Legislative 1% rary focal Dressed Beef | Slaughtering. Ship- ts of Live Stock now arriving on wont k direct from the stock alae re of the Bulkley Valley. GEORGE J. FRIZZELL @ Phones 10, 265, 1865 Royal Market Fulton Market er er eres er eres ererees Our Own eres erererer PRINCE RUPERT ees C Northern and Central British Columbia’s nen WC 28 1920 \Yoronin B.S Che Daily Nets — See a TAXI | Phone 75 WE NEVER SLEEP Prince Rupert Auto 707 Seco: | Ave. - l’rince Rupert PRINCE Ri PERT, B. G., MONDAY DECEMBER 20, 1020. Saturday's Circulation 1741. Street Sales 380. PRICE FIVE CENTS PRESIDEN T Ml LERAND OF FRANCE RIDES IN A OMINIGN GOVERNMENT DROPS ITS LUXURY TAX TQ RELIEVE SITUATION Millerand ‘'NIFORMS CABINET IS DISCUSSING the royal carriage. The al- n . Big Froighting Charges Make Worth—Would Like jad befure long sume big catches Capt. Poberson Gives Signalling lied diplomats remain in the LUMBER BUSINESS Potajoes, Kam and Egos Another Dose. should be landed. MENT Flags and Masons, Uniforms capital but keep aloof. IN NEW BRUNSWICK Luxuries in Yukon ——— There were two refrigerator . fe NEW YORK. Dee, 20.— Billjcars in dhe yards yesterday morn- EMPLOY Slee. aya kt ave m ineske heey * f PAWSON VTS DAOYn. Wag irepiign. whe ge Kneckerd entity) os end bhWoec-arrited inthe even- increased Stumpage Injures Busi- _.. ,,.,, lopment work on. the be st?th round by Jack Dempsey.f ng. These were all used this Yarcouver Merd Mit by Present pres ness and Smati Cut Results Yukon Gold Company's gold, sil- " e” bh ywenaht ere in oe three ba ‘ , eae Condition of Stagnation | ino " \ and gulena teddings im the ac Square Garden, said le| ae fresh fish landed and ot ve i sted by the N, ih { Phe GOV- May distriet> (aré® progressing te ask for another mateh.| ne being loaded with frozen fish \ wD \ M i i sen ral New Brunswick is fq bl there is danger o I net satisfied that Dempsey!oy the Canadian Fh and Gold ; th aj tly a ys 1 hardship be us [ ; mv superio he declared. The| torage Co, Ha 4 id. Dybhavn, C. H. Orme, S. E. \ux f of this yea raised, sea ty of supplies f j ag challenger ! saying that he} At the sale yesterday the Tom wing the Parxer and D. Thomson are . luni , ving are staying “inside.” fF ved ted himself, as-| ond Al sold 55,000 pounds he dé j ne x Ir d eli he situation, s i be is “surprised” when) (thin Fisheries ut 19.2¢ ar 1.5e, , , s Aldermanic Candidates. ‘ us { su | ' atoes. ezes and a numb e the ‘ ioned him to his} The Helena, 5,000 mounds, and “ ' ty ot \ 1? 4 8 ' . j . vse « that he had} fatoosh oo | ids, sold to 7 ale ! vbhayvn ! y i . : Wo ty rl wand. Star i ‘a gz th j 1 mm Daw. beater ‘ unt in the 42th. ithe Canad Fish and Cold Stor- ' r ; Pa Ts ra ‘ i u % uh Ay “. rf eli y is ly sey oS j Brennan wastage Co. at 19.G6e and 10.5¢. Pa ph sonal ean: a - rhe G lia ae than I expected. He stood hiqteeniaiiaghidelnmieatedl . ae . i i wit hr ition th na nee nl thought he would. na ' malar ‘ © cane - i dioica the News this morning dustry i stifvani is on ton of potatoes has been’ ‘fist vs did hurt me at any] MAY ARREST PRIESTS ' ea INY and a jefinitely in the fleld 50.0 ! bjection ap-itaken from Dawsoi May, | but f found him a hard man | . Aw Xu Chix wi nake a strong lineup Pears ive mace ‘ hi her twas sold for 8500 ; tp ; iv a 5 pilessct hi tits, be sy 1 he mast ronment I) y's nanager said the} MURDER CHARGE ) i \ i ea cat ce eaaee nh ; a le t if Ww id i i that while don th ‘nt nt tat n Was not in the best of] int y bot ‘ . i the re elected and as eac s ‘ s “4s it veg at we Re RIstS e co i" spe | EI ny ad : a s. : ? ad oi : ’ s pn . sa . f high prices had been the s ne the Mavo distrié¢t @ j having trained too hard. | ‘ ; vr “ ’ lie ty it seemasftte | BB ay likely that they will be suecessoireached th ! Ht good pros- las a result of their observa- ee Proprietor of Vancouver Province Busines : f f re j Cis of al irkeet Since tions thre Yukon Developntent . ‘ ‘ene ae aa yaaa Rl eee ae eee ee taldahe- awn Eiltaaiee acide We himaarueane ss encamteae Lae EXTENSION Spoken of for Chief Position y Police Following ooting + “Y times or not it will assure a good thet ns ha arise a CAR AG. See See: CoS eee ee . iil ee an FORTY TIE MAKERS reprose ntation of the city’s busi- Hay na 1 it | operators have wired recommendations to H § BREEN FINISHED VANCOL VER. Des! ah, Ww. CG. \ , NT oti ' , . i j i mo o t = Vv ae he federal government ta cCon- . . : WA ED UP RIVER Hess sechiun In Munioipa: govern Pe il 7 : j oy a wicks Xe no i ee i i Nicol, proprietor of the Prov- mont ; ; : ; “ “a 4 f actin May ' Fish Warchouse fer Atlin andjince newspaper, is the Vancouver Ald. Dybhavn has been alder-) dues has aris whether, In roat rain awson mat EF } " 2 aan whe Provincial Labor, Bureau Gets. 2 iia city for many vears, View of the increasing pressureleest of $100,000, and to finish the Pacific Fisheries Will be j.avorite for position of Lit wor ! Call for Men—Situation Re- ad th other three will all be Upon p s. the Government will water grade road from Maye to Next Etep in Work. fhe secede * eee ; wners e council ela | ie { in collecting” a slump Keno next summer, a distance o ie + Fh . : ue ; paren SREY : cs _ j vo ? ale of 85.00, ™ ; ae if mites, al a cost of 810,000 \ rh jiling and deeking of the vrominent newspaper digure for i dike we. 8) B, Parser ip prendent of ira’ provincial gov-| any years and his work has been i i « ition inithe Board of Trade, C. H. Orme \ w vears avo New Brunswick radie siation and a new mining ont sco he provirnictar BOV-} aro i : ea : lic wed eet ee as nt wharf bas been tinished/4 8real success Commerc ially, 1 ii elt eer lieved in a pressdent of the Conservative As-/had a forest land scandal compar- wider s office for the dis el is¢ nen tat ‘ u i ghoa \ forty wiatton. and David Thomson isjable with that which has recently jalso recommended by Contractor D. H. Morrison and ; ' ; sand : } t me io = before the being sent i f the eit s prominent bus gh in Ontario Jus (ive he and sgalenaia lia y remain b , \ neial Government enna , ' : efore the wa the then Govern- laims kave been staked out 1p hosed improvements are comn-| IF ORDER DOES NOT toll this eity - ment passed an acl fixing thelthe Keno district, many new! pleted ts the building of the new} § (} CHINESE AIRPLANES : : Henry Defontaine ind family stumpage rate al 81.50 for ten/aroups being organized outside of fish warehouse for the Atlin Fish-| fICK, HANNA UITS 1 ‘ , j icholson is booker ntur “ll ‘ or es to Terrace, years At that tin the Govern. {those owned by the Yukon iold-eries and the Pacitic Fisheries. COLLIDE WITH BRIDGE apt. Ge Be Nicholson ts bouked | ned Ste, Ora rpreneny Le npany. Tirce Thousand tons| The cost or ie work s0r far done | Railwaymen's Organizations Say ail from Swansen Bay Mes, Defontaine remains in the meent only had two oppenents in I ) an n " : woe D John thi try ify the Lepislature both Freneh fore are being hauled from Keno/ has been in the vicinity of St7,-| Cc. N. R. President Mas ‘ ternnt % . ‘ eo 7s _ “ oubt as to Use They would be 3 «+ Acadians Shortly after Mr.this winter by contraet, all being 000 Burned His Bridges. Put to Settied by Fate : Dugal made charges from the/high-erade stuff, One sample is ot WINNIPEG, 1 20) That e . ‘ te ' oe . Kk . south on the NNIPEAs, eo. 20, ta floor of the House to the effeet reported to run 14,000 ounces of James MeKay went sou Peer ce - ene. A Prince Rupert Floats that men closely associated with|siiver to the ten, while averages Princess Mary Satu day nicht and} President Hanua will besign from what u shh vee tapenade > ‘ a the Government had edllected ajof 200 ounces of silver to the ton) will return after » holidays with}eflice rather than withdraw his th) airplanes — recentiy F F t I S sa ah ' Tet ii ite commen ikea ‘bhentchesd order forbidding employees of the the Chir Gocérn or rs ime ince tiatter ! 100,000 from the bum- qi ! coud taking part in provine ial abd ad hie a . ‘ ber operators for political pur- liederal politics is cenerally con. ‘ " or wa w fore : é : ait) sueabtaeieel onesie Swanson Bay Disaster BEST eelteliee car in the contract for Ul Iwaymen’s organizations in Win. from a Beitish tie ail BAT TLE SIGNAL AT iipeg. They state tuat Mr, Hanna : : SWANSON BAY, December 20.——The Prince Rupert has been } : i ee edn hg ellled sof as the 1 fhas taken this attitude praetically thy d outed and scheduled to leave here on Wednesday for Prince JUTLAND FAILED AT lover since the order heeame the Sha Uaoelin lo at present! Rupert where she will go into the dry dock for preliminary survey CRITICAL MOMENT jsubjeet of a nation-wide dispute north China militarily, about Priday The Algerine and Queen will be the eouvoy ships we land whieh will come before the three oo ‘ | . P i ‘ ry. to | He M i maelines | vad Gaplain Donald will be-on the beidge of the wreeked liner, LONDON, Dee. 20,—Lord Jeli | iNreeealh pepe re ul tim oat ikden Ihe te : . ; ‘ - “th ( Aces “ : a) ‘pre- wie bhibadiemeicrmmamuens \fter seeing the vessel successfully Moated, Gaphiin ©. We) es pay uted report on the Battle lsentative, “President Hanna has niitary purpes Nieholson, manager of the feet, sailed on the Prince John thisiot Jutland reveals thatea vital \ourned his bridges behind him : destined { Mukden morning for Vaneouver to spend the Christmas holiday at home, |signal failed fo reach him ata land has no intention whatever of foaded on tat care and pte will be back lo Prinee Rupert shortly, critical moment in the operations Iwithdrawing this order, If he (1 horthward Some dis apd the Gorman Grand Fleet was }‘an not make this order stick he "yond Tientsin they eol Phe officers of the Ghelohsin, which arrived here last evening |M's enabled to retreat in safety, Iwill resign,” ') the superstructure of from the south, reported that the Prince Rupert was alongside Wt Rie a hi). ieee owner oF ms Gotonntion: Sia iy Dricdwe Whieh ilone ‘ . aH ae ob a ie . ic te e meorke ill eave hiterviewed Mr, alla recently a the machines, was put out of ihe dock when they made their call there yest rday morning, here at & o'ecloek Thursday night |Voronte state that he took the lission Te wredk tied up Superintendent Beaumont said this morning that he expected peaching Vancouver at 8 o'clock) DOLLY VARDEN WHARF Hom which the Taylor Mining Co, ships | same attitude at their conferences Ne fi i lone ti the Tr world reach here on Wednesday evening on Christinas Day the rich are that ¢ {8 piles by \ ®e Arun from tine. 'with him, nee ¢ FIR NAVAL BRIGADE Aeroplane Limousine For French President ! ill Use It to Make Official Visits to Cities in Provirce and Foreign Capitals; Against Wife’s Wishes despite hy earnest ' have lered oo . IS WELCOMED ra ie iva : Poopie Kiss Carriage While egilar i D pleomats Hold Aloof. Nis ATHENS, Dec. 20.—King Constantine, who was de- fact throned by the allies in 1917 . ‘ have and calied back to the throne haiee by the recently taken plebis- ' ' ' cite of the Greek people, was , learh ' warmly welcomed upon his arrival here yesterday, Ani- mated crowds thronged the streets and kissed the har- noes and the horses drawing AND FLAGS NICKERSON IS N THE FIED FOR MAYOR Will be Candidate for Mayor Backed by Large Number of Businessmen ] Saturday aft a. N it - fev idk t ridiudats fon Hiayet Prine lid wert great i om is thie ‘ ive cing ' lt pK M ‘ ‘ - sf i het ! tivtes . ts 1 a Lina iT . ! - i = ile “a4 econ in bustness h ’ srinie do bax made a sucecss of i Thee tily coppppengpetart nm steht is arry Hochester, 4 prictor of he | Rupert i tie liats whanal nu fors ral years Dominion Government Has Dropped the Luxury Tax Swift Action Put Throsgh by Ond-r-in-Comsctl; Sir Henry Drayton Explzins Reasens for Change OTTAWA, December 20.The Lexury Tax has been abolish- ed by orde> in council to meet the extraordinary situation of trade ' which is almost in stagnation and assist in its stabilization. Speaking of the action, Sir Henry Drayton, minister of finance. | says that the situation causing the change was due to the publig ~ and merchants holdirg off buying, expecting the droppirg of the tax and consequent lower prices. Many industries have been shut) down and the uneriployment question is serious because of this tendercy and it was realized that quick action was necessary. “The trade sales taxes which do not immediately .affect the | consumer remain. BNEW N WILL ASK FOR ANOTHER MATCH. COST CF LIVING TS VERY HYGH ot -oconca wien wie riete| Five Paden Dollars’ | ' | | } ny iw i : le } i i ' TSH SUPPLY IS STILL. SMALL ?rice Paid Yesterday Over 19¢.— Few wayanraten Cars. Phe ew weeks in the rough Wabtne? of the past northern fishing |srounds. is showing its effect on he lveal market just new for ery few schoeners are arriWing. iit yesterday's “sale, there were three boats in and bidding as quite brisk on their ecatehes, price tor lirst class fish going ever the 49e. mark. Weather is haow reported calmer on the banks