oon THRE DAILY NEWS FISHERMEN’ ] NOTE! | Our ne We re ICE FROM FILTERED WATER ig first we { Storage ar ‘ yor S ii pia i age and supplies for main VUELS are from « ad st su HARD ICE American Fishing Boats Save the Discount on Canadian Punds by buying from Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. a —— _— a ‘ ] Alfalfa a. CHOK NY, I pone veri a Y. THE BRACKMAN-KER MILLING CO.,LTD. P.O. Box 745 Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 350 ry) ELECTRIC & MARIN WAR! SUPPLY CO. eee = COW BAY oon ees ELECTRICAL AND MARINE SUPPLIES, Canadian Fai vanks Co Lid C. O, Crude Oil Ma : Engines from 30 to 250 h.p. 8-10 H P ioe ‘y Duty Distillate Engines, Electric Lighting Piants Xmas Cakes. LA CASSE 2 BAKERY (124. a A Asaf ‘ | 'm hungry! So am ne! You won't be if you eat at THE EM PRESS CAFE. Empress Hotel Block ly opened for business Strictly clean, While help ao. Open day and night — TIMBER SALE X 2579. (ees e —— a COOOL OK OOOO OE ODEO LEO LL EOE Pe OF OLE MPOP ORDO ODE THEO COLL ART, Notary Public FOR SALE. t sing or b H ‘ Any reasonable offer enamel COAL : I 2 e.cS oe t ! FOR SALE ach $14.6 | Most L es al M ARI VE INSUR aoe E on the Coast npany « Pays Claims promptly a P. 0, Box 66 Westhorme Theat ‘Block Phone Blue 69 Wreeronccccecoronooneoonse > LA LOO OO Ce Oa mma | | DON: T WEAR Hart Block Your Old Suit or Hat over Christmas when you can get a New One at Sale Price from STEVE KING Dr Chase Splendid Reduction Values in Suits, Hats and Caps 1 ort Ask for eee Sausage. M aler ‘ “T ££ Pee ee X 1037 ‘ese ee © ee oe IN THE LETTER BOX ere ee ee eer ee ee ee ee WCULD SECEDE ag REEMAN Do not eules ane other da pte hin & v1 ng, Bice i Pi a A ce Ds . Had an Annoying Hacking Couch Got No Rest at N ght a i } i } Ten Years Ago |; % in Prince Rupert Bet ee ee er < HR 17, tere Down Go Our Prices We are closing out all our FRENCH IVORY Positively the largest asssortment in town Manicure Sets, Case Pipes Mirrors, Ash Trays, Ladies Purses, Military Brushes, Chocolates. McLAGAN PHONOGRAPHS go at cost---only a few left Gennett and Emerson Records 50c and 25¢ each. McCUTCHEON’S Corner Second and Sixth The Largest Drug House in Northern B.C. aes vy depot on Digby PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND Engineering Co., Limited. Operating---G.T.P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry{Dock Our Plant is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK Large and Small Vessels dry docked. Several boats may be docked at one time in one section of the Dry Dock. Engineers, Machinists, Boiler Makers, Blacksmiths, Founders, Pattern Makers, etc. We Solicit Your Enquiries P. O. Box 1713 Phones 43 and 385 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. —— MESSRS RORIE & SMALL ShaitereVaccountanes & Have pleasure in intimating that they have opened a Branch of their business at Smith Block, Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, where they will carry on a General Accountancy Business. Phorte 44. Resident Partner, GEORGE RKORIB, Chartered Accountant (Edinburgh and Canada)