nee . , EE FE EE SR IC HE VAILY HEWES — BRINGING UP FATHER Fashion and | : 1 AM OR. HEL POM- DID mO-BoOT tr we ee ss ; oo : | Romanc eC OU a SEE oe WHAT SEEMS I meenniianat | I! TELL ME. - | Ont ABouT « r i{| Ay er ets | While roman : —— 1 VGBLE | @i} HOW MUCH ' SAUCERS FULL DOM ee miantic alton certainty { ; COFYEE O00 ) } mae | . } plays a larger wt in the vamation oe -—— s or rm >| : Sa ; h * s a wert Rashas "W aa Hietates 2 | & sal or } ? | - r its Heefuiness i 2 ey : [| ae Te ') | c ; | 4 Birks’ Diamond, Mm tte matehiiss | fa Oy 1] j | i | beatty and perfection bot ony ! me : | cymbotizes life's greatest romances \ le f ] [ : o as } | ea 3 n all aster . | ’ AN j , | WHY NOT FOR CHRIST%AS? i] f t f °. | rating WN " e Is | || } { , } } i A | j , = 1 1 é 4 i} * = , eae pike | oe _ = R . , om Vv r, B.C. — a ee LITTLE FOLKS GIVE SAME); pte arenes eit ene pilin — + Nicatisbeapedll t ; ret ttre $e re rere es, — am ‘ FINE ENTERTAINMENT 1 :] 7 N Or} ene (j mannii a We have now en JO ae ie aged by the FOR ALASKA ‘Quy ews wo assified Ads 1} C YORK’S tan Youngsters of Miss Mercor's } 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Ad ‘ ° ; ; ui ps : y hand Ciass. Recommendations that Bight be Joes Rag seme sees seers vertisement Taken for Lees than 50c ; r 0 V ! is ne 1000 Tons The Central Hotel dining 1 4 Assigned to Northern Waters WAR TED. HEE RENE AR a ee : E 9 i . fel dining room by US FOR RENT on — $a t Weal! Se in the doors last y 5. WANTED i nal FOR - TYME @ARERUPTOY ACT oe ee career et EB; J Ing ON 0d t riint cadtalcoaaae coo tan?, Co SEATTLE, Dec, 17 A res eure.) a have anything to ve 77 > at he + If Ered tare ¢ i a mite given by the pupils of Mins He me a = Soe to the aa -_ i : 2 eae Lpply 210 neh Axids > a wy (S Hatdware i ; PHONE & ACK 114 1000 Tons ante hea ie : ) height si ' rein Phe audience Wasimarine chaser ; " We tf - ‘ = ote ass rieval ’ 7 : o- POR TEN ' ; ned ‘i; epeoerreerererererooes cated ee ean — 2 ; wf in the least disappoir fed. for \! i ims ; Inskan waters fo i ‘ tr + a eh (iq “ iddies did remarkably well, |pipea: ‘ - ‘ INFORMATION WANTED. furntat : » well that all prese wen [Bureau of Fisherivs to enforee rs noeee Ser Tene heneneey ! a) present were loud oyitatiar : ' 40 roreevooes« As we antici pate not or io a in their praise, hoth of the « ie oe . a in a report mad hry ‘ M te ‘ ' \ ! tf , Pere rereroooeeys scareity and increase in price of shown by the pérformers and of nah ae y minanad : > REN ' Barr] . ’ “1 « coal but also a difficulty in meet- he splendid training they had re- | ja. ES : e ! 4 ith} i H & no HA lum ing your deman’s for prompt ceived. Tt was difficult to believe ” WRIGrs x tt y } delivery this fall, we str { me mele A ' i eed : ; ) 8 fall, strongly oo Ge could he se , ‘ ; 5 caved recofimend that you make sre dl in one ream and that one Capt As! refers | si mor nl an EN ; ; PLUMBING AND HEATING of your ithe annie vio. tv ; nb j ; sete abl ¥ oP: pele m ! | sal fied : ONS WANTED j ‘ ‘ ENGINEERS 5 i ’ Southeastert ; 4 ; phoning plish so eh. The arrangements _ a Alash a * MIDDLE. At \ \ . vA ; , 116, 564, Blue 69 vere int SEE Wa Uetter|\ os WL neds nd Mrs h Tr played Ps nisi and pra es , MISCELLANEOUS ; se ead AMhort & MeCaory @etioccr't atta ea aad a he b ; he . : 7 des thre i : 9 ; po ‘tei sand srem ; the ecco. Ps ag . ' a : : ; Ph 174 PO. Bos is § : : 5’ } ’ . c . § n * tetine with “1 a “a . ride LosT ’ : re eae Penn desis ipeseneidindinliethtaiaesaiieiain aimee Mf riaiels . i ‘ , 1 the programs were Japanese), ee eo the rs WORK HOUSE. LORT—G ee ee ee ’ art produet . Prine pal menad dustry Fe Your . ms made by one of), ’ ") . : : ' ; : 4 aml the { Sanh be contr ' RAW SKINS © pupils,. Alice Enyu, and. herp, Faalty oe ling Friday, D ; TOM LEE COE , wiher. Mrs , Sree Sar eased i fac e 3) ; ' ' ' } aA SS aghs ea they were! ijes. i i se hees i CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS 1 Avenes: ee cake cap eit 6 WOMAN W ORTON AS Aca, 3 i rhe bis nint hall had been |, i t. Ashley recommen ' ; mt ait ransformed f lite socaitnn tate he Navy Department d . ; ‘ it ; VEGETABLES nin ae thonire..: Sake@ea fhivercss sub-chasers « se . ; Os V gold . ; . } Wholesale and Metall i platform at one end and every- 4a st tis Pepin: 1 seahiy ‘ ’ litaire pear Find ij 2. ; 4 s at here wt j ations of bunt- ender for patrol wor if ~ . FOR Bae furn ft bial Nowe ee : ; ‘ ge a ns ae ie A eastern Alaska during the s i . : i z nery intermingled bth ing : : ; i ith lights and dashes of” eolor suns aan In the season of FOR SALI 'r will trade for ap fe music. i t B that added nuch to the general , ae stout Phosmnpse ‘ p ‘ 1 Prinee Kupert (USI FOR DANCI t 403 79 et he flags were cindly tune -— chaser 29. rende j eal tat ‘ wn mo re ve shaligt = oe cae i : *- eaned by the St. Andrew's Society 3 a ne Peprerence. 5.) fishery The fast run-about launch ent ‘4 : ay Nha By. Tas ore . Ph nd other decorations by George wardens and at all times heartily bot epuine with or without , ' ‘ z om . ; ee ee Frizzell, co-operated in the bureau's oper. engine ene iommnas fy an we 5. Ces scien tlie ations Patrol work n on ine ra mar cea a h pr id © ~ elites dies deny tithutnah te ; : , i lnae narine en. ACCOUNTANTS 3 wryvers Dav Phone 5 “ll took the money at the door . , - . , eine ; TEE ! Ait Diba Mall: and. Mra: Beisadl estar eat ee he bureau's rey f t eae row boat |X PERIENCKD ACCOUNTARY LAnD ACT ; Ey 110 GWT! | ssisted the girls in dressing. sentative in charge of the a i | | Caille Perfectio } tak harg Wetice of tatention vo F.ppt p wrehoes | Made up into fhe program was as f i we: and the senior oMecer of the i Int ! ‘ oT ; ila 7 “ . Lane pene’ “1 Sheet Metal Works rows: les . ; , = pal ' ; RUGS, LADIES’ SCARVES, ETC. -1.. Caro Silenet Night," by} iM ! Phone 222 W. FE. Williscroft Phone ; the school -_ . : ma - ; ; . OR SAI : so . tf } San ry and D CTART ft tiation — xmas cin SANTA CLAUS WILL | |e gare lAsthbethe Yexibe LODGE MEETINGS ; 1116 Broadway, Vancouver, B.C. s. Dialogue Curing an In VISIT THE HOSPITAL eae B40! ts ; ivalid.” Evelyn Dalby, Laura Friz- +s \ ropriate Lobe 1051 LOYAL ORDER OF ; s ne bisa j meee reeeneeeeeeet a eile ell, Agnes Iverson, Beatrice Cash | Turkey Din , Sse. Sony. - SRRERS eyo Kerr weag iathes ish y Dinner will als© be Served I bs evening at the De Lure H ae _ . . n te Staff ana All the ; Uke tinti e best way to have ae BONE Santa Claus.’ Pati SECOND-HAD PUR " < Hoan t ents. ‘i FURNITURE sold) Ad ni IS % ; Polk Danes Dargese Gvertice in tie Paty Niwa 10f VANS e / argesen, . " ’ Anything you i YourSuit 6 Chorus Jingle Bells Dy There will be turkey dinn ‘ ant id to P. Le Clairs Norris . , ric —— the Bejrool, the General H ! ! t i eneral Hospital on Chiristuia Bay FIGS Gd LOPE rner First ny ATTEN of an applicator In THE M : ' f TTD 7. Duet Auiumn Winds," |for every member of mp ntall as me a nd Third Avenues r.% oe ste ertne a ee uae he Ca tres Sen bs oy - cs 1 Cleaned and Pressed | °°) 10.24.0000 V2 Sey poem We Minoo. teal Phone Aeon, 548 — | he eae Sagem tae as BB pg it ’ ; ns ie amd a \ >4 , 7 ’ y fiven % : wo , ' p o9e P 8 Recitation Leelle Bateese’ |turkeys have been donated by Ge eRe nm AA = the fier the elpiration - * ’ ret pive w ti my . ‘ is by our Georgé Alston Frizzell and P. Burt . « C, ‘ i sapie she pipes FO CLEAR FOR ; fo wei : ste fttie "1 the = nth trem % iret publication Bt . Four Piece Orchest Steam Pressing Machine }....... leblond.: Piighh- st Oils shevey oonmetmmes, tbe) | | portrai ar an cere of trash tastes | Make” eM uaaie wes including Saxaphom® leste thas 4 pe ‘ i > FO les . wn fo certain charge ate Me™ ‘ at a: * Method. PP en id : i ospital Board will supply more Sere ~ oot DM : : . there ant oh certihente of til m cnares |) . aes : ee , It only takes 15 minutes. | s 4 va PY Hd St. Nigga.) the butehers for the Phot 1 i im at 7HOW-C and furthed take aot ; arn Lend ' t ! Phone 48 Phone 4“ is sehen mph ih Sixth St m tention aaa : - ond oe nnn rs Our Price is 141. Danes "H generous donation was expressed , . U iefea hie 7 the ce the . rf 7S F : ' Reasonable ; rr “rem, Laura by President D. G. Stewart at the FOR BAL { tn of: auite, res, oe es, Sspiration et b ar of Titles : Delivery is Prompt Frizzell, hospital board last night ' ; rn | pennies al ' an ot > ® : ee poonorcesseeeTwenetnns 7 - 1”. Recitatio ca"? 7 ’ 1 li nigh gy 0 ihe yan plane no me wale jection is mal . 1 i ali : Give us a trial, Phone Black 502 m eet Soap,” Robert ania Claus is also to visit: th: and toy arede furniture te hee : NTR OE a | F Ik RENT Kelly. host its a and it Vt I nt 1 @ . feviowing | [rewn UBRA iF 0} ee , pets “ane Is being arranges ‘Th ‘ tlach 1” Os rants aml deeds of conve) ce t be el LING TAILOR fe 13. Dialogue Playing Santa,” |to havea gift for every ¢ ae " a ‘t wn rant w t “ a dit, yen FUR MATTER UF THE ADMIN , ; d P ellie Wilson, Nelno Direetor, G.\ patie 2 ere ees f FOR SALI Fume 7 ; a ania T cedinek eater els Cuore HON Abs ; $ : oP. patients. ee as -) do Mendela and Donal A. hoberteog dated #)th Augus and ? (oom 821, 828 2nd Ave., Prince Rupert Alston, Mabel Oliver, Yoshi Kat-|penses, the | at te th x- ihn niece allichile add: bani. capreeae Tues Miseaes . out cue MATT aiawt i Farnishe , ps madies jliary have r mt. } we ¢ aret Clifford end PONALD PRASHEH, BLUPABRD ’ ; a lf — ana. given $25 and the ‘ , tone Gash Apply box lbiepy ¢ te ka tee oat cisaetee Alan ad vas ; A ce ‘ae ; 14, Wan@ Drill, illospital Hoard will aa pc 145 News office ob at ae Te eee " ‘ “ry ' ava 7 ne. mnede. | wT hd ) i ' Hotel , ff esene dike , 15. Folk Dance-——Ribbon. additional #28 a up an Crown Grant to Charies Todd, Kdward | of Ese, te : 3 ominion ‘ Pp one 927 2nd Avenue > +a: faaneda ind Riek rial 25 Cheisfias is to} FORK SALE OR LEASI Job print ; Pee ‘i hal ward 4 rowies aqhtevens. Ldminietrs wm ft ; enished Gf Fly C. Vv. EVITT Hceslas.” + en- a vi ri ry as possible at the ing business and plant Pom cae he vance ! tame : aries Weie-wecleuen , J rs Pe % ’ jlhospt . “ar i : m ¢ eden” Cpe , ard Crawhe wlevens furn wee’ erly vert ; : Auctioneer 47. \Pence—-Irish Jig, Beatetee oe een particulars apply Daily Nowa Sin toga yee oer? CWoha, eked nn ‘ar before tiie Fath aay ot 1 wit ; mt r i Mce ie wee “) 00. of Lot ae sp 4 ane parties t i — Audi iCash, Laura Frizzell 9 tf '* required % yeliver the same W me estate are required to pa the al 7 I : P,0, Bes wane aad Accountant 18, Recitation ‘The Night he- HOSPITAL BOARD FIREWOOD POR SALI ‘Dated at Land Hegistry office Prince CN WM / vt ih , corer ener eneer Bane - eifore Ghristinas,”’ Spire Gurvich PROT I ; + ma A hupert. B. (., Ute 8 day of November : me aoeree eames 2 - nm ; c , s Hoo leventh Avenue P ° ; ince Hupert. 6. ° aan, I , Na meeeeeeteeeeer A G $i elu ee i mee Hor npipe, | EST AGAINST fia evening Phone Green identi ae aes “Pp tithes an tae ee . - New location { je i rector eatrice Cash, } 216 ‘ ; , . “ GRAY 20, Carol—"The First Meals) QUALIFICATIONS O4) - _ seed ST Helgerton eacher of Piano School. FOR SALH—Bet white thibet furs Block 1 Studio 187 Second Avenue | GOD SAVE THE KING, [Sensider that Résuiremente De- good condition. reasonabk ce. od PHONE Biue 421 or 444 == | Manded for Entering University |!!!) '"* Iii News ollien, os 66 99 + Advertiaa in the Dally Newe cannot be Foliowed Here. lena p : eas ———— " ee ne cry . \. | jst AP FoR OUICK SALE, EDISON + = » Car Gi aor) AL the hospital board meeting Movir Picture machine, Apply . a 17 fo i a { ' Jast night the report of the house box 2, Anyox I. a6 pag Your dee “2 EDS Aching eumninitios protesting the require-) por Lf , oe : ments o r mA Priek lined heate 1 , Poison in the system an | en j of pupil nurses emering lies wicahi’ BAakr-s wd heater 4 Huntley Tate. | } ' ahhaa aad: ine juniversity was adopted. TI | Fifth Avenue ' stiffness. The poisons lauirement ‘ ; w re Fast. Phone 424 93 ains . . : | are quickly removed by the use of | | Ws Oreetnsiderad tao elif | =—— - Silk Skirts Handkerchiefs “ 3) ae have secured the agency for J) Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills. | for nurses graduating from any | FOR SALIM-—Kitehen range, Appl pe ” ones Coe apenas theinterior §) One pill a dose. 260. a box, thospitals but the large ones in 408 Fifth Avenue We : ant é ann * ? Princes ~ quantity, | aes all dealers. | Vancouver or Victoria for they Petes | In Xmas Blouses Caimiso es Careful Piano Tuniné | ‘ D i © * |F 5 ; ; Pri R pp “Feed Dr aati racy he the nurse to have graduat ron on J Hones rhold. furniture ms . . Repairs to all ee S of yer | rince upert eed Co. ©, " roma hospital of at least 100 _ and hens. | hi 4 Mnglish Will, 7 { Silk Hose Lingerie Phonog?! pt . aoe oh Polishing Co wis, 75 per cent of wt ' ee ‘ parts in ® ’ omnes 2nd Ave. and ‘tb Ot, } public and alco & ad eer ow pee ei VEGETABLES, é n Ss ; J. Slade Stevens | & al perience in social service wor) q ABHGROST POTATORS for See Demers First ; dip : Aveno Box 162 wk is} your winter supply from Na hone Red 2 : we } Phe wT Te neal required, juires tional Grocery, Fulton Street,