~~ ee Pas vewe —-—~ ———_—- SS —— , |VAUDEVILLE © THUGS HEADED ‘he | ae reciors fic erqueta Courtney and Bobby Clean Up in he Pacific 8s ] h id Tf, Di ior and ( ffic ers «of Rack will Appear in Jazz and Citi Dei oa int a a ’ =e PRINCE of WALES ee THE. ROYAL BANK ||} || ca ee cos a OF CANADA It belyiey "one tt ( aaeatlag a oii ort CHEWING | a | f desire to offer to the Customers rae se oe ane i aes ‘ om ifon ra nl » TOBACCO i , ss : tas and Friends of the Bank their Best he Sirk dens inamatoaiel Wiehes for a Happy Christmas (sia ated , Prensnee |i t thd - (i and a Prosperous New Year. a ' erres t f ‘ i | ” = " w '? ids i ners Logging Camps Closed I j h led if sane nreneeeienmaeeee ee . , iney nd Bobby 2 : , ‘ nown comedy Pri is [ee = be { ete beaten i f ; a TR MARE: at vn #01 ging - i ® sin Nf f ¢. x and _novelly’ tarnst., 1 ae it ; CHRISTMAS THOUGHTS wt —3 = acd Smt Order Earby yi ccc ce ae i tne sees A Scotch Shortbread | cena sei eng bit his class Tiss ‘ . ; ati. : “ ———— = —= X ; Currant Bun on z r ~ ‘ eae \ ai [ry a ars a gay gee” 3 _ en ; tte ” tt re . y } wan 9 Duy or se or 0) Cak ' ‘! " c my z eg , ; not i weer t f ou want anyliing. refit Phin R OYAL is 0, Xmas es ie a Horse on Parson 5 ; z oe “ oa : ‘%: = aan Decbeat ae ea Sisiincili «eal Service #: ‘ . , M + a comediat of | bless ake Mans “34 MINERAL ACT. Auto ‘ ) Plum Puddings i shundanes ' ‘ “i is s Seuss * : Certificate of “improvements. Prompt Setview i i . sta Snot , ah _ : orice Day and Night # thie we W ‘ abl or : ee Fi ok Cad Cart : ¥ j : ‘ ; 4 Hepa: : y ween see 1.” “Copper Ci No 8 E. Large, Prop. — : Pp sesiuintes: nailed cataaaiitdie tual aade eomstl ee ee ; CURRIE 5 BAKERY . “ ni: Ya & Division of laine paeeieil Phone 35 : ] ‘ oa ‘ ‘ w re ated Kitsauit River, Alice Arm. §¢ ) | py a . ' = \ sti snE Nt’TICE that |, George A. Young, H ' ed inte. fae pure leat peas paler estiiiaan: sn -geter ; R, FE RT ene | . rs Cas te tere eee = THEO COLLART, Notary Public r ‘ fr e Sate a reof, to apply to tne FOR “SALE.—3 ci chu!* > level a ots, togethe: er on Tth Ave. ne Ree ‘der for a Certincate of im- near new High Sx chal. Hays Cove e si y reasonable of fler. FEATHER ' lew iM . an ee peantne tn ee cekeaee EDSON COAL ; Bulk, $13.00 per ton delivered Our 3 crown Grant of the above clafme, — FOR SALE | Sacked, $14.50 ,, ,, 7 ¥ splendis MOURT: Oe adeiah Oa) iad te aaa bedi Most Liberal MARINE INSURANCE an the Coast ee : d a ; hil the issuance of such Certificate of improve- __Insurance Company of North Ameriea. fruys Claims promptly a ; nents # PILLOWS : ; , “- Arivertise in the Daily News : Dated this 6th Gay of November, 1920 i P. 0. Sox 56 Wesihoine Theatre Block Phone biae % % ata ee. _SUMMERY WEATHER AGHA so sn ieaieestissiniiiatidiniai ‘on, ee niin aa, Ae eT i | CHRISTMAS SEASON ita ay A ty a a 2? cat 0 I at PRT ae a ae a UL A ¥ Prince Buaeee: Does Not Need to we ; 4 ; be Commiserated with af a ie Rg ig oe tt ' ig Z cs ' WATER NOTICE. aad cada ao als * tiles ag f ; ’ , oni . a 4 m ag i 14 une i ‘ i o ; we tl ag i . see a . ~~ ee SSL Sneed ! very ! ( 4 1g Canadian Steam Laundry SEEN S'S men lavetity, stepning clone F Compary ; ¢ : the ram suct al enta is S Phone & used for power purpose upaa Voreoats, mulllers or gles, that af j : ‘ ru hum wa-da ‘ Princes tip s not so 1 oe nd “s Hiser iwith ty; : ome = . A d to her climate seeing that } PRINCE RUPERT thorns the = a act tsit4.> s a day or two before Christ: i = tee ie ; on ; Ps 4 rl abr Gal, |g ec, Your Christmas Gift ¥ . weibe Water Hight Pariia hat ne could thin of ean Doast oO. B. U. ins , r ‘ snpearance of . h pleasant and delierhtf af fl . ees | wth vee Tet a rrather as has njoyed ag , To Those You Love Should < aon ant. anit tne waveraned el fe - ts vy Be One That Adds To Their f ; avi 4 fe ahead “a e aay s n, but that will a ‘ ; special eet SE me oe ieee mn tae) JOY OF LIVING ,§ [8 Noel Hompe . 7 ! iy be thinking ef getting a ~ it { be Deremb , Me OF ME op eperous, and make every one Ry, nasieeniich uae aaeaeaeeanaees ut heme and comfortable, to ag Me" SIC gets into our inmost being and moulds our character, =>, ae ‘say nothing of ‘giving a topic for} chases out discord with melody and dispels despondeney with cheer. 4 ‘ unday, on flecember Revised Statutes ef Carzo« i clites lili alien ee, a 3 gph wantte See SAb en stun It makes no difference whose Christmas gift you are considering—husband a. a at 8 p.m ig By or wife—parents, whose hair has silvered, or children with golden locks. ) f F iepusited with the Min —¥ ‘of Pubhe CHRISTMAS DOINGS Bring more music into their lives and your present to them will be happier =) + im the Alice of Bs. _—— Work “4 ilawa, ana “ rai epee tate tot te] AT OKALLA PRISON days Se eee fee bupert, BL « TS Secrinlinn af tae 4 With songs of sadness and of mirth Important that all Members : the plans of a Wharf proposed to - whe : the Sxeena } r the land , attend voned by Water known and described as Concert by Vancouver Talent is That they might touch the hearts of men, , f Povey four mums d and forty-five (4405). Appreciated by Inmates of And bring them back to Heaven again.—LONGFELLOW K ; Hianwe dive Coast District, in the Provincial Jail, ‘ iritteh Columbia TAKE NOTICE that after the ex nee MUD.WINTER SALE |i ccs SS tne yeh mm ot * \NADIAN FISH AND COLD STORAGE CO.) Prison Farin were treated to a ————— Give special thought to your children whose lives are entrusted to yourcare, The joy of living is what you want your child to have. at Bargain Prices act, apply iw. the sents ‘af Punt splendid Christmas c@ncert, . in Money? Yes. Education? Yes, But a recourse within himself whereby \ st his offiee in mw City o ‘tte oa te tts ae site and plans and| Which some gof Vancouver's best he may extract the joy out of life—may obtain pleasure from his money—may still obtain pleasure if he loses his money, b- SHOES ATR at srinee gpert B.C tn be eet eae eat Teach your children to love music by making them familiar with it s . \ not allowed to applaud but UNDERWEAR ip ANA bier AND OOLD STURAGE . their faces beamed with gratitude 5 ee Pj o _- « a a A " INA : ‘ ANY LIMITED, by Fisher and eee tate cor Gugaton, ite solicitors. __.;and at the conclusion an old man when they are young and you will give them a friend which they will OLILLB, Ma . 8 . : mi do . i 4 ” CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. came forward and said: “You a treasure more and more as the years go by. “ a WING CHIN YUEN e0 tron Duke No. 7 Mineral Clam, Lot no,)20l know what an entertainme nt Ri J J ’ ’ wv tron Duke No. 3 Mineral Claim, Lot), his } j eans te s. All I . oy me tnd Ave., Prince Rupert, B.C. No, 2884; Simcve © id Mineral “ciatin, Lot wth ae God ae ae ae a Give the family a musical instrument so that the children mee live, tao atmenphere : y i. 2988 —Al) adjoining mineral Claims! on icemnas and happy New of music and they will absorb it as they do air and sunshine. You will find greater e, hort District, Where located: On Louise! yogy west iv your own joy and a contentment which music alone will bring. e oan H I | P s R rake A rit ! thet |, Ales Rogere os the fhe women of the jail were ” 4 if ty of er Province of British Coe). iat oe rag a ORMES’ DRUG STORE MoCUTCHEON’S DRUG STORE 5 0 e e usert nS Ni e's f one a ie aoe oe ar - . ema a6, McRAE BROS., LTD. W. W. WRITHALL x i se § | “ha jhalt oF vine saa cay osfaay of the concert and tomorrow PRINCE RUPERT MUSIC STORE WALKER'S MUSIC STORE e { EUROPEAN PLAN Va ve Free Miner's eae “< a Christmas dinner will be given Gee con CHAS. W. TEETZEL, SINGER SHOP. =) ; Hh intend *® aty ov days Pu o " . . - B 1 late han 2 piy for @ Crown Grant)flie men, At the concert there was | ! $1.80 per day and up. f the abo latins a big Christmas tree and as the ‘ A diene hee ANID FURTHER TAKE NOTICE thas 8c Y : le fae’ thnks Number 29A i i } FIRST-OLASS CAFE sak under seems Ot eh testes ate fee Om tC: owe for soere : q A La Carte apravenwnt on, (entls each was viven a large bag Tene ? DATED this Sra ane of pecemee': 2) containing fruit and candy, | a ¢ i : ‘ H J I