Se, a Ee EF ~ SEE “Gel it al This advire, from Whoev come, is founded viee whitch Means the clummat | assuranee Wat vour Piamond Fin } all donttis as to quatity | } At Rirks Ye ’ ‘ fet ”" quality but alse of excreting vane this possille j j WHY NOT FOR CHRISTMAS os 4 t vie Vancouver, B.C. (heap Coal We offer EDSON. COAL Delivered loose - $12.00 Sacked- - -$13.50 Nanaime-Wellin: ton Coal Building Materials Albert & McCaffery Limited EDSON COAL CO. have received during the last three weeks 100 cars Coal from Macleod River mine, owned by Prince Rupert citizens. We have the exclusive right to handle this coal in Prince Rupert. Don’t be misled by other coal! dealers who use our firm name to advertise their coal. If you want a real good scree: ed coal, call up Phone 58 Prince Rupert Feed Co. Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th St. Puy es ey ne er eee | | } Birks” | knnwiedre, and carries conviction whenever t i@ given, It A certain wilt pars all tnspe fis mt ad Our buying farilities a ike 7 "BRINGING UP F ATHER | ——_—.—__—- —v = — rt TOU SiR! Baws, rae f\ YOU WIN-('M THROUCH THAT WAS MY LAST DOLLAR - INE LOST IOST TWENTY TO YOURE A GOOD BUTLER JAMES BOT A POOR, POKER PLAYER: DOLLARS ANDO Ay: QUICK AROUT tT By ak I LET ME HAVE Twenty But € AVA! t IAS\] ‘ . f ’ a 4 j \}] A WAN) y —" pperre oN | - Lae HERE JAME®&- 1% t ) | TWENT DOLLARS ! vy £ TOL FROM }@LA%)T WEE*« « So ike —— R f 7Ae3 | “9) | 4 i(/ 1 My, ci } | L/ if | Pepe pel IN/U Rel ; v a Ja —~ a, By George McManus 7 Or! JAMES! of \\ LONG MUSH TO M°unted Police Mushers Arrive The best way to have YourSuit Cleaned and Pressed is by our Steam Pressing Machine Method. It only a 15 minutes. Our Price is Reasonable Delivery is Prompt Jive us atrial. Phone Black 502 LING TAILOR 821, 823 2nd Ave., Prince Rupert ———$__—_--_—--— am = = New location Helgerson Centr = | veimaes “ with Taxi Serviee of 4 eee Cars, Limousine and Touring Cars. Your Patronage 139 Huntley Tat fhe following are the members! of the committees: Supper—G, P. Tinker, H, F Donald and 8, King, Hall and Musie—W, F. Rob-} erge, ©. L. Youngman, D, Stork, A Silversides. and W, B, Morgan. Program—The Directors, Door W.H. Vickers, 5, Harper, T. B. Hooper and W. J. Nelson. Publieity.4i, A. Hunter, G,. 8,] Fitzmaurice, G. P. Armstrong and} iA, Snape. Artwortra. sn the Daily Nowe Phone 555 827 2nd Avenue Cc. V. EVITT Auctioneer Auditor and Accountant A. G. GRAY Teacher of Piano Studio 187 Second Avenue « t PHONE Blue 421 or 444 me eoseseer® | Tri ; ; Her . acka che jming mi Ww. ¥. A), 403, omg r get ot i Total, Trail, 4 5: Vv FOK SALI Columbia range, tolls of kidney trouble. The most prompt relief is obtained by using Dr, Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills, the well-known home treatment. One pilla dose. 250. # box, all dealers. Dr. Chases K PE Pills “lieaine moccereccce®” FT. MACPHERSON snsy e-ows noe eae otis more experienced opponent, An SRCONTD._HA ‘iderson showed e) Weargrouth, EF. A. Tabrum, J. Me-|, Ito it pluckily to the last shot j (GW, V.A.), 154, ipeople from the Queen Charlotte? Islands who arrived yesterday on lhe way south for the holidays the COLORED MAN GETS SIXTY DAYS’ HARD Record and Served Before ~~ ee ee eee ee ee en me mer BUSINESS DIRECTORY These are Good Places to Make Yeur Purchases when You go out to buy very few points by his older and M. M. Stephens, Phone 222 xeellent form and ; n com ion . Anything you ult up a@ first rate game, sticking van’ ti q send to P. Le Claire Lynel 1 store, corner Firat, j/Below are the names of the play- Second and ‘Third Avenues ley and their scores Phone Green $44 tf Jack Judge Trail), 200; 1 aa : i [Maye GW.Y.A,), 164, REDUCTION TO CLEAR FOR | W. Anderson (Trail 185; Dr, stock « ¢ in, Small portraits lw ést (GW.YV.A., 200 cf one iwo persons, at 82.50 J. Sudan Prail 00; C1 per balf dozen, See Ohandler, Youngman (GW-.Y.A,?, 163, Photographer, 318 Sixth &. tf Brown (Trail “ON: Geo, Reid FOR SALE Olt LEASK—Job print- Shakespeare (Trail), 200; Bet ing business and plant. For penere GWA 179 particulars apply Daily News . Meltlinoye (Trail 00; Hem oftie e. tf 1963 practically new, and two beds SATE Co a Phone Hed 244, Empire Bathe Amongst the large number of 804 FOK SALI Eh avtime hated furniture Apply 228 6th Ave, &. Phone Gireen 246 B02 following are registered at the: ———— nil Prince Rupert Hotel: Rh. Toubier, BABY BUGGY FOR SALE, Phone Henry Pelace, KF, ©, Lee, A. CG Blue 323 ‘ oo Pye, D, Waland, J, RR, Booth, and} W. EF. Jones, Advertise in the Daily News. 1) FURNITURE sold, Weeat uf FOR RENT Two roomed suite furnished for light housekeep ing 140 Second Avenue, tf FOn RENT wo room house Furniture for sale at sacrifice, )™ - 536 Sth Avenue Kast HOUSE FOR KENT—OLOBPF UN See FW. Hart s00 LosT Tet Paken by iiistake night of | schol concert in Empress," chiid’s gum boot, with pair of black stoekings Also child's slvker eoat with name in Please phone Mrs. MeMillan Hine 415. LOST. hild’s beaver eollar, be iween Sth Ave. and Tite's store binder kindly return to 445 rth Awe, W Phone Green 128 Hewat vd 09 | the solitaire pearl, Finder please), return to Daily News Office, ur)! POUND.Lady's fur neck plece Inquire News office, Of} ; ne v * write claw must be : tt teers i Has Sto i Rata Pe tae teeta at Tel ata tins ttt from Kat River and will Leave ys M 7 ce » Oo ' 2 for Mackvnzie New Years MeMordie This ‘ AERATED WATERS FURNITURE AND GENERAL LAUNDRIES ! ha f ha his 4 MERCHANDISE j VSON, D \ x - wedsin & BEAVER BOTTLING WORKS CANADIAN STEAM LAUNORY je R f i N lemticle show ‘ cs a oheraas WILFRID GRATTON.. Cor Third and Pr t . ! \ ’ 1 * ‘ ve ” , : , . ai ee tye . f econ’ tend fur | sy t ~ \ - nade: Strela boy: Mecbeantiis: otc actin: tet se ZARBER SHOP PAINTERS AND DECORATORS ate s retuoned ws ‘ a oa . af . 2 3 7 i he gave fh ae x Mion of YOKAHAMA BARGER SHOP FURNITURE PRED SCADOEN mv tie stttie ti ’ ' this ~~ t i . awe g supplies Hat 50 ; iii a: Ae ‘ FRANK BROONU « fro Dawson. 4) Now ’ i canis : » ; Tt? 1 Awe Phere. ree 448 : = tt v ii ma i i oc - ra 7 oe - BAKERS 3 * Ey ey ee PAINTS AND OILS iis is tf i ! eke Re ee i Mc Phers , " . La cases Bamuay FEED STORES ull alee ob Mac ke R ft he oa eee PRINCE RUPERT FEED co ! i x Ay . th Te aie RER ERE EERE ' ach Isler d CHINA, CROCKERY & NOTIONS PAINTERS AND DECORATERS t H i irty ‘ h al Wi ! THE DENNY ALLEN CO FISH MERCHANTS, RETAIL @tLL @ cnoserrT Vi : ' i Pad ce ARTHUR'S MARKET SE \ aeunapenienstigneiniineanetin —— ‘ay eo & 60t.? bow 6s ' N new : ’ sno & 488 oe, PLUMBING : - at he ha CLEANING AND PRESSING he GENERAL MERCHANDISE STEEN @ LONGWILi XI s ' TOKYO DYE works « a ary ea \ a ' , sve WING CHIN YUEN CO . : I 781 Second Avence Phon® Gisch 78 RENTALS ri agi { SS Sere — : Ww. ANT sed that it might have } CAFE CERMAN FINANCIAL peter hit : oreeer | THE ean ean LINZEY'S a enoceny : "ee peureana N the truth whilst or n th aa ; : 4 siete wad 2 } . $06 FIRM SE DING OUT box, and sentenced h . = Sw Sf. 4 CnOESSETT TRADE LITERATURE "> °c! rie sure care WaRDWARE Ref i ane ee ; ; * OMe HOWE & MCNULTY tnd Ave Stoves SHEET METAL WORKS being taken to the ee - te ’ sinte and Fighermens «ug is Not Getting a Very Enthusi- j ' stable pe . Everyining 4 ‘ a hie FR SEP ND CIGARS AND TOBACCO nows's astic Welcome Here and is : = ; L°oked at Askance ey =“ of the penitence ark YOKAHA™A West IMPORTED GROCERIES ing oe ee ne frre ———_—_—_—_———— ALGERTA MEAT MARKET STEEN 4 LOWOWHLL There have been received in the |" 2s tae en mill. DRUGGISTS ce i ates pamphiefs from the “Bank arden Bailey agai - TAILORS._LADIES AND GENTS lfur Handel und Industrie,” al (M@ecacy of Une BPOE PTIBE mane W. J. MecuTOHEON LAUNCHES FOR HIRE German banking fnstitufien ‘of /Of Ceimisel investization oe OF a th Street Launch “NARBETRONG,” Phone Rieck 400. Lee Berlin, towards initiating and its use he was able ts 7 o— f fhe Jarke «} © ia’ ore 8. The $900.4 Beat ncreasing business relations be-|Toberative evidence of nix + een itself and clients at home|‘ ular pris : : x-~— compere — Do . cctensiitinadittnanlinaetnsattiltidsningty neo seee ind abroad. io stimulate the fous hours 7 Dis wiring E ‘ [ foreign end of its business this/SOUVEr Potles Warden ft / > ° ° i tation ae ean tim | al ews Classifie aq publieation, “Foreign News,’ er F j ® ; This is not the first Germatr = j 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken for Less than 50¢ i) m that is@ending on its pro.) at a n paganda to this * a } Hy the ther gh having hea So cD oer em em rm mm iteruture ig. being looked at|the past to have seer venTEe VEGETABLES. MISCELLANEOUS 7 teed it olies 1 div - - ae eer ae ee P iskance and enthusiasm is not : ' WAN hang enj. BUY ASHCROFT POTATOERS for THHORR RPS yused It is evidently too ae eens are sail nit aati N . . ; re ' have anything to winter supply trom ‘ a ne le war for business rela, TRAIL CLUB PILES ‘ 1243. We pay cash tional Grocery. fulton Street lions - 40 ‘he. cot ered with - rt : , P “ MCOCOUNTANTS daerfouast iatitut ns with asty| UP BIG MARGIN IN ; “ . are a FOR RENT RIFNCED of enthusiasm. : tek | BILLIARD MATCHES). 1, zpoioncoa nana, |" 125 Rwat tre-sor fi ’ ; ' i? i rive ’ ' i ’ \ i t ‘ WANDERERS ANNUAL The G.W.V.A. versus the Trail iryd ind hd ‘ suit ; vi BALL IN FORTNIGHT « ( ie match, the Sixth of the series POR Tae able for bachelors or couple) Black 259. ard matches for the Trail . Rut ure to he Id at anes music . was played last evening at POR SALE-—Or will trade for ap Act quick, 1022 Hays Cove Ave — Invitations are being Sent Out and the Wanderers and Trail “it proved Peinee Rupert ee FOR DANCES Committees have been Named oy. veejively, and resulted i) a wit real estat POW HENT——-Three-room eattage wiht ' : , ' i ' ; The fast run-about launch close in; furnishings for sale ant jfor the Mrail by the excellent ma , alee eg Yi age it Invitations are being issued for}. in of 994 points he Feho” either with or without ong Chanee TOF .pwo a the Wanderers’ Clug Annual Ball,| were not remarkable.for an ae engine bach lors Apply FB. O, - . . — which will take plgce two weeks \prijtiant efforts on the part of thi One first-elass marine en O80 ad Looce MEETINGS from tonignt, January i, and will players, that between Dr. West of gine POR KENT lhree-roomed mod ‘954 LOYAL fhe one of the moat important the G.W.V.A, and Wallace And One fit class large row boat ern fat unfurnished; use of meet oe ! of the winter's social) on being probably the most is with 2° p. Caille Perfection bath. Apply 210 Ninth Avenue ening at the De COLOROS! teresting. Defeated by only a Inboard engine BANKRUPTCY Af TATE 4 terebs y bork and fr rie bankrupt the further erediiter id at the on Three you & claim met be lodged with mr t s held be used at the meeting mur od with tm take avainat rn aftiail te a watale theret havin LOST, White gold atick pin with |elaans of whieh I have then notier at Prince of December Hox 1718, hupert, ere oe + eww omer OOOO ODL LOLA LLE TE eS LIMITE! Terrace Fru tans ee SS _—— > 133 Aecrelt For quick » 81.800 Caeh On terms, $2.000 KENNEY PROS. & CO Terrace, | SPB a eT ey PPLE ODD FLOP ODM MM ENO | rORK’S rOVES. Perro or cen cco coore-- ‘ nad C } 80 ; : Fred $ riware , : ; PHONE B ACK 114 , POP OLOO OD OE LEE OOPEOPIPOROP OCOD 2 PPO OOO OOOO OE EEE EACLE OEE OOEOOOD SMITH & MALLETT PLUMBING AND WEATIAG ENGINEERS address rd Avenue, bead of Becond Street Phone 174 P O. Bor 274 POOL POEL LOOOOCL DOLE - ee PEO OOO LEE OEE TOM LEE CO. 840 Hex West ; , ’ ; VEGETABLES ‘ aa ® ei! ; Wholese!+ snd Met : Genera t t and ; Labor m1 nee ’ ; > " enert. B. { | Prince Mut af Phone 547 p ©, Box 725 OOOO OOOOOCODPOCOOD DODD OOOOIIO OES oe pneDOoCoeCCOOOOCOCOOOOOOOTIOOT OES i Night | - } wil Day Phone ° STEEN A LONGWIIL ' Sheet Metal Works i Agent for ‘ z Sanitary ood Heating Engineer® hth Stre Prince Ku MUSIC for DANCES ARTHURS Four Piece Orchestra including Saxaphone Phone 481 Phone 48] Careful Piano Tuning Repaira to all rrakes ss . po Phonographs, Ce ™ Elles parts in stocs 1 fied with im the dat wh and after the neeenrne J. Siade Stevens (28 bth Aver eW S ' “ pO, Box ™ > . Phone me 3 ~- asorerorer ererereres oF ——— el eoraereeet Dyeing - Dry Cleaning For good ve Ms pe p a vie ad TIZENS Ss’ { L "BANE Rs (E 2 h DYERS, 2087 4 va couver. Inquirie 4 solicited ron ve