ember 18, 1020, Industry of Pe Soil if resources of this Bank ere a: essential element in the Dominion's ‘yndemental industry exploitation of the * For 55 years we have been promoting the interests of agriculturiets Todey, out co-operation is being util d trom coast to coast in an «ndeay increase the output of the helde, . OF CANADA A. T. Broderick, Manager ise or to NION BAN Prince Rupert Branch See Your Bed Pillows— ) Would You Like To Have Them Washed ? pillows are seldom washed in many same pillows are used iter, illness and health, Bed households — the through summer and wir This often happens in the dwellings, too, of housewives who are justly proud of their home sanitation. Sweet, clean slips are used, but pillows nevertheless are frequently over- looked. Why not send thorough cleansing ? drvwn ir rere mete wee —- Sscs. rinse them time and ag: Then we dry them quickly in fresh, warm air, and tumble them until they become delightfully downy once more. It gives new life to the feathers, whether they be snowy breast feathers, or the less fluffy tail feathers. The pillow, too, is steri- liked. Slumber becomes a new pleasure. Send your pillows along next time our driver calls for your family bundle. Or tele- phone us and we will have our driver stop next time he passes your way. CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY your pillows to us for a We bubble them up and J a. &-- =—-+4- wa SS = cs Phone 8 e sci "ql : 7 : i PRINCE RUPERT CHRISTMAS CONCERT Central Labor Council, O.B. U. iO on Thursday Night—Christ- mas Tree was Unloaded. Affiliated Unite and Dates of MEETINGS Shipbuilding Unit, Second he « by the school, ! Fourth Fridays a(.8 p.m. jas Alice Barley, Spring; why? LL. Oa: ee M Careful Piano Tuning pe pairs to all makes of Pianos, honographs, Cameras Spare Parts in stock, French Polishing { - ( Whit rrr J. Slade Stevens jegteieeey §=A man at sixty 128 Sth Avenue W, Nf years of age is Phone Red 291 P.O, Box 762 Sateteeheteanteed mieten os. 8 ne ee ae race racnce es, XMAS TREES! Violets, Cut Flowers, Holly Wreaths,Ferns,Cyclamens Lu CITY MARKET “rer erereree Serer Or er ee er eres i either a failure or a success. BEECHAM'S PILLS have been made for sixty years and have the largest sale of any medicine in the world! Millions use ms BEECHS TLS Sold everywhere in Camede. BY CONVENT PUPILS Actistic Program Was Rendered 4ilai All Hail tojfine chorus, Missiand $$ ee GREAT CONCERT AT HIGH SCHOOL Santa Claus’ Visit, a Sumptuous Dinner and Meritorious Con- cery Conclude Term. The Closing exercises at the High Sehool took place yesterday and were carried out in real the ages for communicating the joy of the Christmas Christmas style, At three o'clock message. Santa Claus appeared and dis ‘ 4 ° . ° os thie HH ce rhe spirit of the festival is more inspiringly expressed by the to oh gift with a lavish e sp . & hand to ail the students assem music that has always accompanied it than by any other hled Will Kergin made a eplen single medium. q ae ye his willicisins For music reaches our innermost selves, taps a channel leading to our ised a tatoo nerriment Christmas Dinner. \ 40 pe the dents andl whers sat down to a sumptuous Sinns dinner in the matric. room nd, needlese to «ny istice Was me to ali the good things pro ined Cedrie Duncan was toast inated and under his baton things went inerrily. along, At 6:30 all left the banqueting room prepare for the concert which took place in the basement of the ding, Ai 8:15 the eoneert opened in he presence of erowd of pa rely taxed ded. The was the program its and friends that s« accomodation pros lowing Concert Program. School Orchestra, tiristmas tare! tA sem ff tie (reisha students fil Matric Class ae Car ’ ! Marjori¢ it sheer = flrehestra selection u Sehool Magazi ~ M ‘lea K . ! \s Y I I / f the Mi ila sel i Sa King i ‘ h rises ‘ he L of the i ert r h the « s iu ss Olga Kash ated q i n This ie iv has x plior ly } if } le A PHAT it is? ed they are to Wares for cooks are even lower. be busy in a pew and startling;Many of them live in mahogany direction, houses, al that. ¢ es Hails population is estimated think it iS\around 2.500.000, Ninety-seven PHAT some peaple the very @ssence of these illiterate, which canness and) per cent of people are la low dewn trick to interfere with e¢jassed as may itheir Christaaas® and. pre-Christ-/ageount for the size of the pay en- mas and ante-Christmas § festiv- velope. ities, x BI DS ke tami Entire stock of Barrie’s Fur- THAT a lof of people do not , : niture Store al reduced prices. tf know how to enjoy themselves } except by filling themselves with boohoos, PRESCRIPTION FOR COLDS AND GRIPPE Forinula Which is Approved by Leading Physicians. Order Early! | Scotch Shortbread | Physicians all over the wortd are agreed treatment for the rethef of on the beat vids im the head w idvanced stage of the trouble—4a grippe, or the frst Currant Bun stages of influenza This formula is now offered the public under the name of Urip-FiX and ts used Vv for home treatment It comes in capsule amas és jform and acts promptiy, as Ut has & ten year record of relieving 4@ cold in a night ase of erippe in 24 bourse, Its action ‘ilays the fever, relieves the soreness i Plum Puddings ijhe musctes and back and keeps the system open to throw of ahia- generated poisons From what it claims to be 4a physician's preseription The full formula is printed on every box, It con | tatnes nothing injurious to the} sosmenu... | CURRIE'S BAKERY opereane Phone 177 P.O. Box 258 Get a box of Grip. Pix Have it in the Third Avenue house ‘in sale at all druggists 15 cents joer bos ‘ Grip Pix is just ibaolutely promp! treatment of colds - Satisfying Service. 707 Third Ave. Phone 34 ROYAL HOTEL RESTAURANT. Home Cooking with Quick Service Here you can procure the kind of food that is just what you want in congenial environment. Attractiveness. Prices Reasonable, Superior Quality. Alfalfa Hay We have just taken into our warehouse ba car of CHOICE NO. 1 ALPALPA HAY. Get our price on this hay which has been bought on the lowest market We are always pleased to quote. Mail orders have our prompt and eareful attention. THE BRACKMAN-KER MILLING CO.,LTD. P.O. Box 745 = Princ Rupert, B.C. Phone 350 ’ >= - = I'm hungry! So aml 1 was! You won't be if you eat at THE EMPRESS CAFE Empress Hotel Block. Newly opened for business Strictly clean, White help only. Open day and night