Se a ee . tenn ed ape _ s eo Se wee ke eet S aigie First Cars of our new screened Luinp Coal have arrived, IT’S CLEAN Large stock Egg Coal also Have you tried in your on hand Our Keg Coal range? IT’S HOT Consumers Coal Co,, Ltd, J. Lorne MacLaren, Manager Room 11, Smith Block Phene 7 SAE INSURANCE Policies are carefully and intelligently written by us in sound companies that are both able and willing to pay any losses that may occur. YOUR business is solicited, Phone %6 for your rate. H. G. Helgerson, Ltd. Real Estate > Bonds Insurance Furnished Rooms |» Deaninin Hotel Just Remodelled and Refurnished and Eighth Street, Prince Kupert Phone Red 468 P,O. Box 363 Corner First Ave, AKL ee ce ive of 8 PACIFIC CARTAGE LTD Phone 94. S. E. Parker, Mgr. Careful attention giver to all orders for furniture, freight. b «gene or other ranefer work OKDERS taken vor COAL anv WOOD Ph and ate Cars one Your Patro magn l 3 9 Hoty Tate, Page @ 9 THR DALY NSWS | ——— ——— — : ————— SO Doce 1 gy * ° Genuine Parisian Ivory Articles atthe al teeta For Quality, tl kinds ae Oe Mt the et, | Oo es me alr rrices Rigaud, Roger & Gallett. Piver, yy ji Int Nn divter , care and Service-- These names mean real PER Nn on 1g : the ya FUMES and rOILET " ren . sali TONI ORMES WATERS. We hatiehins Race fete eels va pain ; GHT ONLY 2 = Bic aches, relieve ! i Limited | Pie mecht™ Somer | | BC React fo “| EXTRA br your Ganong Brothers’ Chocolates. vomerrow Alright > : 7 L! Christmas | Govcre " ? Christmas Cards, Tags and Ler “Wh Ch Y s ” Presents Se ios y ange our Wife” Let us help you choose that gift. Surpasses all the previc us Cecil B. DeMille Productions, with for e e cast as THOMAS MEIGHEN, BEBE DANIEL S, GLORIA awit wh Ormes Limited ORMES LIMITED | THEODORE KOZLOFF 7 The Pioneer Druggists C I ' Grn Phones 82,200 THE REXALL STORE P.O. Box 1680 XMAS SERY CF a = ATMETHODIST .- \ TH { EMI tie | : e CHURCH SUNDAY SMITHERS | Give Him Sain MAN aK wceh inves. Special Program for Christmas ' : Tal a Signet uke sorte ese 3 . } vt SDA IS DR. WM. SAGAR, B.A., OF 8 Ring 1 ‘bereiy required PORT SIMPSON, WILL PREACH | It will last for years. , forthwith. * ‘ ern Pl a Gold has not raisec Foe er , oo ; in price and we can sell | IN PROBATE. { signet rings almost at - sal m 1914 prices. HON ACT ——_ , . M ui { ATE i t I ' John Bulger Ms Jeweller a GIFTS THAT LAST ww is " te o , ” 7 ” _ eS — f Met |, _ PRINCE GEORGE Ss a PMN t ‘ r ! _— : i , gnrme ce $ ’ : Wit CHAN we noun wire t? we / MODERN « te 6 om E : Mack Sennett Comedy, “Back to the Kitchen” and | Pre-War Prices yW Prices---Evenings, —_—_ ; ! ; s » | ta" bf ith “ ' shiny boats are craw? DR. BAYNE Rupert Table Supply Co, MID. WINTER SALE nih Sn ee hie oneurint Mice Ho urs- Merwing. fe} to 12; PHONES 211. 212. bE a : pies ee Ln a eng Me ar . se HARD ICE ernoeon, » 5 atur- ’ . Tae di I Wednend ee " * er af tert warance of American Fishing Boats Save D dee tem ‘—<_. e MACKINAW 'S 0 ¢ E il | second snd th =e fs f ‘a wie toe Canadian Funds by buying iro DENTAL NURSE IN ATTENDANCE 7 Mitts. Glov ; ne reat §séntla oper, me ‘ake ah Ce hee pe ( di Fi h & ( ld Storage Oo, Ltd PHONE 109 FOR APPOINTMENTS) ' ; . imi between 0 “31 GH. ARNOLD WING, CHIN, YUEN CO. || Toa Womans Health) ivi tren. tise cee) UANACIAR Ei SO | Notary Public. pevvenevenenweenemveseree~ ‘AS Her Nerves vac Met mec, At er FIRE FOR RENT! “stn meee Regardless « of Cost ease Useful and ' ‘ a i ic Artistic rlONS IN teal Hult | vi A tH q | Christmes BIG REDUC : ’ uc ion wa é Gitts Coats, Suits, Skirt Bio becon fie Seo a isn Miss GLEESON , 1 : : ei M { hi i, | will sell by Mek ak ica Prince Rupert, ee ree ay ed-ont a nonenengnennnte wu ra - PUBLIC AUCTION a ts ar | ger Monday, 200 December — ee BROS Wears baa Nerve Pia & andi tan nae IDavenetts: Watnul Shanda tal IN A sor N wri in AND ond Stee! PO) Bo 120 ©, V. EVITT, Phone 22 & Prince Rupé rte et Vries sat all dea tallied Auet hires ' f i NAME? LLL CL A TT TTT