ rawtey Stevens ' ui | a ; ; i Charlies William Digby ifferd, dated its to the two Catholie girls’ |Menzie, 4; Anderson, 13; Shakes- | rOit SALE Set white (hibet furs, you August, 1900, of Las 66 cadomiés ,cred Heart and Mt.| peare, 9 ul dition. reasonable Ap tn roauiren t liver ire same to me oat an reg . . ! sf cent Colts——Hare 2: Shaw, Kasson ' ‘ ‘ han ‘ fisted at bond Kewstry omee Prince ; " ' Vin By ts a yy Si Raw , a1 DP 144 News oflice OF | supert, i. <.. this MM day of November, | Neia! Ade ou’ Secret Mass. i; Binith, 5: Mitehell 4b. 1090 } Prince | . : . ’ on RA _ ", & Acine fated ! « fhe centenary celebration is an : Callies Win. NAP | QUICK LI EDBON District egret OF rites i090. vent (he history of Nalifax and| The Callies, in their game with M Pieture machine. Apply 4 Nowa Seatia: a mile-stone in the|t#e Sons of England, had a land NOx Anyox, 1, f ow jroad of Roman Catholicism in the |slide of scores and the age HY POR SALI trick lined heater, cily. In 1785 that chureh had its of the play in the seeond half and with pes 46 6 6Fiftii Avenue beginning in a barn on South|@n oul easy winners by 41 to 9 Ran! Ph :24 03 Street where the Alexandra Apart- (The first half of the game was! — . ment house now stands, when/|fairly well balanced FOR SALE Kitchen rang Apply : Callies Marlin, 5; Smith, 8: JO8 Fifth Avenue Weel 95 | Bluck, 4; Chartton, 8; Graham, 6;),7. , wie ee WRIT for sale ‘hone Gnstiy pation Sonsofkngland—Tinker, Clapp pS aN PER for sal Phone : Mae ‘ oa i D peebean odtan tant patic IDavidson, Hill, 9; Sherman, iy ay aia / is*huickly relieved when the Colts and Beavers. VEGETABLES, f liver 1s aroused to activity b @ In the Intermediate League, the ; : 7 i ' od Colts scored. another win over the BUY ASHCROFT POTATOES for . eye pie i ce ee oe a \ | Beavers by uw 20-18 tally Phe your winter supply Yrom Na- 4 es ‘is! Liver Pills One pili a dose. : _tion al Grocery, Fulton Street, may Raed gee pte as / 25 o box, all dealers. . Chases Phone 58 Green 548 KT Pills, i\deserved The line-ups and seoring Dunean, Roberts, 5; Smith, A MeDonald, the vietory, Martin, 2; Miteh®i, Lambe, 3 8; Morrison, Frigzell, 4; 10, ; Halverson, | 5 jwinning team gave good play and Heavers ) Colts; FOR cane FOR RENT . mreeraaed mod. | ern flat, unfurnished; use of bath. Apply 210 Ninth Avenue Weet. tf} SAME » DHES) yaa ote Xe WEABEYER oreo mewweers oo ews - ew cw- WHAT vis Fog f +) | ay) , | ) ’ : t =~ a if PHONE BACK 114 COOP *EPOEOO OOO > ORO pe ney OPPO OO ROMS COOPOPOD>L CODE Magne | SMITH & MALLPT PLU MOING ENGIKEERS AND HEATING Phone i74 PO. Bor m7 TOM LEE (0. VEGETAGSLES Whotesaie and Retail se . 4 : a Pri pert, B.« ‘ 1 7% OP OOP OOD OLE OOOO OEOOE EOE AE EN OOM, 1 Phone 451 ‘ 6 eeorrer roe rcc ers cocere coe rooooers , | ; ; , ; ; ; ’ ; ; , ; , , ; ‘ Day Phone 5 STEEN & LONGWI'L Sheet Metal Works Sanitary nd 1 Heating Engineers { : OOOO OEAATTTOET MUSIC for DANCES] eT, ARTHUR'S Four Piece Orchestra Saxal bone Phone 481 poorer meaccoccccoeeeeenTntee REN Parise Rooms Dominion Hot co Box % ss mapanvapponnertttnm pecoreeeeerenent New location Helgerson Central V Block Phone “you ee 139 ty ‘Te T soacancsesseneenen tt oer acacerecerere” a. Tuning Careful Piano iiisnos Repat Cameras Phos « apha rrench Pall pa a. Slade Stevens gan bir Avenue My re Phone Red &