‘Get it at this prossiteie WHY NOT FOR CHAISTMAS”? BRINGING UP F ATHER | THe NATLCY ewe | r DID You ¢ CALL C7 ‘ a9 ir A) ; oF... »MITHS | | TodAyAS! | xa, Mis advices, from wroeever tt may | OO You? | = ) come, is Teunted expertenoee and — - *.) knowled a and Arrtes onvielion ; We NT ‘T TO Les % whenever Ut ts given, Mt ts & certain ja 9g IR HOUSE ey PY surance ih ' fhHamond hing gh BOT THEY \ — yt an. S inh, ms tt ae } j BS WUZ FIGHTIN’ 7 view wh hh thean Thee rT tT AN i or oN ; . all doubia as to quant WANT TO ( f - At Birks’ you are sure t ont \ . Burt INE Q quatity but ! ‘ “A ae . dur’ turing ta shone Wake ISS! ” we vi - | in hain dl bee ON'T HAVE TO | | MER HUSBAND 7 \ | LISTEN } ' i * ve ad 1S A BPROTE - as ee CEs ¥ \/ Sovaladn © fe) sFem A |) TELL we WHAT [ Smart + ' oe | a SAO: PP vse HE | , : ‘ . Woe . | | mae SWEAR WORDS. | ei oP) | pty gemma Y-, fun | ‘ } | ’ ‘ | if ova ig Aa —— Tawar 4k « — \lue } | * * } be a ey | } : - Yor ane ig Wis ; bey | | wf | | Ae 5 1 i | VG > A a ea A a dW | | war | i) J “a bs igs | |i ANS j / > i | ; ; Y.> or . | VY { | x G,. i na » od f t ln YS eae ae | © 1820 &F WTS PEeruRe Geers tee ' em ‘ t (2+) Vancouver, B.C. BISHOP BUNODZ a seein e n~ isis elves titan elgg ail iliac itt tata he see te ae Tar. 3: . ete mt, : ’ The Man in the Moon 5 | TS r ‘| Terrace fet | i WAS INROME{ 1; BUS IRECTORY __ || 200_iit ta ‘ ; i conaiaall h a 4 ’ / a . rH a & surprising th ' } These are Good Places to Make Your Purchases when You go out to buy j ri : * fis t.irastiias - na eap 0a Tells of European Conditions and , ‘e / } as Treat) Var ! ‘ Oe me rt ee res ee eee eee ee eee eee ee ee - - Says Signs are Very ie = me ee ee Hopeful. adie rHAT G ‘ ‘: AERATED WATERS FURNITURE AND GENERAL LauNoRies / oe ee ’ , . ' BEAVER BOTTLING WwoRKS MENSRANaS CANADIAN STEAM Launpay RUPERT SiX MONTHS , ss will ¢ WILFRID GRATTON Cor Third and Tim Phone & ‘ waning 1944. e 5 bap peenae hee Gis ght Rev. Bishop EF. M. : Ssaie th Oh eae ao thé ctis] “THAT Stet ernest 8 PAINTERS AND ofcoraTons | '”’ e, $1,800 | wor MM ‘ nec : ° ty | ‘ ‘ cash n tern i ma, $2,000 : n dhe Prince George: yeaterdaylovrht | : hy YOKAHAMA BARBER SHOP FURNITURE 7 Delivered loose - $12.00 ese non i) a son cg. PiR® BeADDER | f niches t to Buroepe to ' as FRANK saronu he Sacked - . - $13 50 i ‘ eee cag eee oe . vane +48 KENNEY BROS c 4 p e flupe uot CHAT the Daily Ne fT BAKERS ————————— -— PAINTS AND OILS . - = ce i sniled | #oing t be " h 2 eae eevee FEED STORES ol “ ta CASSE BAKERY THe A. WwW. £O@E coo ind ave UT ert Nanaimo-Wellin: ton Coal werk on M wot eae ES Svar Cine Se ee , : < : . ; on ‘amt Oem: iee Prccccccococccoroooneseedes Building Materials Stall leah te rae OMNINA, CROCKERY & NOTIONS PAINTERS AND DECORATERS | _ YIN pk: ui Hak Reha 3 Hat thie cate ead ie FISH MERCHANTS, RETAIL og yeaa ep apoE | C* tO RK ds ‘ ' mice ARTHUR'S MARKET ma Pee er | 2 “ SEL 8 a . SS ee AY *4n0 & 488 bos 499 PLUMBING / rere Albert & NicCaffery 1a lare eo went ihe CLEANING AND PRESSING ; TOVES. Lientted ' 1918. | i ae wide GENERAL MERCHANDISE si ovesn 4 Lonowri. Prome 6 es ri " . ” ° ' i ; WIhG CHIN YUEN ©0 ; pein ‘2 } ' : . . bas aa 731 Gecone Avene Pres* Gieck Te RENTALS : i Be he : =) ae —s SS | Se : °. w. aan sy tetas ; Fr ed § olor Ao hardware ! CAFES GROCERIES comnts ren |S : ie b 1“ é ° ° THE BOSTON GRILL Linzey's PRINCE RUPERT GROC env SIGN PAINTING ? PHONE B ACK 114 Much Travel. rHAT on n why aA ’ A4 As place to cet od Fulton Phone S04 ; J g , pore ne in Londen at), ut ‘ SELL # ChOSEETT Phene 477 sk a a ea eee ee ee s year and book tor: Anns i ete THE ELITE CAFE HAROWARE — | aoe oe have received during the "last & London) i. that New Year ae : Ory HOWE @ McNULTY Piet Awe vee SHEET METAL WORKS "AST T t itA iree weeks at ‘ " ‘ A f himself , 1 se ci CIGARS AND TOBACCO _ — itemaet Ce = . exe vis ‘ = . ee ae 109 cars Coal ul he same thing, a trig THAT t a He ms S YORAHAMA IMPORTED GROCERIES — vEenS* See PLUMBING AND HEATING ¥ and France ¢ sit Cleanse will | i y = — <— ALGERTA MEAT MARKET STEEN & LONGWHL = Phone 5S. ; ENGINEERS ‘} sattl fields. Three loaded . of ngland p Fitth Street Phome #06 al ae sb from Macleod River mine, owned 5 j ne i “ 7 a ut t Fe ee eeoes TA r a ; : ; ' raving a sesame with zett . nidecrs — a3 by Prinee Rupert citizens. Ge) sii a 8” acl . rs rt . Ww. 8. Sectrronmen LAIJNCHES FOR HIRE 1LORS—LADIES AND GENTS ; . a a ° : orinas CONn-isttcK mm th ad i enue ow a We have the excius:ve right to itions th. would he only one.tike he did last Friday. } . ‘ ate Street Launch “HARBETRONG,” Phone Giect 608. M. 1. LEE pose Pes.que fs Riree handle this coal in Prince Rupert. The heat + 4dotenee and alto-lthen there will n ° lars tren aN B. ¢ # Heat ' enine ‘ : Don’t be misled by other coal a ed hex f a it e ere . 1 im se Phone 174 PO Bor mm dealers who use our firm name ' " z ’ FF “wee . cea i ae i" ae eeistleidiadhise tail amheatireadateibreateteisnieiigitaittiagiasenctentige deel apenesuneetteeeeseeOeenneeney to advertise their coal. ‘ ; ; ces Be . youwant a real good screen- or e continent WHERE THE STRANGE / c * ° ; - 4d coal, cal! up a re : 0) ‘wnae’ PART OF IT COMES IN § aly iNews Vlassiiie S. ( TOM LEE C0. Phone 58 ' { al - Ameri 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken for Less than S0c : 840 5 , P ° R F th tating Au Things Considered, WNews- { rince upert eed Co. leaty*( aie papers are Remarkably ne ee oe i i: = Gig re —_— VEGETABLES Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th St. 1 Itatial Accurate WAKTED EDUCTION ro a — nee FOR LosT Wholesale and Metal! Small portraits ‘ Pe : ! two persons st 22 > ° F lires ; ‘ 7 hye it the | Maces ies rf I ; aly ng i f dozer s t.hatd . - ane ' be om ‘ i ’ pay raphe : Sixth & tf ‘ The best way to have : tbe all that en me RapSS , ; ' iA : ony ig de are Mee i Ais hi i) ‘ a flection at apapers | “. ' ’ . , e ld receive, ga engl aaah ae if POR SALE OR LEASE—Job print : h name ine 647 Box 725 Hopeful Signs. oe oe 54 business und plant. For ¢ Mrs. Mem neecccrecenenennreeert His reverence had special op-|¢°#! ©% lusively in fa i ‘ j ) : ‘ ‘ : ; y Nea ties of se of studying Lonis Reput . ' 7 corer eee: ee , ad : eocccerccceseerertererwe? Cieaned and P TG | pritapeeg seen oysagiae » agg MONON Aan mayhem f grt 3 : —— LOST. While gold stick pin with|} Nig Fess nix as (ley exist at the present TePresentatives must depend on Kx ' \ ” Ht SALP f bia range, + pe P ienede ane " - is by our ment and left Europe with a ou beings, net all of whem ' t v1 ind t beds ' l y News {.> Dey rae = mr i i hepeful spirit that matters "DOW as! as they pretend ‘hone Hed if, Empire Bat! ; ow 4 GW l Steam Pressing Machine 1.000". (epctu! spirit that matters ane ham he oe FOR SALE Ne. POUND Lady's tur neck 1 t CTEENSLONGMI: : Method. y Signs are plentiful that hap- their wr act ‘ “ “ and : : - ’ " | . oe i> Sheet Metal Works t only takes 15 minutes. merits and no 1 of whon ' FOR SALI Hes held furntiure m ) ' aperous times i om a a Our Price is tin future fair in their views as others peanility ' Se om A : ° eee ; - Reasonable re ee Wt : ; ‘ I ¢ 2 |. Sue sami i sixfop Bun sited mos hen we eonsider that t ' . EXPRIRENCED Co N : t ane Delivery ie Prompt Bieta 7 ited i ato are ot ‘ s ¢ ’ ia xT n | A‘ UN “| r ; Sani a sting Engineer? Give ue atrial. Phone Black 502 mA WORE CHOR ONT abe : 7 pM VEGETABLES. os spemyn aae ln ; ro ence ney, as well as|that the greatest labors and ex ; ————— se atanblitils 104 wh ew part time.) — bth Street ee. | ' } ~ LING TAIL rossimg to the United States (o Penditures of newspapers are : , pry ASHCROF T pot ATOES for \ } W illiecroft Ph ae a OR if on friends at Washington always in pursuit of the former : pry trom Na- iimck 259 Uf | Lneercocere enor erorrrrrr= 821, 823 2nd Ave., Prince Rupert mn ——-—m lif i vemarkahble mot inai « rs tional Grocery, 1 ulton Street bs —" on pe ' ee eSH eases eeeses silane wade. but that there are not et poard _ — — LODGE MEETINGS _— ——- ~. i/# @ more of them ' und = blind en won FOR RENT a Ses oa : f vy DANCES * To SUBSCRIBERS BS) Mivitne are epeat in Wailing | > * Ming st = LODGE 1061 1OTAL ORDER OF MUSI OF UA New location * 7 Si down falsehoods and the matter ' the PO Lie Small three.room fur- Moose = 7 ae _ enn ae Cen Subseribers t News ®iexcluded ever ay from well = ed, HINe wins Hished house, con jent to the evening at the De Luxe Ha Helgerson are ask ere oT aS elasatueted watie te oneas Rrunswick phon drydock and cold storage. Suit Block bP asked to pry the de- mducted paper is greater in . ' Wilton hie f hachelor FARMS FOR SALE * livery boys each mouth S$/amount and often in eox«t thal ! sd : we tor Dscntiors or couple, Associated with when they cal! except 7 that which ix > = ae inted : 9 a 7 7 oo ee - a e "Ave {: P:R, FARM LANOS—The rich j 0) h stra ~_ a of 4 where payment has been ” rm ” , - re we 4 Net quick, 1027 Baye trove Ave. prairies of Alberta, Sanasiche- Four Piece rcnes ot a dee made for the year in ad- . CAMELS USED | USED IN he Hine 509 COR RENT—Three-room cottage wan and Manitoba are especial- . ng Saxaphone - Touring Cars. ana T : firmed home Win aL . , re including »* Your Patror vanes, The boys’ when close in, Good thance for twa ly suited for mixed farming 48) Mm : ee ee : poe nent a ‘ : . : . 5h on colleoiing carry official re- a WARSAW STREETS _ ppoin f er? i or three bachelors, Apply P.O Land that will produce bis Phone 481 Phone 4 oe * ceipts which should al- FOR SALI Or will trade for ap box ORG, ot crops of grain and fodder, and Huntley Tate. * ways be preserved. * Were Captured from Bolsheviks in pt i tlose.in Prinee Rupert sii } well adapted for dairying or a“ ® s Last Sumer’s Drive real estate: FORK MUNT--Two roomed suite.) jivestock raising can Still be pmncnrncnnenn ROPE T POORER see eC eee ee ea ee 2S = are : “8 - . a all furnished for light housekeep. had at prices averaging about } f | P iano Tuning - WARSAW, Tee. 24 Camels “Kel Mth r ‘willl on with om ing. "589 ‘Besond Aveauie ur $18.00 an acre, with twenty card ; y a re - ee r lons small es , . . ” ' gon . oe oe , ~ r me!ae Tr. Phone 555 827 2nd Avenue H i Mine che ee ne ee of ae eat ° tale POR REN uta aca nine years to pay if you =. a PI a ographs * Me tighing uve frequently seen in the streets ie py Oe ; ; : Cs 10 per cent down. No further part voce Cc. V. EVIT T ea of Wateaw, one soldier acling as One first-cla marine en- : ory . for » ule al sacrifice outed da on the prineips! untit ? J Slade Steyens i Kine 48 8th Avenue Bast. peyment on the prince! . afm : Auctioneer 4 Resulting from degatin \ ldriving, with other soldiers beet One Sret.ciase tandh aie bos mrenmnuneiiiin echoed ————— | the end of the fourth year; then ; iv = AY p.O, Box 76 Auditor and Accountant / action of the liver and bowels}, ine afler. the vehicles rhe) with 2% bp. Caille Perfection : music, sixteen annual payments, In-} Phone kel” perererr i is quickly relieved by the use of icamels are used by the army Int : i ngine z — - ee terest 6 per cent ecernr arene rarer ee eer / Or Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills authorities in the tran are ower MUSIC FO?. DANCES ae pores n " ’ ® e anspor of M : horn Ke Mac's Or- Write to H. G. Loughran, Lane mranseroseeeet i One pill s dose. 25¢. @ box, g00ds8 about the city and suburbs, | ——— M Mep he ne, P hone 222. chestra, lowe pieces, For en Agent. CG. P. R. Station, Van- eponccooreoe rr’ D Cleaning A. G. GRAY 4 all dealers jhaving been trained for this kind SECONDHAND FURNITURE sold gkagements and dates, phone couver. Dyeing - a. 1 aan Dr. i service by the Russians, The) on commission, Anything you _Red of For « 8 > ssillitiiad send eoch , Pian ©. jatiimals were captured from the want to sell send to P, Le Claire, i is just as chen) ws get your and reas 3° CLI ANE Studio 187 Second Avenue me | Bolsheviki by the Poles in a drive; Lynch's old store, eorner First,); —~ _ MISCELLANEOUS lorinting done wel’ and done at DY citi WF ath a : tS ci ton PHONE Blue 421 or 444 K: jon the northern front last sum Second and Third Avenues MIRRORS RESILVERED— Made as! iome as it is to send it away. Try Sa et cee St) on eee | jmer | Phone Green 544, {{, good as new, Phone Green 407.| Che News Print Shop i