re i be — —— emia ti wee east itech Reaerenttansconintitaags SER OK 2 if 4 OV i 7 9 ORE ACS Wishing our many Customers A Happy and Prosperous New Year Ormes Limited — The Pioneer Druggisis Betier Than Pills ae Boe Lee You can't feel so good but what NQ will make you feel better. vou nas.yY News MAYOR CHURCH RUNNING AGAIN He and His Opponent Samuel Mo- Bride Hive Much in Westholme Theatre TONIGHT AND TOMORROW Wednesda, 1) Phones 82,200 THE REXALL SfORE ia ORES CR ED . Sea aS IN DHE SUPREME COURT 0} 'LUMBIA P.O. Box 1680 Card of Thanks . °°“ DONALD FRASER, DECEASED, INTES We. wish you one and all the 4, PF Mel Woune ines Oe bach Gee the i St ee customers 4 eco:npliments of SEASON. | Maminictratot t We thank our for their splendid suport iD jon or before the Soroday of Decemnnw the past Af. 1920, ond all pa ; nied ted to the ' ast. . 1 ‘ to | he amount f With added experience we “ ene Ter te eee “ey expect to give still better PN Brace Rupert Wt service in 1921 and hope with} ,, 39°" "79m 4 Novembor, A. D your continued encourage- ; ea ment to have our little store '’ THE srent ' F 4 Sit ° i so well stocked that you wil] ; } ue ! fF ‘ NISTHA very rarely need to send cut THON A of town for anything in ourj}iIv THe Marr P THE ESTATE oF ¢ line. fo INTE John Bulger ere c2O emorr ean ae ' Jeweller GIFTS THAT LAST MODERN HOUSE We offer a. six TUESDAY Special VICTORY ROLLED OATS 7 Ib. sack 5c Rupert Table Supply Co, PHONES 271, 212. roomed tvndern house, very desirable location in Section 5, Price $2,690 McCaffery, Gibbons & Doyle, Ltd. Real Estate ® Insurance Prince Rupert, B.C. DENTISTRY Don't neglect your Teeth One decayed or missing tooth lowers your efficiency ne DR. BAYNE Office Hours--Morning, ¥ to 12; Afternoon, 1.30 to 9.30; Satur- d+y, 9 to 12 only. Evenings, Tuesday, Wednesday and Fri- Giday, from 7 to 9. prepererioromnnesionina ap DENTAL NURSE IN ATTENDANCE PHONE 109 FOR APPOINTMENT 4 ¢ H ARNOLD “a e e Notary Public. FIRE INSURANCE Policies are davebarts and intelligently written by us in sound companies that are and willing to pay both able (herve 42954 any losses that may occur. First Cars of our new YOUR business is solicited. sane Wor ave ; ecteonad ‘biunp Goal have Phone 96 for your rate. arrived, IT'S CLEAN Large stock Keg Coal also on land, Have you tried Our Kes Coal in your range? H. G. Helgerson, Ltd. Real Estate * Bonds Insurance IT’S HOT BRITISH | PACIFIC CARTAGE it) Phone 93. 8. E. Parker, Mgr. Careful attention giver to all orders for furniture, freight. b menage or cther transfer work ORDERS Taken vroR COAL anv WOOD Consumers Coal Co,, Ltd, /, Lorne MacLaren, Manager Room 11, Smith Block Phone 7 Common — PORONTO, | Drie Ss ’ | 1cée ' | ORMES LIMITED : ; i i ! PRINCE GEORGE , i é in estiuclable Neg bak il gover ) i . \ 9) s Dils ‘ i pa y iil i ha nv \ Vv eye (eg merge sven May ae * Latest Sur cess t t ! i Wiis nt i Lin j ’ . ls h einplos u Strand Cc mec ’ ‘ ! h : “Ss! O ¥! ruck Out” re i W. PL Owil Pp eka ot i Heated : FORD EDUCATIONA JHE LUFE CF TEE 1 KES | . . i late \ ‘ las cy i no = -— ee a — va a 7 = . Cold wodiae the asl few days! turd E Th Tonight and T VS ibivdh We ssdcuts tive Board of mpress Iheatre, lonight and | omorrow i s ] i ‘ i i * > * fel { th va i : j I t ' } i Keifer Ha ' 0 a | i end i it May? \ : ik i ‘ the ¢ Che supy ' S| Aux rs a * . I \ \ Pp. 1 ! s ‘ FCX NEWS MUTT ANI | i ! I i a M Ad WR. re 4 ! Is wil ' nt pposcd Before ? lin good f t nes -" ) oe \ HERS REMEDY OF Matt J ‘ ABOLISH WO RRY PROLONG . ’ PG EXCEPTION‘ L MERIT FINANCIAL YOUR LIFI \ M em l ' ; Wein A CANADIAN GOVERNMENT ANNUITY WILL DO IT 7 : se and Gives a larger return for life than is obtainabic _ FARMS FOR SALE \ ’ i from any other form of investment with absolute on senanaeetaanai feces ! wid ' ; security { , p e rie j ‘ : om LP. GY ARM LANDB- The rich : aoe Free from Dominion Income Tax. prairies of Alberta, Saskatche- +d Any person resident or domiciled in Cana‘a over wanand Manitoba are especial- ; feriorm t the age of S may purchase, to begin at once, of at ar ly suited tor mixed farining later date desired an Annuity of from $50 to $ Land that «iil produce big ;, ' to be paid in monthly or quarterly instalment | crops of grain and fodder, and i ts : Any two persons may purchase joimt'y well adapted for dairying or y,; } ‘ . Emp'oyers may purchase for their emp! livestock raising ean still be , = fT Bs . at f ragi . Apply to your postmaster, of write, postage free. t had aluprices averaging about rt Super res pe! em ten” ean te haga 418.0 an acre, with twenty , * information required. Micntion age last birthday vears to pay if you wish. Oniy + It he — my 1) per cent down 20 furthe i eer oa payment oa the principal until, ., ti - the end of the fourth vear: thea ‘ sixteen ar f yrients In I st I \ te t ‘ I ; ' rome fee ; © couver, wil ’ . Place Your Order in Good Time ' t i ’; He ' | ; \\ fiealtl with eat \ } j ' at " \ t i piratior f ‘ ‘; i " irat : \ i on } wh 7JiTv Sed Ave. Auto Delivery Phone 10 . f ) lay ba ' si Q, whiel ' a ; : ' f i thes | i f rere ae a ~ hw LLL LAO OOOO LDL OOOO ate ‘ i y i y nT ' 0 if ,* ie oe a a | A tot at EPs MID-WINTER SALE ' I ‘ t i l ’ pul , - Zz ; ; , n thal wars > 4 em ? } teat ' 4 1 lo me ; : ; d ’ ' mm ay wis ; TIMBER SALE X 2754 : at Bargain Prices ne Crow ' "N a ‘ nied ’ MINER “ ; . ; 3 f sa Odigeci = Sieiatnt IN] AL Al * : : SHOLS I A TE edie d ana ’ ‘jes . 22 Doma ; : Vette evita Certin tmprovemente cS ns : i UNDERWEAR Conve “ n rd | NOTION f Hemivet ars} MAC eave tonaid &. f rt i ha Wiitian al feet fart and ' bie Cufforda da i tol 1% f ie " Copper CUM No, 47th, ' , Mitts, Gh ( I ! , N and Copper (an ; : . . bahohus and” bas eee fewere : ; ‘ Minera) Ciaios situate in the Naas pb “on ; WING CHIN, YUEN (0. dated 251 gust f Lote ‘ - fiver Mining Divisio mn of Cassar District iw — ia Allowed fur + ‘ : ” ir v i ; ay ‘d t 5 sone ae. ; Where lorated Kilsauit Miver, Allee Arm . i 11 rei Ave va TY ‘ Crawley Steve ' ty ’ weve to Chark ian Olgby Clitvord, dated WOR ig, Nee Mine: en tee ; Tank ASE TICE that J, George A, Young,| 5 ’ \ f th r} pos mus ‘? rot Bf i Pree Miners Certificate No, 36608-C, ect le " hietrt boreste rrinee 2 ~ eeereeen a a ; 7 mf monte ee peee ee me » ia asa : he ff myself and .«* agent for Joseph ane, + ; n. ¢ :* . : Sen — bibs ; ; et Land. Registry “mee Prince pn Atte. pren J dieu” Free Miner's Certifieate No. 40681 , i cc FOR R EN I 4 thin 8th da f Novembe = Arne Davedeon, Free Miners Cer — mbes oI ie fa deen lee ne ae TIMBER SALE X 2679 an Hi, } VACLEOD ! i ! Pistrict Hegistrar of Titles m the date hereof, t apply © the aiet 48 wit 8 ved by the F i h d R Jarmiiginmerd pone soi a Recorder tur & Coctinesic: of ime jaunnier GF kaka Hees ell Peresme ooms LAaAKY ACT. vernents, for the purpose of obtaining |i! iw ihe Ot) daw of January, 1091 at Notice of Intention to App:y to Purchase PROMAT 1 Crown Grant of the shove eiaimea ae ir ' eee ail 2 : i S. - ; 5S . And further take notice that getion, un ; a ‘ ae a [ In Cassiar tand ft fet, Hecording Dia . wl edar 0 perticns of tat “a9 and aries uf tries - nert and wituate BDOULi aN Flee Syeewse cCoOcNT fF phir TOP sections j et be eee eee before a mititt si iiiver, Nange 5, UCowat Dis f minion ote - 2e0 ane nes we lawn cone " suatee of such Certificate of improve. |i! ' » ac ae =e 3 a oa Arn, aad adjoining lots Ne chalets: ments i" vey of tinher mi pe QE a? ‘ Just Remodelied and Ke ' Take tertie that J, Jusern tds tr 1 Ts ; j i s Dated Uils 61 989 Sf Aovember, 1090 Further partieutare of the Chief Forester ‘ ’ , jets, Matce, that J. sume Y oe agetn nt is WOOF THE “ADMINIS THA ‘ ' e P c Sita NL Ge Tibleles areahan’ Pre + Corner First Ave ar ! J ntends 1 ply for perm nh to purchase rion . PROBATE Rupert, #6 ' Street Prinee Rupert omnes r nt post a0 od at the ron MATT , er vit rAti yi y THE st pneMs counT OF BRITISH "| + Phone Red 468 P,O, Box ioe are rae oes “ee! " “ “ COLUMBIA Notle i intenti to Apply t « Land econnnarerrre sou the op aporm cot it Sf one ue CICHING KOBAYASHI, DECEASED Gtite of Intention to Apply te Leas eee aeinag #0 chains south; thence 4 ine Wert PUB TATE ‘ fie eae Ten OF THE ADMINISTRA tm Shes iver Mining Distriet, Land pecocececeennnnret point of commencement and contain , ‘ ‘ fistriet hecoteine Disteiet of Aliee Arm 2 acres, more : Ana . 408PPH vb \ TRETHEWEY PAhi hick that in the Order of His iN THE MATTER OF THR RESTATE OF | 1. C., and situate at touth of Louls Creek ING Dated November 24, 1920 Hhone i i. Young, tade the seven FLI KNUTSON, DECEASED INTESTATE, ladjoming Silver Clay, Bf {ANO TUN z oe > teenth da f lecemly iver | wae ap TAKE NOTICE tliat in order of Hla Take votlee tUmt we the undersigned HONO REPAIRS . i Adminiatrator of the bata or | Honour t Vet. Young, tade the t4th day Avttieny MeGuire and Bernard W. Barrett 4 id ' ching Kolmyash deceased, and ait} December, A, DP, 4 1 Was appointed of Alice Arm, oeeupation prospector and HOTO ENLA’ GEMENTS H P ‘ Having elation meainst the said SGMinistrator to the estate Of Fl KNUSON, | siurekeeper, intends 5 appiy for permis 0 é yince upe estate are hereby required to furnish same ul Ait partio® having § elatims on we jease the following described lands Agent for best art enlarge’ roperly veriied to me on or before the FROST he said fetate are hereby required) * Commencing at a post planted sontheast made in Canada, Negative i nin f. January, A. DB. 1081, and Nish salve, properly verined, to Me, | ecpiys iv chains southerty Airection from necessary, but merely ® | EUROPEAN PLAN i partion indefited to the estate are fF tf betore e fot day of danmary, AOD. ae corner of Lot 64; thence #4 chains any condition faded, erat $1.59 per day and up. ed to pay the amount of their ta L421, end att parties indebted wo tht estate (north: tence 10. chains west; thence 84 spotted even! Wiel btedu ie forthwith re Wired to pay the amount Of Welt engine south; thence 10 chains east and Phone ue and we will ca FIRST-CLASS CAFE “uN WH. MeMULLIN beds becbine to tne forthwith containing 24 aeres, more or tess | Steven! OMieial. Admiuistrator, nN Hl Mom LL in ANTHONY Mecuine Red 291 J Blale , A La Carte. Prince Rupert, Bf "Prinee. hupert. b ‘ BERNARD W. BARBETT, ¢ oiete ba oth da rp taber, 102 Dated this 20th da f Decetaber, 198 Dated N ribe i as