a ey 8 eS iy et ah I , 3h + et crt «i is ty . a ‘ f ae oe a ee a en = es me | ee ) rel bs a ai 7 4 a) ) ; t | yi re) Puye 8 ees == as a pe rere =— a Cheap Coa We offer EDSON COAL Delivered loose - $12.00 Sacked- - -$13.50 Nanaimo-Weliin:ton Coal Building Materials Albert & McCaffery Limited BRINGING UP F ATHER | Wed j j EDSON COAL CO have received three 100 cars Coal from Macleod River by Prince Rupert citizens. We have the handle this coa Don’t be dealers who use our firrn during the last weeks mime, owned exclasive right to 1] in Prin misled by other coal ce Rupert. name to advertise their coa). If you want a real good screen- ed coal, cal! uy Phone 58 Prince Rupert Feed Co. Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th 8 ts \ DID YOU HEAR / j ME INGING } YES . | FINALLY | Gat THROUGH / ete Rid Te ROWD ——25 The best way to have YourSuit Cleaned and Pressed is by our Steam Pressing Machine Method.e It only takes 15 minutes. Our Price is Reasonable Delivery is Prompt Give us a trial. Phone Black 502 LING TAILOR 821, 823 2nd Ave., Prince Rupert ew New location Helgerson Block Associated with Taxi Service of 4 Cars, Limousine and Touring Cars. Your Patronage Phone Solicited 139 Huntley Tate. TORK’S SELL TOVES. Centr Fred Stork’s Hardware SECOND AVENUE PHONE B‘ ACK 114 SMITH & MALLETT -_ PLUMBING AND HEATING ENGINEERS Estimates furnished. Address, 3rd Avenue, of Second Street, Phone 174 — P.O. Box 274 head Phone 555 827 2nd Avenue Cc. V. EVITT Auctioneer Auditor and Accountant ae overed on the U — e s ree enn ep —_— | t WEVIL- WHER: HAVE | ( | REALLY: [1 | YO.) BEER ONTIL. 5 | WAS | Frop os i HIS HOUR? |} ~~ DINING Wwrre 1 ASSO vi ‘ M THe Scag S 2 J { SUPREME oO. Gt ' Ans fof COURT JUDGE WANs r ' é | ‘4 ! 4 a \ | 7 A \ | SBE i DET Fea Wai Ae : \ — iene 1 LOVE You ee ee 1 ees x | Sa ied 3 | LOVE You : . ac tee ( OUTSIDE eet ono oho y ) fr. ae ‘ | J \ jd / (CF 1 vn Cer ef 4 Wa = Javd fe ‘ , . < P é ‘ / 7 , ? . ) tar ’ | é Ra Fl ‘ ow RY . Ye ~ oN no a —_ Ta oP a THERE'S ABOUT \ ~ mets i + PEOPLE STANDING HOW THEY WAS ALL > GRAND AFRAID SOMEBODY melee WAS tAUROERIN’ i ‘ I | viens —_——_________] rr ee wise: s Wegeesee. bila ' am f wa Gonna err) OM “THE BENCH \ a | YOU WOULON'T LIKE Wh HIM TOM RRON | / (5% : | fT MAGGIE HE'S GONNA ){ Courd' | SENTENCE YouR BRorHeS ig | GO ALONG ttm ; > / t \ ie a ot ; \ OO ¢ ( | : — } (toe —_ rit Tur. Q 22 ©" 1920 ef INTRA Feerune Semen. int CLOTHIER AND ALASKAN ROAD ‘Asks Co-operation» of Governor | Riggs on Unik River Road \ request has en received hy vt I I ! =e from G 4. Glothier f Peinee Pvuipert, re cent ’ er ! thie North uty M f : vey District fl ati f ura Oper Nez @ ae?! vad ip R nd i he mineral distr i vine iermi«s the Inter. nation Bx dary on the Can- in : says the Alaska Fu. Wipe \ Mlothier stat that if tis a re ism f American ape he will ask tbe Pro incial government f ids to arry oid portion of the pro- ect, The road efed would run from Burroughs Bay upethe Inuk River valley for a dissance some at yrealer hen 4 miles, there j alread some travel throveh the constructed by the a vrail load known vailey over naka Lith} % Ountiry Comiunis about the jneent to the mags “he it to be of forniwiion favorable Just what been wn- side of river, but ighomernte to mineral deposits. mineral deposits have Canadian not known, Hieys binit the sin eidisuaants of Mr. Olothier to the toad Bureau, bul if is the border re Governot ill probably likely that omecinvest weuld he Hfinite worl ne recommendation for could be submithed or isigered, road- BILLIARDS TONIGHT. | The following: are the lineups |for the billiard games tonight he- tween the &l. Andrew's Society and the Traul Club: | In the Wanderers’ Club — Rh, Robertson (St. Andrew's) vs, J. idudge: 8. 1, Macdonald (S81, An- jdrew's) veo W. Anderson (Trail A. C. GRAY Teacher of Piano Studio 187 Second Avenue PHONE Jilue 421 or 444 Territorial | ivation - the district: ‘ossary before a de- COM | .jprisoned in the %—- SALVATION ARMY HAD THEIR XMAS TREE LAST NIGHT j Daily News Classified Ads. | | Fine Program was Rendered After t~——~-~- ~~ Which Santa Claus Arrived watTED With Gifts. ‘ ! ; Mr i al Chris ist / vi hing t tofthe Sal nA -\ * cash held last evening he « j j i ‘ (aren tle Court, and was allenaded \A if by about 150 versor The gram which was 0 { ' ‘ : rx ' ' and was enjoyed to the f A I present, Chere were nut eae rr | dialogues and ecitatiorn Y A j armnone the notable nub i; Ten ears go j a anplendid tableau “Rock of Age ! in Prince Rupert } nowhich Rita Scher) Rei Fi Boer ere ees eee ermine ley and M Lear took part, The December 29, 1910 was a fianoforte duet by Miss ric y ; . Seventh Nita and Grace Scher ind a 4 Ave | { ind ptanofort duet bw Cant pe ¥ Ga nd Mrs. Mastin mes Were Also itey 4 beatia a Tue rendered by Jac Waddell and gay ; Mrs. Lear and a recitation by 1 ee firace Seherk A song Dolly's { | peetir nm the lere Christinas Song hy SIX i rl f A i ‘altu indidat proved tine. ©, ¢ erry was th ‘ img hairman of the concert univ electiot held last Follewing the program Santa » th a Claus, impersonated by Kenneth . ° e Scherk, arrived and was creeted Phe ‘ i « gift to th with aeeclaim After the gifts had | Hospil wise a dor n of #1,000 been distributed from the boun. |towards the building f ind, . o > ’ tecus Christmas tree, Santa d in seat Man tendent W. ¢ parted and the entertaimnent con ! eluded. { M f the GTP. has been - ip al the end of steel for the last fi days aud teports that despite SHHANAHAN FOUND the peveleabalbar gunk priors i TO BE INSANE" "20s sh the worm Man who Kiiled Attorney Regan is WV. = anounced bis Jenson has Committed to Morningside jintention of ng élection a Asylum lan aldernian at the forthcoming — Imunicipal election, | KETCHIKAN, Dee, 29.— Last ' jweek, in the Commissioner's Court Two-color Wiidew cards take iPaddy Shanahan, who at the Jast|the eye quickly, See them at the term of the covert was eharged|News Job Department iwith the murder of Stephen ' libinerinennenecag i\Hegan, assistant United Advertiae in the Daily News Mates | jahommey, was given a hearing be serait of nn "| Aleyeelsritane ‘ Shanahan was brought down OT es from the federal ‘eal ans Z ? serious condition which is re- “ lieved when you arouse tho liver, jail at Juneau has been im apring In St. Andrew's rooma—R,jtiat time. It is alleged tha. he kidneys and bowels to action by Davey Mt, Andrew's) ve. Harry|eseaped from an asylum in Can. | using Dr. Chase sKidney-LiverPills. 3 Day (‘Trafh; 4, Kinehoow (St, An-lada some years ago. As he is a One pilia dose. 25. box, ali dealers § drew's W. Blythe (Trail), \British subject there tas been Chas | In the Trail Club—J. A, Allen|some controversy as to what! + St. Andrew's’ va, George Waugh |should be done with him. He has iver Trail: W. R. Martin (St. An-jbeen committed to Morningside | ey ldrew's ve. J, Sudan (Traib, Insane Asylum, | & Cc i ph and records, two Willor £36 Bth Avenue Fast elvet and one Axminster rouge #eoarskin rug, stall rugs and tO, LET thee roc modern ts. ota,, ole No reasonuble itt Phone Black 44 10 Ter refused Phone Blue i) music. ppointinent *SiuusSiGC FOR. DANCER Mae's Or VOR SALE Op wilt trade for ap-| chestra, feu piesen, ap en proved close-in Prince Rupert oon ae ee, See | eee ae if real estate i Red 7 bins The fast run-about launch LosT Keho” either with or without engine jLOST fioldb h between Suns One first-class marine on-|} tit Apartments and St An gine | dreew's hall orn balboa Priday One first-class farge row boat) evening, Finder ploase retaen with 7M. hip. Caille Perfectidn| [to Daily News office 906 Inboard engine, ' e oe 306 ite » ’ , 0° M. M. Stephens, Phone 333. | ‘ACOOUNTANTS | KOOND-HAND FPURNITURE sold EXP I RIE NCED ACO NT ‘NT on commission, Anything you | would take ebarge of wet of want to seli send to P, Le Claire, | wooks, whole or part time. Lyneli's old store, corner First, WwW. EK, Williscroft. Phone Recond and Third Avenues _ Black 250, uf Phone Green DAA, aS. as KEDUCTION TO ‘CLEAR FOR slock coming in, Simall portraits or two persons, at $2.50 per half dozen, See Chandier, | Photographer, 318 Bixth St. tf Lopae MEETINGS aL iI ODak 1054 LOYAL ORDER OF Moose meotsa every Thursday evening at the De Luxe Hall, (f one It is Just as cheap to eet your as i 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken for Less than 50c hth | BOATS AND LAUNCHES. ron ALI I W x’ YEAHS VALUER PRE I dewe irnet ! be f a ‘ M i ‘ alan t j * tes ‘i " , ig. FOR SALI i fob print j y 4 we : aT t the te ber e tree part . 9 New 4 i r boating office tf yachting. Fr k FE. Pa t con ‘ I a HW j siabul varies ‘ Hf iM FOR Gale Ko MALS ie nue ee t Red FOR SALI Furniture at private 44) Bmanine & ’ sting of beautiful ind i? tapestry (hes FOR REwyT i f three pie id ‘ panel bed ms ron RENY } i te “ rtine furned mak dining- in Melatyre a hn, cori te; Monarch range: rt 1 Avenus Tha h Street nN net, linoleum, uten Auply P.O, Box WW if CarPeh wae pat S phoards. von RENT—~Two roomed auite ‘ if Beit’ hes penile oe furnished for light housekeep-| 7 F ins 130 Me nd Avenue uf hairs, sectional book iron bed, Singer sewink FOR HENT Iw 1 bh machine, Brunswick phone Furniture f sale al #ncrifles a FORK SALE40 ft, Gas Boat, 10) srinting done wel! and done at h.p. Palmer engine. Complete) 1ome as it is to send it away, Try) oulll, Phone Green 182, 406) Che News Print Shop. | MUSIC for for DANCES Lands Terrace Fruit ee eee 133 Acre Lot, ‘ Are * € . tivat ft with ? * \ e Por quick sale $1,400 cash. On terme, 3- 0 One third KENNEY BROS. & CO Terrace, . B.« Rooming House for Rent 16 Rooms Furnished 4) compie\* TOM LEE CO. 840 Second Avenu' Phone 647 p. 0, Box 125 3 pencanoceeceseoese erro PetOe pdnapanmbebnanocoopocorsrrorrreen | J Night Phones W. Longwil ; Day Phone Ss STEEN & LONGWIL Sheet Metal Works A. wat for MeClary * neaes oo ce cree ew rower re 4 } mer Stead’ Engineer? f ‘ ; 6th Street and Fraser ay Prince peel . CODCOOPRO ORM OO TOT L” ppoernens "ARTHUR'S: Four Piece Orchestra including Saxaphone Phere 481 Phone 48! _ eeenreeerre® Dry Cleaning For good werk. pre pt i” o and reasonable prices se" ; to CITIZENS’ CLEANERS DYERS, 2087 4th Ave couver. Inguir ies solicit lel Dyeing - Van