: METHODIST SUNDAY KELLEY PLANS One Walnut finish Dining Room Suite, 9 pieces, for. .$275.00 One Walnut finish Dining Room Suite, 9 pieces, for. . $250.00 One Walnut Dining Room Suite, sold. Toavoidthe cost of moving our large stock, we dre SCHOOL CHRISTMAS | | Order Karly ON ECONOMY CONCERT WAS FINE St Ik . R & j ' kes ports to Hon ei Excellen rogram Was We - , i | Scotch Shortbread 6 “ Co- th, no ae Be earam Was uae O C e U C I n S a. : Raiy says Filled Hall, id | Currant Bun rey | Xmas Cakes ine and ie aon whi Plum nuts . ems a CURRIE BAKERY ar, en a re 177 «P.O. Box 258 ‘1 fortte Third “Avenue “ en To clear the Entire Stock for the next 30 Days F ATHER «by the itn Blankets, Comforters | Pictures of all kinds | Carpets and Rugs F takes a Pudding,” by Daisy. M to clear at cost at Cost going at cost PILLOWS ; Enid \ ia One Quarter Cut Dining Room One Chesterfield, spring cushion, Bs Suite, fumed finish, 9 pieces ‘ tapestry cover, was $200.00, links Macon for .....$200.00 | We have to give for. i 5A es $150.00 s " ak Dining Resm Suite Shesterfield’ Bed, 2g iy golden finish, 9 pieces, for | GP Our present] °" ote” sens ? $175.00 warehouse, owing One Davenport Bed, with mat- iD One Fumed finish Dining Room 3 eye ° tress, tapestry cover, for : Suite. 8 pieces, for..$100.00 | to building being | ............... $100.00 One Chesterfield Couch, loose cushions, drop arms, for ee ona es GRSROO Two only, Arm Chairs, tapestry COVER: DRED ES 80655. $35.00 Canadian Steam Laundry Company Phone 8 9 pieces, was $550, now $475 2 only, 3 piece Bed Spring Felt Mattress, 50.00 each : : and |Hecorder at Prine Rupert 7 , MEN'S TAILOR y nd began the “elon WEDDING MARKED : ia a a te Paper? Company, whose address is 701-3] Objections to the applicstion Umey ie ‘ \ 1s aq ly with daneing songs and vary Block, Vancouver, B. «., “Will | (ed with the said Water Recorder or with i ‘ i ’ . v Comptrotier of Water Rights, Partta- ra Pane nee to take and use ome | the THIR . VENUE los ap fr n ' ‘ won he tub in its pia ; th sand ond feet and to ste re fveainent Butidings, Victoria, B. C., within i: LEE. E. Comune > Wes" Number of iFriends Surprise Mr. rhe party ineluded Mr, and Mrs,| hundred seeond feet of water out of Lowe lihirty days after the first appeafanee ef coooseset One Red 1 36. ' and a ON, ORE OCiNE PUL Iw Ww : ae : *ltulet Rive “Lowe Inlet, B. C., also known | this notice in a toca) newspaper. PO PDPLILDL DIOL DI DOP LIDDDOD ODDS } ; ; im ; tor b and Mrs, E. R. Tabrum in Will Edmumdis, Mr. and Mrs. Frank a. y. \ puits whieh fows westerly and Lowe na howe inlet River, rire, . Pee ee ee tng ‘ irains into Lowe Infet about at its head. |Second and Third Lakes, Simpson oe ! ; i the serene was ee Their New Residunce. Morris, Mr. and Mrs. D. W, Bone, Tne'yorage-dam will De. localed at (4) |Upper Simpson Lake, aif the watershed ; PID LS LOD LOLOIOLD LOLOL OIOI OOO IO, M ind Mra. ¢ F. Kenmip, Mr. and Lowe Intet, (2) Upper Lake, (3) Simpson jot the river ih owing inte Le nies being ; T ; Sa Re A ake The capacity of the reservoir to be japproximately 150 square flies between : XMAS REES! Friends of Mr. and Mrs, FE. R.iMrs. Pre i Wittiams, Mroand Mrs. created ts about 256,000 acre feat and it | Grenville Channel and Dougias Channet an ; . will Mood about 4.060 acres of laid. The | the Wai alain Coast of Mricisn Columbia, mm } - i { M \ r. } t \ Ui Grand Vabrs oined last night ina de- D. © Sduart, Me, and Mrs, A, ster will be diverted from the stream |Hasee 4. toast bt siriet ta , ¢ ‘ hee P ; > : « . e nt paint about at the head of Lowe Iniet ArT I AP PULP A f E w., | Violets, Cut Flowers, Holly ‘ a ' Torded grea ' surprise party he Parkin, Miss Belle MeLeod, Perey /* 2 point about at the head of Lowe inlet pe a ; wreaths, Ferns,Cyclamens ! i r pas } it their tenth wedding an tinker, H. FF. Wearmouth and ithe land described as Kum-0-wa-dah In- by Noel Humpnreys, Agent. Cl F CET ‘ ” . ? - dian Reserve No. 3 and crown lands | The date of the frst publication of tis - TY MARKE ¢ j wy th air was also in Alex, Gray. This notice Was posted on the ground notice is December 13, 1920. ’ & «be “a RR Sper 4 lan oo, \ . . er sais — <= ar} USS _ a ' 2 aS , : Ud pS WADDA YA’ WANNA | — USTEN MiLUé / —— Ly . a SAM - BUT | = ee wee | | Se Prerry | / J \ a SSS — RUIN MY HotrDay? Te an ae | OVER “THERE, / SS. ve Gor MY REASONS ee on SSC Lr N UNG | NETHIS IS Suce “SSS QR COMING OVER ON | a ‘ “WANCES- | A Lu BReeK | ae “THI — ArKIMG CHANCES et a PECIAULY AFTER! | ( 5 BFFODE.§ zs as sake ow OUGHTA BE SuFFIMENT ||! BLEC TEL ME SELF 7? | Vii % ee C re Roe | eA AMP? ON” THIS SKY MappiaG a: { pa ia / fi i ¥, f —_ . fg lf iW; iia on Q 1) ' fe: \}}}) /; i i 5 i ‘(a “y . x = IAFT ER es me wy, be \ \E \ ~ err \\ “WS . : aot pase, da | ware SSS Sil “eee eat ==