em WE ia yee. “ . . ; tell you of the great benefit I received in advance, per year ieee oe ch aha oe 5052 $6.0 ) : ro} NG lo all siher countries, in advance, per year ............ $7.5 from the 4 of your medicine : Ie cerencgye H Ew! Se od “Pruda-tivs”, made from fruit oii i Win TOBACC oO TELEPHONE 98 juices. I was @ great sufferer for ‘ ‘ 1) vid Sa a " many years from .Verwous //eadarkes thy u' ' x! pad Constipation, ied eve ng i ; Transient Display Advertising $1.25 per inch each insertion and esiipation, Ltr everything, kath « tad tia n front page $2.00 per inch cunsiiied “Gocwe;' Gut “ectling ‘s rransient advertising on PABe wo. seeees vey, seemed to help me until I tried Local Readers, per insertion, ........2..0.0005 25e, per line “Fruit-actives” fj verlis ner insertic : 2c. pe . ™ Classified advertising, hi insertion, . S400 s.0\s een POE word After taking several boxes, I was ,),, ' Legal Notices, each voit Rak ome ‘ y t ide. per agate line completely relieved of these troubles seven i+ Contract Rates on Tob Ghtion, . " i : , All rertis honld | the Daily News Office on day pre = ~~ “oe ey Sa nla ' ! i advertising should be in th uy ' ‘ since”. Miss ANNIE WARD. ni ; ceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval We. a box, Gfor $2.0, trial size, 25a. ca At all dealers or sent postpaid b postp y 1 ' EDITION . Frnuit-a-tives T imited, Ottawa, DAILY EDIT . ’ ’ i cmniecnee ia cence ates hacia 7 i trated - SES ’ ' ' ' lw G. W. Nickerson SUITCAS ; Fa TRUNKS , a.w Niekerson is a candidate for mavor. Aflfer much = ind ‘ persuasion he has decided to allaw his name to ga before the HANDBAGS E - - ; ‘ . 1 ’ electorate He jis husv man and means considerable sacritice : E AN RETAIL nid : ' . ‘ oo - ; ‘ — to give wp his ¢ e fram hisohusiness in order te devote it » the WHOLESAL S he ex see « aereeen service of the cilv. He goes into the field with a etean record i} h ® .eces eeee «6 a= und with a large section of the cammeunity behind him, Under a F. MAGUIRE @AtL BCHEDULE . eeer eee ee eeeeawee these circumstances he is likely to be elected 7122 Second Ave., Prince Rupert ae . , eh ece ; ' hin ! — For the East. ‘ , here *% ee : roacd deal of id from certain quarters The hi een xin i ot deman I l “oe moepernenenes ce up = | Rupert, 's. ah vc Re on re ; Cor 3rd Avenue and 4th Street Vigor smcccssdee Dr. JOS. MAGUIRE | DENTIST. Meats te, TIMBER SALE X 2837. Rooms 7 and 8 Smith Block i Open Evenin Sunday S Appointment Lady Assistant Office Hours: 9-12; 1.6; 7-9. / | Phone 575 | Ten Years Ago VTE DAILY NEWS RRECT ONE, SAYS PREMIER PRINCE of WALES / { NOTION bn sealed tenders will be received by the in Prince Rupert NOME RACTION Mineral Claim at ale istrict Forester, Prince Kupert t tater pe Rive fing Division (aa mn noon on the @#nd da an pecsiaber, a — p ett ' Where located About 22 11020 for the purchase of Licence K 9847 miles Mom Alice Arm at head of Allzault Seaton, B. ¢ tw cul 6.600 Hemlock December 20, 1910 iver adjoining Silver Horde Mineral , . ‘ Clair nd Ja mpine Tie ae a i) Phe Wooden shack situated nents TAKE Sort Ph that, Lewis W. Patmore, of tinber o FOI to tn ‘the Hertel j wie M ‘vhOLt, Of peeMt for Hans inh iss hitter Hotel und oerecupied joo, ; cane § Further particulars of the Chief Porester lersen ree Winers Cert ate , ietoria, or the Dirtriet Forester, Prince by Mr, and Mes, Cari was burnt to | 40 C, intend, sixty days from the date upert. B. ¢ vate of, syoly t© the Mining Neeorder cinder |aat night and all the ni a Certiqeate of Weprovements, for the MINERAL ACT content deatroyed, the damage en coigas § Cows’ Urm oF Sadiae ame fo 1,500, ANI FURTHER TAKE NUTICR that ae Certificate of pro tion, under tion AS, must be commenced cnprocsment, | alin giilleny before vn oanee of sueh Certiieate of NOTICE |} Mrs. J Gray and family have improvement “c ; eis rrived ft M treal 1 will fated 1 th day of November/ A. D ’ Copper Of, “Copper CUM No, 1.” arrives on ontren ame Ml goe6 “Copper Cum No, 2” and “Copper ciim|veside in the eily. ¢ LEWIS W, PATMOKE No, 3” Mineral Claims situate in the Naas . . . _ _ S River Mining Division of Cassiar District The Prinee George struck the Where located :-Kiteault Kiver, Alice Arm. |} : shore al the Vancouver Narrows ‘ TARE AUTICE that |, George A. Youngs, * 2 SUITCASES Miner's Certineate No this morning, but is not badly = Under New Management EES i ALL WHITE HELP Westholme Special . Three Course Meal - from 45c up ae de Westholme Lunch |:: * for myself and 48 agent for Joseph daiiamed , and Arve Daveden, tifleate No “ from the Mining Necorder for & Certificate of un $6505-C, act ells, Vree Miner's Certifieate No Vree 40028-C, Intend, date herest, to 40661 Miner's Cer apply to the ovements, for the purpose of obtaining Crown Grant of the above claims. And further take notice that action, un rT section #6, Must be commenced before | Us@rissuance of such CertiNeste.ot improve hae siaty days been toade by the Entranee fechools Sing, Katheri Anders: vieve ated this 61m day’of Novemper, sou, | Hazle tt ‘ . 7 * following promotions have TRUNKS HANDBAGS Principal Hunter to public HMdith Class in the H. Lieyd Johnston, Alma M. Christiansen ne Johnstone, Wallace Gi, F, M. Crosby m, Arnold B, Dunn, Gene. 716 Third Avenue M Macdonald, Kathleen Prince Rupert } eee ROYAL Auto 5 Service, snobs ice etl Day and! Night ” Firat © lass Car E. Large Prop. Phone 35 | noceessesseenen eee pocceenneneret THEO COLLART, Notary b- an mem che i ee Dave. Bile, any ree en 7 near new y oo 8.00 per to elivered EDSON FOAE | \ Bt, Sia. 50 CE o on the © Coast promptly ARINE INSURAN Most Liberal M Blue 69 69 jaime Insurance Company of North Amerise Phone Pays ‘ P. 6. Bex 66 Westholme Theatre Block and Frank D, Holland > ees