\; i lay, December 29, {920 THS DAILY NEWS Page 8 Ee RSC SER) ES ager a eee aa u—~ mer ; EDMONTON PEOPLE P | We are Going Out of This L; CHANGE LOCATIONS { Local and Personal : f e a 4 0 IS ine After January 1 Many Business a a 4 Houses will be Moved. Ask for Ane ” age ur a LIMON TON Ib With Ag ee — a ij it ul 1 j \ rk " ional ! il ily, Dh e s French ee arma | IVO RY . ~ ’ 1 ; ; i | f Alla hk ' ind Mck iH . . ‘ ! 1} ‘ ae | while it lasts , i 6% M YQueb in saben at I oe 3a +4 1 tn LD ; - tee i at Cost aa . e ' nly h Ib i an me d } j \ i tli Mel 4 if McCUTCHEON’S || , : 4 : i Cc ¢ f he Boa ‘d 2 r if Corner Second and Sixth ‘ snk | ' ; $ The Largest Drug House in Northern B.C. ! i Te | é Ket WARL ELECTRIC & MARINE | .00.7o0'ckie™"* SUPPLY CO. llocgeeccveensvan- ) i ————— = COW BAY ee ee ee ® ? Ve ELECTRICAL AND MARINE SUPPLIES, i ns | at Canadian F , ing Co. Lid eee oe " 7; a = ze / E ; C. O, Crude Oil Marine Engines from 30 to 250 h.p. . ‘oli OP ek ae a th wis ‘ 8-10 H. P. Heavy Duty Distillate Engines, when they ca exon § * Electric Lighting Piants nai me rh ” + : a bee ee NAVY CUT | : > eeeeeeeetee eevee . | | Useful and Sot awardlens er Coat thir igre |, CIGARE T ES— Artistic ; | Chri ‘tinas BiG KEDUCTIONS IN ; oe ore —=—=—=_=__———— eee ae Coats, Suits, Skirts, Blouses, etc. . OF OA Rees” Se eee " ; LEGISLATURE OPEN . i ~ ~ * . * ° } Third Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C. ; a tees e at “/ ® ° : p oan , Our new machinery is now installed and wé are i . : Pe manufacturing ‘ * ‘i a ‘ ICE ! I é ~ ese e#eeenr eee eee eres FISH AND CHIPS) 2 ie ten rom Pa ne seated for t Our ice is first placed in Cold Storage and supplies for and f of i i , ' fishing boats are drawn from cold storage, go ; orn ee i Ba thus ensuring snl ie Mesrs, G, J, Watt] HARD ICE THE EMPRESS CAFE ian ae ae seem mes age American Fishing Boats Save the Discount on Empresa Hotel Block. Newly opened for business ae pny nals \\ Canadian Funds by buying from Strictly clean. White help onty. Open day and night Gaal : : \ Ak na ; hk 4 i | . : «if or Sinee | exeoweovatiovoe Tl Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. i re Seek ge A and-t Prince Rupert, B.C. a ROYAL |= = —— 5 tel ‘st — Auto Service |). sries «sz.curtrum nd a y at call Night | ri a “a ; murat nn ot Ul \\ b pf : a a ay First Clase Care f. a fresi , Mo the abbas z cs |We have just taken into our warehouse ah I » Large, Prop. Mat Mew Unt a was : 5 ‘ : N I y Ph }a ear of CHOICE NO, 1 ALFALFA HAY. Soret : - : : . iar sir $3 cae | MGCL |Get our price on this hay which has been Phone 35 wt ee 1920 ia io8 8 De I lL. Privat Phe: pre "anaes me, me bought on the lowest market. ; ret Registrar of Tithea ess mip oi Re PRA * We are always pleased to quote. — ci laced (i Z Da : 50 Th nai cal w the term: has Mail orders have our prompt and careful attention, MAY -CVeREA ; von by Odella Devauld ‘aa ery vcocutisarin «| THE BRACKMAN-KER MILLING CO, LTD. 4 | MAYORALTY CAMPAIGN tin town lookir the P.O. Box 745 Prince Rupert,B.C. Phone 350 sround with a view to put wt ss z T OPENS IN VANCOUVER « viosic houses i * ™ . ae. : | rnd concert }'L. D. Taylor Will Again Seek the : ee a New y ear Gifts i Office of Chief Magistrate. ; ¥ s a a and WHAT’S SILVERSIDES BROS seinen inal “Mad f ; means practical men to advise you, and guar- |, tse ec. 20.1 ho tae hl an tha Me ag You still have time to remember your friends I latpht ebceanelitee to Laitbdresend | en molee rae ver iN A Winsor & Newton Art Supplies, ices Much Reduced is aha Tua," neat dl eae te i EXPERT SIGN WRITING AND Prices Muc educe has selbed Abe OppCRinny ind t thiemawelvde NAM E? PICTURES, PICTURE FRAMING I \ . Mr e " . Oh - me . Sis slgait ae es © | Phone 22 Prisckpere P.O. Box 120 STEVE KING Sees a) fl y Varden mine ee e 2 ot sufer , ) ins the | see ird Ave. a Se bes aires eg Pg lay Hart Block Th PILES EES co tslai' filets | MESSRS RORIE & SMALL Seater Aces: & sue , Bye please tn, ntimaging at tees love ceed a een 1 921 1921 De, Grace? insti lay 1 ae. 1 will carry on a General Accountancy Business. Phone 44, dealers, « Ka “s Lo +) ae Co. LA Sich Never forget to leok through Resident Partner: GEORGE RORIE, Obartered Accountant (Edinburgh and Canada) ~ Heh ame bon tap ¢ i ay pos stage the classified list -