Fa OLOTAI LOLOL LOLOL LOL OIA tocal Dressed Beef Slaughtering Ship Stock wow arriving Our Own menta of Live ever week ¢ direct from the stock sisers of the Bulkley Valley ) GEORGE J. FRIZZELL Che Daily News {TAXI TAXI Phone 75 WE NEVER SLEEP Prince Rupert Auto <4“ A a ‘ arn dA ees a. ‘iat tt PRINCE RUPERT corns Northern and Central British Columbia’s Newspaper ee eee _ ———— PRINCE RUPERT, PRIDAY Yesterday's Cir B. C., MBER 24, pkeGCI 120, culation 1,660. Street Gales 390. PRICE FIVE CENTS Argument over Possession Drydock Dispute as to Possession may be Taken Hodges Makes Report in Vancouver on Dry Dock into Courts; Both Receiver and Government Claiming It VANCOUVER, December 24._ After completing a full investi- gation of the affairs of the Prince Rupert Drydock and Engineer- | EDITORIAL | ing Co., W. E. Hodges, the receiver, has returned and announces the liabilities to be $600,000 which includes $147,000 due the Dominion Hoevernment for steel. The $103,000 due Inglis & Co. of Toronto, for the unpald balance on the engines for the ships These are stored with Inglis & Co. ready to ship on payment being completed. The total contract price for the engines is approximately $257,000, The Vulcan iron Works of this city has claims approximating $27,000 for is also included, engine boilers and wages amounting to $112,000 are also owing. ple Possession Disputed, Mr. Hodges took possession of the plant cn December 14 and it is generally known that there is a controversy between the |, receiver and the government as to which has the right of taking The sheriff was put in charge with Mr. Hodges in will undoubtedly be fought out in the to make an estimate of the cost possession, possession, and the matte: courts. H. R. Butt, of finishing the ships, has Hardship to Workmen. who was The provision that me workman can receive payment who has /lic nds All are on a Christmas Duy ' ‘ assigned his time check or who did not present his claim in person it working a severe hardship on some who have left Prince Ru- pert. One instance is a workman here who has $99 coming. To not yet reported wre Che luborer ive fo Ne CHRISTMAS, i ity ilu make a vilig hiituse Ile shu world o estivilies ws longer ibors master uo longer superin level on a) throw forget ior we winds aud 90 to Prince Rupert and collect would cost nearly the value of MANSON HAD SIXTY ESCAPED RUSSIAN REDS. OEE ITO Tia a a onan il | ai Sune Reese anc - ter entidren are now tp Mhitaderpnia fnent fm net TWstract.7 nauve mana Vetroft. of the Impertal Kustao Navy, M tue afte: stirring esperiencer tf ties father was Genera: Adrias who several years ago. sipertined the Guliding Of a Kun-ian diead- ocught in the United states Wace an ee aa his cheok, PER CENT OF VOTES J uy M | ' S f 5 oO ANGLICANS TO IN OMINECA RIDING | ristmas Message ii { acne ih “iW j Final Figures are Announced from the Minister After Absentee Vote is Cae a | . Counted up. i] r) | XMAS MORNING itor, The | - : P were a B. | being finished shows | | Mr] | 1 like his i| Special Chorai Services in St, Alex, M. Manson. soverninent can ' 2 i} Andrew's Church Saturday and ; a il anil: Wide | MUS! + % abet, the Sunday najority of 225 over his nearest I : . i Sex , proonent Captain Murray tive best Wis . ! a 2 ' pies Norll : Conservative candidate The vote i ern B { mil general and Prince Rupe i Kyra tare . secured by Mr. Menseon prese nis i Khe . Ibistric 1» ic ; H {8 a y = . ' MS Phe vtv per cent of the votes cast 1 \ | j th \ ha British Gol iis ‘ / a ’ the dis : oe aha ee nis Following are the final figures \ o \ me Pte \d : . \ M Manson. 630: George I Xts so e world, and wh | Murray 273 \ ] Prudhotune | } \ Locornae a o owl province we ! 78: J. 8. Kelly, 54. There were ‘ x gal { deilation, there is no 180 absentee votes " he Dominion nor of the province that \| ! - j ‘ k rward with greater contidence to the - MOUNTED POLICE [Nene aa gars =e ’ ' \ ' . BUILDING BURNED Llere ditions a uidaumentally sound, and . t ¢ i we l i I rat t rees thal will vatiantls Riding Schoo! at Regina Destroyed wills tem eadiustment such as we ? From Unknown Causo— With o sh and: our Sank \ i { ~ g x u r fis} i i) { as hol Lose $25,000. erals and our mber and our agricultural Sing, 0) t ! ving on th REGINA, Dee, 24.-—Fire from nds, Ww we | greatly blessed. M as | (ieore la evening for an unknown Cause destroyed the Let s ake ve ypyortunibly abso blo ow sh The \ j i ‘ \ ts ¢ iding sehool at the North Wes 1) ioe i sehen Base \ ia continued careet } i ~ \ he last Mounted Police barracks here last ; uptie " ! aie Lee \. three i ‘ neil before (night The loss is estimated af UF Ust ! S i if Bethl re j pra jection avs.000 | iif vy yours $$ —- —_— —----— —-—- Yb. PATTULLO o, W, Ba . vv “the naient Xo” German General Advises Sevenfold Armen VANCOUVER TUG IS BADLY SCORCHED Army of Great Powers s Headed by General Pershing and RETURNED SOLDIER Either Marshal Foch or Marshal J: ffre could Ton Thousand Dollars’ Damage to Champion & White's Take Moscow “ ” Armooco, RRELIN. Deeember 24 General Wilhelm von Hellman has i i vA OUVER b dere 4 ren! declared iy interview here, thal Bolshevism ean only be solved nd dollars athe hy the armed jutervention of the greal powers, An international that en tht a i Ment when fl ed ny uudee Che leadership of General Pershing and either Marshal "pion & White's ture Apmioeeo id : y Petrograd and then. mare} ‘data False Creek wharf, Koch or Marshal Joffre should occupy Petrograd and th aren | Arimoce is a steam tug ancdioan to Moscow, which, he asserted, would be bound to fall, Uill in 4907 al Vaneouvet Adin w that the Giermatis had spread Bolshevism in Russia, o feel long, 14 feet beam Hoffman suid that the Imperial regime had despatched Lenine | dep ‘ Om is lor ' i Th, Her registered ton from the Swiss frontier jo a sealed cat with a delinite purpose, * 32 and he gross, 46 tons . i} friends disorganized the Ri used by her owners In the | With oul consent Lenine and his friends dtsorgé £04 “e i busine wn he stated Intervention in Russia (QR ea ans OIL WAS STRUCK AT CZAR, ALBERTA Anticipating Substantial Fiow the Crews are to Work Through Holidays. HIT HIM OVER HEAD William Beznick, of WNim»kish, May Reoover But Will Lose Hearing. VANGOL VER Dew, 24 haere CALGARY Lhe y Reports Phinney, a veturned soldu has from the Loy ia! Ol Company's been brought here to faes rial, well at Czar, northeast of Calgary, ebharged with hithing William Bez ell that oil bas been struck in nick on the head with a four-foot sinall quamtilies at a depth of iron bar at the Nimpkish lumber 800 fe In anticipation of a camp up the coast near Alert Bay, substantial flow the drillers are Beaznick may recover, but he will to be kept at work through the lose | hearing hotidaws ¢ - “Meer: Mietorin, Hen. deh GERMAN SAYS GREAT ARMY SHOULD ENTER RUSSIA TO QUELL BOLSHEVISM es nd Forks Elects Liberal Candidate Absentee Votes Gives Henniger Major- ity of Nine; Col. Lister Elected in Kaslo VICTORIA, December 24.—On the final counts of ab-entee voles being made complete returns show that Fzra Henniger, Liberal, has been elected member for Grand Forks oid Gol. Lister, Resulis in all other legis- following Couservalive, has been suecessful in Kasto. onustilnencies are reasouably certain so the line-up in the unchanged Liberals, ture will probably be from now, the summary showing twenty-six fourteen Conservatives, Liberals and four Independents elected: ice pendent L . rals——New Westminster, David Whiteside: Chilliwack, Ho ). Barrow: Nanaimog Hon, Wm. Sloan; Golumbia, J. A. iat Delta, Hen, Johu Oli- : sow ton 3 8 VIN PREDICTS evan \ Anderson; North /hanagan, Dr. K. ©. Macdonald; ERA OF PEACE tevelstoke, Dr. W. H. Sutherland: Saanich, F A. Pauline; Fort i : ~e ee yp me Cranbrook, In Speech from Throne Reference A ut aha 7“: "* jg Made to Greek and Russian . Vorston: Atlin, H. F. Kergin; Van- Situations souver, Mes. M. E. Smith, lan Mae- Kenzie, Hon. J. DeB, Parris, M.A. LONDON, Dee. si, in the speech from the troue on pro ae ae Rn sath e: »: revuing Parliament af midnight, ie eon are Esra after reference fo the eontinuance re mae 2 aiaiea ae a rar of the friend=hip of Britain and oe ir. ae her Allies, King George alluded dS op cue Sadia radia 3.5 aks te the Greek diffieulty and de- ald wastiiiel bk squitatlt oR, H clared that the government, i 2, vs Noldon aes We O. rise 3 conjunction with the Allies, would ‘bie nd 1 Pearsup: hosstand, cadeavor (ov teach. @ earn Oo W. K. Esling: Sleean, Wm. Hun- patible with their joint responsi- South Okanagan. J. W. Jones; bilities. ; The situation with respect to ] ail 1. H. Sehotield; Yale, John Wuduie’. Wha dunmeiiek. tee eee seohnes: ee Ww. A. Me- Mejesty as still unsettled and ob- Kenziv ; Rasto ~ mipies ; wen seure, but the hoge Was expressed er uy : S MeRoasld; aes that trade would” shortly recom- ig ane: We Roeser; Vic- | menace with Russia and an rra of ia, Canon Hinehblifve, lpence in. Europ aad ania Independents. veventuate, Liberals Comox, Meuzies; Cowichan, North Vaneou-! Indeyw ndent METAL WORKERS CHOOSE OFFICERS Phos. noeth Dunean; s. Hanes International Independents—Neweastle, Sau | utheie Soelatiet + Fernie, Theos philh (4 ae . Sunaina tae Banquet and Presentation Follow- vcs Se Ae ed Annual Meeting Heid t. H. Neelands (labor Alberni, | Last E i injor R. H. Burde ‘soldier. Fo. RVSRERO, Alex, M. Manson, member for} ica. og ae Hoineca, has secured the largest Sroportionate > anajority of - any Metal Workers’ Union were SB alk das 9 as provines ~ jehosen at the annual meeting last . bight and a slogan was adopted as Grand Forks. follows: “Wateh for the Union Grand Forks, Dee, 24.-— The Label.” Following the formal there was an informal which proved en- presentation of a and government bas gained this seat om the count of the absentee kK. &. Henniger, Liberal, has a ma. erity of nine Joho MeKee, teeting banquet joyable. thie author of ile ies of the oH. Mortimer, relorning of-Tburial of an unknown seldier to ficer for the Prinee Rupert riding | Westminste: Abbey, whieh took nb the recent election, is very busy |pleee on November 11 Mr, Rail- who was a military chaplain communicated tis idea the | ten in France, count of seventy-three | inaking the final ballots.: Phere are ballot boxes to go through and,to the Dean of Westminster and cheek over carefully, not to men-fits adoption followed, on going over the absentee vote, | i —_ About a third of the boxes are | Harry M, Selfe, sir Anyox, Was finished, bul announcement of the|na southbound passenger going available |through on the Prinee George last jes ening final resull will not be i day « iwo vet \ i IY