mber 20, 1920, —_—— | ane Cae ar arses a Listed { mane he ehoreh cheiv and Dr. Geant aale ' j j V ns ; ' ' , RAVE a short address on lhe 492 Drake Mi, Vancouver, 8.0 i) ' i ) p ej | i Soir ff a! ix } al FACTORY AT LAONER, &.« i ealih Otieer apoke peur ‘ hpiatoa Ihe hall ’ : beautifully decorated ind pra ga OP ew A i cas ON ed as a result of pe jthere were fine attendances at both morning and evening ser 5 ; . it 1) = ' of Port Sinp ' ' + Mi nf neil and a ne . one i ‘ ftucted both serwiees al Order Early oced oo niin is. sue Ait? ine eae’ iristmas Optimism” and in the “—~r *: wD " afore sanbodé ” iL Phe Philosophy of ; | neial hort and it Came Upon the d been suggested | Midnight Glear,* Rev, TH. Nu He | Currant Bun Fase reel bens the satoiet in the lat } aE ' vy awie salle i selesx were rendered Meth Da *, John bk. Davey and Xmas Cakes a ht nme X Mpe and nil Cte vailed throughout The Plum Puddings ) atom wont te and the oven ee RS ee al a 1 oi sts oui NO ROOM FOR LADIES CURRIE’S BAKERY Hogar neces IN THE CITY LOCK-UP Phone 177 P.O. B oh - | >» I ‘''. Two Vagrancy Cases in Police i rd enue Court This Morning Pe ee ea ee . lent Vietoria t ' 7 There were we raney cases ! ! ‘ before Magistrate MeMordie in thel PRINCE RUPERT eon (t plmginnd ice toy aus'cn, eoeeanun aeicar Central Labor Gouncil, bancossbanreal X. P.-ctary ium wes eleariad well ! Scotch Shortbread ‘ . o ihe Ane. a theaw “F6) ifoto +k Child ta Music transfuses joy and softens sorrow. f | bg ig 4 Y : Music and Christmas Are Inseparably Associated USIC is the means that has been adopted throughout the ages for communicating the joy of the Christmas message. The spirit of the festival is more inspiringly expressed by the music thaj has always accompanied it than by any other single medium. " For music reaches our innermost selves, taps a channel leading to our higher nature and brings us in tune with the Infinite. Millions attend church at the Christmas Season because of the special Christmas Music of the organ and the choir. They are reached through music as they are reached in no other way. Musie speaks the language of the soul, but it likewise speaks the language of life—the language of the heart. When we speak from the depths of our religious nature, we have recourse to music and we sing our praises to God. When we are stirred by any emotion in secular life, we like- wise resort to music for its expression. We sing love songs and patriotic songs. We sing songs of sadness and songs of gladness—songs of home and songs of childhood, and our nature responds and vibrates with the magic of the message brought to us. It should shed its blessings in every home. - . ee ee ore —— ve = ] =? ex Sa ae Rees ee et mee Ly) ae} er Dh ert er he per 0 mF TAKI NOTICE that Kitimat Pulp and ' 1-5 inlet River, Lowe Inlet, B. C., also known} Shipbuilding Unit, Second J ojsm 'vayrie, Mios lee Si IN DE LUXE HALL yy un Ps, nett it b 4 C k a ee a Mae aa Noes buh ol Ue URRP-PEBASANT [EEE eat BEE mas Vases. I dD. O'Gonne M. Scurrah, Joht 4 . + tan a } thal of a nv ero ‘ air sex 0. B. U. j Mr« ‘ ; teil 1 i aisle ate and Warden Bailey informed the f Atidadal Unie and Dates of Medical—Dr, Rh. L. Miller, Dr.lingciatrate that the aceommoda ORMES’ DRUG STORE McCUTCHEON’S DRUG STORE ee — a - a4 : W I ; o ; ms thw for ladies im the Hotel Mee EROS, ETD. WY. We ere et , MEETINGS , Hii dean The BMaleil , os PRINCE RUPERT MUSIC STORE WALKER’S MUS‘C STORE , ~ Building Trades Unit, First ae eas : at Vi thdies Viekers was taxed to its + 6a CHAS. W. TEETZEL, SINGER SHOP. . i ‘ Third Monday 8 p.m. ? alanis . par y, and the guest in ques apa : : i Dr. We ot having been lodged there the ) Central Labor c ouncil, . Sates n havir ; a 1] : oe : Number 28A N «ry emt: {), #7 ! - nee lone igh mis IAVO OVE Women's Auxiliary, First iH. lia n, A rf ise, Dr nt. which. accounted for he Ss BS Sd} db f--6 {Pd Pd Pid bb) ahh hk dh dh ‘ > slep , accour t : Bote Ss SS, BS: , : r ba 3 or 8 en 8 es ,: tar 3S fe $e 82 re oI 9 z aoe ae . aoe : ene . wn-appearance at the hotel Be ALP CE IE Lae re (Pfr ip fe . = = ae Business Meeting at & p.m ’ r saad ws, . ' ” ; fiee that morning - - - _ —-—— —= = ————— ———— = ns = nee =— Polttion| Bespems, Chay Hi. J. A) dc Patria. Mi ; Is at the piano. ‘The regula WATER NOTICE. br OPEN acon dang J de)" Recetas Metineg John GChrow, De. bk. A Last of Mrs. Crewe's Classes : as Verney Fails, which Bows, “arts beae| Place Y¥ Order in G Ti commencing 5@ }) Secon . trains inte owe inie Dou s . our ood ime i Fourth bundays, &. 30 p.n Miss I Before Xmas. Results were also Gratifying from [he storage-vam Will be located at (1) . j rehibalk i Lowe Inlet, (2) Upper Lake, (3) Sumpson wi . h—Rev, My. Archibald eee Tea Tables and the Home- \cake The capac ity at tine seservoit % be! th ‘ ——— s ifleld, A. ©. Pike, J, The last of Mrs. Crewe'’s chil4- Cooking Booth. created is about 250,000 acre feet, a a it Chris sive & MISS | on nes daneime Classes before water will be diverted from the stream . \ . [yle Mra. A. W Jones and &@ Ohristmas towk the form of a very Phe Adair Carss Chapter Im- » . oor he need aaa acer ee ome ; - : can Sank cee ‘ 53 ; 717 3rd Ave. Auto Delivery Phone 190 ‘ f hie Salvation i ni rf n the De Luxe ha ; Order Davuelters «of the the land described as kum Wa-dah In 0 e mnce upe ' pi dep a be : I ea . : ' _ dian Reserve No. 3 and crown janes A on Saturday afiernoon here any ‘ iad a ery successtul tea Thir @otice Was posted on we sane a _ — —— EUROPEAN PLAN were about 70 or 80 boys andjand sal f work in the new ¥Friz- ~d ee thie wotivie ul na attatne oe = girls there and the affair was zell hioet n Saturday »fiernoon | s4ant ogg a is Bay wats: Aes easke sioner dey ane uo. + ROBBED BELL BOY OF there a Irday sftornoon Sane Geant Sat Wit relly as well as enjoyable. and the of 370 was realized, | Reeorder at Prince Rupert ; Objections to the application may be 2 Oakes were supplied by the! The were the home cooking | nied with the said Water Recorder or with FIRST-CLASS CAFE CHANGE HE ORDERED vss0~ wore snpntie "| Phere were the heme cooking |e iuh the, Sad Wale Reaconder owt . ; : wi mothers of the children, while|hooth and the tea tables, the lat- |e eee On eter. Bee, within : A La Carte. ’ NEW YORK, Dee 0 A man > Mrs. Crewe gave Lhe dance and the/ter being especially gratifying in| thirty days after the first appearance of P oo ho registered at a New York ho- {coffee and tea, The tables daintily|their results, Mowe Iniet, Lowe inter River, rurst, . eo Second and Third Lakes, Simpson Lake, - F Ay v2 a — [Oe ee Ree ee Re ee Oe RR Oe, las HG. Wilson telephoned tolarranged down one side of the Mrs, George Kerr was the gen. fee Simpson Lake. and the watershed . : Ser, ; -Y a ‘ for change for a 8546 hall with white clothes and bou ral convenor and she was assist-/of the river M wing into Lowe inlet, being I'rn hungry! Soaml Iwas! You won't be if you eat at SORE e 50 s oe thes } XMAS I REES! vit! The bell boy whe took the quets made a pretty scene, jed by Mesdames €. PF, Kemp, Her- | cirenvilie Channel and Douglas Channel on A ? coneunsiioneeliitatitienit ete 1 o : : ted bylbert Hampton, B. M. Newell and {2 Maitland Coast of British Columbia, in ; Viol ; I { hante we to his reom was found Mere Crewe was assister r¥ | be rmpton, . Be t and jpange 4 oast District , Violets,Cut Flowera, Holly there mler with a @racked skull/Missea . Rita Beckwith, Erskine,|Howard Steen. Mrs. Adams was MTIMAT PULP AND PAPER ©0., | Empress Hotel Block. Newly opened for business wreatha,Perns,Cyclamens ’ hat oeee Applicant. } “+ i ° Cand minus the change. The man/Blanche Curtin Hester Wright/in charge of the lea room section, by Noel Humphreys, Agent. Strictly clean. White help only. Gpen day and night ; CITY MARKET were . eee } The date of the frst publication of tts Wrunene estaba eon nesensiit t been found end Ruth Rix Mrs. J. A, Hinton fassisted by Mes, W. M. Brown, notice is December 43, 1920. | 5 9 : _ - en a an s arried HOW HE LOVES HIS MOTHER-IN-LAW y arr . - innlicaliaiiil Ce / ‘ * OH Sam, 1M eniahio Aan Se REMEMBER — “Te RBI WORRIED - DOCTOR MC RUFF SHE Beeathes SYOMA N— THE Laws | WAS OVER “vO HAS BEEN OVER. IY PAINS R' DIFFERENT | eee, | TROSRe AND. 45 eee | SHE BReames?/== OVER Here-lil Pee Ee PORN SAYS HER LUNGS THING AWFUL! | Spaeny Witt “THe GeirPre " WHY ‘i Ave VERY GAD — are DOES SHE