December 15, 1920, KIDDIES HAVE. “ ” s , er Lar ; ° r y Famous Movie Star as Heroine in nN mM : George Barr McCutchson’'s USIC a T 1S as Crowded House Greeted Porform- Fam N i ‘otch Shortbread js in trmoress Theatre ast ae C0 v ‘ Evening—-Matinee This ‘ Are | bl A ; a cae Goce Ihe remarkable snccons af I nseparabDly ssociate '} ) peo ayvinig hres Currant Bun i ' , distineg| eharaetors is the out i bneealn cS Sande wine. ae « Kiading feature of “Black is Me” SIC is the means that has been adopted throughout Roti (he Eipreme ‘Pleatee Suite” the mation picture at the the ages for communicating the joy of the Christmas mas a eS : ; 3 ; Wesetholme Theatre tonigaht, Ut is message. nee ai : wee ATT an aviaptation of Gearge Barr Me P dd vachers and Cin ih both L inl e as cen The spirit of the festival is more inspiringly expressed by the a we Pham ait ings me naar # music that has always accompanied it than by any other a ecnentiiimemes ‘a I . Starting as the modest, retirin single medium. : " fe of Jim Brood, a masterful From ' ere. LUrNEA nan whose jealousy of her ap For music reaches our innermost selves, taps a channel leading to our . i i i h which (he | sonehng ninimenn, after a-duarrel higher nature and brings us in tune with the Infinite. CUR RIES BAKERY le ay «fie Rie . "0 Miss Dalton, as Margaret, leaves : Millions attend church at the Christmas Season because of the special" ; , : oe 2D a him antl goes to live with ber in Christmas Music of the organ and the choir. They are reached through 177 P.O. Box 258 ’ Wee ! alid sistér, Theresa. The lalter music as they are reached in no othet way. rd Avenue ; j a eae “4 om ins ny . Ia : Music speaks the language of the soul, but it likewise speaks the language i ve al KrAKOSCH ~ before P Ma ean of life—the ianguage of the heart. Cs . bors lake place site dies hereupe oie Marwaret impersonates the frazile When we speak from the depths of our religious nature, we have recourse Choruses and Drilis Theresa, whom she closely re to music and we sing our*praises to God. _ . PRINCE RUPERT . ad 1) Sombles, and becomes the adopted When we are stirred by any emotion in Secular life, we like- ' se a i = daughter of the Baren, living at wise resort to music for its expression. We sing love songs Central labor founcil . ae ' SBee Sucks’ li. Parie home She quickly ac and patriotic songs. We sing songs of sadness and songs : ' | me ' Mise Stone.! ciima vivesiie and char this of Gade: ess—songs of home and songs of childhood, and rw es " , i Per-latmosphere and is the reigning our natu responds and vibrates with the magic of the Se : Meet Malt and beauty of the eapital where her nienlwe | brought to us. Aft ted Units and Dates of : Y hy . "husband meets her at a banquet 7 LETINGS ‘ ait lhe lie - . ‘ fall ° : ail 1g Trades Stain Piece é} “ ooo Failing to recognize her, he falls Music transfuses joy and softens sorrow. uildis : , " . , fon love with her again, and, after . . : hird Mondays, 8 p.n ny tii: ene. find, Loa nin oti theateuahe? aan maaan Gd It should shed its blessings in every home. & ‘ Content tahoe Council, i Lit Niswér Rova's was ; I , apy i : I eaday, & p.m th ; a j sults | wy, Women's Auxiliary, First ty r - e W days, Dance & S al sling A “ira . atte ee ipam: Secoml Monday ee Bubbles “is i . Business Meeting at 8 p.n y two little girls -} Pert Paragraphs ; wee Wy, Polithe al Be nomy Club, } bus hy gi) By Junior. ; , | Gane s t i eday at & p.m | Country Da : 2 /, , By. Metal Fratiea: First and Third x eee ae , J ~ Shipbuilding Unit, Second e ; hed tt ‘ ng. “th e Hos +s Ce BS ! : i pital A Vid I i ni” ; Fishpackers, First Saturday oe ' i ahlw had hat ' ‘a \ Va Sa ways OPEN FORUM oy a! asf a al Aawe % 9 “gy ' bc 3 a ite ’ -. Os: | ‘Ae 1H ) i ‘ Shaw says ar iw at ¢ : sd y » a - “ I rr | 4 ' “ : i - 7 es ; . 1s i til ' i“ VJ ¥ ¥ ; - , i | a - it ly started a fn nm ‘ ’ pe * a Terrace Fruit Lands idnight hour. lee cage en eS. ee Other Numbers. at { 4 1. the gn ‘ints 7, 4 133 Acre Lot, two miles fron aaa ov ae be divided Afty-itty ees iy VG Static Contains - 1) y } he and the winner - a FR rat class black sail, with d by Mrs. David ter 8 Wg " 1] acres der st ‘ ristimea ( ans \ Ih i 1 die ! ' j ’ 7 + eliar Frame stable, \ * , ae . we “eg ; aa too ure, ie i * ®lopled as a Tew ional i h q b etaeaen ear the | tots in nightdresses with candles; owing the report that tl ana anes. pp w < ithe a had ‘ af . ' o } Dore rcorcce ~-csscccocoos ACT IN FORCE MAY ] nipes Bulls Send 4 hieago Up i aon Oe — ; ae Ee oo on in- | o0ees ceagannnd gence: When these animals take to toss EDMONTON'S MAYOR a outer ae, Pee Le eos FLOWE * ' r cities amet ne must res copy of Ss notice « »p Ov » ERS. IN®° BLOOM NEW WESTMINSTER, Dec, 14.)'4 meth m ' Suent thereto apd tothe “Weie het ian? Home Cooking with Quick Service hag t iithemums, Cyclamens and a Olin