THB DAILY N®wWS oS BEWARE OF — “BRONCHITIS *eenepervranavpeeeeeceeeee Pe OOS _ B! Mrs. George Little, o1 Wee wa among the arrival I! last Local and Personal ' evening's (rnin reat | [ EI im bal i d to Terrace this ua - e Xmas wards * wedtnst 8. tf \ i, eyes oi Bs Gils Our new machinery is now installed and we are ror baggage, phone 580, Hyde ree Wurko, Terra 5 manufact ny lransfer if I i | C E Vil Nua : sue in d Melae Bre FROM FILTERED WATER + a let MA ates Our ice i8 first placed in ¢ | Storage and supplies for ; fishin boats are dra cold storage, t ren thus ensuring t Bu M HARD ICE te . Anjerican Fishing Boats.Save the Discount on 1. Wen 4 ? Canadian Funds by buying from wet Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. DM 4 Diew Prince R rt, B.( eo* idievechibiindasiiainatiaAdiainiapiniaadas Heatigrenaaieace he M it fit a i th a a a if the l 707 Third Ave. Paone 34 ! Spend : \ * + * MPT oh Si ROYAI HOTEL ax vous’ MR. PATTULLO IS afr i i ils ~ «er egalaan eh CONFINED TO HOME ’ ki * RESTAURANT. near aia (ems a ee ee eee ee \ ! Home Cooki: g with Quick Service Here you can procure the kind of food that is just what 1 i Want in ; co c vil t ! M uperior € ity Attractiveness , ANNOUNCEMENT. Satisfying Service. Prices Reasonable, p . ee ee a ee ee ee M | Alfalfa H "| Alfalfa Hay '€ We ave t nt r warehouse \ car of CHOICE NO. 1 ALFALFA HAY h t ' . ich nas been , play ¢ = o } \\ LW ts Misti STOR! Mail order pt a attentior or TRADES AMD LABOR COUNCIL Va KI THE BRACKMAN-KER MILLING CO.,LTD. i P.O. Box 745 Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 350 a - es } vl WARD) ELECTRIC & MARINE. | A suo rare SUPPLY CO. ee COW BAY i ELECTRICAL AND MARINE SUPPLIES, |} ; soit | r | ind i ‘ Canadian Fairbanks Co. Ltd vn | C. O, Crude Oil Marine Engines from 30 to 250 h.p. a 7 ; 8-10 H, P. Heavy Duty Distillate Engines, Electric Lighting Plants sehitinal ‘Asmeeiilniiod’ | . ‘" ; ——_ TeRSRSS PE : i [eee ee ee ee ae Wi Pa la — ' 2 a ; | [Useful and] Regardless of Cost j.:-' i- ous! ey | Artistic — nnemen ' | ‘Cee BIG REDUCTIONS IN NOTICE. o Coats, Suits, Skirts, Blouses, etc. ' se ‘ " 1 nat ies MOP. Log Miss GLEESON + ametnot age Third Avenue Prince ‘Rupert, B.C. ae saekiogethe aR ia ~ M, P. TOM oe $ ee ee certian tein eee Nate ‘ vad tf _——. Lads 1 ly ‘ wa Your Old Suit New One at Sale Price from STEVE KING Hart Block ee eereeerer or Hat over Christmas when you can get a Splendid Reduction Values in Suits, Hats and Caps Notice to Advertisers . Casual advertisements * for insertion same day . should be in the Daily 4 News office before 10 a.m ¥ Changes in advertisements * should be on hand before . \ * 5S pom. on previous day . -eeereaeeeneeeeeaena Wallace's Xmas drawing, three prizes fickets with every dollar pureh 300 ation re relieve you a Df. Chase's Ointment wil we nett Ge. a box, all , Bates & Co,, Limited Toronto. Sample box free if you mention this paper and enclose dk. stamp to pay postage i and aiford last or Edi se Do not suffer another day with Itching bined ing, or Prowud lug Piles No surgical oper , ” ie < * Two for 55’ “Player’s for Me Every Time!’ Grey thm tray PLAYER’S NAVY CUT Ww“ Down Cy 7 P rices CIGARETTES=—= We are closing out all our FRENCH IVORY Positively the largest as:sortment in town Manicare Sets, Case Pipes Mirrors, Ash Trays, Ladies Purses, Military Brushes, Chocolates: McLAGAN PHONOGRAPHS go at cost---only a few left Gennett and Emerson Records 50c and 25c each. Messrs CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PRINCE || McCUTCHEON’S MORSE CREEK BRIDGE, NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Corner Second and Sixth The Largest Drug House in Northern B.C. SILVERSIDES BROS means practical men to advise you, and guar- + antee dverything you buy. WALLPAPERS, GLASS, PAINTS, Winsor & Newton Art Supplies, EXPERT SIGN WRITING AND CARD WORK, PICTURES, PICTURE FRAMING Phone 22 Prisce'cuper P.O.Box 120 — £ > 5 PR WHAT'S IN A NAME? MESSRS RORIE & SMALL StvaitsrssVanceuver: i. & Have pleasure in intimating that they have opened a Branch of their business at Smith Block, Third Avenue, Prince Rubert, where they will carry on a General Accountancy Business. Phone 44. Resident Partner: GEORGE RORIE, Chartered Accountans (Edinburgh end Canada) PPPLELOA ‘ ; Staite atl