4, 1920, THS DAILY KEWs cers SEES = = = — — eas , te When | Win er ania agin C Local and Personal | then you need Ask for re Sau , tf French Ivory BEECHA Pais ee ee eT Ca Your mouth is a go LL §. Wheel indication of the con dition of the stomact ed the city last and bowels. * * * Toilet Sets When Xmas day Wests » Octnss 0 ben \. hh. Jayne arrives we do not Seid everywhere te Caneda, bn sence, eM fii, Prince George la whit ' { e 6 ® Made from Pure, Canadian Government Made frem Nut Oils and Milk twice propose to have a » Ibe : : ‘ ; . Brushes single article of the SWUNG ON ANTLERS te at 48 Ge ' Inspected Fats. Milk —. oe re and best ii above goods ww OF BULL MOOSE . $ ‘ ‘ : ) and best dairy salt airy salt { ii 4 stock, 3# Bargains red ’ e ' anicure ets there will be. You Miramichi River Guide Has Ex- ¢ can't afford to miss oe pasa ae on > \ ie “ett . ua ity ro ucts | Mi this opportunity. spn tet ont ' ver " ivrors Come and see for PHEDENMCK TON, XN, B., D se ; yourself, 3” sf wad tg of Wiz ike he jast{ 7b Lewet Pris The same care in the choice of ingredients and in manufacture that established " ( h tay of the shite sen. ee the popularity of Swift's Premium Oleomargarine is making Swift’s Gem Nut Om S , hurled 1 b 0:9 Oleomargarine a favorite with housewifes all over the land. Equally high in h Wepagh” bs ee ce quality, it differs from Swift’s Premium in being a purely vegetable product. | etc. h here. Hint sit'o Aree: Both are made under the most sanitary conditions — never touched by hands — | - lg sated and answer every table requirement at a big saving in price. You are assured | of satisfaction, if you insist on McRAE BROS, LTD.) = “