THR DADLY News 72 Genuine Parisian Ivory Articles of all kinds. Rigaud, Roger ‘& Gallett. Piver, These names mean real PRPR- FUMES and TOILET For Quality, Fair Prices and Service-- , 2aHOURS Fa ah Cas pul be he i0y) ie - name WATERS. We have them. ORMES Limited Christmas Presents the best. Ganong Brothers’ Chocolates. Kodaks. Christmas Seals. Let us help you choose that gift. Ormes Limited |. The Pioneer Druggists Phones 82,200 THE REXALL STORE Cards, Tags and P.O. Box 1680 Page ©® Shaw Chocolates--- ved in the eit hien le ' ‘ ‘ { vr rh . » . ’ i \da N Kk ims I e > >. ! tla M ‘ I ' it \ 7" YERBS RELIEVE LM ORGANIC DISEASE MINERAL ACT, \ Certificate of ‘Improvements. “ NOTICE Ook Mere 2... .. «|: Copper cur N 2 arid Cor r cur . ® Ne Mineral Claims 4aitmaie in (he Naas M for China iver Mining Division of Cassiar District Where located Kitsauit River, Altice Arm tank ANCTICE that 1, Georme |. Y« ie t Minors ertifcate No, 365 ‘ act Wed ‘ i ‘ ripment ne for myself and as agent for Joseph vA i" : Wells, Free Miner's Certificate No. 40651 ' f ond j in C, and Arne Davedson, Free Miner's ¢ . 1 ate No {OH2R-C, Ntend sixty ays 7 from tle fate hereof, to lp yY to the : LIMOGES Mining Recorder for a Cert of im I ment t I f Htaining DOULTON ‘ rown ! 1 taims And further take n e that action, t COALPORT let shction $5, must oe cotmmehren beter © issuance fs i ertiticate f improv and NIPPON ments Dated this 6tn aay of November, 1990 | it ked a ' iT ible CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS Irevs Teerk N 1 Iron f ‘ 1 ‘ ’ i: ‘ ohn Bulger 3) oh. Jeweller See ener. Where et eel hie eee miele i GIFTS THAT LAST "af Vieuarer brotans aa a re wnt tree | . ert at ‘ ; rt ' " it ' t ot gent rien i 1M of : \ Ne nt ‘ ie aes wail ile jocinmncent ' m th pAvH iA " anit } ! rAh? \ WF FUR THI TAKE N ! : ' “. Y ' 1 ‘ ' i Epw 0 on mon “ eet ' ta et tess Un ‘ HN MH. Met ‘ Pre-War Pri mes re- War rrices |». M IN TE ‘ We offer a osix roomed IN, THE SUPREME np Ger Bt bi n " ‘ COLUMBEA 4 modern house , Very desirable 400 Boxes of wake a \ location in Set , ! I ' : it Price $0 600 McCaffery, Gibbons & Doyle, Ltd. Real Estate & Insurance APPLES} 150 BOXES BALDWIN, $2.50 BOX 50 BOXES YORK IMPERIALS $3.50 PER BOX \ al : Prince Rupert, B.C. ped —_— ——- paler 25 BOXES STAYMAN WINESANS a DENTISTRY ||... ne we 25 BOXES BLUE PERRIN, arsed “| Auction Sale ’ Box Don't neglect your Teeth One decayed or missing tooth lowers your efficiency _——, DR. BAYNE Office Hours--Morning, 9 to 12; Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.30; Satur- duy, 9 to 12 only. Evenings, Tuesday, Wednesday and Fri- @day, from 7 to 9, DENTAL NURSE IN ATTENDANCE PHONE 109 FOR APPOINTMENT g 0 Soxes JUMBLE WINESAPS $2.10 Mra M Rupert Table Supply C6, PHONES 211, 212. Monday, |e Fy Am. PUBLIC AUCTICN m, | se y 20th December: | GIRLS’ FINE BASKETBALL Junior League Game Between the Tillicums and King Edward School Proved Feature Last Night ha Senior League = i Seniors Intermediates intermediate Giris ‘ Girls’ Junior. Westholme Theaire TONIGHT AND TOMORROW--MATINEE AND EVENING EXTRA SPECIAL! K a rT ' M ‘ | ' ’ j i BOYS’ NAVAL BRIGADE ¥. BEVIT I To Be Troubled With THOMAS ME "WHY CHAN Mack Sennett Comedy Prices - “Why Change Your Wife” Surpasses all the previrus Cecil B. DeMille productior: cast as THOMAS MEIGHEN, BEBE DANIELS, G LORIA | AN and S& YOUR “Eack to the Fichen Ever is gs, » With famous star SWANSON, THEODORE KOZLOFF - RFR? MANIE(S « ae wire 7’ ower’ A PALA wT Sats ; ‘ Large stock Kee Goal also Het Nit Dery Machine, \ ” t i lered on hand, Have you tried Which thoroughly steril- WING, CHIN, YUEN C0. with ' i uid not t Our Keg Coal in your izes and renders them soft 741 2nd Ave., Prince Rupert, B.C, ? ta v oe Mee range’? and tiulty., j pa ) j f vurn iT’s HOT sm | Lb Rik LAE Tt be '" Canadian Steam Laundry Co. vial, 1 tried them without mien 1 mit ft sone the at Consumers CoalCo,, Ltd. }] cusmions 750 PACIFIC CARTAGE LTD J's) soc secs "” . Pillows 75c Ph 6 Phone 93. 8. KE. Parker, Mgr. lieved bl J, Lorne MacLaren, Manager Bolsters $1.00 one pane oo eengen Sever. 0 ahh: orders tap cee ais . hi k lo ‘ urniture mee. us age or other ut all deal “ ! pt Room 11, Smith Block Phone 7 ¥leke $2 ue ORDERS tAken pre ‘ OAL anv woop - i a i rut G.H. ARNOLD Notary Public. FIRE INSURANCE Policies are carefully and intelligently written by us in sound companies that are both able and willing to pay any losses that may occur, YOUR business is solicited. Phone 06 for your rate, H. G. Helgerson, Ltd. Real Estate 5 Bonds insurance PRE-WAR PRICES We are winding up our sale with a SHOE SPECIAL » these value ee ilies 35 pairs Ladie.’ Shoes, buttoned : ack kid or patent, mixed sizes, valur $3 Qf) $6.95 to $Y, for - Ladies’ Satin Slippers or Oxforc $6.90 or white, $9.75 values for Ladies’ Kid or Patent Pu: $6,50 values for . —s Mary Jane, pavtent or nid, all sia $5.79 values for . Ladies’ Oxfords, in patent, $8.00 brown kid, values to $14 for Ladies’ Grey Kid, 9 inches hig $3.00 high heel, regular $12.50 for + Ladies’ Black Kid, § inches nigh, a styles, new sizes, values up to >! All Fancy Styles reduced to © $9.50 Misses’ Boots, buttoned or laced, in bla $4.70 kid, patent orgun metal, 6,9 values : 5 Girls’ Buttoned or L aceu, parent, $3.8 kid or gun metal, $5.25 vi alues 10! Ladies’ Felt Slippers, soft sole with . $1.90 pom, $2.60 values for Ladies’ Felt Slippers, leather wr $215 tops, $3.50 values for JABOUR BROTHERS, RS, LID. tl Corner Third and Seventh | BOICS,