a lie: «96 8 ie _ Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News ea Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue; F j H. F. PULLEN, MANAGING EpiTor. Te” SUBSCRIPTION RATES: rie be City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month By mail to all parts of the British Empire uf B (i a eriees er VOOR. 6 vo asco 0 beees i TELEPHONE 98. ne THE Daity NEWS q : PRENGE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA and the United St 4 y : as 0 To all other countries, in advance, per year : 3 Transient Display Advertising $1.25 per ) “4 Transient advertising on front page ......6.45 hl ‘ Local Reade OY TPOMAOU san aes é Cis Oe On 4 HF Classified adver ising: per insertion, Legal Notices, each insertion, as Contract Rates on Ay plication, et All advertising should be in thé Daily News 4 ceding publication. All advertising received sabiect to approy he + DAILY EDITION, {thm + a Develop Port as eee Permanent Asset. my it The development of the port of P Bs things on he energies of Pr av will | sroner or Ale ile proves mes nteresding reading, Ne esi es Canada w sa , of wealth, Among the important rescares in@® lumber, 1 in order.to handle these facilities 44 7 Coai Necessary Y F To Every Port. er No port expect to be sucess Fah Al hoe ‘ suy < with Her “t Day of Oil Dominance on ; Seems to be Passing. a The days of the dot nee of fuel o . Ue Already the p of the product has mounte ; to op e ships o7 -¥ } e! ra eonve g . and Mra. 8, P. MeMordie TAKE NOTICE that t, Lewis W. Patmore y™ N $ tt as a@ehi for Hans vy, Ib Snodgrass telear iph port ‘ op atone a Crown OUrant of Prompt Service ; , or the aie igh joperator at Andimaul, is dead,|, As? vi Winen TAKE NUTICN that ac | Day and Nis ‘i tlon, tender seetion #5, mist be eotmenced Clase Car® ving passed away Of heart before the tesuance of sich Certificate of First Prop wh il. — tng wnt arge, Freor Wille WOrKINg OM [le 1iNe.| “tated tne 10th day of November, A. D E. Lars’ * * * 1920 ITE DAILY NEWS i ne eee | CHRISTMAS SPIRIT IN SHOPPING TRIP From Literary Digest ‘‘Topies of pm t Ay { ; Fame reer cs +e on oe With th ‘ ms if £ euet aap . nae i os bieted ni aS ee fees a = = 2 ih ~. \\ rier Plug ; f ve a i Aes ; Te athe x revit Aris % ) . - Me >», SMOKING TOBACCO i ty S », \ th c oe . : aie ete~d The | , I i « whist i . y Evenine Me ae 2 Plas \ i OM iy, oct Salling Ri) | Sacre sot ia tb igi Meean ESE 4am sh ings" ERS. RELIEVE ( a Husband ‘ones ORGANIC SEAS | ee ae “est! DYENTISTRY ff \\ Ip oi hie. dea ; * t gents it way : : as Gran ee ead QUALITY ie oapeacres Dr. Bayne | OFFICE HOURS ' A ne Rorning 9 te 12, Merneos, 136 te 6.36, Saturdays, § te 12 only a Yee , Every Evening trom 7.30 te $ Dental Nurse in attendance Phone 109 for appointment an) ine age ; Rooms 4, 5, 6, Helgerson Blk., Cor. 3rd and 6th Best Equipped Offere in Northern B.C i I ’ . — 4 —_ — > > . = ‘ i! : : ' ' it eee ; ‘ tt with haved wi ‘. (yy NAVIGASLE WATERS PROTECTION acT Se 8.5. PRINCE GEORGE ' 9 ‘ ‘ 4 nt a ele - i ae ” ’ Revived Statutes of Canada Ebr Ocean Falls powwesey le ae ! ' ADIA ‘ a . ' ANY Wednesday 10 2 “ ‘ : 5 5 PRINCE JOHN { is | f f Sunday 9 p.m I \ N &.S PRINCE ALBERT i A Ml ' _ . i ' ‘ emer eee TT . x it ' = TRAIN SERVICE } Ten Years Ago | i EE EO... Sey OEE Pe j in Prince Rupert aa u me Of ‘ Pry «, P a . <~-—~- —~- Tet ee ee ere, A ' ' i noot Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines December 18, 1910 tal ‘ iu i n : ; ; plane © : for imformeation ard reerrations appry ' = ~ b al polis ED a . on, ee heen Clty Ticket Omes, £26 Third Avenve Phont 200 { ; \ j ! it ' nee ton ' ‘ ‘ rien a } Lt) weer ace 1 ! «= | } ng the « th ’ t ' er and i ee 4 : . ae ipsa deceep eating aes . Ballast ind steel laying on CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS LWAY “ been suspended ee Saf egal mm Lot | CANADIAN PACIFIC RAl Ln th id in t! eA ' toke % M al (iat, Lot = aa h ‘ ‘wy 4 Mineral clam, 108 CANADIAN PACIFICO OCEAN SERVICES i ind ildis pridwes 1 ‘ “ net miners! e¢taune : - n Doeen jolt? Mimtie Division ° t i res n in|kupert DAMgeC” Wheee hecsteds te, Laois B.C. Coast Steamship Services Fe ’ ‘TICE. that 1, Atet Ropers of tne . . * Var “uy : Ir ' ’ 4 tie? ; LL LN ™ Ay ; tal? ' : mia. Pree Miner's Ceoriitionte _ 4 ‘ eg hentai lime a nar. 1 afting on betaly t a : te : for Mand. Marden of BEATRICE tp om ig cone Cd \Veamuvel’ Pree Miner's ertifieste \ 6. 0, Prinosss Aiaska, ‘rom Prince by this morning Phe fire )20834-h. antend ' ys Cre ine For Ketchikan, Juneau, Skagway, . 427 ite ,§ “nt for a Crown Oran ne eparti s enl al ? ¢ faba sink Rupert — November 29, December 13 a: : is We Take Tr1Ce that a ) . nti i : ' t : - ne : miner ¢ ° Rupert el de , 1 | betes lemon Gt buch Cortnraie of For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle from Prin: } ad tittally were suete 1 in prov December 4 and 18; January 1 che ne the blaze arin ira aa . berernber 109 3 . i ae z : A La nag anes { m= Prete * Anglican Ch h at rvations end railings, epp'y bad —_ MINERAL ACT, ror rete, re | Cove was today dedicated by form » W. ©. ORCHARD, General Agent Prince Rupert, B.C. Certificate of improvements. Cor 3rd Avenue and 4th Street " Pree Miner Certificate Né Bf intend, sixty days from ine date f u ‘poly to the Minin Herorder * * . fora ¢ tifeate of tinproverne ats, for the eer Btireet Auto Serie LEWIk W. PATMONE Phone 35 ee THEO COLLART, Notary Public Forty mile an hour winds have) —— have had a real test, al- TRUNKS