THE DAILY RBWS [a ———— Pies | ua nin wenclan)) Westholme Theatre FUMES ané oT ; 7 Liberal Paper Asks Consideration ORMES WATERS. We ees B aT “th nya ; fer Peta of View of Workers TONIGHT AND TOMORROW Page (R® Shaw Chocolates--- — ee Ge-operat ——— Limited the best , NR Tonight — Ganong Brothers’ Chocolates. : Kodaks. Tomorrow Alright Christmas Christmas Cards, Tags and Presents Bee a dl alten aoc PROLREARIAT. OF ia | Ormes Limited GERMANY DIVIDED : Some Colebrate German Revolu- The Pioneer Druggists tiOn and Othors that of Genuine Parisian Ivory Articles For Quality, of all kinds. Fair Prices Rigaud, Roger ‘& Gallett Piver, ile) FS ieee Ta! DOROTHY DOROTHY for your ORMES LIMITED Phones 82,200 THE REXALL STORE po. sox 1680 os | ) | W , oT) peas ea ‘ : lack IS hile te’ ee Sane sretitaa atte | n in Het cnt dricnaf CPichere | = Certificate of Improvements. i painter tha as A Senratioral Romance « { queen Look Here ' Pe ame . scope pore yg Kr i lune ;' tl . Nationalization ‘ ger tot Ne, 2." an “oper chit ne ery ut the ns eaten Burton Holmes Travelogue and Comedy “t 2 ‘ ‘ j for China abil’ Midis: GPa ak Cammy Baten (ions Where locat Altsault Rive A e Arm mn i sanE ACTIOE that 1, George A. Young, at the f ja ole NM ' ere ———= i Y 5 : ab ntend F y days : . } ne tf dale ereof, to apply to the!, ‘ aH Pi LIMOGES eee es t ie J , s creas a a a ‘ “a h ae ee , I i 6 @ ee DOULTON ‘ rr agent: : I e ab me aims is ' thal if } ' +i COALPORT er section 85, must be om Coats bee wut 8 a a Sse Loe and NIPPON pe issuance of sur Certiticate of tmprove n OF It prefers tee | | 7 pa. ‘4 Dated this tu ay of November, 1920 ‘ “ pt? CERTIFICATE OF IMPROV . ‘ Sh d th EF 9 et it bie ‘ka Possible. OVEMENTS. i yy ee eae te , | od WI ire re ke ; i Cla ‘Fi o. : oo Mineral (iat Pwoeeolor windew rards tak A romantic love song of the plair ny John Bulger .2325- All adjoining, “mineral clauma.|'he eve smiekiy See them af "4 1 a leads ert District. W sted: Un’ Louise) NCWS Jah Denartmer ; | GAZETTE i4th Episode of “WHIRLWIND COMEDY A GIFTS THAT LAST i tevinne a Brita =. if Pet een. Merdatin every Sees eee =f Socialist Scheme — eee — r pees 7 ee ee u eect tee TIMBER SALE X 2579. l Pill a L axative, Na VP FURTHER “TARE NOTICE that aco] © Seated tend wed by . 2 Pills a Cathartic, 66 £5 oe — ; ne at " . > : my M DERN PUNTER GE orci? oc sessahie, song rina, hacen NPA, te | 3 Pills a Purgative, iad sro tt a . eitlins gad a cetee ee This is the Way Milburn's as i Lh ars wilt be allowed for Laxa-Liver Pills Work. = HOUSE Extra Special ! mae ee iaahaoaiaDi vod othe Bargains Silk Skirts Handherchiels TIMBER SALE X 1037. iy F eo oft B.S) ooned « + tend wilt p gt f ' ; use us ig i oo eta ete ee in Xmas || Bowes = Camwe very desirable a ae A st meres I Stk Hose Linge i | Price 92, 600 FiveRoses we Es = i ; i ; : equines a | Offerings See Demers First : hicCaffery Gibbons & Doyle, Ltd Four || o«" pee. » || Children | | PRE-WAR PRICES Prince Rupert, B.C. es bed ley: Se cigars rs oF eomeumers. We are winding up our sale vith a | December 16 eee ee ewes DENTISTRY $ 2.85 HOTEL OENTRAL | + Locau NEWS ITEM “| SHOE SPEC! AL Don’t neglect your Teeth k DININGROOM eS ee See Ye ,aat One decayed or missing tooth per sac 8.30 p.m, sa ie dale ; See the lowers your efficiency ‘ : , . apele SS a | ‘ ; " 4 THA ’ } plete : 35. pairs Ladie.’ Shoes, bu bi DR. BAYNE WT is emind 7 . ' svt kid ae pat ent, Mixe d IZ@S, Yaiut $3 Gf) eo Office Hours--Morning, 9 to 12; j nda . ' j Pepast r" ye Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.30; Satur Pi ert Table Su | Co DRILLS ' ' $6.95 to $9, for - M4 d‘y, 9 to 12 only. Evenings, f ppiy ‘ SONGS : K a : Lon ,e » Oxfo } ¢ (jf) gnre Tuesday, Wednesday and Fri- KMAS CAROLS M ei : : i i Ladies’ Satin Slipper 7 Deo 3; Miday, from 7 to 9. PHONES 211, 212. RECITATIONS a tas or white, $9.75 values for by DENTAL NURSE IN ATTENDANCE is i : ' et itned ; rs - Patent Pump ‘ i Ch Of) A PHONE 109 FORK APPOINTMENT yy ES CE 2 Phie ¢ ‘intent ; ee. @ ; Ra Ladies Kid or aiel atti} $b. 8 5 = i ‘ rile | direct ' ‘ = hi : : : ' : wt + values for " -_ e ‘ = Miss A. M. Mercer, with Mea” pithy mee th tii twit | om at es $8.5 5 ; SOMETHING Mash. M.Moraag, with Mii’ Bile river: sage: the Bret tt ils MPA Mary Jane, patent or hid, al! ' $9.1 ne OMETHING ABOUT ee 2 See Bh: ee Te a caemonieatert re valve for ; ; + — ate day of Decemin 3 - \ | ' zy) FEATHER PILLOWS ff, . : Aston by Ma, and Mrs cr ‘ Ladies’ Oxfords, m Citra , oe $8 (0 day oler Blas . nen : ’ ly What nove unsanitary I brown kid, values > $14 for = Rau thas a Feather Pillow? Admissi°n 30c; Children 156 ma 38. 2 ¢ H ARNOLD Ladies’ Grey Kid, 9 inches hi £8.00 sy ae Did vor ey tal ‘s hink i" a j trial it ‘ . P19) AO . rv vm ham : weful y i > oat Proceeds Xmas Cheer Fund wand vertie PATE tha ved) r “ high heel, re gee ee v ¢ 40) i aret ia ‘ a pet 4 . ‘ : ‘ ney - 4 i ean pillow slips on- i ae ‘ , j ; e Notary Public. La dies’ Biack Kid, o inche ! ‘ I fol $9. ent t , ‘ i vid pillows? Fre o ve sdb on a st 3 ’ sizes, values up to piv? ie. They are banded down frot ne perauig having been , 1 to cost 4 one zenesation to another LE MED-WINTER SALE (cco ito ale ee FIRE Aji Fancy Styles reduc rt ae will noting nore i ¥ : of th e S i . 4 5 i an: ovéasiongh airiagl +17 at Bargain Prices }°™’ aie INSURANCE. ||] Misses, Boots: buttoned on tac ues fr $4.1 J a ee aera sericea iiiliaciakat eesti ities tia kid, patent or gun mets al, $6.20 valu fe] We wash your Feather Pil. ai , aoe First Cars of our new - th ut removing th SHOES ST. ANDREW'S SOCIETY. i ls B itt ned or L a“ vd, pat nt rena $3.8 F be "4 1 Lump Coal have feathers, aud dry them UNDERWEAR An Policies are carefully and i or gun metal, $5.25 vi ylues 10! os i ee : . . 4 | Levtite row t Broo ~ 1} ena’ IT’S CLEAN ith arin ait and con. % MACKINAWS a intelligently written by us i . B 3 + gol wit a $] Qi) i as ' aes ae Pie tae Mitts, Gloves, Caps ( in sound companies that are | Ladies’ Felt Silippe Y soit § , i Jarke stock ge Coal also ihe i ry ac @.«# ; # re Ana) fens an tna which ea, Mes ae WING CHIN YUEN CO CITY ACCOUNTS. both able and willing to pay pom, $2.50 values for , “a $2.5 15 , Ar Gur Keg Coal in your 4 and rendere them soft 741 2nd aa , brleds Rupert, B.C. ac bas omit pod on any losses that may occur, Ladies’ ‘8 I" e alt Slippers, le athe r on range? and y. jeu pio YOUR business is solicited, tops, $3.50 values for a IT'S HOT aeration Phone 96 allan . 1one 06 for your rate, a Canadian Steam Laundry Co, ee ee ee . uae RS 1D. a Consumers Coal Co {td Cushions 765e PACIFIC CARTAGE TD | * TOO LATE 10 CLASSIFY * 4 " ' Pillows 75c Ph H y Phone 9 zg. Parker, Mer. CARLO ee H ¢ H | Ltd J. Lorne MacLaren, Manager Bolsters $1.00 one Carets ul atte ti pve all orders for VOW WENDT 4 deel ' sf « Vie e gerson, ° } Corner Third and Sevent! , ‘ el ‘ Oo ¥: BYE ss : ye } Room 11, Smith Block Phone 7 Ticks $2.60 a tranate “tans are. Louis Rooms, Phone Red 91 Real Estate {Bends Inourance esis ‘fey ORDERS rakkn ron COAL any WOOD 7 a " } a